With Doubtful Thoughts

"thank you.." ginko said to reliana, halfheartedly because he didnt really help at all, the only thing he did was cut the vegetables and peel the potatoes. he then began eating his food also. the food tasted exceptionally well, hed never had anything like it before. "hey kaety." ginko said as he noticed something strange. "did you see that man over there, the one staring at the moon. i didnt notice him here before."
Auron quietly sat there and listened to what everybody had to say. He didn't pay much attention though. It seemed like irrelevant information that he would forget once he woke.

Taking another look at everybody that sat around the table, he began to laugh. They all looked a bit strange and unconventional, especially the golem guy that was putting his joints in place.

Auron released a large yawn and stood up to stretch. He noticed a bowl of fruit that was in front of his seat. He grabbed an apple and took a large bite out of it.

"Amazing," he said under his breath after a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face. It was extremely sweet. He had never tasted anything like this before.

Taking another bite, he dropped the apple on the floor and began walking in the direction of the moon. The night air filled his soul and he let out a sigh of relief. He took another breath as he climbed on top of the ledge that ran along the patio. He stared into the distance as he saw seas of trees that engulfed the land.

"I wish this dream would never end," he screamed at the top of his lungs.
Rikki stared at Auron. She looked at the apple and looked back up at him. She didn't like his manners. Ritakki picked up the apple and threw it away. She went and sat back down and ate dinner. She smiled and her eyes sparkled when she ate her food. She never had food this great. "Th-th-thank you for the great meal" She spoked softly. Her ears started to hurt after hearing the scream. She covered her ears. She went to see what that noise was and it turned out to be Auron. She just blinked and stared at him. She was to afraid to speak to him. "So he thinks it's a dream too" She thought to herself and giggled.
Kashika bowed his head and closed his eyes, sitting, and eating the finely prepared meal. Everything looked perfect, though any type of food would considering it had been months since he last ate, and that wasn't much to begin with. His eyes began to cross the horizon of people, each with some sort of cork in each of them, a cork Kashika was not looking forward to getting used to. But then again, maybe this was all some sort of fantasy. After all, the killers around the cities do some pretty messed up things. He spotted his only 'friend' Emily, and he was fine with just one, he was never a people person. He didn't want to say anything, but this meal was one of the nicer things he had ever gotten. He listened to the discussion, these people were also having doubts, but Kashika was getting annoyed by it. "This isn't a dream of which you speak of. Get over it..." He said with a deep, serious tone.
"You know in some places it is considered a compliment to eat like this." Leibas said before continuing to eat. Before long he was done. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to check out some of those magic books.." He said before leaving the patio and going back into the castle, looking for the pile of books Reliana had read before.
"Oh. No no. Not a dream. Pinch yourself, you won't wake up," Kaety said, smiling at Auron, "I didn't see him, but people will keep coming for a while probably. Just stragglers." She giggled, and stood, walking to Auron, "Sorry to perhaps bust your bubble, but this most certainly is not a dream. This is Ciel, not Earth. You are not asleep, and you all have to save the worlds." She said it so matter of fact, a smile on her face. Kaety turned back to the group, "Once you are done eating, rooms are upstairs. Choose whichever you like. Mine is at the end of the long hall next to the other rooms. It's the one with double doors."
"i see." ginko said as he stood with his dish in his hand." kaety, it really was a pleasure to eat that food. but do you need any help cleaning after everyone is done?" he politely asked. ginko was trying his hardest to help in any way he could. still trying to redeem himself from the scene he caused earlier. he knew inside that she had forgiven him, but he still didnt feel well about the whole thing.
Auron stepped down off the edge and looked at the girl that spoke to him. It was the girl that made the speech earlier. He laughed as he pinched her cheek and walked toward the table to pick up a loaf of bread.

He had remembered that before he appeared in this place, he was falling to his death after he slipped off a building ledge that was under construction. The fall was nearly ten stories and he knew the only thing that awaited him at the bottom of his fall was death itself.

His face aloof facial expression had vanished and it took a serious disposition.

"If this isn't a dream, then this must be the afterlife," Auron said looking at the white haired woman.
Reliana sooned finished her food,"They say 'Ignorance is bliss',so maybe you should allow him to think this is the afterlife or a dream.All I have to say is if this was the afterlife,do you really think there would be so many people against it,and even your guide telling you this is not the afterlife,but a different place."The young lady said getting up from her seat and going back to the library with her nose stuck in the book once more.She had no time for the man in denial,but if they were really going off on an adventure,they wouldn't have been given these powers for no reason.These powers where something that would help the earthlings to become the fittest,and be able to survive.
"maybe it is the afterlife." ginko said setting his plate back on the table, forgetting his obligation to help kaety. "no one really has any proof that it isnt. if anything that idea seems more logical then anything else. a group of people from a strange planet appear. then someone who claims to be the kaety of legend tells us that we must save the world. does that not seem, a bit strange to you?" he said asking a general question. not reffering to anyone directly.
Noelle kept running and running, as fast as she could with the legs that would take her so much time to get used to. Something interrupted her, though, when the scenery changed infront of her like before, when she was transported to this world. Now, she was seated nicely in a chair on some sort of patio with a plate of food infront of her. Not like this wasn't expected. She smelled the food earlier when she gone out to the lake.

Instead of chomping down on the conveniently left food that was served to her, she put the dead fish that was still in her mouth down onto the table and hopped off the chair. She wasn't hungry. She only gotten the fish to show the girl from before how to do it, not to eat it right then and there. "I'm not hungry," she blurted out, obviously, "All I really need is rest."

She found herself a good place against the wall to sit down and relax her aching self.
After the purple haired girl leave the room, Auron let out a sigh of confusion. Nothing is really making sense to him and thats what he hated the most. He ran his hand through his hair out of frustration as he listened to the green haired man speak. He seemed wise, but what he said only confused him more.

He went to the table and grabbed the knife that was used for cutting the turkey. He placed the blade into the palm of his left hand and without any sign of hesitation, moved the blade outward, creating a deep cut in the middle of his hand.

As blood began to run down his hand, a shock went through out his body and he felt the pain traveling up his arm. He grabbed a wrap that held the eating utensils and tied it around his bleeding hand to stop it from dripping on the floor.

He walked toward the white haired woman and looked down into her eyes.


He was ready to listen this time.
((Sorry I have been slow at replying! I will get to it tomorrow. ^.^ thank you for your patience! I have been really tired, because it is almost opening night for a musical I am in. Rehearsals are really long. No excuses though. I should be able to find more time for you all. So, as I said, tomorrow I will be on for a good portion of the day, instead of just on my phone.))
"well no matter" ginko said. "dream or reality, im just along for the ride.." he said with a faint smile. he then began walking toward the wall that noelle was seated against. he then sat down next to her and began to pet her head. "i never knew kaety had a dog, or that dogs could talk for that matter." he observed the beast for a bit longer then noticed the red markings that resembled eyes on her fur. "this is the strangest animal ive eer seen...." he said bewildered by noelle's appearance.
Noelle did admit, the petting felt good where it was. But she couldn't help being humiliated as he gone about how she was a pet. Perhaps she could toy with him? She only hoped ventriloquism worked in her current form. "Stop petting her. That dribble will only lower your intelligence," she said without moving her mouth. It still worked, thankfully.
"ughhh!" he yelled snatching his hand away from her head. "who was that?? what was that?? was that you??" he said looking at noelle. if that was her maybe this indeed is a dream. in of of ginko's years on ciel he had never seen anything as strange as this. but if it was her, maybe she could prove useful.
"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't." Noelle rose her head to stare straight at Ginko. "I don't belong to anybody, so I am nobody's pet. " Noelle found his reaction to be quite entertaining, like killing people on earth. She was now assured that staying on the planet was interesting enough.
"what...this is insane." he said with a suprised face. "animals dont.....speak.." a large smile then grew across his face. "this is great!" he said as his green eyes widened. "you can be my hunting buddy!" he then wrapped his arms around noelle's neck and hugged her tightly. he then let go and began to quickly rub her head. "what is your name?" he said still smiling.
"...Huh?" Noelle grimaced. She didn't like him huddling over her all of a sudden. She did, however, respond to praise in a whole new way now. "Well, I'm sure I'd love to help you hunt and all but..." A lie, "That lady has more authority over what I do right now." She said, mentioning Kaety.
"i see. so you are kaety's pet." he said as his mood turned down a bit. slightly disappointed that she denied his request. nevertheless, that did not stop his efforts to befriend her. "well, im sure kaety wouldnt mind if we went hunting together. and dogs are a mans best friend right??" he said trying to lighten the mood. a light smile then grew across his face. he could help but thinking how much fun they would have hunting together. he already loved hunting alone, he couldnt imagine how much fun it would be with a freind.
"I think I made it clear... I am not her..." Noelle's patience was gradually diminishing. "I'm not her pet, and my name is Noire!" Noelle gave him a pretty aggravated snort, as she put her head back down where it was for her to rest.
"oh." he said as he stared of into the distance and began petting her head again. "noire huh...it suits you." he said as he looked down at her smiling again. he could tell that this woman, or dog, or whatever she was, didnt like him. but he didnt care. he was determined to make a friendship with her, no matter how opposed she was. "im ginko." he then said
Kaety looked at Auron, and rolled her eyes, "I said pinch yourself, not cut yourself." She looked at his hand, grabbing it gingerly. It would probably be best if she healed it, but she was getting kind of tired. She had used a lot of magic today, especially the big spell to get them all here, "You should be fine... just don't cause undue harm to yourself. Alright?" Her eyes drifted back up to his again, a slight purple in color.

"To explain..." Kaety began and paused for a moment, thinking about how to explain everything, "This is Ciel. A world connected to your own, but in a different universe. Since the worlds are connected, everything that happens on one planet has some sort of consequences on the other. Your world is quite bad as of now, yes? Ours has been going downhill as well. Except, we are not going industrial. We have magical issues. I have chosen a number of Earthlings to help change things."

Her eyes moved to Noire and Ginko, "No talking animals? What part of Ciel are you from Ginko?" A smile dawned her face again, looking at the two, "You will have plenty of time to hunt should you want to tomorrow. I am so done using big magics for a while, unless I have to of course. I need to recuperate. Speaking of which..." Kaety turned towards the house, and walked off, "Goodnight everyone. Sleep well." She was in her room, preparing for bed, in no time.

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