With Doubtful Thoughts

(Please forgive me for being slow. This month, my calendar is nuts) 
Kaety tossed Ginko an apple happily, then looked at Jason with the quill, "Sorry. Sometimes if it is your object, it will 'speak' to you." She shrugged, and glanced towards the patio where she heard a light thud, and sighed. So much was going on at once, and it was still morning. Ginko's presence put her at ease, believe it or not. The man was from Ciel, so it was easier to relate. Kaety would have said more to the group, but then she had a book shoved in her face.

Her carefully placed calm facade broke, and her eyes became cold, "Kashika. It isn't polite to shove a book into someone's face." Her voice was still controlled, but she pushed him away from herself hard, and with her mind. Even though he was rock, he'd feel it, and then she moved off, into the patio. Kaety ignored Auron, clearly irritated. Stress was getting to her, and the last thing she wanted right now was to explain that missing page. Could she? Yes... But it was a touchy subject.
Reliana had woken up a little before everybody else,and had decided to explored the beautiful and architectural feat Kaety called home,and others called a castle.After at least 30 minutes of exploring she found a room that was ment for her,but she had fallen asleep in the library,so it was un-needed until she noticed the bathroom and shower.She slipped into the magically powered shower and noticed the magical energy.Reliana's new race was magically inclined so she could easily decipher magic around her,but she could not tell what kind of magic it was yet.Reliana slipped out of the shower,subsequently she found a plaid shirt,khaki colored shorts,with thigh-high socks,and a pair of blue plaid sneakers to match.On earth she had never encountered such colors,but now she had fallen in love with the color royal blue,instead of the industrial pale blue of earth.

Reliana's daily route kicked in,when ever she woke up,an she didn't have to go to school,she would wait till her father left for work,then get up play a happy tune around the house.Reliana looked everywhere for violin/guitar,but couldn't find.The young lady felt a pulse in her chest,then her violin was in her hand,"It's like a soul connection..."She wimpered as she threw away her surprised face and began to strum a happy and lofty tune.Reliana marched out to the patio with her music flooding the castle like a tidal wave of cheer and happiness.Part of Reliana's new soul connection and power was that music was something that she could connect to everybody with,her notes just instantly made you want to bulk up and dance along,"Lalala!"She sung as she noticed Kaety looking stress,which made her want to play her something.The gal danced over to the sorceress,"Cheer up Miss Kaety,don't you know.You need to take a sip from my happiness cup!"The girl said wondering if her music would effect the much older woman,like it did everybody else.
Noelle was glad that Ginko had understood. She nodded in approval. "I guess so, but I still don't know how. I'm glad I'm back. I can't stand walking on four legs." Noelle yawned. Some noise escaped from the halls into the kitchen. She wasn't exactly fond of music in the first place. It seemed so cheery and it was pushing her to dance to it, but instead she was becoming angered. "The hell is that..." She wished she didn't pay attention to it. "So a walk, you say? Fresh air for me is new, since all I could breathe back on my planet was industrial smog that pretty much cluttered the air. It feels nice to breathe now. I'll probably go take a walk myself."
Leibas had been walking through the castle interior for some time before he figured that the books were probably placed back with magic or something. As he continued walking, he found a room that had some musical instruments. He looked at each instrument to see which one he would choose. He eventually found an ocarina and, being a LoZ fanatic, chose that. He had dabbled in the musical arts and had taught himself to play a few instruments, the ocarina being one of them. He walked towards the patio and, while tempted to play the song of storms, played

Auron had never felt this good in his life. Was that by chance he asked himself? Just the thought of him jumping allowed him to muster up some sort of propulsive force and launched him off the ground. He stood up from his crouched position and noticed Kaety walking unto the patio. He opened his mouth to ask her about this new discovery, but the look on her face made him hold his tongue instead.

We walked over to her and leaned on the ledge next to her.

" Being able to see this view everyday makes you the luckiest person that I know, so instead of being upset, you should smile," he said with a smile as he stared into her eyes and pinched her cheek. He knew she might punch him for this but he didn't hesitate.

He decided to hold his question for a little later. Now wasn't the time he thought looking into her troubled eyes.

He heard music filling the air and looked behind him. The purple haired girl had a violin in her hand and it seemed like she was playing it for Kaety. I guess she wanted to cheer her up too
Ginko instinctivly caught the apple and gripped it in his hand. He took a large bite and was finished rather quickly. He then also looked outside, toward the music. "hmm, very unusual" ginko said this not because he didnt like it, but because he had never heard anything like it on ciel. He tossed his apple core in a nearby trashcan then looked toward noelle. "a walk huh? Ill go with you if you want." He said with a small smile on his face
Kashika was rather surprised by Kaety pushing me back, it rather hurt more than he thought, he guessed that she is just stressed over everything that has been happening. He stood back up and brushed himself off, letting out a sigh to prepare himself to go see her. As he walked outside on to th eporch, he could feel a light breeze, one that was always felt when things were tense. He spoke in his usual serious tone, but this one was more gentle. "I am sorry, that was rude... I am just concerned is all. Now, people don't run off like that when they are normal, what is wrong?"
Kaety looked at Reliana playing music, and Leibas joining in, and she rolled her eyes. She had magical defenses for just about every power out there, including this one. As Kashika walked up, she looked at him, and sighed, "I apologize for my outburst. It was rather uncalled for. The page is missing for a reason. It got stolen a long time ago... I didn't want to go find it for... reasons..."

She looked at Reliana again and cocked her head to the side, debating something. Kaety decided she would lower her defenses for now, if nothing else, then to calm herself down. Her defenses lowered, and she smiled, closing her eyes contently. At the same moment her defenses dropped, any feeling of her power gone for that time. It would feel as though she was almost normal. Kaety spoke softly, "We really should head out now... anyone opposed to this?"
"No, I'm good.", I agreed absently, still gazing down at the quill. If it was my object, maybe it was speaking to me. "Maybe writing with it is what it's telling me to do...", I mused, then asked Kaety, "Hey, do you have a bottle of ink and some paper? I want to see if writing with it will do anything before we leave.".
Noelle had finished the banana, yet not the apple. She held up the apple in her mouth and tossed the banana's remains in the trashcan as Ginko did with the apple core. "Maybe, but we're going somewhere. Later, perhaps..." Noelle held up the apple with her hands again to bite into it. "I'm alright with going out, Kaety!" She said while chewing on the piece of apple.
Auron noticed that Kaety didn't acknowledge his presence. He tried to act like it didn't bother him but it did. Thats what he gets for trying to create a relationship he thought as he got off the ledge. He looked at Kashika and Kaety talk before walking toward the Kitchen. He stopped to listen to what Kaety had to say to the group.

"It doesn't matter," he said as he changed directions and went to the library. He suddenly wasn't hungry.
"haha" ginko quietly laughed under his breath. he found it slightly cute how childish she was being by holding the apple in her mouth. "but yes, your right. i think we are about to leave." he then looked toward her with a slightly concerned face. "are you sure your not leaving anything, like weapons or armor? i dont think its very safe in the forest outside the castle." he then looked down at the ground, observing his feet.
(Hey! Ill get on later today! Been busy recently, and stuff. I ignored Auron on accident xD thank you all for being so patient with me! If this continues like it is, I'll probably ask someone to post for me if I take way too long ^.^)
(Sorry for delay. Question, all of you. If I choose to write a book similar to this, do any of you not want me to use your character?)

Kaety looked at the group again, and Auron walking off, visibly annoyed. Her guard went up again, stopping the song from affecting her, and she stood. Her gaze moved to Jason and nodded, "Yes. One moment." Kaety looked at Ginko next, and smiled, "Good point. Should anyone want a weapon, or armor, the armory is downstairs in the basement. I do not recommend grabbing anything you do not know how to use. An armed person who doesn't know how to fight, is worse than an unarmed one."

With that, she moved off, going after Auron. She planned to grab some paper and ink for Jason, but wanted to see where Auron was going. They got near to the library, and Kaety spoke, "Auron, we are leaving soon. Are you all ready? Also, is everything alright? You went off fairly quickly. Did something upset you?" She frowned, not wanting to be the cause of his distress.

Once in the library, she quickly grabbed paper and ink, and paused, looking again at Auron. Kaety didn't quite know what to do. She wasn't good with people, or emotions in general. "I'm sorry if I did something wrong..." she said, biting her lip lightly, "But really, we should get going now."
Browsing through the books, he looked back at Kaety with a smile on his face, hiding his true emotions.

"Why do you think that you did something," he asked as he turned back looking through the books," the reason I left was so that I can find a book about the people that inhabit this world before we departed from this castle,"

After about a minute of looking, he looked back at Kaety and noticed that she was concerned about her upsetting him. He walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Since your here, can you help me find it? I don't know where to look,"
"Sure!" Kaety said happily, "So. Do you want a book about the Rieltans, the Sevilans, or them both? Or do you just want a normal history book? Or! You could want a book on the creatures we have here, and the various races." As she spoke, she proceeded to pull Auron about, moving deeper into the vast library. She went to a specific section, "History is here. It will probably contain what you want. However, if you want me to point you to a specific book, I need more information." Kaety was smiling largely, she loved books, and any interest in them made her beam.
In a moments notice, Kaety had cheered up and began showing Auron around the library. It was a good idea to ask her to help he thought as he was being pulled around.

"I can only read one book at a time so.....I'll choose a book about both the Sevilans and Rieltans. One that includes culture and history." he said as he looked at the books Kaety showed him
Kashika walked back into the hallways from the patio, wondering what was wrong with Kaety, he assumed he shouldn't persist it til the right time occurs. He took the book in hand and walked back to the library, the place where he would seem to spend a lot of time. While walking down to the row to put that book back in its rightful place, he heard Kaety herself speaking, so Kashika walked to where he heard the voices, seeing Kaety and a boy he did not know. He approached them and nodded at the man, and stood in front of Kaety. "I do not like this, and I don't know your issue is...." He looked down and closed his eyes for a moment, then looked back up. "But I will continue to go with you. We leave now, before I get bored..."
I turned the quill over and over in my hands, studying it, committing it to memory. Nothing unusual or gaudy, just a regular feather, but from what bird I'd no idea. I unconsciously began walking, a habit that helped me think whenever I ran into a particularly hard homework question. The quill's light wisps of feather began fluttering in the slight breeze created by my movement, and I found the motion strangely hypnotic. I got the impression this quill had something special about it, and that thing wanted to be discovered. Then I walked into a door.

I took an indignant step back, rubbing my forehead where it had bumped the wood. Curiosity instantly overtook me, and I pushed the slab of dead tree open to find myself in a somewhat large room festooned with bookcases. "The library? Huh.", I mused, catching sight of three figures standing by the bookcases. I walked over, already guessing who it was, and found myself right when I saw Kaety and two of the guys from the kitchen. The first was the one Kaety had chased after from the kitchen, evidently to here, and the second was someone I dimly remembered crushing an apple in the background of the kitchen. He was saying something about leaving before he got bored, as if everything going on revolved around him. Well, isn't someone full of themselves., I thought disapprovingly. I always hated people like that...
Kaety looked at Kashika, a little annoyed with his brash attitude. She raised a hand, and a book shot from a shelf into it. "Here, the history of the Great war. It should have enough information," she said, and stepped around Kashika to hand the book to Auron. Kaety sighed, and looked at Jason, simply handing him the paper and ink before motioning for them all to follow, and turning. She walked briskly back out to the patio, calling out loudly, "We leave now! Come to me if you are ready please! We need to go off to the nearby village."
Leibas had been playing the song for awhile before hearing Kaety call them all over to her. He stopped playing and walked to her. After a few seconds of silence, he asked her, "If I were to play the song of storms on this ocarina, would it make rain?" If the ocarina could make rain, he wondered if he could also slow down time, switch the time from day to night, or summon four giants to catch a moon with a face that was about to land on a clock tower.
((sigh..it seems i cant reply until noir does, and im not gonna. unless i absolutely have to, so kinadra, can you let me know when that time comes?))
((Sorry but at the moment I can't seem to find a logical way to post. If I did post it would probably be a one-liner. Not to freeze you or anything, I'm only waiting.))

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