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Fantasy Witch Hunt

Takia chuckles and jumps out the hole, using his green Aura to create a similar effect landing softly. Yeah you're right. Names Takia. He then steps forward and stands next to Ange. So huh?? Any clue on where were are exactly? The location of this place slipped my mind a while back. @femjapanriceball @Mr jake (I think you should be cool. Just interact with us again)
Luna looked around, when she was brought here she was blindfolded
Jekkel opened his eyes. He was laying on the cold metal ground "What the......." He sat up and looked around, He had a rather odd feeling in his neck, he hovered his hand over his neck only to find a syringe. He plucked the syringe out of his neck "Come on cheap move" He looked around the room no one was there "that blasted guard must have gotten me before I left" He got up slowly and stood up straight "Well, at least, the drug did not last that long" Jekkel started to take his first step only to find his face right back on the floor "This is going to be harder than I thought" He let out a big sigh think on what he was supposed to do. He looked around for an air canister or something with a high air pressure. To Jekkel luck he was able to find a fire extinguisher, but that alone would not get him across the room, He started to scavenge some more clawing his way to each room. He eventually found the torcher room in this room it had a cart of weapons which he kicked over to remove the weapons only to immediately placed it back up right. He got on the cart and started to let the foam out of the canister but this was no ordinary fire extinguisher this was a military grade fire extinguisher "this thing could put out a forest fire well figuratively but you know what I mean" Jekkel was flying across the hall so fast it was like lightning. He was aiming for the hole in the wall that was blasted by someone with a fireball, he tried to yell thanks but it probably sound like a girly scream. He finally breached the hole he was flying through the sky it was amazing until he hit a tree "Owwww Help somebody please I'm stuck"
Takia looked around when he heard a girly scream. He spotted someone shooting out of the hole. He chuckled as the someone hits a tree. He runs over to make sure that someone is alright. Turns out the girly scream wasn't a girl. It was caused by a dude. He helps Jekkel out of the tree. Dude are you alright? He asked while chuckling. @Mr jake
Luna giggled and stood off to the side, watching the boys talk. She kept watch and glanced at the building every few seconds
Lucy and Alicia

Once the action had died down the two quickly searched the building for the rest. At first they found no one, kind of getting scared they'd been left behind. After nearly getting caught they found the trail everyone had left. Quickly catching up to the rest they sighed in unison as they caught up with everyone, "
I thought we lost you guys..that was close." Lucy told them. Alicia nodded in agreement, "Yeah..but..what now?" She asked.

Sakura and Lynn

Sakura and Lynn had stayed silent while following the rest, simply conversing with themselves here and there. When they got there Lynn made them a small metal platform to get down on. "
We finally got out Lynn.." She told her sister with a sigh, wrapping an arm around her waist and hugging her tightly. She looked to the rest for answers as to what to do next, though she figured they probably shouldn't hang around long.
Jekkel heard someone answer his call "Ya I'm fine just a little stuck and I can't walk but other than that yes" He outstretched his hand so he can pull him out. 5 minutes later Jekkel gained a little bit of control of his legs but not a lot, He grabbed a stick to help him walk. "I got the weapons if you need them I have a backpack full of them but that Fire extinguisher enough could be a weapon" Jake laughed at his own joke, so I think I talked to you two in the cafeteria and I forgot your names all ready o and my name is Jekkel."

@Embaga Elder @Jasil
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He shakes his head no. Naw, I'm okay. I have my own weapon. He points to the bandage sword on his back. Names Takia, and I remember you from the cafeteria. He looks at the guys "cane" then looks back up at him. So what's up with the leg? @Mr jake @Jasil
Luna squated down to examine the strangers leg, seeing if she could help. "Yea, what's with it?"
He looked at his new acquaintance. "Well..... A guard shot a syringe into my neck and I went numb in my legs and here I am" He gestured at his legs when he said that "But it should wear off in a day or so" He tried to walk a little he stumbled but quickly caught himself. Jekkel noticed a strange noise but he could not put his finger on it, the sound was like an animal "What could that be, Hey do you hear that?" He asked aloud. After about 10 minutes he figured out that it was his stomach "Well I feel dumb now. How about we get the heck out of here and get some grub?"

@Jasil @Embaga Elder
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Luna nodded and looked around. Wherever they were, it wasn't near her home.
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]Tasha tried to run after Ange, but fell onto her knees, her weak legs trembling after so much exertion. She stared in wonder and slight confusion at the flowers around her. The sickly blue hospital gown she wore clashed with the nature. Tears ran freely down her face, having been locked in a single room and lashed to the same bed for seven years had taken its toll on her. Seeing the sky after staring up at the grey ceiling and fluorescent lights of her rarely opened cell was more magical to her than any of the abilities she has recently seen used. Goosebumps popped on her skin under the thin gown at the sheer wonder she felt. Her eyelids drooped in tiredness, worn out from the running and drugs and she fell onto her back, not having the strength to get back up. Her long hair splayed out along the grass and flowers. “Ange,” she called out weakly from the ground, but her voice as commanding and stern as a military officer. “We must not delay here too long. More guards will be coming and I don’t know how we will run or hide from them.”
@femjapanriceball @everone else around

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Takia chuckles and jumps out the hole, using his green Aura to create a similar effect landing softly. Yeah you're right. Names Takia. He then steps forward and stands next to Ange. So huh?? Any clue on where were are exactly? The location of this place slipped my mind a while back. @femjapanriceball @Mr jake (I think you should be cool. Just interact with us again)

[QUOTE="Mr jake]Jekkel opened his eyes. He was laying on the cold metal ground "What the......." He sat up and looked around, He had a rather odd feeling in his neck, he hovered his hand over his neck only to find a syringe. He plucked the syringe out of his neck "Come on cheap move" He looked around the room no one was there "that blasted guard must have gotten me before I left" He got up slowly and stood up straight "Well, at least, the drug did not last that long" Jekkel started to take his first step only to find his face right back on the floor "This is going to be harder than I thought" He let out a big sigh think on what he was supposed to do. He looked around for an air canister or something with a high air pressure. To Jekkel luck he was able to find a fire extinguisher, but that alone would not get him across the room, He started to scavenge some more clawing his way to each room. He eventually found the torcher room in this room it had a cart of weapons which he kicked over to remove the weapons only to immediately placed it back up right. He got on the cart and started to let the foam out of the canister but this was no ordinary fire extinguisher this was a military grade fire extinguisher "this thing could put out a forest fire well figuratively but you know what I mean" Jekkel was flying across the hall so fast it was like lightning. He was aiming for the hole in the wall that was blasted by someone with a fireball, he tried to yell thanks but it probably sound like a girly scream. He finally breached the hole he was flying through the sky it was amazing until he hit a tree "Owwww Help somebody please I'm stuck"

Jasil said:
Luna giggled and stood off to the side, watching the boys talk. She kept watch and glanced at the building every few seconds
Mitchs98 said:
Lucy and Alicia
Once the action had died down the two quickly searched the building for the rest. At first they found no one, kind of getting scared they'd been left behind. After nearly getting caught they found the trail everyone had left. Quickly catching up to the rest they sighed in unison as they caught up with everyone, "
I thought we lost you guys..that was close." Lucy told them. Alicia nodded in agreement, "Yeah..but..what now?" She asked.

Sakura and Lynn

Sakura and Lynn had stayed silent while following the rest, simply conversing with themselves here and there. When they got there Lynn made them a small metal platform to get down on. "
We finally got out Lynn.." She told her sister with a sigh, wrapping an arm around her waist and hugging her tightly. She looked to the rest for answers as to what to do next, though she figured they probably shouldn't hang around long.
Ange was happy for a minute, but then Tasha collapsed. She gasped; she lifted Tasha, her face pale. "Hey! Hang in there!" she said, supporting her friend and hanging onto every word. "Right. Let's move out. I think that we're near Saint Paul, Minnesota," she added to Takia, playing with her pigtail holders.

Aiden turned into a robin and flew out the window, taking in everything.
"Woooow. I haven't seen this in four months!" he said, landing in a tree, looking quite stoked.
November closed his eyes, leaning to the wall, breathing slowly. He closed his eyes, and tried to keep himself calm.

"Nobody coming. Good."

He told himself. That meant they made it out alive. He heard the guards behind the barricade move. A guard ordered the others to search the inside. The guards did not take the hallway November was in, though. The guard commanded the other half to go out the prison and search for escaping prisoners.

"They'll be far away by now."

He muttered. He sat still and silent then, waiting for his moment to come.

(OOC: Why do I feel so happy for killing my OC for the second time? Wait, he's not dead until I confirm it. So I'm not confirming it.... For now.)
femjapanriceball said:
Ange was happy for a minute, but then Tasha collapsed. She gasped; she lifted Tasha, her face pale. "Hey! Hang in there!" she said, supporting her friend and hanging onto every word. "Right. Let's move out. I think that we're near Saint Paul, Minnesota," she added to Takia, playing with her pigtail holders.
Aiden turned into a robin and flew out the window, taking in everything.
"Woooow. I haven't seen this in four months!" he said, landing in a tree, looking quite stoked.
Seeing the girl collapse, he walked over willing to help. I'll take her. He said, before taking Tasha from Ange. Carrying her in his arms. He used his own physical strength, at first, and when the group moves out he'll uses his red aura to increase his physical strength. It was a good thing he ate all the food. Especially since his powers count on him eating and sleeping a lot. St. Paul huh. I think her farm is somewhere in Carlton, Minnesota. I'm guessing Marta? @femjapanriceball @Mr jake @Yaoke Saint
(sorry it took so long to reply. Too many tests to little time so I will have to drop out.)

Merlin walked around trying to find the exit. After 'persuading" a few more guards he found the exit. Just as he walked out of the gate he felt a sharp pain through he's head. So there were snipers after all. He thought as his vision went black.
She sighed. "Thank you. Thank you both. I'm probably going to be fine. But I'm sorry to be such a burden." She looked down at herself, her neck straining to lift up. "This may seem trivial, but may I get some different clothes at some point? I've been wearing this gown for, well, let's just say a long time." She blushed and looked down. Mumbling, she said: "And it's also sort of revealing... " She then went quite limp in the new boy's arms, unable to move anymore. "Let's get to wherever we are going quickly, OK?" she said faintly.

@femjapanriceball @Embaga Elder
@Yaoke Saint[/URL]
@Embaga Elder[/URL]
Ange sighed. "Okay, road trip time, then. If anyone here knows how to drive or something...." She chuckled nervously. "Heheh....I don't really know how to, unfortunately." She thought for a minute after Tasha spoke. Then her face reddened in realization. "Ehh?! Ah....well....here." She took off her black jacket. It was a little ripped-up, but it wasn't terrible. However, she was sure to take the red armband off of the jacket. The golden symbol on it was one of the few things she had been able to save from her old life, and, in a way, a reminder to keep fighting. She put the armband back on, then helped Tasha into her jacket. "There. It'll work for now."

(Sorry about that! No service -.-)
femjapanriceball said:
Ange sighed. "Okay, road trip time, then. If anyone here knows how to drive or something...." She chuckled nervously. "Heheh....I don't really know how to, unfortunately." She thought for a minute after Tasha spoke. Then her face reddened in realization. "Ehh?! Ah....well....here." She took off her black jacket. It was a little ripped-up, but it wasn't terrible. However, she was sure to take the red armband off of the jacket. The golden symbol on it was one of the few things she had been able to save from her old life, and, in a way, a reminder to keep fighting. She put the armband back on, then helped Tasha into her jacket. "There. It'll work for now."

(Sorry about that! No service -.-)
@everyone else

Sakura and Lynn

Sakura watched everyone with an impartial expression. She was never one good with directions, but from the sound of things they weren't within walking distance. When the topic of driving was brought up Sakura shrugged. "
I can do it. We'd need a vehicle big enough to fit everyone in, unless of course you're all gunna sit on laps." She told her. Which, most of the kids were quite young. So it was entirely possible they'd fit in a normal car, although very uncomfortably and some of them would have to sit in the floor. It'd also be extremely unsafe..she'd hate for any of them to be hurt so soon after escaping.


Pong was leaning against a wall when he saw the entire chaos and unrest happened. He knew one day something like this would happen slowly but surely, the various rumors that he heard and the letter that he had seen previously also confirmed his suspicion. Using the perfect chaotic momentum he managed to sneak outside his cell and followed one of the groups carefully, continuously evading and eluding the guards until he arrives at the hole where everyone sees the outside world. Jumping outside of the hole he takes a deep breath of air in, the fresh grassy smell and a clear sight of the world are rejuvenating for his systems, however he's not here for the same reason as them. In fact it's a bit conflicted.

Keeping both of his hands tucked inside his pocket the male started pursuing the big crowd, his own training and his powers made it possible for him to catch up with the group within seconds. Once they are in his sight and he's convinced, he'd kick the ground right below him, due to his powers, techniques and special abilities that small kick generated enough force to propel him quite high in the sky. If he's indeed successful he'd land a few feet in front of the group with one leg lifted from the ground, the landing would cause a little quake around his area as well.

"Ah it's a nice day today huh? However you guys have really crossed the line this time.."

Finished saying those words, his dry lips would start to curve forming a grin aiming it at them. The main reason of him following these people is simple, to stop this uprising for a good deal with the guards.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake
@Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
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Jekkel was watching the group getting bigger it was almost like we were a beacon. Traveling was going to be a pain 2 people can hardly walk including himself and there was no car. It was not until Jekkel saw something flying in the air, This startled Jekkel for he thought it was an intruder when the person landed he quaked the ground causing Jekkel to fall on his butt "Well thanks for that" He said slightly annoyed. He looked at this person it was a male a couple years older than him he had a determined look in his eye and seemed way over confident, Jekkel did not get a good vibe from him. Jekkel started to get up off the ground very slowly and it was very difficult for him only haveing only about 1/4 feeling in his leg. When he finally got back up he gave this man a dirty look, it was the look of If you try I will kill you myself but he did not tell the group about this for reasons he did not know. "Hello so are you coming with us to get out of this wretched dump?" he asked this rather impatiently.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake @Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder @Flecker
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Silith sat there in a hall way of the prison, not knowing were she was since she had lost track of the group and her 'mother'. she had heard of all that was happening but did not move from her spot even though she longed for the company of the group again, no guards payed attention to her because she did not act against them but she still pondered summoning 'them'. the demons she had
She breathed out a small "thank you," her warm breath reaching Anges arm while she was helping her into the coat. Tasha accepted the jacket, clinging to it like it was a lifeline. Her eyes, which were now closed, relaxed. There were no longer wrinkles near the edges from trying to keep them open. She breathed deeply, snuggling into the jacket, still warm from Ange wearing it. Her mouth became a small circle, breathing slowly and easily, compared to wearing a muzzle, and she curled up. She fell asleep instantly, feeling safe with her new found friends.

@femjapanriceball @Embaga Elder
Mitchs98 said:
@everyone else
Sakura and Lynn

Sakura watched everyone with an impartial expression. She was never one good with directions, but from the sound of things they weren't within walking distance. When the topic of driving was brought up Sakura shrugged. "
I can do it. We'd need a vehicle big enough to fit everyone in, unless of course you're all gunna sit on laps." She told her. Which, most of the kids were quite young. So it was entirely possible they'd fit in a normal car, although very uncomfortably and some of them would have to sit in the floor. It'd also be extremely unsafe..she'd hate for any of them to be hurt so soon after escaping.
Flecker said:


Pong was leaning against a wall when he saw the entire chaos and unrest happened. He knew one day something like this would happen slowly but surely, the various rumors that he heard and the letter that he had seen previously also confirmed his suspicion. Using the perfect chaotic momentum he managed to sneak outside his cell and followed one of the groups carefully, continuously evading and eluding the guards until he arrives at the hole where everyone sees the outside world. Jumping outside of the hole he takes a deep breath of air in, the fresh grassy smell and a clear sight of the world are rejuvenating for his systems, however he's not here for the same reason as them. In fact it's a bit conflicted.

Keeping both of his hands tucked inside his pocket the male started pursuing the big crowd, his own training and his powers made it possible for him to catch up with the group within seconds. Once they are in his sight and he's convinced, he'd kick the ground right below him, due to his powers, techniques and special abilities that small kick generated enough force to propel him quite high in the sky. If he's indeed successful he'd land a few feet in front of the group with one leg lifted from the ground, the landing would cause a little quake around his area as well.

"Ah it's a nice day today huh? However you guys have really crossed the line this time.."

Finished saying those words, his dry lips would start to curve forming a grin aiming it at them. The main reason of him following these people is simple, to stop this uprising for a good deal with the guards.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake
@Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
@Embaga Elder[/URL]
Ange sighed, looking around. "A vehicle, huh? How about......that?" She pointed at a prison bus parked right outside of the facility, sort of reluctant to at first. After all, it was just another reminder of the cruelty everyone had been shown. She bit her lip, but couldn't really find anything to say. She smiled, seeing Tasha fall asleep. What if this had been their destiny to break out? What if....they were all going to be the heroes?

The ground shook beneath Aiden as Pong decided to land right next to him. He let out an audible gasp and nearly fell over.
"W-whoaaaaaa.....be careful...." he mumbled. He sighed slightly. "What're you up to, Pong?"


The male lowers his lifted leg down on the grass, once the prison shoe that he's wearing reached the ground he darted his eyes to the various spots in this outside world, however as he about to do a complete scan on his surroundings his ears perked at the various questions being fired at him. Seeing their curiosity and a possible better way to end this uprising he lets out a sigh and moved one of his hands to the back of his head scratching it. A small chuckle escaped his lips, knowing someone probably won't be pleased if he speaks the truth the young male takes some steps back, he moved his legs tapping the tip against the ground readying for an attack.

"Now everyone, what are we doing here? We got what we want right?"

He sniffed in the air around him, his old memories of living in a simple and yet beautiful farm where he studied the beauties of nature. Can't blame him fully since he's making this deal with the guards to secure his own freedom, associating himself with the rebels would only made his life more complicated right? Even if they did manage to escape the facility it would still be a life full of threats, haunted by soldiers, guards and no more quiet Sundays where he can spent his time sleeping around.

"So people our mind are fresh, we've seen what we want, now isn't it the time to get back to our cells? It's really cruel the outer world right? I guess we'll be safe here, so can we all return to the building?"

A mind full of propaganda, they gave the deal of course with an education first.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake
@Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
Luna looked at the man wildly "Are you crazy? Hell no I'm not going back in there!" She started backing everyone up while watching the stranger.

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