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Fantasy Witch Hunt

Eden smiled contently, leaning back against Sebek. She had forgotten him, of course, several times, never thinking she'd seen him in her life.
November silently sat near where everything was happening. The only sound he was making was the sound coming from his helmet, circulating the air so the gas he breathe won't melt the suit. He recieved the message, but he was heavily monitored most of the time, so he couldn't approach them without a risk. Smiling to himself, he let out a sigh, making his helmet beep. It would beep whenever he let out more gas than he normally would, so he could hardly ever talk without the helmet beeping.
Mitchs98 said:
Lucy and Alicia

Lucy nodded and shrugged. She was smart, but she was still only eight. Can't exactly expect an eight year old to come up with a masterful prison break plan eh? Shortly after Aiden was brought in, rather forcefully. Both of the two knew him by association of knowing Ange, they thought he was nice..a bit too much of a push over, but nice nonetheless. "Yeah..that guys not worth it Ange." Alicia added. "Are you okay Aiden?" She asked. "They only beat you up so much cause you're so submissive.." She added before sighing.

"R-really, I'm fine,"
Aiden said, rubbing his cheek where he had been slapped. "It doesn't even hurt that much anyways...."

"How can you say something like that, Aiden?! You can't let yourself be their doormat!" Ange shouted. "You're like a little brother to me, Aiden, and I refuse to let anyone here get harmed!" She turned away; the waterworks were starting up again. Oh, joy. "It was my dad who got us into this mess.....he's my own father.....and he's hurting all of you! So I want to do whatever it takes to stop him!"

"Ange...." Aiden began, then stopped. What was there to say?
Merlin walked to the table, he had heard something about it in whispers among other prisoners. Normally he didn't come to the cafateria because he was far too often tested with. However he had used his powers to convince the guard on duty it couldn't hurt to let him "socialize" once in a while for the sake of reeducation. He took a still empty share at the table and looked at everyone wondering who the leader would be. "I heard someone here was planning an escape. I want to get out of here too so where do I sign?" @everyone
femjapanriceball said:

"R-really, I'm fine,"
Aiden said, rubbing his cheek where he had been slapped. "It doesn't even hurt that much anyways...."

"How can you say something like that, Aiden?! You can't let yourself be their doormat!" Ange shouted. "You're like a little brother to me, Aiden, and I refuse to let anyone here get harmed!" She turned away; the waterworks were starting up again. Oh, joy. "It was my dad who got us into this mess.....he's my own father.....and he's hurting all of you! So I want to do whatever it takes to stop him!"

"Ange...." Aiden began, then stopped. What was there to say?
[QUOTE="Kylar of Lux]Merlin walked to the table, he had heard something about it in whispers among other prisoners. Normally he didn't come to the cafateria because he was far too often tested with. However he had used his powers to convince the guard on duty it couldn't hurt to let him "socialize" once in a while for the sake of reeducation. He took a still empty share at the table and looked at everyone wondering who the leader would be. "I heard someone here was planning an escape. I want to get out of here too so where do I sign?" @everyone

Takia just happened to over hear Ange's conversation and looked towards her. She said she wanted to do whatever it takes, but how far is she willing to go, and how much thought have she put into her plan. He was about to speak when a new comer came over speaking about joining. Takia gave a friendly smile. You just did my friend. Take a seat we're discussing the plan now.
Eden heard a beep. She looked over at November, and frowned.

"Are you a robot?" She asked numbly, wiggling her toes in her petite shoes.

@Kylar of Lux
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(Was the robot remark meant for me? It doesn't seem like it but I was tagged.)

"Well than how much of the planning did I miss, by the way my powers are mind control, mind reading and telekinesis might come in handy." He replied. @Embaga Elder
(I think it was for me, my oc is November)

November frowned back, though the girl probably couldn't see him frown. His helmet blocked people from looking inside, though he could still look outside. Science. He shrugged as an answer. He moved his arms, revealing his hands in white gloves, and his arms connected with small chains to limit his movements. He borrowed a pen, and a napkin, and wrote: 'Interested.', folded it into a small square, and dropped it on the table where everyone was gathered while he walked past it. Luckily the gusrds didn't notice, and he walked towards another empty table, enjoying his free time alone.

@Rui @everyone else who want to respond
(Oh gosh, I'm sorry! It was indeed meant for November!)

Eden got up, still carrying the small child. She sat down beside him, watching him curiously. She ran her fingertips over his arms and torso, sunrised that he was indeed, human.

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A guard approached the two.

"You two, get away from each other."

November let out a grunt, his helmet beeping again. He rose from his seat, and walked towards the guard. The guard hit him in the head, and walked him to another table, where few guards were talking to each other. They moved their seats so they were at least a chair away from him. November glanced back at Eden, only to get hit again.
She frowned heavily, and walked over to him. She glared sharply at the guard;

"I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat." She stated plainly.

He grimaced, and muttered something about the psychos here, and shuffled away, presumably to tell someone to drug her again. She smiled meekly towards November again.

femjapanriceball said:

"R-really, I'm fine,"
Aiden said, rubbing his cheek where he had been slapped. "It doesn't even hurt that much anyways...."

"How can you say something like that, Aiden?! You can't let yourself be their doormat!" Ange shouted. "You're like a little brother to me, Aiden, and I refuse to let anyone here get harmed!" She turned away; the waterworks were starting up again. Oh, joy. "It was my dad who got us into this mess.....he's my own father.....and he's hurting all of you! So I want to do whatever it takes to stop him!"

"Ange...." Aiden began, then stopped. What was there to say?
@Rui[/URL] @everyone else who want to respond
Rui said:
(Oh gosh, I'm sorry! It was indeed meant for November!)
Eden got up, still carrying the small child. She sat down beside him, watching him curiously. She ran her fingertips over his arms and torso, sunrised that he was indeed, human.

randomizedrp said:
A guard approached the two.
"You two, get away from each other."

November let out a grunt, his helmet beeping again. He rose from his seat, and walked towards the guard. The guard hit him in the head, and walked him to another table, where few guards were talking to each other. They moved their seats so they were at least a chair away from him. November glanced back at Eden, only to get hit again.
Rui said:
She frowned heavily, and walked over to him. She glared sharply at the guard;
"I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat." She stated plainly.

He grimaced, and muttered something about the psychos here, and shuffled away, presumably to tell someone to drug her again. She smiled meekly towards November again.

Lucy and Alicia

Alicia sighed and frowned slightly as Ange started crying. After thinking for a few minutes how to best go about such a situation Alicia decided to get up, walk around, and hug her. "It's okay Ange. We don't blame you at all, this isn't your fault. You're stuck here as much as we are. Don't blame yourself, alright?" She told her. "We'll do whatever it takes to get out too, and we'll make it." She added.

Meanwhile Lucy was watching the scene between November, the guards, and Eden unfold. When Eden got up threatening the guards Lucy got up and stood alongside her. "
Yeah! Stop being mean to him! He didn't do anything!" She shouted defiantly. "Are you okay?" She asked November before glaring at the guards, practically daring them to hit him again.

Amelia & Emaline

Amelia walked into the cafeteria holding Emaline's hand.
Look Emy, I think that's where they're meeting. She thought, referencing the letter they'd received. Let's go Amy. I want to get out of here. Emaline thought back, she turned her music up as they entered, tuning the voices out. A guard looked up and nodded at them as he saw her change the volume. "Make sure she keeps those on." He growled at Amelia, not wanting his thoughts on display for Emaline. Amy tightened her hold on Emy's hand and moved towards the group away from the guard. He watched as they walked away for a min ute and then went back to talking with the other guards.

"Hey guys." Amelia said, sitting down at the table. Emaline smiled and waved at them, glancing back over at the guards before turning her volume down enough so she could hear them talk but not think. "How's the plan going?" She asked, giving one of the bowls of mush a disheartened look and wishing for a lollipop.


November sighed and turned a dial on his helmet, making it circulate faster. It was a bit harder to breathe, but it could help him talk without it beeping.

"It's not a big deal."

He said. He gestured them to go away, and set his dial to normal.

"Never thought you'd have any friends,"

A guard said, snickering.

@Mitchs98 @Rui
Eden glared at the guard sharply.

"Do you have any?" She asked, giving him a wicked grin. Her eyes gleamed mischievously. She turned back to November. "What's it like in there?" She asked, gesturing to the suit. She lowered her voice. "I bet I could get you out of it." She was referring to her power being able to break it open.

November sighed. He tuned his dial again, and spoke, this time a bit more aggressive.

"Get. Away."

He then handed her a small note containing a short message:

'Contact me with small notes. No much talking.'

And turned back. The guards chuckled as they continued their conversation.

"Besides, I'm happy inside this suit."

He added. A guard snickered and said:

"Kid, stop passing around notes. You already know that nobody likes you."

November sighed again, this time his helmet beeping. The table bursted into laughter, excluding November. He gestured Eden to go away with the note.

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She frowned harder, and stared fiercely at the others at the table. She tucked the note into her pocket, leaned over, and pressed a kiss to the front of the helmet, where she reckoned his mouth would be. She huffed in frustration, hugged him, and started off.

A guard whistled. Another hit November in the back. November rubbed his helmet, cleaning the part she pressed her lips. Possibly they wouldn't know that the mark on his chest was a sign for biohazard.

"Never saw someone without friends get one that quick."

Said a fat guard in a corner. He shrugged. Another guard gave him an aggressive look. The fat guard made a whimpering sound sarcastically.


November said, over the beeping sound his helmet was making. The fat guard gave him a weak smile. Some are still great, it's always the people who think a lot. November thought.
Eden giggled, heading off for her cell, little child intact. She smiled once more at November, hoping she'd see the curious metal man again.

randomizedrp said:
November sighed and turned a dial on his helmet, making it circulate faster. It was a bit harder to breathe, but it could help him talk without it beeping.
"It's not a big deal."

He said. He gestured them to go away, and set his dial to normal.

"Never thought you'd have any friends,"

A guard said, snickering.

@Mitchs98 @Rui
Rui said:
Eden glared at the guard sharply.
"Do you have any?" She asked, giving him a wicked grin. Her eyes gleamed mischievously. She turned back to November. "What's it like in there?" She asked, gesturing to the suit. She lowered her voice. "I bet I could get you out of it." She was referring to her power being able to break it open.

randomizedrp said:
November sighed. He tuned his dial again, and spoke, this time a bit more aggressive.
"Get. Away."

He then handed her a small note containing a short message:

'Contact me with small notes. No much talking.'

And turned back. The guards chuckled as they continued their conversation.

"Besides, I'm happy inside this suit."

He added. A guard snickered and said:

"Kid, stop passing around notes. You already know that nobody likes you."

November sighed again, this time his helmet beeping. The table bursted into laughter, excluding November. He gestured Eden to go away with the note.

Rui said:
She frowned harder, and stared fiercely at the others at the table. She tucked the note into her pocket, leaned over, and pressed a kiss to the front of the helmet, where she reckoned his mouth would be. She huffed in frustration, hugged him, and started off.
randomizedrp said:
A guard whistled. Another hit November in the back. November rubbed his helmet, cleaning the part she pressed her lips. Possibly they wouldn't know that the mark on his chest was a sign for biohazard.
"Never saw someone without friends get one that quick."

Said a fat guard in a corner. He shrugged. Another guard gave him an aggressive look. The fat guard made a whimpering sound sarcastically.


November said, over the beeping sound his helmet was making. The fat guard gave him a weak smile. Some are still great, it's always the people who think a lot. November thought.
Rui said:
Eden giggled, heading off for her cell, little child intact. She smiled once more at November, hoping she'd see the curious metal man again.

Lucy Red

Lucy frowned slightly as she watched everything happen, she felt bad for November really. She didn't understand why the guards were adverse to him having friends, and he seemed to be too. She couldn't see the note that he'd given Eden so she had no clue he was only doing it so the guards didn't pick on him. "Alright November..stay safe okay?" She told him before turning and walking back over to the table. It seemed Amelia and and Emaline had arrived too, one of the few sets of twins other than herself and Alicia forced to be here. "Hey guys, you here to leave too?" She asked, pretty much whispering the last part so the guards wouldn't hear.
Amelia &Emaline

Amelia looked and smiled at Lucy.
"Yes. Anything to get away from those creeps." She said, glancing back over at the guards. "At least you can't hear what they're thinking." Emaline said, leaning into her sister and shuddering lightly.
OceanBunny said:
Amelia &Emaline

Amelia looked and smiled at Lucy.
"Yes. Anything to get away from those creeps." She said, glancing back over at the guards. "At least you can't hear what they're thinking." Emaline said, leaning into her sister and shuddering lightly.
Lucy Red

Lucy nodded in agreement. "
Yeah..those guys are jerks..I'm glad I can't." She replied before sighing. "I bet it must be awful...but at-least it's useful for what we're doing." She added. "I don't know about you guys but I'm kind of nervous...I mean we should be able to..but..I dunno.." She told them, her smile turning into a sideways frown.
Mitchs98 said:
Lucy Red
Lucy nodded in agreement. "Yeah..those guys are jerks..I'm glad I can't." She replied before sighing. "I bet it must be awful...but at-least it's useful for what we're doing." She added. "I don't know about you guys but I'm kind of nervous...I mean we should be able to..but..I dunno.." She told them, her smile turning into a sideways frown.

Amelia & Emaline

Amelia hugged her sister comfortingly. "I know, at least you have the headphones now." Thinking back to when they'd first arrived and the guards refused to let her have them. "It is awful, most of them are just mean, but some of them.." Emaline shudders lightly thinking of some of the lewd thoughts she'd heard. "I hope it works.. I want to be out there.. where i can have lollipops anytime.. instead of this mush." She sighed and looked back over at the mush. "I know its not very appealing, Em, but at least they feed us." Amelia said before turning to smile at Lucy. "How's everything going?"
OceanBunny said:

Amelia & Emaline

Amelia hugged her sister comfortingly. "I know, at least you have the headphones now." Thinking back to when they'd first arrived and the guards refused to let her have them. "It is awful, most of them are just mean, but some of them.." Emaline shudders lightly thinking of some of the lewd thoughts she'd heard. "I hope it works.. I want to be out there.. where i can have lollipops anytime.. instead of this mush." She sighed and looked back over at the mush. "I know its not very appealing, Em, but at least they feed us." Amelia said before turning to smile at Lucy. "How's everything going?"
Lucy and Alicia

Going alright, I think..we're still making the plan though." She replied with a small shrug. A bit after Alicia had made her way back over to sit by Lucy, she'd heard Emaline's small and easily grantable request and quickly summoned up and gave her a lollipop, watermelon to be exact. "Here you go. Don't gotta eat the mush if you don't wanna." She told her as she placed it in her hand, a friendly smile on her face. "Hopefully we get things sorted soon..I just hope no one gets hurt." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Lucy and Alicia
"Going alright, I think..we're still making the plan though." She replied with a small shrug. A bit after Alicia had made her way back over to sit by Lucy, she'd heard Emaline's small and easily grantable request and quickly summoned up and gave her a lollipop, watermelon to be exact. "Here you go. Don't gotta eat the mush if you don't wanna." She told her as she placed it in her hand, a friendly smile on her face. "Hopefully we get things sorted soon..I just hope no one gets hurt." She added.

Amelia & Emaline

"Thank you." Emaline said, leaning over to hug Alicia. Amelia shook her head lightly. "Just make sure you eat something other than sugar. You can't live on lollipops Em." She scolded her sister lightly. "But Alicia makes such yummy ones." Emaline replied, lollipop in mouth. "We should be able to avoid most injuries if we use my ability to know where the guards are, and Amy can always heal anyone who's injured." She tried to reassure her friend. "We might have to meet up again.. The guards will get suspicious if we all stay together for too long." Amelia glanced back towards the guards again.

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