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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Hayden jumped at the girl's movement, she closed the journal and looked up with her oddly colored orbs. "H-He-Hello," she stuttered out, her cheeks turning a light pink color. 'No one talks to me, why now?' She mentally fought with herself over why she was being spoken to, she absentmindedly moved some of her grey strands from her eyes.
Lorin smiled as he was allowed to leave. Ms. Winters left the room along with him, and he was quite curious on where she was going. He opened his left eye barely, seeing her meeting a man. The man was unclear, but he seemed to be the boss around here. He couldn't hear anything, before he closed his eye and walked over to the library. He found the eye patch and the book still laying where he had dropped it, he was so happy that no one had taken it. He smiled, and looked at the book, tightly hugging it to his body. He quickly ran back to the classroom, as his eye patch was still not on, he couldn't place it properly without a mirror. He walked over to Miki, since Daphne looked a bit busy, and smiled. "C- could you help me p- place this on?" He asked shyly, blushing a little bit as he couldn't do it himself.
Manuel sees the academy for the first time holding his text book and taking glimps of the academy,with a smile on his face he rushes to the classroom thinking he has mist some of the class he wuld peek inside the class room and with exitment and a litel shy he wuld sit on the nerest desk and put his textbook down on the desk and wait......and wait
Daphne smiled and stuck out her hand, "I'm Daphne, it's nice too meet you! I was wondering if you want to go to the village for dinner with my friends and I?" she gestured towards Natalia, Miki, and Lorin. "Don't feel like you have to go! I just saw you sitting alone and well, I just dont like when people seem left out and why not get to know everyone? This school is sooo small, barely any people, so everyones gotta be friends!"


Ava Winters hammered on Rafaels door and barged in before he even had a chance to begin talking to her. "ARE YOU STUPID RAFAEL? ARE YOU?" If it was possible, fire would have come flaming out of her nose. "BLOOD SAMPLES? DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE THIS EASY?" she sat down at his desk and started to tell him about a new plan...
"Sure." Miki said. She grabbed the ends and tied it around his head, reaching around so that she was super close to him. When she had finished, she got off her tippy toes and looked at him. "Done!" She said, happily. She smiled and looked around, spotting someone new. "Hello." She said. She looked at Lorin. "Want to go say hello." She asked.
Hayden weakly smiled, "S-S-Sure!" She'd never been invited to anything, she was always the quiet, shy girl. The loner who was left alone, why now was she being so... seen? 'Oh well,' she thought.
"T- Thank you!" Lorin said and gave her a quick polite bow before he smiled and looked over to where Hayden was sitting and nodded. Daphne was already there, but the more the merrier... right? Lorin walked over together with Miki and smiled to Hayden, standing a bit behind hugging the book he had borrowed from the library. "I- I'm L- Lorin! I- It's a p- pleasure t- to m- meet you!" He said very shyly, smiling to her as he looked at Daphne smiling to her.
"Hi."Natalia called out with a smile when she heard herself being introduced, intentionally waving in the wrong direction from the other two girls for comic effect. "A pleasure to have you!"
"Awesome!" Daphne replied, "If you want, just meet us outside near the front flag pole and we'll meet you there and walk together to the village...probably like 5:30 or something. Okay?" Daphne was getting a little ahead of herself though, she didn't know what to do when she actually got to the tiny village, what if people didn't want to talk to her? What if the people there weren't as friendly as she was hoping for them to be?
Hayden felt a little uncomfortable with everyone surrounding her, it reminded her of being in the lab, surrounded by the scientists. "P-Pleasure to m-me-meet you all," she responded, then looked at Lorin at Miki, smiling a little brighter. "H-Hayden," she stated her first name. "O-Okay," she said to the first girl who approached her.
"W- We'll see you there then!" Lorin said happily as they were to meet there 5:30-ish. Thinking of how the teacher had left, it seemed as they weren't really meant to leave the clasroom, but study hall had to be finished soon right? Lorin happily sat down at his desk, and began reading the book he had gotten from the library, his mother used to read it for him all the time before. It was too bad his eye always spoiled the end, but now it didn't matter, because he already knew how it ended.
Manuel with some confusion of whats going on he wuld open his text book and neging to draw symbols...long lines of Symbols and see the others he dint whant to use his powers yet to communicate and he was kinda shy still
Miki waved at her. "I think I am going to find a book. See you!" She said. She walked off towards the library. She passed the library and went up a secret set of stairs that lead to a balcony near the library. There she sat down and started singing. "One alone is not enough, you need both together~" She paused and took a breath. "Winter, Summer, Moon and Sun. You need both together.~"
Hayden nodded to Lorin and miki, "O-Okay." She took her journal, holding it close as she rose up from her seat. She gave them all a gentle smile, a smile she hadn't shown in a long time. She flung her hands out, careful to to hit anyone, so her sleeves rolled past them; she caught her journal before it could fall and blushed again, leaning against the wall.
Manuel wuld hear the bell ring and close his text book and get up and walk around the Academi,and exploring the places of the academi so he can memorise them

(I'll just time skip now if everyone is good with that :3) Lorin grabbed his small shoulder bag and placed his scarf in it, hoping that the town would prove itself to be interesting and fun. He had never been to a village before as Lorin usually wasn't allowed to leave home, due to his power. He happily skipped down the hallway waiting for the rest to meet him by the flag pole, it seemed as he was so excited that he ended up being first. That was a little embarrassing, but he was usually not in a group of people and this was his first trip with his new friends. Of course he was excited.
Daphne made sure to bring a backpack full of supplies they might need for their adventure (it's never a bad thing to be prepared, right?) she made sure she packed a flashlight, extra money, a note book, and some pens and pencils incase they found anything interesting. After placing her backpack across her shoulders she walked out to the flag pole, ending up next to Lorin. She took a deep breath- "Aw this fresh air is so nice, I feel like I haven't been outside in days!" She said as she gazed up at the cloudy sky.

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Manuel herd the conversation later in the class room he whanted to know what was out there and desided to use his powers from the academi he uses his telephatic abiliti and say in Lorin,s minde

"Um...can i go with you guys?"
Lorin smiled as he heard Manuel's question. "Of course! W- We are b- by the f- flag pole," He answered back as the headache returned and Lorin fell on his knees. Completely exhausted, as he rested against the flag pole, out of breath. He was still tired from earlier since his eye forced a vision on him, and getting thrown out of Daphne's mind. He had used his power far too much for one day. He wasn't used to it, so it was only natural to feel tired, but the headache was killing him.
Manuel from the cafetiria herd Lorin,s answer telephadicli he smiled and finish his food and started to walk toward outside and see Lorin and Daphne near the flag pole he walks up to them kinda nervis as he ask that out of the blue and sayd to Daphne in here miend "hello there your friend here told mi i culd go with you guys...sorry if this is out of the blue...Sorry havent know you yet im Manuel nice to meat you"Manuel says extending his hand to Daphne for a chake
Hayden quickly gathered her things, holding her journal close and walked to the town; she spotted Lorin and fast-walked over. "H-Hello," she smiled, warming up to the new people, only slightly though. She refrained from looking around to much, her yellow eyes irritated her; why? Because it's an unnatural color, and she dislikes yellow for that reason.
Natalia stepped out the school from her room with the help of her memory. She used the time after the lessons to change to a fresh pair of clothes and recover her cane. She wasn't feeling up for the trip as her transformations have always left her drain but she pushed through it hoping the chance to be social and the 40 winks she stole in the last class of the day would carry her through. On the courtyard, she listened out if any of her friends were already about, hearing some chatter nearby and walked towards it.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast, with Hudson doing the same thing he had done for all of his previous classes. Absolutely nothing. After the last bell rang, he quickly ran to his dorm and packed up all his stuff in his bag, his mid filling with a mix of determination and fear. This will be your chance to escape. And if you fail, you'll likely never see the outside of this school again. He sighed and walked out of the room. By the time he got outside the building, there was a group of people by a flag pole. Well great. Yet another obstacle. Hope they don't notice the guy with a giant backpack running down the trail. Biting his lip, he began running, hoping the people wouldn't care about the stranger running past them.
Lorin stood up and leaned a bit against the flag pole, calming his head down. He was just a little bit tired, his visions and powers had been used like crazy today, there was a reason why he usually didn't interact with people. "I- Is everyone r- ready to go?" He asked them all as most of them had gathered there, and he was very excited about the village. He had already seen it from above, but he was more curious about the people and how it looked. His parents didn't allow him to go into town due to the chances of getting physical contact with people, but in a group as big as this, it should be fine. Lorin spotted Hudson, as he was carrying what seemed like a bag on his back? Maybe he was going alone, he waved at him, hoping Hudson saw him as he wanted to invite him with them.

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