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Fantasy Windermere Academy


New Member
You came home one summer day to find a letter addressed to you sitting out on your kitchen table. "Strange," you thought to yourself, "I never get mail." you went to throw the letter away but something in your gut told you to read the letter. You sat down at the table and carefully opened the envelope and pulled our a crisp piece of paper, with the nicest handwriting you have ever seen scrawled out on it.

Dear _____,

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Windermere Academy for the Gifted. We realize you never submitted an application, but do not let that hinder you in reading this letter. We have taken special notice to your abilities and would like you to come to Windermere to help YOU strength and harness your abilities to their full potential. Classes begin August 12th. Please reply to dean of admissions, Mr.Caelto as soon as possible with your answer at, (850)-987-3361

Thank You,

Rafael Murno, Dean of Windermere

After countless hours of research and zero results, you still couldn't believe that you had somehow convinced yourself to get on this bus and be taken to this new school. What made it even weirder was that it was in the middle of nowhere, you drove those a dense forest for hours before pulling up to the front of the school. You got a funny feeling about this school but pushed the feeling away as you headed to the front steps.


The School includes 10 classrooms, an indoor pool, tennis courts, and dorms (the building on the right) The main floor is the "auditorium" room where the special school gatherings are held, in that room there's a door leading to the cafeteria. The second floor is strictly classrooms



  • No god modding
  • Normal RPN rules
  • Please try and post at least once a day (let me know if you can't)
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  • Cussing- keep limited or @$#@
  • Three abilities max.

**You all have just arrived at the school.**

**Dorm assignments and class schedule is down below**

Rafael Murno stood next to his office window and watched the new test subjects pile out of the buses. "This looks to be one of the best groups we have ever gotten together..let's just hope it doesn't end like last time." he thought to himself as more and more buses lined the street in front of the school. He grinned to himself as he walked over to his desk and pressed the intercom button, making it so he was able to come over every speaker installed in the old school..

"Hello students, this is Mr.Murno speaking, I would like to welcome you all to the your first day at Windermere Academy, we do hope you have a wonderful experience here. If you walk into the main hall, you will see a sheets of papers in bins, find your name and it will have your classes and dorm room on it. It also includes a map of the school, we would like you to spend today getting to know the school and your class mates, classes start tomorrow- 7 AM sharp, please don't start the year off on a bad foot with being late. Have a wonderful day."

He set the announcement to be played for an hour, so no one would miss the message, he sat down at his large oak desk and began studying the files of all the students.


Daphne walked off of the bus with her two black duffle bags, and placed her hand over her eyes creating a little blockage from the sun. She looked at this school and sighed and walked into the school, this was a long way from the busy city life she was used too. Once inside, she stopped and listened to the announcement, "Odd," she thought to herself. "why wouldn't he just greet us and give us the papers himself?" she pushed away the strange feeling she had and walked to the bin and searched for her name, finally she got to it and walked to a small bench to read over her papers. Her dorm was number 201 and her roommate was a girl around her age named Alina Staglio. She looked down at her two over packed bags an sighed, she was not in the mood to walk all the way to the dorm 201 with these bags, but she didn't want to use her powers and draw attention to herself, so she decided she was just going to stay here for a while and watch her new peers come into the school.


Girls Dorms:

Room 201- Daphne DiDenteno and Alina Staglio

Room 202-Reina Adams and Natalia Mathews

Room 203-
Maikara Mentra & Brett Rogers

Room 204-Amaris Jones

Boys Dorms:

Room 301- Hudson Ryder and Nick James

Tyler Quigg

303- Lorin Owens



(due to the small size, everyone has the same classes):

*= this class changes daily. Those that aren't shifters will just watch and take notes on how shifters work

Abilities Histories- 7:00 AM- 8:45 AM

Bell Break- 8:45-855 AM

"Gym"- 9:00 AM-10:55 AM

Bell Break- 10:55 AM- 11:00 AM

*Shifters Class: 11:05 AM-12:15 PM

Bell Break: 12:15 PM-12:20 PM

Lunch: 12:20 PM-1:45 PM

Bell Break: 1:45 PM- 1:50 PM

Logistics: 1:50 PM-2:30 PM

Bell Break: 2:30 PM-2:45 PM

"Study Hall": 2:50-3:30

*End of Classes*

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Natalia slowly stepped out the bus, holding her suitcase in one hand and extending her cane if the other. As she began walk, following the voices she recognized as newcomers like her when she overheard them talking. She felt the stares of others on her as she walked and swear she could hear their muffled voices what the blind girl is doing in the academy. If the only knew.... She though before trying to shake the feeling off blaming it on her paranoia as it was more likely they barely noticed her. She heard the announcement made and frowned. That helps her me, she thought, how am i gonna fine my assignment. Any idea came to mind, one that might also break the ice with the other students. She reached out the nearest person she could poke with her cane.

"Hello, sorry about that. Would you mind helping find my assignment?"
Daphne turned around frowning, getting poked with a cane wasn't exactly how she wanted to meet people, but it'd have to do. She looked up at the girl and felt bad for thinking the girl was rude for poking her-it wasn't the girls fault she was blind. "Yes, I'll get it for you. What's your name?" Daphne asked scanning the girl, wondering what her "special" ability was. Daphne bent down and picked up her two bags and moved closer to the girl, waiting for a response.
Alina slowly stepped off the bus adjusting the straps of her school bags and pulling the suitcase behind her as she walked down the stone path to the front of the school. She wanted to get inside to the Air conditioning seeing the busses didn't have any and it was like an oven on wheels. The white hairs shifter was eager to get inside and once she did she took a sigh of relief feeling the cool air run over her skin. With a happy smile she fished around for her papers seen her room number and the schedule for the first day. Seeing the shifting class made her happy, she really needed to control that. She shoved the papers into her bag and walked towards the stairs to get to the dorm building


Tyler moved some hair out of his face as he left the bus removed the ear buds which fed him music on the noisy bus. He had a duffle bag around his shoulder and a suitcase which had to be carried in his other hand, in silence he walked to the main building to recieve the papers the announcement had mentioned most likely pertaining to his room number and class schedule he had requested a single room and ventured to the dorm building to find out if that request had been filled. He wanted somewhere no one could interupt him.
"Natalia Mathews."She said giving a kind smile. She seems nice, Natalia thought to herself, that she didn't turn and yell at me for the poke means she is not to aggressive and quick on her feet. "Your new this place too or have i made a bad impression on one of the teachers?"
Lorin was completely occupied with his book as the bus suddenly stopped, but he had to wait for everyone to leave the bus. He didn't like crowded places. As soon as everyone was out, and the bus driver almost kicked him out, Lorin left the bus, barely in time to hear the announcement about the papers that had the classes and dorm numbers on them. I'll just try to not be too awkward... Lorin thought to himself, still holding his book as he was walking out of the crowd, getting away from anyone who might touch him as he looked for the dorm building, but found it difficult. D- Did I get lost on my first day? N- No... I- I'm not lost... I- I just don't know where to go... Lorin thought, as he looked around, a bit confused for where to go next.
Alina opened the door to her room and found two beds, she must have a roommate who had to arrived yet. She chose the bed closest to the window hoping whoever she would live with didn't nod and placed her things in the bed planning to return again to unpack. For now she decided to wander around the campus as a little snow mouse. She shifted and scampered out under the door pattering outside. She avoided a few traveling students as their feet came down close to her but not quite. What cause her to stop was the sight of a boy, he looked scared and lost, mostly lost. She went forward a little bit and sat Infront of him her nose and front paws in the air sniffing
Daphne laughed a little and smiled, "No, I'm new here too, no worries. Just stay her a moment ill be right back." she started off towards the bins. This time, she had to wait in a small and quick line before she could get to the bin, "Good god, I wish I could just make this bin move to me instead, it would've been so much easier." she thought as she waited behind one more person. Finally, it was her turn at the bin and she searched through the files, panicking a little because she forgot the girls name. "What was it again? Nat? Natalie? Natasha?" she pulled up a file with the name 'Natalia' on it and hope this was right and went off to the girl. She tapped her on the shoulder, "I'm so sorry, your name is Natalia right? I hope so..it says your roommate is a girl named Reina Adams in room 203. I can show you there if you'd like!"
Lorin didn't notice the snow mouse, before he panicked and looked down to the ground in embarrassment. It was standing there perfectly still, sniffing the air and honestly, he found it quite cute. He squatted down carefully and smiled at it, as he held his book tightly with both his hands. Not used to any contact, so he chose to not pet it, even though he was struggling with his mind not to. "Hello. Are you sure you should be walking here? It can be very scary with so many people," Lorin said to the mouse, not realizing it was a person and he stood up again, looking around. Which building was his dorm? It couldn't be that hard to find could it? Lorin decided to walk a bit around to see if he managed to find it, but there were far too many buildings for him to see which one was to be his dorm. You're not lost Lorin! Y- You simply d- don't know where to go! T- There's nothing wrong with that! N- Nothing at all! Lorin convinced himself, as being lost was scary, since there were so many people here.
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Alina watched him walk past her and shifted back to her human form with a little giggle, she straightened out her clothes and walked up to him gently tapping him in the shoulder "sorry to bother you.. But I couldn't help notice that you look lost" she nodded and gave him a gentle smile "I'm Alina by the way, have you gotten your papers yet?"
Lorin jumped a bit as Alina gently tapped his shoulder, turning around to be met by a girl with long beautiful white hair. She didn't seem scary, as it seemed she had quickly noticed he was lo- I wasn't lost! I- I just didn't know where to go! he had lost his way. Her smile was reassuring to him, as she seemed to be a nice person as he felt his cheek become a bit warmer, at the thought of him being lo- I mean, that he lost his way the first day. "I- I got my papers r- right here," Lorin said and showed her the papers which was neatly laying on top of his thick book, which he had already read halfway through on the bus ride to Windermere Academy. "I- I'm L- Lorin," He introduced himself, as he smiled back to Alina.
"Phew, that's good....Oh ok, wait here. Right."She said as she stood there waiting for what seemed like ages, due to her being blind her mind couldn't help consider if she was abandoned. Not that she considered people that low or her own insecurity but she needed to have a healthy foresight of such possible scenarios. She wouldn't mind so much if she was thought, saves trouble of explaining her condition and face their reaction. She barely got used to the idea she was a constant walking time bomb herself. Then again she cant just lock herself away, it didn't help with her lack of sight it wouldnt help now.

"Oh...Yeah."She said her focus on her trail of thought allowed Daphne to surprise her when she spoke to Natalia. "Sounds good i guess if its not too much trouble for you, i can figure it out otherwise. And to you have a name or forgot that too?"
"Well I'm sorry to say but that's the same thing as being lost, not knowing your way" Alina nodded looking at his papers "so I'm assuming you're looking for the dorms? I was just coming from there, figured I could just wander" she smiled a little "would you like some help?" She offered tilting her head to the side.
"T- Thank you so much!" Lorin said as he gave her a polite bow, the first person he met was already this kind and she would take the trouble of walking him all the way over to the dorms. Lorin had rarely been presented with such kindness and found himself a bit loss at words, and gave her a smile. "I- I really appreciate it!" Lorin added, as this gave him high hopes for his new school. The only reason he was here was due to his parents convincing, but at this moment he truly could not complain about it.
Alina held her hands up in a polite refusal to his bow "no no please, no need to do that" she then folded her hands in front of her "obviously you just be new, so am I. You could say newbies need to have each others backs" she nodded and started walking beside him to where the dorms were. Where she remembered them being "so, what are your abilities?' She asked hoping he would answer, at a school like this it was a perfect ice breaker
Lorin walked beside her, as he realized that he was perhaps being overly polite. It was a bad habit, as being polite was a good way to get friends. Or so his mother had told him. As they were walking, Lorin made sure to take note of where Alina was leading him, so he was certain that he would not get lost once again. The question he was a bit afraid of came, as she wanted to know what his abilities were. He didn't want to lie, especially not after she was so kind to him, so he decided to tell her the truth. "I- I can see into the future, or the past... I- It's really nothing special..." Lorin answered her, slightly smiling as he was not alone for having abilities this time. "W- What about yours?" Lorin asked, continuing the conversation as they slowly made their way over to the dorms.
"I wouldn't say that you wouldn't have received the letter to come here if it wasn't special" Alina glanced at him "besides I've never met someone who could do that, being the only one is something special too" she looked back forward as they neared closer to the more simpler building than the extravagant building they first entered "my abilities? Well, I can shift into the animals located in the arctic, that little white mouse you saw was me" she smiled proudly "I figured I would be less noticed that way, except for when I almost get stepped on"
"A- Ah! Y- You were really cute as that m- mouse!" Lorin said honestly, as he smiled. It was new for him to not be alone, and that was reassuring to know. Maybe he was a bit too easily convinced once he heard he wouldn't be the only one able to do things most people could not. "I- I think that's v- very impressive. Being able to transform like that," Lorin said as he had to fix his eye patch a little from panicking earlier. It seemed as the dorm building was a very simple building, it was embarrassing that he did not see this building earlier. His cheek lit up a bit, as he thought of it. Lorin, you could be very dumb at times... You should have thought of that building! Lorin thought to himself, even though it was good to meet Alina due to him being as dumb as he was.
Alina blushed a little bit hearing the comment about her mouse form "r-really?" She rubbed her arm and looked down "most people think mice are disgusting and disease ridden. Whenever I find myself in that form I'm almost always about to get killed. Either stepped on or trapped. The only downside to this is when I'm scared or stressed it's hard to turn back to this form " she gestured to herself she walked up to the door and opened it walking inside "but anyway what is your room number again?"
"Y- Yes b- because they are so small and so cute. And I told you, it could be dangerous to be walking where there are so many people. I like all animals, no exceptions," Lorin said to Alina, smiling to her as his insecurity began to slowly disappear as it was great to get to know someone so kind when he had been so nervous the day before. "It's 303," Lorin told Alina, as they entered the dorms and began walking in the hallway, looking for his dorm room. It didn't take long before he found it, as he smiled to Alina, stopping himself from giving Alina another polite bow. "T- Thank you so much for your help Alina! Y- You are very kind!" Lorin said, as he noticed his room was empty. Maybe he was lucky enough to get his own room?! That way there was nothing dangerous about walking freely inside his own room!
Daphne laughed, "sometimes I'm surprised I remember my name. It's daphne, though and I don't have a problem with showing you the dorms, I haven't even been to mine yet!" She said as she looked down at the map she had gotten earlier, she traced her finger from the main lobby to the dorms. "ahh..I see" she said as started towards the main door, "Natalia..go straight to the door, should I give you heads up on where I'm going? I'm sorry if this is annoying!" She blushed a little, she hated feeling like she didn't know how to handle a simple situation like this.

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Nick was the last one to get off the bus, he sat alone and talked to no one during the entire trip. He had heard the announcement and grabbed both his suitcases he had and decided to sneak to it and hope he wouldn't get caught by anyone. He eventually made it to the main hall and started to look for his name as fast as he could. When he found his name he just looked at the dorm number he was in and made a straight shot towards the dorm rooms so he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. He eventually found the main door and opened it as quick as he could and charged down the hallway. He ended up tripping and ended up running into Daphne. He ended up knocking them both down and quickly apologized "I-I-I'm terribly sorry. I-I didn't mean to run into you." He said it with his head facing away and he was turning quite reddish. He didn't want to talk to anyone, so running into her just ruined his plans.
Daphne got up and brushed herself off and looked at the boy that was turning red, she smiled and tilted her head to look at him, "Dont worry about it, accidents happen." She said thoughtfully, she felt bad for him-what a bad way to meet someone. She out stretched her hand to him and helped him up, shaking his hand in the process. "I'm Daphne and this is Natalia." She said motioning towards Natalia, "and you are?"

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He was relieved that she wasn't angry but he was still equally nervous around her. He kept trying not to look thier way and was still bright red. "N-N-Nice to meet you both. M-My name is N-Nick James." He began to fidget and grew a bit brighter. "I-i'm pretty sure your already going to a-ask this so I'll go ahead and answer. I-I'm half v-vampire and all my attributes are enhanced."
Hudson quickly got off the bus and walked away from the crowd, breathing heavily. Oh god. I am going to die her! I'll get attacked by a bear! Or I'll be bit by a snake! And to make matters worse, the hospital is miles away! Why couldn't I just have stayed at home, and gone to a normal high school instead of a place thats in the middle of the woods, and harbors people with abilities like me that are probably several times more deadly! How was he to know that the school would be in the middle of the woods? The school didn't even have a web site for gods sake. After several minutes of deep breathing exercises, Hudson merged back with the crowd, quickly picking up his papers and almost running to his dorm. After shutting himself in the room, he threw his bags down next to his bed and sighed. This may be the only place where my paranoia might be at its low. Reaching for his back pack, he pulled out his phone, also seeing the bed at the opposite side of the room. Does this school hate me? Or does my luck just suck.

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