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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

“Snitch. What makes you think I care about Ink knowing?” He grumbled out giving her a challenging stare. Eel wasn't about to let her push him around. He had been through that once before.
Ivory opened her mouth before closing it again glancing off to the side.
"....It's just a guess...but those are my conditions...as you so astutely put it we care about vengeful spirits soo....I can't just let you two...especially not Chester go and murder someone....even if they are an abuser."
Eel looked irritated before shrugging. “Sure whatever… move. Come on Chess we have terrorizing to do.” He huffed out. Waiting for her to move over so he could pass. “No murders… for now.”
She stepped out of the way heading over to the kitchen to refill her coffee planning to head down once she got a beanie over her hair.

Chester grinned temporarily turning incorporeal and reappearing on the other side of the door holding it open for him with a bow.
"After you my good sir." He smirked with a slight chuckle. "Besides, scaring someone shitless is the best part of any good terrorization. A murder is just the bonus. " He chuckled.
He grinned and nodded eagerly. “Just no added bonus this fine morning. Because of a party pooper!” He made a point of calling over his shoulder to Ivory as he stepped out. Heading down the stairs excitedly.
Chester let out an excited whoop cartwheeling down the stairs past him and stopping at the bottom waiting for him.
"Eh, next time we will! Plus if the loser continues being a pathetic piece of shit even after we do this then really it's our duty to follow through. " He cackled.

Ivory pointedly ignored him pouring the dark liquid into the mug before grabbing a hat from the coat rack by the door and shoving her hair inside hesitantly following the two at a distance to keep up her end of the deal.
Eel grinned and nodded firmly. “Snapping his neck will be what I live for. Though not like he could really fight against us when I'm used to this shit and you're a ghost.” Eel chuckled and moved ahead unlocking the store door and stepping outside. Pulling up his hood and knawing at the inside of his cheek. Heading down the street to an apartment building and grinning maliciously.
"Exactly, see someone gets it. Although I must admit I prefer good old fashioned brunt force trauma myself, really draws things out so you can see the terror and pain as the light leaves their eyes." He chuckled stretching out exaggeratorily cracking his back.

Ivory trailed after the two giving as much distance as she could without risking Chester fizzling out. She stopped to make sure the store was locked behind them her hands shaking slightly really not wanting to be associated with the two or listen to what they were conversing.
“Brunt force is good too.” He shrugged and took out his knife leaning down and picking the lock on the door. Opening it and letting Chester by first. Glancing at Ivory with trepidation before waiting for her to come through as well. His gaze watching her closely as if waiting for her to pounce at him or something.
Chester danced through with a wave of his hat.
"Ooh next time let me try, opening from the inside is far more discreet." He cackled.

Ivory shook her head hanging back with some distance.
"If you would have been able to make it with me in my home then there's no need for me to come inside." She said glancing to the wide her hands tightening around her mug.
Eel eyed her a moment longer before disappearing into the building. “What’s her problem?” He asked Chester as he walked with his new friend down the hall to the abuser’s apartment. Putting in the number combination for the room. His gloved hands then twisting open the door and waving Chester in putting a finger to his lips to tell him to be quiet.
"Eh, just doesn't do all that well with living people, plus some other stuff." He shrugged falling silent on the cue and quickly slipping inside ducking down so his horns would hit the door frame. His steps were quite quiet as he looked around his tail curling around the leg of his pants out of the way
“So she just lives with ghosts?” He frowned as he looked around and found the man on the couch sleeping. Glass bottles littering the floor and the strong smell of cigarette smoke in the air. Eel shuffling a little bit showing his unease. Flicking out his knife and being careful to avoid touching any of the objects on the floor and going to clear off the coffee table to sit down. Startling the guy awake and grinning wide.
"Ghosts and the hell hound pretty much, gets kind of boring." He said nodding his head sagely and quickly slid to the otherside of the man seemingly unbothered about the state of the room.
"Boo." He said a wide grin wrapping his tail loosely around the man's throat using the pointed end to jab at his chin a wicked cackle rumbling from his chest.
The man’s eyes widen and he gags a little. Eel smirking and slipping over. “Morning Hagard…” He sneered giggling slightly. “Consider this your lovely wake-up call to treat people better ey?” He snickered as the man struggled against Chester clearly terrified.
"You could call it a little visit from your own two personal demons." He cackled removing his tail from his throat and forcing him to stand up.
"You know...all we were told to do is not kill him....bet that's one of the excuses he uses for how he treats his kids." He said forcing the man to do a little spin.
"Whatcha say...wanna give him a little taste of hell?"
“Yeah… plus you’d be surprised what you can live through…” Eel grinned and grabbed the man by the front of his shirt. “Wanna try escaping? I'm sure the thrill of chasing you is unbearable.” He cackled out as the man yanked away from Chester and went to clock Eel in the face first. Since Eel was in his way of escape. Not that the assassin let him get that far. His wrist getting caught and a knife delved into his forearm.
Chester let out a laugh grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt and tugging him into a tight grip sinking his claws into his shoulders and holding him so couldn't try something like that with Eel again.
"A chase could be fun....we might run into some distance problems....besides I doubt a piece of shit like this would ever give his kids the chance to run." He cackled wrapping his tail around his ankle so he would trip if he tried something like that again.
He was gritting his teeth in pain looking frightened. “Wha…. What are you?…” He whimpered out hissing in pain as Eel took his knife back. The assassin shrugging gently. “He clearly doesn't have working ears. We already told him we’re his demons coming to give him karma.”
"Ears or eyes, or maybe he's just a bit thick in the skull. Either way hardly his worst flaw." Chester chuckled keeping the man in his grasp.
"So should we give him a chance to own up to his sins and beg forgiveness? Or dish out his punishment now. It could be amusing. " he snickered.
“I like dishing first. Plus if he spits too much I may be tempted to finalize him… and I made a promise not to.” He grinned as the man froze at the implications.
Chester grinned wide
"You're a lucky man, LittlrnRed is a lot more merciful then us. " He mocked digging his claws in just enough to draw blood.
"But consider this a warning, my friend here has no such kind obligations, and nor do I....would you like first dibs?"
“Not that she should be. And nah, where’s the fun in that. Plus you’re in the area more than me. You should get first dibs.” He grinned and kneed the man in the stomach making him double over. “Though I would hope this is warning enough for him to be a decent person.” He sneered as he put his knife away.
"Awww you're too kind, and I'm not quite sure it is...our little friend here is a bit thick in the skull...what to do, what to do....say you know what, I'm feeling kind today. You get to pick the method." He said spinning the man around and removing his tail it wagging slightly behind him, a cruel smirk forming across his face.
"Tell me...how would he beat his kids again?"
Eel moved and grabbed one of the bottles off the floor. His gaze hard as he used the end of the bottle to lift the man’s chin after he went crashing to the floor from being unbalanced. “How hard do you think I could hit him in that skull and not kill him?” He said before smirking cruelly.

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