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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

“I want to move on… how do I do that? Do I just let go?” She tilted her head gently before frowning. “I should probably write down everything I know about Receiver’s. It would help you out in your ventures.”
Ivory and Blue exchanged glances and shared a silent nod.
"It can depend...typically if someone becomes a spirit there's something that's keeping them attached to the living realm...typically it's the classic unfinished business...sometimes a strong emotion brought about at the time of death...doing that could help you move on...but it could just be another thing reinforcing your stay...." Ivory said gently opening up her bag and pulling out a notebook, a different one then her usual guide.
“Another thing?” She gulped gently as she took in the implications. Natasha didn't think she had any unfinished business and she had felt ready to die. If anything she had been more grieved at the fact she had become a ghost instead of simply passing on.
Ivory looked up taking notice of the ghosts distress and sat down next to her flipping to an empty page in the notebook writing out Natasha at the top.
"...Don't worry, there will be definitely a way to help you move on...is there anything that's possibly keeping you attached to the living world? Even as something as simple as a treasured item you spent a lot of time and emotions with?" She asked giving her an assuring smile.
“Not that I can think of… and there’s nobody worth protecting that’s still alive… maybe it could be connected to the curse… I heard Rose one time tell me that spirits have a harder time shifting planes of existence here in Willowwood.” She leaned forward and bit at her lip.
Ivory hummed tapping her fingers and jotting it down in the notebook
"I suppose that might be it...I don't know much about this curse admittedly for myself but that would explain some things....I know of a local conduit though that might know more about that aspect to it...this Rose is she a conduit?" She asked looking up from the coffee stained pages curiously.
Natasha looked fearful for a moment and shushed her. “I wasn't supposed to tell you that… Rose doesn't want people knowing… he’s trying to not let Sofia find out.” Natasha looked around as if someone may jump her from the corners of the house for saying anything about it.
Ivory nodded
"Don't worry...nobody else can hear you here...unless this Sofia knew about the Cabin....which would mean there's a snitch...I understand his concerns, I'm quite selective of who among the living can know as well...but if there's a way for us to contact him we have a higher chance of helping you move on...and him knowing an outside conduit could be good for him as well." She said carefully. The house remained as was currently only occupied by the three.
Natasha frowned and shook her head firmly. “I'm not going to put him in that position… he freaked out enough about me finding out… I wasn't ever supposed to know... I promised I wouldn't lead anyone to him and that he had full control over who he told and kept it from. I'm not going against his wishes.”
Ivory shook her head rapidly
"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that, I'm not asking you to bring us to him. But if there's a way for you to deliver my information to him, and for you to talk to him yourself, I would be fine with a fellow Conduit knowing about my existence, that way he can choose whether or not to seek me out and talk. That was poor wording on my part, my apologies. " she said quickly flinching back a bit.
Natasha thought a moment before nodding. “I can do that… I'm not sure if he would take the offer though… he’s normally to himself and his partner is never far from him. Probably to keep an eye out for in case Rose tries anything.”
"Alright....if you can tell him to call the Diviners Cabinet, I'm the only one who works there, but Ink at the least pasts by it often so stopping by will lead to questions...the number is in the directory...but there's no pressure to call at all...the most important thing right now however is determining if the curse has impact on keeping you here...the shop phone is really old so I don't believe there's number tracking on it..." she said tapping the paper with her pen closing her eyes in thought.
She nodded soaking up this information. “Okay… I’ll ask him… Diviners Cabinet…” She nodded again and moved to head and do that immediately. Clearly wanting nothing more than to pass on.
Ivory cringed ever so slightly
"Stay safe, and feel free to stop by yourself if you need anything. " she said trailing off awkwardly at the end as Blue got up to get the door for Natasha so she could leave.
Natasha thanked them and waved to Ivory. “Thank you both so much… I’ll be in touch alright?” She had toned down her voice noticing how she was making Ivory uncomfortable.
Ivory gave her a small smile and wave back.
"It's not a problem, I'm only doing what I'm here for....I'm glad we can be of service however." She said rubbing the back of her neck from her spot at the table.
"You're welcome back at any point Mrs. Natasha." Blue said with a nod.
“Thanks. Don't worry, I'm going to help as much as I can in your studies of the supernatural occurrences around here.” She smiled and floated off leaving Blue and Ivory to themselves.
Ivory gave her a bright smile closing the notebook
"Thank you so it's very much so appreciated. " she smiled with a wave goodbye. Ivory got up soon after to leave herself, a busy night still ahead of her, a night that faded into the first cracks of dawn as she finally reached her shop again stifling a yawn as she unlocked it slowly with her keys. She stepped inside checking her to do list as she did so marking a few things off and heading towards the back to the stairs that lead to her little overhead sanctuary.
Early in the morning Eel had made his way into town. A hood over his blond hair to cover his golden eyes. Slipping between people and looking around the town. It had been years since he had set foot in this deep in town. His pistol in his pocket ready to be used and a knife in hand that he kept fiddling with. Pausing as he saw the sign he had been searching for. Looking around to make sure Ink hadn't followed him. Pretty certain that the man was still sleeping at the house.
The door seemed to have been left unlocked despite the fact that the small wooden sign hung in the door read as closed and the shop light was still off. There was however light shining out from both the upper story windows of the shop.
Eel smirked and went to slip inside. Hand reaching up to quiet the bell before it could make too much noise. Shutting the door back and locking it as he poked around curiously.
It was a small cozy little shop relatively well stocked with items that mifht prove useful to those practicing paganism, witchcraft and others of the like. Although it was a bit difficult to see all that well in the dark. He could make out a counter and just past that what looked to be a steep step of stairs leading to another door.
He moved and walked to the stairs glancing up the stairwell. Eyes narrowed as he looked back over his shoulder. Crouching down and putting his knife away.
There wasn't a sign of anyone having noticed his entrance but he could just make out the sound of classical music playing from the space above and there was a slight sliver of light peeking out from underneath the gap of the door and the stairs
He paused by this door and stood there quietly for a while. Tilting his head before finally lifting a hand to knock. A smile wide on his face.

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