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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester raised an eyebrow
"Damn, and I thought salt was bad considering most kitchens have it, so wait, wait...maybe I'm just being dumb but why would you work together? Wouldn't your power thingamajig just like make his go bleh?" He asked he asked stopping suddenly making a face before shaking his head with an eye roll.

"My bond is keeping them distracted, and I did a pretty good job of hiding it...I think. Anyway you needn't worry about me, I can handle myself...I'm here to help you...can I get your name?" She asked kindly with a warm assuring smile.
“We work together because Receiver made us. She puts incompatible powers and personalities together all the time.” Eel shrugged. “Not that it does any good when Ink can full on body slam me to the ground if I act up. Considering he’s part demon… to be honest I’m not sure his siblings are really related to him… he’s… weird.” Eel watched his partner scrubbing at his face and rolled his eyes.

“Natasha… well to Receiver’s it was Tweety… but Natasha Freeman.” She whispered out pacing the area. “The other girl with me was just a normal human dragged into my mess… I think her spirit moved on instantly… you really don’t have to worry about me… just get out of here before they get the clean up crew to arrive… you don’t want to be here.”
"Aaaaay same! Although I probably couldn't body slam you though....Vanilla probably could though... buuuuut I can dislocate all my bones though so really who's winning. " He chuckled sticking his tongue out at Gracen.
"...No offense your boss is kind of dumb though...I mean I'm an idiot who can't spell in my native tongue and even I know that spells disaster." He said frowning slightly.

Ivory nodded crossing over to the bodies and gently closing the two girls eyelids.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Natasha...unfortunately I'm stuck where I am at the moment considering Ink at the least knows where I live so let's focus on helping you...I'm going to take you to Blue's home...they also used to belong to this Reciever I believe...they can help you and the home is hidden to those that can't see past the veil." She promised standing up and glancing back in the direction of the two proxies Chester was with.
Ink walked back over and took a breath. “She finds mirth in the misery of others. I trust her judgment though… and so far I am the best suited to handle Eel and his…. Endeavors.” He muttered out clearly irritated. Eel sticks out his tongue and clearly Ink took this as a threat to lick him again and backed off. “I can handle myself perfectly fine. Not my problem if they can’t be near my perfection!” He smirked before a frown came to his lips glancing off to where Ivory had slipped away. Unable to see her at the moment.

“Blue…. How long ago were they a proxy?” Natasha asked, being sure to stay near Ivory. Already hovering around in a protective manner to the conduit. Her gaze wide and looking around anxiously. “This veil… is it only seen by conduits and ghosts then?”
"Damn right, I feel that though, some people just don't understand. "
Chester let out a laugh before frowning himself.
"Shit...sorry dude something came up on Ivory's end so I need to go. You're really fucking cool though so you should totally stop by the shop so we can hang out more though." He grinned giving finger guns while stepping back in the direction Ivory had gone so he could stay corporal.

Ivory gave her a smile as she took off further into the woods.
"About 50ish years ago to my understanding...long before you were alive...and it depends...for the most part yes but there are some forms of divination that can allow people to peer past in search for specific souls...think along the lines of an Ouji board or a crystal ball. Or in cases like Blue's house it's still here in the world of the living the veil around it is thin though and most overlooked it unless they're a conduit, ghost or have been taken there before." She explained ever so slightly quickening her pace.
“Yeah… maybe if doof here let’s me near town.” He smiled and waved at Chester watching him go. The partners glancing at each other before Ink went to leave. “Hurry up… we need to tell Receiver.” He firmly said.
“No… I don’t think this is something she needs to know about… especially since that girl is one of those ghost seer people. Sofia would throttle her and then I wouldn’t be able to hang around Chester ever again. And he’s a cool guy.” Eel’s whole speech was very serious before he turned and growled in Ink’s face for no reason whatsoever as he ran off ahead of him back towards their cabin in the woods.

Natasha nodded firmly. “Maybe Xavier knew them. He’s an old man… ah I mean Faded. He’s well along in his years so it’s a possibility.” She tapped her chin in thought. “Or maybe at least talked to someone who knew Blue for a time.” She shrugged awkwardly.
"Dude just come anyway, he can't be there one hundred percent of the time. " he said with a grin and cackle, waving goodbye before he disappeared from sight dissipating like a disrupted cloud of mist hurrying to catch up with Ivory unseen even if he was very annoyed at having to leave.

"It's possible...to my understanding through they have mostly moved on just keeping an eye on things for operations...." Ivory hummed thoughtfully.
"Anyway...just to figure things out as we walk...do you think you're able to turn corporeal?" She asked tapping her thigh as she slipped through some undergrowth.
“No… I don’t think so. It’s fine, not my intent to be found again.” Natasha floated on her back and kept up with Ivory. “I’m much better off without being able to turn corporal.” She declared and landed to walk beside Ivory.
Her moving and observing the bullet hole through her chest. Frowning a little bit as she grumbled about hating Eel.
Ivory nodded as a small cabin came into the view of the two.
"I can't really blame you for your feelings...I must warn you though to not try and have revenge...I know it might be frustrating news but we can't really allow for spirits to seek out revenge against the living...even if they were the ones that killed them...." she said apologetically taking a drink from her mug of coffee.
"As for not being able to turn corporeal there are a couple different paths we can take from here."
Natasha shrugged and smiled softly. “No intents there. I’m happy to not be under Receiver anymore.” She sighed and stretched out happily.
"I'm glad too hear...I'm sorry about what happened by the way...I don't know much about about what any of that is like, but we're going to do our best to get you a better life now that you've passed. " she said hurrying up the steps of the cabin and glancing behind them to make sure they weren't followed. She let out a soft knock on the door and after a moment the door was opened by an adrogenous person with black hair choppily cut and pulled back in a low ponytail, with some of it acting as a curtain hiding the left side of their face.
"Ivory what are you....oh...Tweety isn't it?" They asked.
She nodded gently and itched at her cheek. “Blue yes?” She muttered out self consciously putting her hands over her bullet wound. “Thanks Ivory.”
"...Yes, that I am...ah, don't worry about hiding that, I've seen worse." They assured pulling their hair out of their face for a moment to show their own bullet wound straight though the eye.
"Were you followed?" They asked gesturing the two inside.
"I don't believe so,it's Chester keeping an eye out though and he apparently is friends with Eel now so...who knows." She responded gesturing that Natasha should go in first.
Natasha slipped in and looked over her shoulder. “We’re good… I don’t sense him…” She muttered softly. “Guess Receiver likes sending her gunmen after people.”
"Actually it was my partner that killed me on her own violition." They corrected closing the door behind her and Ivory.
"Can I get you anything to eat or drink? You should be able to interact with everything here." They said as Ivory took of her dirty boots.
“Oh… I’m sure that happens quite a bit considering how Receiver pairs people. She likes pitting us all against each other.” Natasha paused and looked at Blue. “Wait how did you know my name? And no thanks on the food. Some water would be nice though.” She smiled and looked around the house. Her long black hair falling in her face as she walked around.
"I try to keep tabs on the Operators and their proxies since they are the primary cause of new spirits in the area. I'll get you the water. " They said crossing over to their kitchen.
The house could be could be considered absolutely cozy if not small on the small side decorated in warm oranges, browns, and yellows, various papers laid strewn about on the dining room table.
“Ah… then I guess you have an idea as to why I got hunted down.” Natasha went and found a seat glancing back at Ivory. “What about you??” She asked softly more curious now that she had calmed down. This was probably her instincts as a scout from Receiver.
"That I don't actually, you weren't one of the ones that I deemed much of a problem." They said bringing her over a cup of water.
Ivory tilted her head.
"What about me?" She asked tilting her head unsure of what exactly it was she was asking considering she didn't work under a keyholder.
“Ah well, I had stolen something very important… I had passed it off before they caught up.” She shrugged and looked to her again. “Well where are you in this whole mess?”
"I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, I have a couple incidents I need to go handle tonight and I was on my way to handle them when Chester decided it was a good time to make friends." She explained with a sigh.
"I'm really just here to help keep balance and provide some aid....especially considering there's a good deal of vengeful spirits in this part."
Natasha smiled gently. “Ah… I'm sure that is a lot of work for you… “ She itched at her cheek becoming thoughtful. “I could only guess that most of that is caused by Eel… but he definitely isn't the only one to blame. The others have their moments… and their orders.”
Ivory shrugged taking a sip from her mug before replying.
"It's nothing I'm not used to, and it needs to be done..." she sighed suddenly rubbing her forehead."...It sounds like Eel is going to be keeping me busy...right now though we should figure out the best place for you to stay...."
“Ah… right. Where do ghosts stay after their deaths?” She moved and went to be by Ivory. Looking around once more realizing that Blue definitely didn't need to be housing all the dead people in town.
"It depends, some choose to stay in their former residences...I don't think you would want that option though considering you want nothing to do with your former life....some just have some tasks that need to be done before moving on which I assist with and help throw a goodbye ceremony for...others decide they want to roam...most tend to stay in Greater Haunts until they choose to move on however. " she explained glancing over at Blue as they took a seat at the table.

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