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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

After a second the music paused and he could make out the sound of soft footsteps making their way to the door stopping at the other side for a solid moment before the door opened just a crack.
"Hello?" A female voice carried over from the other side hesitantly.
“Hey lady, is Chess in? Or are you suppressing him?” Eel lifted a hand to push the door a tad bit more open. Hand going to his pocket.
The door easily opened wider with Ivory stumbling back.
"...He's in, he's sleeping right now..." she said glancing back over her shoulder to the living room, before deciding to open the door all the way to let him in her green eyes narrowing warily at him taking a slight step to the side upon recognizing his voice.
"...I can go wake him up...hold on..."
Eel slipped in and looked around. He clearly didn't care he had broken in. Pulling down the edges of his hood and shaking out his hair trying to tame it a little. His hand coming back out of his pocket holding the pocket knife and twirling it between his fingers. His golden eyes were on edge since he was in an unfamiliar environment and he wasn't sure what all Ivory had set up as precautions. His grip on his knife tightened as he tensed at just about every sound. Though he didn't pay Ivory herself much mind.
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There didn't really look like there was much that could pose him danger or act as any kind of weapon with the exception of the knife rack visible in the kitchen. He was in what looked to be her living room, a small space furnishings along two walls with tall bookshelves stock full of books and trinkets. One wall cut away to the kitchen and a small hall with two doors down it. In the center of the room rest a lavender lounge sofa and arm chair sat around a coffee table with a vase of drying wildflowers set upon it. Atop the table rest a half empty coffee cup with steam still rising up from it and a wide open notebook with several papers and books set around it.
Ivory moved to head towards the hall stopping and scrambling quickly to collect all the papers and the notebook before rushing to go wake Chester knocking the coffee mug over along the way.
He moved and went to clean up the mess she had created. Pausing as he saw where it stained. His eyes flitting to the kitchen a moment before he took the mug and walked over. Looking around the space and setting it in the sink. Not bothering with the coffee that was dripping off the table onto her floor.
After a moment Chester popped out running past Ivory and sliding into the room with a dramatic cartwheels.
"I didn't think you would stop by so soon!" He grinned landing perfectly on his feet with his tail wagging ever so slightly behind him.
Ivory had stayed back to put the notebook and papers away in the room.
“Hey!!” Eel grinned and jumped back out of the kitchen yanking Chester into a hug. “Of course! The sooner the better! Plus the door was unlocked so it wasn't like it was any trouble getting in here.” He let go and did a handstand.
Chester laughed giving him a hug back and stepped back.
"The door was unlocked? Also great form not a lot of people can do handstands." He complimented joining him in a handstand after a moment, his horns helping to keep his hat firmly in place.
Eel fell with a grunt and nodded. “Yeah, how else would I have gotten in? I locked it behind me. No other unwanted guests for the night. Though you would think she’d be more careful.” He scoffed and stared at the ceiling a good while before sitting up.
"I dunno ringing the bell I guess? And she typically is....eh probably had something on her mind." He said, before lowering himself into a seated position.
"Definitely gonna rub it in her face though. " He snickered before shaking his head as Ivory came back in spotting the coffee mess and let out a sigh grabbing a towel from the bathroom to clean it up.
"So...my new friend watcha like to do?" He asked turning towards the golden eyes man
“Well… there’s an asshole down the street from here. We could go fuck him up. Or be the end of his pathetic life. Ey and bring girly along too! Sure she would like joining us. Just a little early morning shenanigans.” Eel glanced over at the mess she was cleaning and decided to move and use his foot to push the table out of place.
"Oh fuck yeah, it's been a while since I've been able to do something like that." He grinned immediately jumping up to his feet his tail accidentally hitting Eel.
"Sorry bout that dude."

Ivory looked up from where she was wiping up the spilt beverage and narrowed her eyes at the two soon to be trouble makers.
"Oh absolutely not, you can stay here and do whatever you like but you won't be doing anything of the sorts. "
Eel rubbed where he got hit and shrugged. “Ah, no worries. “ He move to where Ivory was and grinned. “And who are you to stop us?” He leaned close to her face in an intimidation attempt. Taking the towel out of her hands with one movement pushing her out of the way to finish cleaning the mess before getting up. “Can she fit in a suitcase you think?” He asked Chester.
Chester made a slight frown thinking
"...Maybe like a big one? I don't think we have one of those though...think the place is within a hundred yards?" He asked.

Ivory flinched back before jutting her chin out grabbing the towel as tightly as she could glaring at him.
"Last I checked the only reason you're here right now is to hang out with my Bond and I can absolutely stop him with a little something called salt." She said, her voice had a slight waver of uncertainty despite the brave front she was trying to put on.
“I mean I'm sure I could figure out something fun to do with you if he’s not here.” He mused releasing the towel after a moment. “It's close… we can make it work! Here and just to make sure she doesn't go wandering away.” He moved and grabbed Ivory around the stomach and plopped her on the sofa. “Sit tight yeah?” He chuckled and looked around trying to find something he could tie her up with.
Ivory scrambled off immediately trying to dart towards the kitchen surprisingly quickly with the intent of grabbing one of the knives.
"Don’t you touch me...Chester you should advise your friend to back off or I'm calling for Vanilla." She threatened.

Chester held his hands up looking conflicted.
"...Dude...I'm down for fucking this guy up as much as you are but like...careful please, the bond makes us share pain." He settled on.
“The last time I hurt a woman on purpose was years ago. Please at least hold me to standard.” He grinned though he did move quick to catch her before she could get a knife. “Ah ah ah, let’s play nice yeah?” His tone previously bright had gone serious in a split second. “The butch deserves it anyways. He’s an alcoholic and beats his kids. You don't even have to see us do it… but I'm sure you'll have to deal with the ghost yeah?” He smirked.
Chester grinned even wider
"Dude, that just made it even better... come on Ives you of all people should be fine with it." He pleaded.

Ivory's eyes went wide with a mixture of fear and surprise, not even registering the rest of what the two said.
"W-what....what do you mean...I'm not a conduit...I just have a bond anyone can be bonded to a ghost....what makes you say that?" She asked jerking away from him stepping back warily her eyes darting between him and the door.
Eel watched her closely. “Ah, a what?” He blinked his golden eyes at her clearly playing dumb as he stretched out. “I just heard it's easier for them… whatcha call thems to bond right? My sister is kinda into that kinda stuff… she’s a bitch though, plus if you die I can't hang with Chess here anymore. And that's no fun. Come on we have some vigilant stuff to do. Be good or something.”
Ivory blinked before raising her eyebrow at him skeptically as the rest of what he said caught up.
"I never said anything about my own death...you said I would have to deal with the ghost, what makes you say that...actually that's not even what's important right now...say you do kill the Dad, what do you plan to do with the kids." She said positioning herself in front of the door in an attempt to block it off.

"Come on Ives please....it's been like forever since I got to do something fun with a friend." Chester said poking her repeatedly to try and wear her down.
"The kids will be fiiiiine, and stop focusing on meaningless words. " He said backing Eel up.
“The kids are at their grandmother’s place right now. See not a problem. And you helped Tweety… didn't you? I mean that’s the only possible thing that could have come up.” He walked over to her and smiled. “No worries about my sister catching you… like I said, Chess is a cool dude. And there’s nothing I would like more than to keep my buddy safe yeah? What better way than to make sure my sister doesn't slowly suck out your life!” He grinned wide and went to slip past her. “Come on, Manta says that you people don't like vengeful ghosts roaming. And I guess this time around I would agree. No need for the kids to get involved.”
Ivory took a deep breath throwing her arm out to stop him from leaving. A conflicted look crossing her face.
"Fine...you two can go mess with him with him to protect the kids...I have a few rules though, otherwise Chester can't go." She said putting her foot down an uncertain look in her eyes.

Chester grinned doing a little victory dance at the fact that they had convinced her.
He paused stepping back quickly at her arm in his path and bit on the tip of his tongue. “Ah… and what are said rules?” He huffed as if complaining about it. Eyeing her closely as if trying to figure her out and what her motives might be. His gaze glancing to the kitchen as if looking for something before facing her again.
"For starters you can't actually kill him, you can scare him and mess with him as much as you like but you can't kill him. If your purpose is really to protect the kids then just scare him into never hurting them again. Chester and I live close enough to make sure he follows through....Secondly Chester can't be seen by anyone other then him...in exchange I'll wait within 100 yards so Chester can join in, and I won't tell on you to your partner next time I see him pass by." She said crossing her arms.

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