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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester frowned thinking
"Eh... you probably could...but then he'd go unconscious and really where's the fun in that?" He asked stalking around the man hitting him with his tail.
"It would be a good way to leave him though...plus if he just so happens to bleed out once we leave then it's out of our hands...And if we move fast enough then Red won't know."
“To be honest I'm not exactly sure where that breaking point is… I normally do whatever I feel like ever after they’re lifeless corpse stares up at me.” He pulled the bottle back tilting his head a little. The man flinched at Chester’s tail hitting him and glanced between the two tensed. Knowing that these men fully intended to murder him if there wasn't this Red figure watching from somewhere.
".. Honestly same over here and I'm rusty, it's been a good bout over 20 years since I last got to do something like this...hellhound always got in the way...I mean...humans typically survive being hit like that in the movies right?" He asked grinning widely at the man's terror.
"What if we hit his face? That wouldn't kill him right?" He asked patting the man's cheek for extra impact.
“He has extra cushion there… should be fine enough. Then after we can tie him to a chair… probably with some sheets. That way he can't go rattling to the police right after he wakes. Can't have a little snitch now can we?” He grinned coming closer as the man reached up to protect his face from them quivering in fear.
"No we can't...but then again what dumbass goes to the police to tattle on those that know his most diabolical sins huh?" He said grabbing his hands and holding him still for his friend.
"And trust us...we have our ways of knowing and you really don't want to cross us twice. " He whispered into the man's ear.
He gulped and looked away squeezing his eyes shut. Eel chuckled and waited patiently for the man to question why he didn’t strike yet. Waiting until the man opened his eyes in curiosity to look and see before bashing the glass bottle on his face. The bottle cracking at the force and glass shattered landing everywhere.
Chester let out a cackle of laughter ignoring the couple of shards that hit him from the impact.
"Ooooh I bet that felt real satisfying...does it make yah feel good man knowing you did that to your own fucking kids?" He taunted giving the man a little shake as he looked around for the bed sheets to tie him up.
Eel moved and stabbed the man’s thigh with the neck of the bottle and got up. The man screaming in pain as Eel stalked off to a nearby bedroom and came back with sheets in his hands. Calmly brushing glass off the bridge of his nose and out of his hair. Grinning at the pain the man was in. “Wish you had been a better human yet?” He growled out and then dragged in a wooden chair from the kitchen.
"Ya good man?" He asked taking note of the glass in his friend with a gesture.
"And I seriously doubt it...pieces of shit tea rarely are." He mocked digging his claws into the flesh of the man's arms as he forced him to sit on the wooden chair keeping him there with his hands and tail.
Eel shrugged. “Really it’s all his fault if he dies soon. Not my responsibility that he couldn’t behave. At least I’m consistent.” He drawled out and used the sheets to tie him down. “Normally I would have you on the floor in a pool of your own blood… but alas not today.” He smiled and finished tying it off. The man gagging as Eel tied some excess across his mouth. “There… much better. And I’m fine, I’ve had worse then a little glass.”
"Blame Red for that."
Chester released the man now that he was tied down and gave the chair a good old shake roughly to make sure he would stay in place.
"Nice knots, and for a finishing touch...just so he doesn't forget what he did....how do you spell abuser?" He asked dragging his claws harshly across the inside of his arm above the ties.
Marvin moved and thought a moment before grinning. “A…. B…. U…. S… E… R.” He chuckled as the man tried his hardest to squirm away. Being completely trapped by Eel and Chester.
"Many thanks my dear friend."
Chester grinned at the man flashing the points of his teeth using one hand to hold the arm steady and the other to slowly carve the word out in less then perfect writing, with claws that only slightly sharper then a dull knife.
"Ah, ah, ah sit still please, I'm sure you don't want me to have to restart." He teased poking the man with his tail.
He trembled whimpering behind the gag. “Nice… that looks great Chess.” Eel chuckled and watched the horror and fear on the man’s face. “Maybe now he won’t forget.”
Chester snickered stepping back and licked the blood of his claws to clean them.
"Why thank you, my writing can still be a bit off at times so it's appreciated...it should...and if he doesn't remember we'll know....and he's had his chance. " he said pointedly adjusting his hat and glancing down to the glass in his own arms brushing them off nonchalantly.
Marvin moved and got up. “Come on. I’m sure Red is waiting and worrying.” He huffed and kicked some of the glass heading back towards the door. Pulling up his hood and wiping the blood on his hands putting it on his already stained jeans.
Chester snickered following after him using his tail to wave a threatening goodbye to the man.
"Oh absolutely, you have no idea, especially since you slammed the glass bottle against him it's been a none stop stream of 'what's going on? don't kill him! Are you okay?'" He said rolling his eyes and opening the door for him.
Eel snickered slightly. “And you deal with her all the time? How have you managed it?” He teased as he walked out and headed down the hall. “Wouldn’t she sense the ghost if he did die?”
"Not all the time, it's hard for her to split concentration like that depending on the task, thank fuck. And within a certain distance yeah, but it's hard for her to tell when she's gone a while without sleep." He shrugged stretching out with an exaggerated yawn.
"Say I'm kinda hungry want to get something to eat?" He asked turning towards the elemental besides him.
“Sure whatcha wanna get?” He glanced up from itching at his wrist. A smile on his face as he reached up painting the blood on his face like war paint.
"Oooh, ooooh oooh, there's a Cafe a couple blocks away that Ives frequents and she always brings me these muffins from there, that are just the fucking bomb." He said bouncing on his feet with excitement before letting out a laugh seeing what he did.
"Dude that looks killer."
“What kinda? I'll get the whole stock.” He opened the door and looked for Ivory. “I guess Red could come too.” He shrugged and shed out of his hoodie and tied it around his waist. His short sleeve underneath grey in color.
He could spot the conduit just across the street and to the left sitting on a bench and holding a mug between her hands watching the beginnings of the early morning sunrise.

Chester grinned
"Depends on the day, they're freshly made in shop...but when they have them their strawberry cream cheese ones are really tasty." He said sticking his tongue out at his bond.
Eel looked both ways and hurried over the street to Ivory. “Hey! We’re done. Chess said there’s a cafe nearby. Up and attem to lead the way. I'm getting him a muffin… or maybe five.” He approached her but didn't reach to force her to move. “Plus if I stay around here I won’t be under Ink’s supervision and leering keep in checkness.”
Ivory looked up blinking and turning slightly pale. She bit her lip and pointed at her own face where he had smeared the blood on his.
"...Do you really think going in like that is a good idea? Why don't you two go back to the shop and I go and buy the muffins." She offered getting up off the bench, planning to call an ambulance for the man they had left once she had an opportunity to alone.

Chester rolled his eyes
"Come on, it's just a little blood, don't be a pussy."
"...Blood and horns and claws and a tail absolutely not."

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