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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester snickered
"Oh yeah, he didn't look like he could hold up much of a fight. Does seem like he had people that would notice he was missing though so that's less then ideal." He shrugged as Ivory took her coffee and looked over frowning noticing the only open spot was in the booth by Marvin and went and sat a table next to them instead taking a drink out of the cardboard cup.
“Meh, I’ve dealt with worse.” He glanced at where Ivory sat and grinned. “Ready? You can drink and walk, right?” He moved and stretched his arms out. Smirking at Chester as he flicked up his hood.
"Of course she can, she does that shit all the time, come on, let's go!" Chester butted in before Ivory could respond hopping out of the booth waving goodbye to the barista and hurried out of the Cafe bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly.
Ivory was a little bit slower and reluctant to leave, but followed after none the less.
Marvin kept just behind Ivory. “You’ll be okay. Ink will be there. For both our sakes.” He added the last sentence as an afterthought. Then moving and hurrying to walk beside Chester. Bumping his shoulder and sticking out his tongue.
Ivory blinked furrowing her brow in slight confusion watching his back for a solid couple seconds before shaking her head taking a drink of her coffee. Deciding that it wasn't worth trying to figure out if that was a threat or an attempt to assure her.

Chester grinned shoulder bumping him back.
"So just water huh? Why's that?" He asked throwing his arm over his shoulder playfully.
Eel set his jaw and shrugged a little. “A habit I have I guess.” He hummed out. Pausing a moment as they came to the forest. “It's about two miles. That good with you Chess?” He glanced at his friend smiling.
Chester nodded
"Gotcha, gotcha, understandable my friend. And pffft don't worry about two miles walking is nothing, plus this is low elevation and flat, nothing to sweat about." He grinned confidentially waving the distance off with a laugh and playfully shouldering him.
Eel chuckled and started to lead the way. “Plus I think Ivory would like Shade. And he’s not stuck at base today. Less of a hassle on my part… he’s too clingy.” Eel shrugged and got out of his jacket again. Tying it around his waist and fluffing up his hair. Pulling out a clear burner phone and answering it as it rang. “I am not… such a worry wart… I'm headed back now. Plus I got something for Shade…” Eel paused letting the person on the other end speak. “The scorpion was funny! And I wasn't gonna let it actually get him. What? No. It's nothing dangerous, I know how fast you’d report me.” He flushed a moment. “I am not… look I’ll be back soon just chill.” He huffed and hung up sticking the phone back in his pocket.
"See you all get cool names like Eel? Shade? Those are so fucking cool, waaaaay better then a boring typical name like Johnson." He said sticking his tongue out at Ivory over his shoulder before falling quiet for the phone call.
Chester made a face shoulder bumping him once he was done.
"Let me guess Ink?" He asked glancing at the burner curiously.

"You know if us coming along is going to cause trouble I can always just go back, Ink or this Shade won't be able to see Chester anyway." Ivory offered up from behind them checking the time worriedly on her phone herself. Not all too comfortable with being known by even more people that she was advised to avoid. She was also very deliberate to not respond to Chester 's taunt on names.
“Yeah, it's Ink. No worries lady you're fine to come over. Ink trusts my better judgment.” He smiled and walked back over to her. “Come on. I can get you back to your store before eight. Promise.” He pulled back once he got fairly close and gave a smile. “Plus… Shade is just your type.” He awkwardly reached and patted her shoulder.
Ivory raised an eyebrow and gently removed his hand from her shoulder.
"Please don't touch me, I'm not a child....and what do you mean he's just my type?" She asked looking ever so slightly wary and skeptical of his claims but was trying to hide it with a genuine question as she placed her phone back into her bag.
"Commmmme on....he said he'll get us back by eight, why would he lie? Besides it's not like it's a big deal if we're there or not. Eel says it's okay, why does the others opinions matter?"
He yanked back from her touch. “Empath or something.… he gets people. Sometimes. Plus I thought that maybe you would stick around more if you had someone as your friend out of people I know. That way you have your little friends and I can hang out with Chester…” He walked away from her swiftly after he finished talking.
Chester grinned back at him hitting him with his tail before frowning glancing between his two companions.
"Ya good man?" He asked adding a shoulder bump to make it seem more playful but there was still a slight layer of concern in his voice.
Ivory tilted her head chewing her lip in silent thought slowing down momentarily at his reaction. That would be something to keep in mind if she was going to be forced around him more.
He nodded and put the hand she touched in his pocket. “Tada!” He used his other hand to point out a two-story log cabin ahead of them. On the porch were two men. One was Ink. The other had messy black hair and was tending a cut on Ink’s arm as the blond talked his ear off. “That’s Shade.” Eel muttered.
"Sup fuckers!" Chester greeted with a wave and exaggerated bow with his hat.
"Nice home my dude." Chester grinned to Eel his eyes sparkling with mischief as his tail wagged excitedly behind him he leaned and whispered into Eels ear.
"So...want to get down to some troublemaking?" He grinned his sharp teeth carved upwards into a wicked glimmer of planned chaos.
Eel grinned and took him and went brushing past the brothers to head inside. “Good luck with her!” He jutted a thumb over his shoulder making Shade turn from what he was doing. “Hello?” He gave a wave.
Ivory awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck giving a small wave and smile as she followed to the house.
"Hi...ummm...I'm so sorry for the intrusion I wasn't given much of a choice...you must be Shade right?" She said apologetically stopping just at the steps.

Chester stuck his tongue out at Ink over his shoulder hurrying after Eel inside.
"Sooooo what's the plan?" He asked eagerly looking around the place curiosly.
“Mhm. Are you Ivory then? Ink mentioned you when he got home last night.” The man finished with Ink’s wound and came down the steps to her. Holding out a hand in greeting and giving a huge smile to her. The blond behind him looking at her a moment before getting up to go after Eel and Chester.

Eel grinned and put a finger to his lips guiding Chester upstairs. “Here’s where all the bedrooms are. I'm that one, there’s Ink’s and then Shade’s!” He pointed out each door accordingly.
Ivory shot Ink an apologetic look before accepting Shade's handshake with a smile.
"That would be me, yes, and I take it you are Shade? It's a pleasure to meet you regardless. And if you don't mind me asking what all did he say?" She asked, a tad bit wary that if Eel had already figured out she was a conduit then Ink would have as well.

Chester followed his lead glancing at each door with approval nodding his in a fool 's definition of sagely.
"I see, I see, very nice its a cozy gig. We going to your room then?" He asked glancing over at Ink's door with a sparkle of malignant intent.
“That you're from the Appalachian region. That's awesome by the way! I heard those mountains are gorgeous! And then he said that…” Shade trailed off catching sight of her bracelets. “Those are so pretty! Did you make them?” He gave a grin. Way more friendly than Eel and Ink.

“Can’t really cause much trouble there now can we?” He chuckled pulling out a lockpick crouching by Ink’s door. “Plus I gotta sharpen my breaking and entering skills.” He teased lightly glancing down the stairs as he heard Ink walking around below them.
Ivory winced ever so slightly but covered it by moving as if she was opening her bag instead.
"Oh! Why thank you, and no, they're mixture of ones I've collected from over the years, the wooden ones though were made and carved by a good friend of mine as a parting gift before I came here....I have a few pictures of the region in my journal if you would like to see, it is absolutely gorgeous there." She said granting a friendly smile back despite here attempts to steer away from the sensitive topic.

Chester poked him with his tail turning around to keep watch.
"See this is why we're friends, great minds think alike after all...and if you need a hand with that at all I have my own special talents with breaking and entering. " He grinned keeping his eyes on the stairs ready to distract if needed.
He beamed. “Oh, I would love to see it!” He turned and cleaned up his medical supplies and waved her to come inside. “Come on! We can sit at the dining room table.” He opened the door and ducked past Ink who had walked out of the kitchen with some sandwiches.

“I got it. Thank though bud.” He clicked the door open and opened it. Waving Chester inside aware that Ink was distracted enough at the moment by Shade and Ivory being in his house.
Ivory hesitated a moment but followed him inside after a brief moment. She stepped around Ink with a quiet "excuse me, sorry," as she made her way to join Shade at the table. She took a moment to look around the room before pulling her notebook out of the bag being certain to tilt it toward herself so to not reveal the contents as she flipped through the pages occasionally stopping to gently pull a photo out to set on the table.
"I don't have that many of the area that I can show sorry." She said apologetically turning the photos so Shade could see them.

Chester darted on in stopping in the middle of the room to take a look around looking for the best area of attack his tail curling around his leg loosely.
"Ooooh...now we can have all sorts of fun with this." He snickered turning his head back to face Eel his sharp teeth widening even further into his classical chesire grin.
He sat down and looked through them. Ink coming over after a while and joining them. His gaze on the photos curiously just as Shade’s were. “They’re so pretty…” Shade smiled and handed them back after a moment.

Art supplies were stowed in just about every corner of the room organized by color and size. Eel shutting the door behind them and opening the window for quick access in case Ink arrived. Moving and yanking a trunk from under the bed smirking wide. “How artistic are you?”
"Yeah they are...the woods here are gorgeous as well though, it's too bad light pollution makes it hard to see the stars in town though." She hummed taking the photos and putting them back where they belong.

Chester shook his head plopping down on the floor next to the trunk.
"If it was skill learned through osmosis I would say very, unfortunately it is not. I'm passable in comparison to a toddler, what about you?" He asked his red eyes landing on him after scanning the room with a sneer.
"This guy is obnoxiously tidy." He commented cracking his knuckles before resting his chin on them.

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