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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Ivory shook her head dropping her hands causing her bracelets to jingle ever so slightly.
"I think you don't have to worry about that, I've known him for over 20 years so I can pretty confidentially say he's not a pervert...just a...oh I don't even know...." she muttered sounding just very very tired all of sudden. She shook her head glancing over at the kitchen with a sigh.
"...still if he starts bothering you at all just...let me know. " She glanced back at the two brothers after shooting the ghost a look saying 'we'll be talking later.'
Eel was showing Chester where Ink stowed away all the knives and such. Shade peeking into the kitchen watching them curiously. Peeking up as Eel spotted him. “You wanna join us?” He grit out after a moment to which Shade grinned and walked over cautiously. “I thought Ink said to not ruin his organizing?” He asked as he watched Eel switch the knives around. “Ink’s a baby.” Eel retorted shrugging.

Ink smiled at Ivory and sighed. “Trust me, Eel is probably just as bad.” He turned back to his work and shrugged. “Though keeping an eye on them is probably wise…” He muttered more to himself.
Chester took a knife spinning it between his fingers tossed it up in the air and caught it making a face as the sharp side accidentally caught on his palm.
"My buddy here has a point...besides where's the fun in life in always following someone else's rules?" He asked twirling it so he could pass it over to Shade with the handle facing the blue eyed man offering the knife to him with a smirk.

Ivory hummed in response.
"Maybe...I think they have their problems in their own unique ways...although I don't know Eel well enough to say- ow-" she grimaced as a cut momentarily opened up on the palm of her hand before disappearing after a moment.
"...as I was saying, I don't know him well enough to say for sure." She shrugged pulling a hankerchief from the pocket of her shorts to wipe off the blood from her palm.
"I do agree though in terms of keeping an eye on them."
Shade took the knife from him and frowned a little. “Ah… I guess so…” He went and put it back holding it out like it might attack him out of its own desires. Eel rolling his eyes and slinging an arm around Shade. “Come on… hanging out with us isn't gonna ruin you. Plus I had a favor to ask. I promised that lady out there that I'd get her back to her shop before eight. Clearly, I can't walk that damn fast… but you have just the skills.”

Ink shrugged not looking at her. “It's fine. From what I can tell they get along because of how similar they are.” He finished signing something and shut the folder he was working in. Tucking it away from sight.
Chester glanced over at Eel as he sat on the counter flicking his tail back and forth.
"He does? I mean no offense he looks a little-" he brought his hands together not quiet touching them.
"...squishy...do you secretly have secret speed or something? And Eel is right we don't bite...most of the time. " He snickered snatching up the knife rack before Shade could try and fix it.

"They are very similar...unfortunately...." Ivory agreed with a sigh tucking the hankerchief away.
"From what I got though, Eel seeks to be more interested in straight up murder...Chester takes more interest in the performance of it and scaring people then in the actual act of violence..." she observed almost more so speaking to herself at the end. She glanced over at what he was doing but decided that asking about the folder might not be wise.
Eel ruffled Shade’s hair grinning. “Hell yeah, he can do this shadow thingy and teleport.” Shade reached up and pushed his hair down puffing out his cheeks a little. “It’s a whole other realm Eel.” He refuted.

Ink glanced up. “That more so has to do with how Receiver ‘trained’ him.” He did air quotes about the training looking perturbed. “I’ll admit her methods were… not ethical. He’s been worse, but still he does seem to have a blood lust.”
Chester grinned setting the knives to the side and leaned forward balancing precariously.
"Dude that's so fucking cool! You can take other people with you then?" He asked his tail increasing in its pace of flicking.
"...You're coming with us on Halloween." He declared glancing over to Eel.

Ivory rubbed her forehead
"I got the sense....I was barely able to talk him out of killing someone earlier..." she mumbled glancing over at the three men in the kitchen.
"This training...if you can answer, I understand if you can't...did you all go through it?"
Shade furrowed his eyebrows glancing between the two a moment. “Halloween is a holiday Shade. You get a butt ton of candy and can scare the living hell out of people. It's a lot of fun because dead bodies are easier to dispose of without suspicion.” He grinned hopping unto the counter with Chester. Shade nodding thoughtfully before glancing over his shoulder back towards the living room. “Ink would never let me.”

Ink shook his head. “No… it’s more so that she picked and chose who to do it with depending on what skills she saw in us. Pe… Shade probably had the least intense training because of her needing a new medic.”
Chester rolled his eyes
"For starters you've never celebrated Halloween? And secondly who cares what Mr. Tall-Blond- and bossy allows or doesn't? You're an adult aren't you? Why does what he allow matter?" He asked.
"Besides its Halloween, you can't miss Halloween."

Ivory tilted her head thoughtfully pretending she didn't notice him almost slipping up on the name.
"I see....so you're all basically forced into roles regardless of what you want or even what you might be best at?" She asked glancing over.
"...that...is always difficult, I'm sorry. "
Shade shrugged looking at Eel. “He protects me.” His voice was a tad small as Eel frowned and leaned back. “Eh, we both know he's a little too stuck up to protect you from everything.” He glanced away taking a knife and carving into the counter.

Ink chuckled and shrugged. “It's life. Plus now I don't have to worry about how Shade is doing in life. Or Me… Flashbang. My siblings are relatively safe here.”
Chester scoffed
"So? Theoretically I protect shortstack over there...doesn’t mean I go bossing her or others around. That's called an abuse of power. Besides if safety is what you're worried about while we're out, both and Eel and I are more then capable of that." He said leaning towards him with a grin.
"Besides, everyone has to experience Halloween at least once in their lives. It will be fun, you have my word."

Ivory stayed a quiet a moment thinking his words over with a little doubtful furrow in her brow.
"I suppose that does make sense...you must care about them a lot huh?" She observed crossing over to the table by the couch pick up her items that she had left there.
Shade smiled and shrugged. “Yeah okay. I don't see why Ink would be opposed to it as long as I'm not alone.” He moved and grabbed a stool to sit on tucking up his legs. Eel grinning. “Plus if anything me and Chester could protect you better than Mr. Rules.” He bumped shoulders with Chester chuckling.

Ink looked up. “Of course I do. They’re the only bit of family I have left. Eel unfortunately is an unwanted addition but he needed this environment.” He got up and headed upstairs to put away his files.
Chester shoulder bumped him back using his hand to ruffle his hair. He almost fell out of his precarious balance but quickly regained it flashing the two others a confident smirk.
"Fuck yeah, that's the spirit! And of course we could, you won't need to worry a thing."

"I see...I'm sorry for your loss..." Ivory mumbled in response pulling out her phone once he left and let out a little gasp. They didn't have much time. She threw her bag crossbody making sure to grab the cardboard coffee cup from the table and that her own was attached to her bag. She hurried into the kitchen gesturing at her ghostly companion that they needed to go.
"Apologies for the intrusion, my shop needs to open soon do Chester and I need to leave. Thank you for hosting. " she said to Shade checking the time once more.
Eel fixed his hair and looked up at Ivory. “Ah, don't worry about that. Shade can get us back in less than two minutes. What time is it?” He frowned feeling like their time had been cut short in terms of hanging out. Plus he would say they were being well-behaved for everyone as of right now.
Shade smiled gently. “Not a problem. It was nice having you guys over. Always a pleasure to see new faces around… friendly ones at that.” He giggled softly.
Ivory smiled to Shade laughing softly herself.
"I agree, it makes a place much more warm doesn't it?" After a moment she sighed raising an eyebrow at Eel.
"It's 7:31...how would you be able to do that?" She directed the last part to the medic, wanting to avoid interacting with the assassin as much as she could without outright ignoring him.
"Cool shadow teleporty powers, that sound fucking awesome." Chester butted in hopping off the counter and draping his arms on the conduit dramatically.
"Come onnnnn it will be fine. Don't be a buzz kill. " He whined.
“It’s realm jumping…. Time just passes differently there.” He explained as Eel slid off the counter and booped Shade on the nose. “See, he has us handled. You can hang for like another twenty-five minutes.” He pulled back from Shade and went to put away the knife he had in hand. Shade smiling and nodded gently. “It's no trouble. Plus I haven't been to town in a while and could do with a little outside time. The skin needs it's daily dose of sunshine and fresh air.” He smiled giggling as Eel did a handstand for a moment before landing on his feet.
Ivory ducked out from under Chester's arms stepping back and closing her eyes.
"...fine... " she sighed after a moment exhaustion trickling into her voice.
She glanced over to Shade curiously after a moment of silent contemplation.
"... you're free to stop by the shop whenever you like by the way...your brother passes by often...what does realm travel look like? If I can ask." She asked curiously stepping a little closer to him then to the others .
Chester grinned wagging his tail in celebration sliding over to join Eel.
"Fuck yeah, dude you should come with us, we can still hang out upstairs. Also, if you're struggling try working on your abdominal control, everything comes down to your center of gravity." He advised.
He moved and pulled a stool up for her beaming. “It's like walking around a galaxy. It sparkles a lot, but it can be disorienting for people not used to it, but I’ve been there for hours and come back to realize only a couple minutes had passed here.”
Eel perked up. “Heck yeah I would love too… but I have work later so probably not much….” He trailed off as Ink’s indignant cursing could be heard upstairs.
Ivory smiled giving a quiet "thank you" as she took a seat.
"That sounds like an absolutely gorgeous view..." she looked up at the sound of cursing before swiveling her head to look over at Chester who was slumping at the news that Eel wouldn't be able to hang out.
"...What did you d-" Chester sprung up covering her mouth with the palm of his hand with a grin.
"And that gentlemen is our cue to leave. Let's go Shady. Ya sure you don't want to tag along for the ride?" He asked Eel looking up at the ceiling pointedly holding back a laugh.
“Yeah, I'm sure. Maybe some other time yeah?” He chuckled as Shade took that moment to touch Ivory’s shoulder and then a nearby shadow. They warped into it and appeared on a cloud of grey smoke under them and just as Shade had explained the area around them glittered like a million stars. He smiled and moved his hand to hold hers. “Okay, neither of you let go. It's really easy to get lost here and the draven people don't like humans…. And I'm not sure about ghosts but just in case stay close.”
Chester barely got to wave goodbye before Shade took them to the new place.
"Holy shit...dude this is fucking awesome!" He declared moving hid hand from over Ivory's mouth to her shoulder ignoring the incredulous look she shot him.
"The Dravens...I assume they're the inhabitants of this space?" Ivory asked being sure to keep a hold on his hand as she looked around her eyes glimmering in admiration.
“Yeah they are. Actually, when I first met them they kinda welcomed me to their city. Called me a little halfling. Which I would assume means I'm part Draven.” He walked off, the glittering lights drifting away from them as they drew near and grey smoke igniting under them with each step they took.
"They almost kind of look like wisps...that's really sweet of them to take you in like that. " Ivory muttered keeping her eyes on the moving lights almost hypnotically.
Chester looked over to the black haired man furrowing his eyebrows.
"Eel said you and your siblings are part demon as well...are they kinds of demons then?" He asked knitting his eyebrows together like he was really trying to think and failing pretty badly at it.
“Mhm. Dravens are more akin to shadow demons I guess. The little lights are calas. They’re pretty harmless and live all around down here. Eel called them guiding lights because whenever he decided to run off down here they lead him back to me almost every time.” Shade looked back at Chester smiling bright. Above them light blue mist would occasionally float over them in passing. One such mist Shade stopped under. “Here we are.”
"Fascinating...they're almost like the opposite of wisps then..." Ivory observed stopping Shade had still watching the lights around her with revenant awe.
"...so wait I could just run off here then?" Chester asked letting go of Ivory's shoulder with a grin and twinkle of mischief.
"Think I could keep a physical form here without shortie around?" He asked his tail flicking Shade with playful mirth.

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