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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Shade beamed. “It’s pretty easy to see them out here. We have a ladder to reach our roof and we sometimes lay up there for hours watching the stars… well… me and Eel do.” He glanced at Ink who was scrubbing down the kitchen now after having left the sandwiches on the table with Shade and Ivory.

“Not much better… Ink could go for ages about color theory and I know not a thing.” He chuckled and opened the trunk which had an organized color coding as well. “Yeah Ink said something about voices telling him bad shit will happen if things aren’t in an exact way.” He shrugged and pulled a few things out of the trunk tossing them carelessly on the floor.
"That sounds like an absolutely lovely view. " Ivory commented glancing upwards as if she was picturing it before frowning seeing Ink cleaning.
"Would you like a hand with that?" She asked straightening up in her seat ready to help if requested to. Years of etiquette lessons not quite making her comfortable to just sit around without helping considering she was already an unwelcome guest.

Chester snickered
"Ewww...he sounds like he would make a great stuffy old fancy tutor." He said making a face before stopping to think about the last bit.
"Does he have like a curse or is if some sort of psycho-whatevercha-call it disorder?" He asked batting the thrown out items even further across the room.with a grin
He glanced up and shook his head. “I got it. Help yourself to a sandwich. I made a few extra.” He gave her a nod and went back to what he was doing. Shade smiling gently and hopping up. “I'm going to run and get some art supplies out of my room.” He offered to her.

Eel shook his head in thought. “Nah he doesn't have psychosis. Or schizophrenia. He’s okay other than his brain hating him. Making him a better perfectionist I guess.” He moved and looked under Ink’s pillow finding his personal sketching journal. Grinning wide and holding it up for Chester to see.
Ivory got up with a thankful nod to Shade.
"Here I'll lend a hand with that, thank you for the sandwiches Ink." She said turning briefly to the tattooed blond with an acknowledging smile before gesturing for the younger brother to lead the way as she got up out of her chair pausing a moment with both hands braced against the table for a solid moment closing her eyes before grabbing her bag putting it back over cross-body not wanting to leave it unattended even for just a few moments.

"Ah the good old brain hate...Anyway what's the game plan, go through and figure out his darkest secrets or something of the like or draw little nose and eyes all over the pages?" He asked leaning close to him to look at the sketchbook tapping his claws against the outside of it.
“Are you alright?” Shade was instantly at her side having noticed her pause. His blue eyes were wide with worry for her as he watched her face closely. Ink giving a half wave to Ivory’s words not looking up from his task.

Eel shrugged slightly. “I’ve snooped through his junk before. Nothing special there. Though little stick figures hidden on each page would be hilarious. And they should slowly get more recognizable as he gets closer to the back.” He grinned and grabbed two of Ink’s finest fountain pens and handed one to Chester.
Ivory gave him a smile and waved it off.
"I'm fine thank you, I just stood up to fast, it happens sometimes, the concern is appreciated though. " She said stepping away from the table to show she was fine.

"Wow he really is just the most Vanilla brand of human isn't he?"
Chester grinned popping the lid off with a smirk.
"Ooooh, now that would be fun...we could make like one of those little flip book things were you take the pages and make them go really fast and have a little moving man or something. "
“Do you drink enough water? Sometimes dehydration causes that. Especially if you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages.” Shade slipped off to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water handing one to her. Then smiling and heading off upstairs.

“Oh!! Yeah that would be awesome! I'll do one side and you can do the other. That way the animation thingy goes both ways!” Marvin laid the journal on the floor and pressed it out flat.
Ivory paused thinking before bashfully rubbing the back of her neck.
"Thank you...I do tend to forget to drink water...it's a lot easier to reach for a coffee." She admitted with sheepish smile opening the water he gave her and moving to follow him up the stairs.
"It could also just be a genetic thing, it's been happening for as long as I can remember....thank you for the water and advice though." She was quick to follow him up the stairs keeping one hand on the rail so she wouldn't do something else to cause worry.

Chester grinned rolling onto his stomach kicking his legs behind him like a child and started to do exactly that once Eel had flattened out the journal deciding to do his end so it would finish with the stick figure flipping the viewer off giggling to himself as he did it.
"So what are you drawing our for our very good friend?"
He smiled gently. “Anytime! That's kinda my job as a medic.” He giggled and opened his bedroom door letting her in. The best way to describe it was organized chaos. Little piles of things here and there that looked random but all of the objects within were pretty similar.

“Probably a dude shitting.” He laughed softly before shrugging. “That seems a little far though. I'll probably do something that involves cursing him out instead.” He popped the cap off and went to work doodling on the other side of the page from Chester.
Ivory tilted her head looking around the room curiously.
"Are you sure it's okay to reveal that information to me?...you guys are oddly trusting of just some random shopkeeper...for all you guys know Chester and I could be moles for this Everette person....your room is really cute by the way." She pointed out shuffling on her feet as she looked for the art supplies to help with.

Chester snickered
"Oooh you could like slowly make letters bit by bit so it just looks like little marks on their own but if you were to flip through it really fast it spells out 'fuck you liver face' or something." He suggested looking up from his work his tail wagging ever so slightly.
“Why would Everett need a mole? Receiver has a treaty with her. Plus Ink and Eel could hunt you down if anything gets out. We have people everywhere to catch you.” Shade pulled a box from under his bed and opened it to reveal art supplies. “Wanna take the whole box or just a couple things?”

“That sounds brilliant! Fuck yeah I'm doing that now. Thanks Chess.” He grinned and got to work. Humming under his breath and waiting for when Chester was done to flip it over and start a new page. His golden eyes eyeing the door once in a while keeping aware in case Ink walked in.
Ivory knelt down to help him grab stuff chewing the inside of her lip.
"Whichever you prefer, I'll be fine with, I have some graphite pencils in my bag for my journal if that helps....and I don't know why she would...she and umm your boss I guess? Are the only people I know about, and I've heard she has something to due with ghost people and considering I'm bonded to a ghost it felt like it would be a reasonable concern for you guys...I could have heard the wrong rumors though. " She said fidgeting with her bracelets a moment, hoping that maybe she could get some useful information about the keyholder.

"I occasionally have good ideas believe it or not." He declared proudly lifting his pen as he finished so Eel could flip to the next page. He seemed less concerned about the rooms owner walking in as they drew judging by his nonchalance and his tail.
“Receiver isn't a fan of ghosts. Allying with Everett helped her not worry over ghosts sneaking around since Everett sometimes sends some of her people down for Manta to have.” Shade looked deeply disturbed as he said that before smiling again. “Here this should be fine.” He grabbed a case of pencils and two sketch books.

Eel smiled and hummed happily. Working with Chester to complete little doodles and make a flipbook in Ink’s personal sketchbook. Instead listening for footsteps coming near so he could focus more on his work in drawing.
"...That's....disturbing..." Ivory mumbled getting back up and headed towards the door furrowing her eyebrows together.
"It...might not be wise for Chester to go move around on his lonesome around the woods here then I take it?" She asked holding out her hand as if to offer to carry them for him.

Chester hummed getting very much just drawn into the drawing occasionally snickering at his admittedly sketchy quality of work quite literally just kicking his feet like a child despite being over two hundred years old. Even as a ghost, not even remotely paying attention to the sounds outside the door.
“It’ll probably be fine as long as Receiver doesn't see him.” Shade saw her hand and smiled taking it in his and pulling her after him heading back downstairs. “Plus Everett’s don't hurt the ghosts. More so guide them away.”

Eel grinned wide and finished his glancing at Chester. Laughing softly as he watched him. “That looks great Chess. Come on, after we’re done we can head downstairs and harrass them more.”
Ivory nodded taking note of that as she followed him down the stairs.
"...That's good to hear at least...although most likely quite unfortunate for the sanity of everyone here..." she said with a light almost humorous tone near the end trying to make the situation a little easier to deal with.

Chester grinned rolling up onto his feet holding out his hand to help the assassin. He had a cheeky little grin on his face.
"Why thank you my good gentle sir, I believe I'm done if you are." He added on a very forcibly posh and old timey accent before breaking out into a fit of giggles at his own antics.
Shade smiled. “I'm sure I've dealt with worse.” He calmly muttered as he went and pulled out a chair for her to sit. Ink finishing in the kitchen and settling on the leather sofa a few feet from the dining table.

Eel took his hand and got up grinning. “Indubitably I am good, sir.” He laughed and shut the journal quick to shove it back under the pillow and just left all the mess on the floor. Not bothering to tidy any of it.
"Ah, thank you." Ivory smiled at him taking a seat in the chair he pulled out. She glanced over her shoulder to Ink cautiously then back to Pepe waiting for him to sit down as well. After a moment she opened up one of the side pockets pulling out the graphite pencils she mentioned along with a small sketchbook of her own carefully going through until she reached an empty page.

Chester snickered kicking the trunk back half way under the bed for added effect and gestured to the door with a grin.
"Shall we continue with our goal to even further our reputations as menaces to society?"
He sat down and peeked up smiling. “Anytime.” He said as he opened one of the sketchbooks. Ink didn’t bother them at all seeming to have paperwork he was dealing with now.

Eel nodded and hurried out of the room peering downstairs before waving Chester to follow. “All clear. Let’s be the best menaces that exist.” He grinned and went to lock the bedroom door back so Ink wouldn’t know something was wrong right away.
Chester grinned waiting for him to finish locking the door bouncing on his feet until he finished.
"Race ya too the bottom!" He called to him running to the stairs and hopping on the banister and sliding down it recklessly ending with him sprawled out on the floor with a goofy grin an uncharacteristic lack of grace.
"Greetings and salutations my good mother fuckers." He saluted shooting a grin towards Eel.

"So do you draw a lot?" Ivory asked somewhat awkwardly carefully starting to sketch something out on the paper stopping every now and then to erase and redraw something. She let out a quiet "ouch" as Chester hit the ground floor of the cabin looking up immediately to the stairs.
Eel watched him already knowing he lost and then getting up on the banister himself to ride down. Careening off as he hit the bottom and landing on his face with an oof. Raising his head after a moment and grinning wiping the small bit of blood now dripping from his nose.
Shade looked at the two furrowing his eyebrows slightly before facing Ivory. “Quite a bit. Ink taught me.” He smiled as he got up and walked over to Chester first. “You okay?” He asked kindly as Eel instantly muttered a curse under his breath and went to slip away before Shade could catch him.
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Ivory opened her mouth to respond before closing it looking over to the two delinquents as an exhasperated sigh slipped through her lips getting up as well. Chester glanced over to Eel with grin mouthing I got this once he saw that he was okay after just completely face planting. He jerked his head to indicate that he should book it and he'd follow before rolling back up to his feet and dipping into a bow to the shorter man. A mischievous smile dancing across his lips.
"Why of course it seems I've only fallen for you is all." He winked before glancing over to Eel to see what the plan was next.
Shade flushed instantly and stepped back. “Ah… ah well… maybe…” He was cut off as Ink sat up. “Shade they’re fine… don't let them tease you.” He cut a stern glare at Eel and then to Chester a more threatening look. Not liking how close Shade had stepped to the ghost.
Eel grinned and stumbled up going to book it out the door to the kitchen.
Chester raised an eyebrow somewhat surprised that worked before grinning sticking his tongue out at Ink and booked it after Eel with chuckle heading straight after him to the kitchen taking the opportunity of flustering the man to get away.
Ivory burried her face in her hands in embarrassment and shame for her bond.
"I'm so sorry...he likes to push buttons to get reactions...I'll talk to him about it...again...." she apologized to Shade pinching her forehead before turning to Ink.
"I can leave...Chester can't exactly hang around if I'm gone...and that was just inappropriate of him I'm sorry." She offered.
Shade chuckled after a moment and smiled. “It's no trouble. Having a sense of humor is good.” He glanced towards the kitchen where the two ran off to and tilted his head.
Ink setting his jaw in thought a moment before shrugging. “As long as he doesn't touch my brother it's fine…” He slowly muttered out. Kinda glad that Eel was being entertained.

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