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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Eel shrugged and rubbed at his face. “It's close enough to Halloween. Plus cosplays exist. And there’s a mini-con going on this weekend.” He smirked and reached out tugging on a strand of her hair gently. Then walking ahead of her. “Come on you party pooper.”
Ivory stood there for a solid second looking uncertain before letting out a sigh hesitantly trailing after sensing she didn't really have much of a choice.
"...I'm not a party pooper, I'm reasonable is what I am." She muttered under her breath tucking her hands into the sleeves of her sweater.

Chester grinned darting ahead of him before spinning around to face him.
"Ooh that's right, Sawhain is coming then...say you got any plans? I can actually hang out by myself on that day anyway so we should totally go scare some kids or something. " He grinned walking backwards with well practically ease.
“Reasonably ruining our fun. Hell if you had your way life would suck.” He complained as he hurried to keep up with Chester. Putting any distance he could between him and Ivory.
“Fuck no. Ink hates me being out at that time. Though I'm sure I can sneak away and join in some fun. Plus I can fucking make his life hell if he doesn't let me.” A sinister grin crept along his face.
Ivory rolled her eyes letting out a tired sigh, looking like she was about to say something else but shook her head deciding it wasn't worth getting in an argument.

"Fuck yeah, and Ivory is going to be too busy handling spirit stuff so I can pretty much do whatever I want. Oooh I could come to you instead if you can't sneak out, I'm always down to make others lives hell." He cackled playfully hitting him with his tail not all too hard.
“Fuck yeah! After we get cafe food we can walk to my place so you know the way!” He shoulder-bumped Chester back clearly not minding the playful nature and gestures. Glancing back at Ivory and tilting his head seeming to think a moment. “Oi… you're being slow. We have places to be.” He frowned watching her close, eyes narrowed a bit at her.
"Oooh yes...we'll have to be quick though since the shop opens at eight and I doubt you could convince her to open it late." Chester said shoulder bumping him back.

Ivory took a deep breath closed her eyes momentarily and exhaled, before opening them and quickening her pace moving past the two a mumbled "can you not speek to me like that?" being the few words she said in response. She moved at a surprisingly quick pace for someone her height turning at the corner of block and temporarily out of sight.
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Eel watched her hurry off before going to catch up. “See that’s more like it. And I talk to everyone like that you're not special. You sure you're a fairly normal human there?” He put in some effort to keep up with her knowing Chester wouldn't have such a hard time. He must be used to this after all. Eel reaching up and picking the dried blood off his cheek.
Ivory glanced over at him out of the peripheral of her eye watching as if trying to figure him out.
"I'm sorry but you're not making any sense." She said gently before perking up at the sight of the coffee shop just down the block.
Chester did manage to keep up listening to the two curiously.
“Well with those short legs I didn't expect you to be so fast is all.” He shrugged and spotted the cafe. “Perfect! Chess we have arrived!” He grinned looking back at his friend looking estatic. Reaching down and pulling his jacket on again.
Chester grinned widely doing a quick dramatic spin before joining him.
"Fuck yeah, muffins here we come." He grinned wacking him with his tail and doing a little dance around him excitedly.
"Dude their going to blow your mind, they're so good. " He grinned leading him towards the door.

Ivory took the opportunity to slip inside ahead of them and hurry to the bathroom to call an ambulance for the man in the apartment.
Eel noticed her slip off but didn't bother with it. Hurrying inside and going to pull Chester over to the counter. “All of this looks so good…” He grinned peeking at Chester to let him choose first.
Chester grinned as he looked at the muffins eagerly.
"Oooh, no strawberry cream cheese today but they have lemon poppyseed, those ones are also really good." He said pointing them out as a barrista approached them.
"Well hello there today folks, know what you're ordering?" He asked getting ready to put in the order.
Eel glanced at the man flashing a smile before glancing at Chester. “Lemon poppyseed then? Or is there a different kind you want?” He asked as he dug through his pocket for a wad a cash. All very wrinkled and dirty looking bills.
Chester grinned rubbing his hands eagerly
"Yes, has anyone told you you're the best yet today? Ooooh what are you planning to get?" He asked as the barista put in the muffin as the order.
"I love your two's cos plays by the way, what characters are you?" He asked looking up at the two.
“I’ll try one too. Since we're here.” Eel then glanced to the barista and leaned close. “He’s a demon. And I'm an assassin.” He grinned and put the wad of cash on the counter for him.
Chester grinned giving a little bow
"My friend speaks the truth, it took a lot of effort to put them all together."
"Oooh neat, that for the con or a costume party and two poppyseed muffins coming right up." He said counting out the cash and placing it in the register and moving to pull on a pair of kitchen gloves to grab the muffins for them.
“Party. Hey, actually would you wanna go!? We could always do with extra friends….” He smirked as he watched the barista work. Glancing at Chester with a big grin.
Chester's grin widened and exchanged a mischievous look with his friend and he leaned forward nodding in agreement.
"Oh totally, the host wouldn't mind it's an open invite type event."
The barista shook his head with a shy smile as he placed the muffins on the counter for them.
"Ah...thanks for the invite but I have a study date planned with my SO, and they don't do well with loud environments." He apologized removing the gloves.
“Ah, maybe some other time then.” Eel grinned and thanked him for the muffin. Handing Chester his and shrugging. “Come on, we gotta wait for Red to return from the ladies room.”
Chester grinned taking his and lead him to take a seat at a booth table near the restrooms sprawling out across the entire side of one side of the booth taking a bite out of his muffin.
"Oh my God, these are even better still warm. " He grinned motioning for him to try his just as Ivory exited the ladies room and headed over to the counter to order something for herself.
Eel smiled rolling his eyes as he took a bite of his. Sitting like he was supposed to. Leaving enough room for Ivory though he probably wasn't aware of that. “It's great. Your girl picked a nice coffee shop place.”
Chester cringed
"Eww, eww, ewwwwwwwww don't phrase it like that you make it sound like we're dating." He complained making a disgusted face at the thought almost as if it made him queasy.
"But yeah, like I said the muffins here are really good, she says the coffee is as well but I don't drink it so you'll have to take her word for that."
“Sorry. Also, fuck yeah these muffins rock. Also, I'll stick to water thank you very much.” He glanced at Ivory mulling over something. Shaking his head after a moment and going back to his muffin. “Once she finishes we can head to my place and then I'll take you and her home I guess.”
"Damn shame we can't hang out longer." He pouted poking him with his tail underneath the table. Ivory looked to be engaging in a friendly conversation with the barista as she waited for him to finish her coffee.
"Not a big coffee drinker then?" He asked as an after thought taking another bite of the muffin.
“Nah… or anything other than water.” He finished his muffin and stretched out. “Shame we couldn't have company over either. That guy would've been an easy target.” He sighed and ruffled his own hair.

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