Whole New World

[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]Ah yes. I forgot one little thing. The race of my character, Angelo, the Miratelle is actually something I made up. The Miratelle are very experienced in the fields of magic when I first started off with the idea. The Miratelle are actually humans fused with a pseudo-parasitic worm called a Mirawurm. The fusion entails the Mirawurm simply entering the body by which the fusion is only complete when the Mirawurm makes itself a part of the human it fused, success shown by a tattoo shown on either the left or right arm. There are some surprises I will show later in the RP.

Please remove that post.

I did not accept any profile put up by you!

Please remove it before I call a moderator.

OKies, thank you...

[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION]

Now that is all sorted with.

I need you to add the picture of your character, or describe your character.

As well, I'd like you to better describe the affects of this worm thing, and your race.
(You don't need to get the authorities involved. I was just trying to put everything together so you could finally accept my character profile. I have been having technical difficulties lately, and thus trying to put all this together has been rather tough on me, and I apologize for the inconvenience.)

Chosen Name: Angelo

Apparent Age: Early-Mid Twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Miratelle

Height and Weight: 5'7" 150 lbs

Only Memories: I only remember being in brutal pain, my opponent was a big black centaur who spared no expense to rip me apart...and there was a man with black hair with a purple tattoo on his right arm. He nursed me back to health using only a purple worm that entered my body and repaired it, and called me "Master." The man said, "You are Miratelle now." "Sleep, my son." Anything before that is uncertain. (The race of my character, Angelo, the Miratelle is actually something I made up. The Miratelle are very experienced in the fields of magic when I first started off with the idea. The Miratelle are actually humans fused with a pseudo-parasitic worm called a Mirawurm. The fusion entails the Mirawurm simply entering the body by which the fusion is only complete when the Mirawurm makes itself a part of the human it fuses with, success shown by a tattoo shown on either the left or right arm. The Mirawurm is able to talk with its master, leave its master and mimic its master for a time, and release energy into its "master's" body in order to augment the master's powers,the effects of this ability can have various effects on the master. However, if the Mirawurm releases too much energy, the Mirawurm begins to try to possess its master and the end result is a monster known as a Miraminion. The Miraminion takes on the takes on the abilities of the Miratelle, and is like an empty shell that only desires to kill. I am still working on this, but this is what I've got thus far.)

Remembered Traits and Habits: I am not strong physically, but I make up for it and then some with magical might. After my "rebirth" as a Miratelle, I realized my magic power changed somewhat, but is different from before. I also learned how to with short blades, which later turned into wielding swords just as efficiently. I was also a brilliant chef.

Succeeds In: Before now, I was capable of some feats of magic power, but I was not capable of meteor showers or calling forth the anger of the gods or anything like that. Just simple thing like bending the elements to my will, and using pure magic energy to beat my opponents. I am also very quick on my feet

Falters In: With a somewhat slender frame, I am not very strong physically. With this purple worm, I know nothing about, my magic feels different, probably weaker than before.

Woke Up With: A cookbook with some recipes and a some empty pages. A book called "From Human to Miratelle". A bag containing many bronze knives and two pieces an odd green dagger.


View attachment 12311
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja](You don't need to get the authorities involved. I was just trying to put everything together so you could finally accept my character profile. I have been having technical difficulties lately, and thus trying to put all this together has been rather tough on me, and I apologize for the inconvenience.)
Chosen Name: Angelo

Apparent Age: Early-Mid Twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Miratelle

Height and Weight: 5'7" 150 lbs

Only Memories: I only remember being in brutal pain, my opponent was a big black centaur who spared no expense to rip me apart...and there was a man with black hair with a purple tattoo on his right arm. He nursed me back to health using only a purple worm that entered my body and repaired it, and called me "Master." The man said, "You are Miratelle now." "Sleep, my son." Anything before that is uncertain. (The race of my character, Angelo, the Miratelle is actually something I made up. The Miratelle are very experienced in the fields of magic when I first started off with the idea. The Miratelle are actually humans fused with a pseudo-parasitic worm called a Mirawurm. The fusion entails the Mirawurm simply entering the body by which the fusion is only complete when the Mirawurm makes itself a part of the human it fuses with, success shown by a tattoo shown on either the left or right arm. The Mirawurm is able to talk with its master, leave its master and mimic its master for a time, and release energy into its "master's" body in order to augment the master's powers,the effects of this ability can have various effects on the master. However, if the Mirawurm releases too much energy, the Mirawurm begins to try to possess its master and the end result is a monster known as a Miraminion. The Miraminion takes on the takes on the abilities of the Miratelle, and is like an empty shell that only desires to kill. I am still working on this, but this is what I've got thus far.)

Remembered Traits and Habits: I am not strong physically, but I make up for it and then some with magical might. After my "rebirth" as a Miratelle, I realized my magic power changed somewhat, but is different from before. I also learned how to with short blades, which later turned into wielding swords just as efficiently. I was also a brilliant chef.

Succeeds In: Before now, I was capable of some feats of magic power, but I was not capable of meteor showers or calling forth the anger of the gods or anything like that. Just simple thing like bending the elements to my will, and using pure magic energy to beat my opponents. I am also very quick on my feet

Falters In: With a somewhat slender frame, I am not very strong physically. With this purple worm, I know nothing about, my magic feels different, probably weaker than before.

Woke Up With: A cookbook with some recipes and a some empty pages. A book called "From Human to Miratelle". A bag containing many bronze knives and two pieces an odd green dagger.

Appearance: View attachment 12244

1. (this really doesnt matter, but it is something to think about) He looks to be adolesent, not mid or late twenties.

2. (This is the main thing) The race your chosing is mainly a pocessed mage, or an abomination if you'd like. To meet my lore, instead of this worm thing, it would a Sad Soul. So, all tihngs would be alike, except names would be different.

WanderingTyrant said:
So eh... Any feedback on the PM?
:P it'll take me a little while

<.< Where'd MDM disappear too?


Could you edit your post?

We had all taken that you were situated in another chamber. Which I would prefer, so you can wonder off alone and we cna all stumble upon you, hopefull during my planned event
I've been waiting for a response, I can't rp without your go ahead or I'd be breaking a rule(s).

Chosen Name:
Scorpius Bloodfang

Apparent Age: Looks like a lizard. Hard to tell what age, but around 40 years.

Gender: Male

Race: Lengann, Berserk/Warrior Elite Class.

Height and Weight: 6' 9"

Only Memories: Going berserk with battleaxes and swords, but that's just about it.

Remembered Traits and Habits: Remembers sleeping with weapons in hand, and attacking lower class Lennganns because of the insults directed towards him. (He's a warrior.)

Succeeds In: Close combat in general, like with swords, axes, hand-to-hand, and such

Falters In: Thinking up good, solid plans, and using ranged weapons.

Woke Up With: A pendant with a blue gem set in a steel triangular piece, with a black mark in the middle of it, resembling a scorpion, a black and big scimitar with symbols running down the blade, and a large pack filled with water skins, dried meat, and whetstones. There is also some bits of iron and steel.

Appearance: http://imgur.com/LI2Li96, but with black skin.


RogueSteeler said:

Chosen Name:
Scorpius Bloodfang

Apparent Age: Looks like a lizard. Hard to tell what age, but around 40 years.

Gender: Male

Race: Lengann, Berserk/Warrior Elite Class.

Height and Weight: 6' 9"

Only Memories: Going berserk with battleaxes and swords, but that's just about it.

Remembered Traits and Habits: Remembers sleeping with weapons in hand, and attacking lower class Lennganns because of the insults directed towards him. (He's a warrior.)

Succeeds In: Close combat in general, like with swords, axes, hand-to-hand, and such

Falters In: Thinking up good, solid plans, and using ranged weapons.

Woke Up With: A pendant with a blue gem set in a steel triangular piece, with a black mark in the middle of it, resembling a scorpion.

Appearance: http://imgur.com/LI2Li96, but with black skin.

Although this RPC seems half assed, it is acceptable.

But the sign ups are no longer open. They are now Semi Open, I'll be accepting profiles, but you cannot join until someone who is already joined drops out.
zinsk said:
She moved on after the disappointment of not finding a forever falling hole to drop into, and she made her way slowly through the darkness. After an hour or so she heard voices, and up around what appeared to be a long curve in the rock wall she could see a faint light. She smiled as she smelled the burning oil and made her way up, curious as to who might be there. Closer and closer she crept until she was able to look around the corner, she saw several individuals, one holding a lamp and he seemed completely burdened with thought. She stepped into the light and looked around, her bright clothing almost shining like another light source, “Well well well… it’s nice to see that I am not the only one here! For a while I was starting to wonder if I had fallen off the planet or something. I mean, I like the dark and all, it’s usually in the darkest places you find the best adventures, but it was so dark that it seemed the sun had gone out, I like the sun, in fact I kind of miss it.”

She looked at the group quickly and then addressed the man holding the oil lamp, “You look like the kind of fellow who knows his way around caves and such, I mean, you’re the only one holding a lamp. It’s a nice lamp too, I love the way the copper is hammered and dimpled, so are you like the leader of this group? If so could you perhaps point me in the direction of … out? Not that I don’t like the cave, I mean, if this is your home I certainly don’t want to offend you or otherwise cause you to think that it’s an unpleasant place, it’s just that I would like to get back to the forest and continue my hunt for magic slugs, a black robed wizard sent me on an errand a couple years ago, she told me that if I brought her back a magical slug she would help me find a dragon so I could ask it about how they breath fire, the only problem so far is that the magicy thing that these slugs must do is to become invisible because I have not found any yet.”
I. Love. Your. Post. xD I like how she chatters like a monkey lol
[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]I. Love. Your. Post. xD I like how she chatters like a monkey lol

haha, thank you so much for the compliment ... Kender are my favorite race to play :)
RogueSteeler said:
So I have to wait till someone dies :D
Practically. Sorry, I'll put you on a waiting list. Next spot open will be yours.

zinsk said:
haha, thank you so much for the compliment ... Kender are my favorite race to play :)
Kenders creep me out so much xD They're so fun to have in a group
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]Practically. Sorry, I'll put you on a waiting list. Next spot open will be yours.
Kenders creep me out so much xD They're so fun to have in a group

She's not creepy! She's innocent and adorable... hehe
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]<.< Yeah, until something dies and she beings playing with its innards


I assure you that will never happen.
Well that's an awkward thing to think about...

I'll... Try to get the image of a small girl playing with intestines out of my head. Thanks a lot Hylion. :P
She would only play with them if she found them interesting, which she probably wouldn't... Kender might be curious but they do have concept of right and wrong, as well as an appreciation for life :)
<.< Not the Kenders I've Rped with. They've given me quite the fear of them. Mainly because they would drive a man insane.

It was a prison type dealio.

I had a cell next to him. The kid got a of hold of a rat. He enjoyed throwing the thing at the wall repeatedly, finding enjoyment from the squishy sound of bones and meat crunching about.
@Original Hylion



I read your post Zinsk, i didnt see it when i originally wrote mine and I edited mine accordingly. :)

Helia is so damn confused with this new girl xD hahaha its hilarious

zinsk said:
haha, thank you so much for the compliment ... Kender are my favorite race to play :)
that word is being thrown around a lot...what is a kender?


nevermind 0.0 i just read up on them.

oh god, a Kender up against one of my villains would piss my villain off xD I can just see a kender jumping oh Alice's back and Alice screams in rage, trying to throw it off xD she'd be so damn annoyed
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]1. (this really doesnt matter, but it is something to think about) He looks to be adolesent, not mid or late twenties.
2. (This is the main thing) The race your chosing is mainly a pocessed mage, or an abomination if you'd like. To meet my lore, instead of this worm thing, it would a Sad Soul. So, all tihngs would be alike, except names would be different.

1) I changed the picture.

2) That works with me.
[QUOTE="Original Hylion] -

hey, can we make a profile thread? I can do all the work but its just really hard to keep up with everyone and I'd like to be able to review the profiles without having to scroll through pages and pages of conversation

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