Whole New World

falconeevee said:
Chosen Name: Project Zero

Apparent Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Soul Container

Height and Weight: 5'2 feet 101 pounds

Only Memories: Only that he was member of project zero and his scars have to do something with it also his skills

Remembered Traits and Habits: Has a considerable amount of Embers pent up within his body. By the use of magic and alchemy, he can create bodies/golems/homunculus and house the embers in the bodies created.

He has knowledge on the arcane magics and can use basic magic spells to use self defense

Succeeds In:Nothing, completely average

Falters In: He is weak, Frail, has no weapon expierience, has no survival abilities...that he was alive is a wonder

Woke Up With: A old necklace, Strength enhancing bracelets with chains attached to them

Appearance: View attachment 12146 and underneath the cloak runes cover his entire body, giving off a constant red glow, the red glow is dimmed by the cloak but he still gives off a eerie presence

Accepted, same goes to you as Mitaku, Youll have to start off in a chamber with them.
Look at the OP(Original Post) of this thread, there should be a link

[MENTION=4406]Nikki Rodgers[/MENTION]





[MENTION=4502]Broken Survivor[/MENTION]



Perhaps I should close the RP now, what do you think?
Chosen Name: Narcia

Apparent Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Human Assassin

Height and Weight: 4'5

Only Memories: There is little to remember. Only recipes for a few poisons and medications.

Remembered Traits and Habits: A uncanny sense of direction, Stealth, and Deception with a cute face.

Succeeds In: Poison/Medicine making, Tracking, Assassination.

Falters In: Is too caught up in making everything perfect. Gets easily embarrassed when stared at for any period of time. Has a deep fear of large anythings and will cower when confronted by one.

Woke Up With: Several small bags filled with multicolored pills, A blow tube hidden in her cloak, a Water Pouch with Cheese, a small dagger and a stiff neck.

Appearance:View attachment 12151*Drawn at the last second*

"Please don`t cancel the RP!" ~Berace

Berace said:
Chosen Name: Narcia
Apparent Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Human Assassin

Height and Weight: 4'5

Only Memories: There is little to remember. Only recipes for a few poisons and medications.

Remembered Traits and Habits: A uncanny sense of direction, Stealth, and Deception with a cute face.

Succeeds In: Poison/Medicine making, Tracking, Assassination.

Falters In: Is too caught up in making everything perfect. Gets easily embarrassed when stared at for any period of time. Has a deep fear of large anythings and will cower when confronted by one.

Woke Up With: Several small bags filled with multicolored pills, A blow tube hidden in her cloak, a Water Pouch with Cheese, a small dagger and a stiff neck.

Appearance:View attachment 12151*Drawn at the last second*

"Please don`t cancel the RP!" ~Berace

Your picture isnt working
Name: Siri

Species: Elemental Demon

Powers: Control Elements; Incredible Speed/Agility, Quick Healing

Age: 240 Years Old (Appearance 23 Years)

Appearance:View attachment 12165

Personality: Sweet and Caring, unlike most demons she hates to kill unnecessarily. Shes shy but strong in her beliefs. She wouldn't hesitate to save your life.

Chosen Name: Raspberry Fiddlebow

Apparent Age: 25, looks like a twelve year old to the untrained eye

Gender: Female

Race: Kender

Height and Weight: 3 feet tall, 46 pounds

Only Memories: She remembers her name and something about a black robed wizard...

Remembered Traits and Habits: She remembers how to play her instruments and her natural ability to stick things in her pockets.

Succeeds In: As a Kender she is a natural handler (a.k.a. thief, though don't call her that because stealing is wrong), she is also a mesmerizing musician (bard)

Falters In: Like all Kender she has no concept of fear, the most "afraid" she will ever get is a slight, butterfly feeling in her stomach which she will interpret as something bad she ate. She is curious to a fault and her inability to control her curiosity often gets her into trouble.

Woke Up With: Her Hoopak (staff type weapon with a sharp metal end at the bottom and a slingshot at the top, can be used as a ranged slingshot or a staff/spear for close in combat, her harp, her lute, a leather travel pack containing a leather journal (with blank pages), drawing materials, a small stack of maps, several pouches hanging off her waist belt, and her wit. Kender have a natural ability to be sarcastic and taunt, often using this as a way to overcome larger enemies, taunting and infuriating them to the point of complete recklessness.

Appearance: (I tried posting a picture but could not because I have not met the posting requirement, I have a picture of her that I have illustrated and I can send this to you) - Raspberry has bright red and has a very eccentric and eclectic style of dress. She wears very bright colors and often things she find of interest are tied, stuck, woven, or sewn onto her person. She also weaves and decorates her hair with interesting things she finds along her journeys, twigs with a certain twist, glass beads, tiny stones, anything the catches her interest will either end up on her clothing, in her hair, or in her pouches.


View attachment 12243

All I'm going to say, is that fear is healthy. Panic, is deadly.

Does she not fear a dragon when it kills all of her friends? Does she fear rejection? Being nervous is a form of fear. Despite what some people say, people have fears that are so terrifying that you cant even look at it. Whether you know this or not doesnt matter. If she had no fear, she would've done something stupid long ago and gotten herself killed. I can name things every day that would either injure me or kill me if I wasn't scared of them. Sure, I could go and practice and eventually overcome them, but that takes time.

The point is, that you will have extreme difficulty roleplayig as something who doesnt know fear, because you are scared of things and you may not even know it. The same concept goes for when people play god characters who are perfect and immortal.

Which humans are anything but.

It's a wonderful concept for a weakness but wholey unrealistic.
WanderingTyrant said:
All I'm going to say, is that fear is healthy. Panic, is deadly.

Does she not fear a dragon when it kills all of her friends? Does she fear rejection? Being nervous is a form of fear. Despite what some people say, people have fears that are so terrifying that you cant even look at it. Whether you know this or not doesnt matter. If she had no fear, she would've done something stupid long ago and gotten herself killed. I can name things every day that would either injure me or kill me if I wasn't scared of them. Sure, I could go and practice and eventually overcome them, but that takes time.

The point is, that you will have extreme difficulty roleplayig as something who doesnt know fear, because you are scared of things and you may not even know it. The same concept goes for when people play god characters who are perfect and immortal.

Which humans are anything but.

It's a wonderful concept for a weakness but wholey unrealistic.
Kender, from the Dragonlance series by Hickman and Weiss, are halfling creatures that have no fear. They do not fear dragons, nor death, nor any situation. Now that does not mean that they rush headlong into any situation with complete abandon and recklessness, they are clever, witty and don't walk around with a death wish. It does mean that they don't see a dark cave crawling with spirits and have any hesitation about going in, and they will even approach a very dangerous creature out of curiosity instead of steering clear for fear of death. Kender feel sadness, regret, loss, and every other emotion on the spectrum, but there are over 100 books written in the Dragonlance series with Kender in them and none of them were fearful, both to their benefit, and sometimes their own demise.

I know we don't know one another yet, and if you don't want me in your thread that's fine, please just say so, but it is kind of assumptive to say that I will have extreme difficulty roleplaying what I have proposed as I have been playing Kender in roleplays for about 15 years. The character I am proposing will not be a "god" like character, she will get into plenty of trouble, and she will have tons of weaknesses due to her size, her nature, and her complete lack or conception that something might indeed harm her if she walks to it. I don't believe it is unrealistic because many authors, both professional and amateur, myself included, have made it realistic through the creative process of writing.

So, in the spirit of civility and hopefully friendship with you, I would ask that you give me a shot at it, if after a few weeks you believe it isn't working then that's fine, we can cancel the character and I will bring in something else, however I feel that I am being judged and refused without some consideration that I might know how to pull it off. Again, I understand we don't know one another, and more than that, that this is YOUR storyline and those within it, myself included, are subject to your leadership and vision of what it should be. If after reading this you say, "Zinsk, no." I will accept that and never bring it up again, but I would propose you allow me a chance to prove myself and enhance your story with a colorful character who I guarantee will bring a level of fun and excitement, if that's cool with you then let's roll the dice and go for it.

I leave the decision to you, and either way, no hard feelings.

I'm not the OP of the thread, I'm simply just a member who doesnt see that realistically. Every animal on this planet, including humans are scared of things. Being fearless is a hyperbole used to describe someone who is brave. But someone who is truly fearless is a concept no person can grasp. Writers can do their best to IMITATE how one with no fear would act, but no one actually knows because such a thing doesnt exist, and never will.

I have no bias towards you. I fact, I love the idea. I can just see difficulty in doing what you plan on doing because you dont know what it's like in reality (Story books and reality are very different, even if this RP is lore based). I cant help you because I dont know, I highly doubt anyone in this forum knows, and I dont know one person on this planet who is (Your best bet is the honey badger).

I stick to things I know about before making something in an RP. In one RP, Taking Over, I play a mute character. I know how to act in such a case because my brother is mute.

If you really want to play a fearless character, curiousity will be extremely dangerous to you. I hope for your sake he doesnt see some spike shoot out of a wall and want to get a closer look to see how they work.

In the end though, the decision is up to Original Hylion. Not me. I was just trying to give you some constructive criticism to point you in a direction that, to me would work better.
zinsk said:
Chosen Name: Raspberry Fiddlebow
Apparent Age: 25, looks like a twelve year old to the untrained eye

Gender: Female

Race: Kender

Height and Weight: 3 feet tall, 46 pounds

Only Memories: She remembers her name and something about a black robed wizard...

Remembered Traits and Habits: She remembers how to play her instruments and her natural ability to stick things in her pockets.

Succeeds In: As a Kender she is a natural handler (a.k.a. thief, though don't call her that because stealing is wrong), she is also a mesmerizing musician (bard)

Falters In: Like all Kender she has no concept of fear, the most "afraid" she will ever get is a slight, butterfly feeling in her stomach which she will interpret as something bad she ate. She is curious to a fault and her inability to control her curiosity often gets her into trouble.

Woke Up With: Her Hoopak (staff type weapon with a sharp metal end at the bottom and a slingshot at the top, can be used as a ranged slingshot or a staff/spear for close in combat, her harp, her lute, a leather travel pack containing a leather journal (with blank pages), drawing materials, a small stack of maps, several pouches hanging off her waist belt, and her wit. Kender have a natural ability to be sarcastic and taunt, often using this as a way to overcome larger enemies, taunting and infuriating them to the point of complete recklessness.

Appearance: (I tried posting a picture but could not because I have not met the posting requirement, I have a picture of her that I have illustrated and I can send this to you) - Raspberry has bright red and has a very eccentric and eclectic style of dress. She wears very bright colors and often things she find of interest are tied, stuck, woven, or sewn onto her person. She also weaves and decorates her hair with interesting things she finds along her journeys, twigs with a certain twist, glass beads, tiny stones, anything the catches her interest will either end up on her clothing, in her hair, or in her pouches.
OMG!!!! A Kender!!!! It's been so long since ive seen anyone take role as a KEnder!!!! :DDDD Hell yeah your even bringing alonga hopak!!!

I Love It!!

Send me the pic and I'll add it on to the acceptance note!

WanderingTyrant said:
I'm not the OP of the thread, I'm simply just a member who doesnt see that realistically. Every animal on this planet, including humans are scared of things. Being fearless is a hyperbole used to describe someone who is brave. But someone who is truly fearless is a concept no person can grasp. Writers can do their best to IMITATE how one with no fear would act, but no one actually knows because such a thing doesnt exist, and never will.

I have no bias towards you. I fact, I love the idea. I can just see difficulty in doing what you plan on doing because you dont know what it's like in reality (Story books and reality are very different, even if this RP is lore based). I cant help you because I dont know, I highly doubt anyone in this forum knows, and I dont know one person on this planet who is (Your best bet is the honey badger).

I stick to things I know about before making something in an RP. In one RP, Taking Over, I play a mute character. I know how to act in such a case because my brother is mute.

If you really want to play a fearless character, curiousity will be extremely dangerous to you. I hope for your sake he doesnt see some spike shoot out of a wall and want to get a closer look to see how they work.

In the end though, the decision is up to Original Hylion. Not me. I was just trying to give you some constructive criticism to point you in a direction that, to me would work better.
The Kender race is quite literally insane, they are really mentally ill. They are creepy, they steal without realizing it, they dont know the difference between the strength of a dragon and the strength of toothpick

Berace said:
View attachment 12164I

s this better?

Yes, this picture is fine, could you put it in a spoiler and add it to your original profile ^.^ thanks!


You did everything fine ^.^

I guess mitaku wanted to wake up in a different room than everyone else

Darktanion said:
Name: Siri

Species: Elemental Demon

Please go back and read all of the original post, then figure out what you did wrong.
Darktanion said:
Powers: Control Elements; Incredible Speed/Agility, Quick Healing

Age: 240 Years Old (Appearance 23 Years)

Appearance:View attachment 12165

Personality: Sweet and Caring, unlike most demons she hates to kill unnecessarily. Shes shy but strong in her beliefs. She wouldn't hesitate to save your life.

Well, that's some very, very information that wasnt shared... *Looks at Zinsk*

If you're going to use a race that is based off of a book, you must go with it's same strengths and weaknesses. You cant convieneantly leve out a peice of information like that. It's plaigerism. It's like me slapping a camera sticker on a Generation two ipod and saying it has the same capabilities as an iphone 4.

But having a mentally ill character, this will be fun... Mainly because you're allowed to throw logic out the window and get away with it (Allowed to e stupid and smart at the same time).
WanderingTyrant said:
Well, that's some very, very big peice of information that wasnt shared... *Looks at Zinsk*
If you're going to use a race that is based off of a book, you must go with it's same strengths and weaknesses. Youcant convieneantly leve out a peice of information like that. It's plaigerism. It's like me slapping a camera sticker on a Generation two ipod and saying it has the same capabilities as an iphone 4.

But having a mentally ill character, this will be fun... Mainly because you're allowed to throw logic out the window and get away with it (Allowed to e stupid and smart at the same time).
Exatly why i want him in thee group > :o

It's fine, it could be that he assumed that everyone would just realize it once he started RPing
I look forward to seeing him now!

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

I was wondering if Day-Bane could be seperated from the group some how and have to take his own way out (i.e: Falling through some land bridge being much evier than everyone else). Doing so would allow me to go beast mode and meet up in the monsters cavern. Where he'd attack to and then morph back when it's over.

Also, when he morphs, can his armor just fade and reappear whe he goes back to normal? I dont think anyone wants to see him naked.
WanderingTyrant said:
I look forward to seeing him now!
@Original Hylion

I was wondering if Day-Bane could be seperated from the group some how and have to take his own way out (i.e: Falling through some land bridge being much evier than everyone else). Doing so would allow me to go beast mode and meet up in the monsters cavern. Where he'd attack to and then morph back when it's over.

Also, when he morphs, can his armor just fade and reappear whe he goes back to normal? I dont think anyone wants to see him naked.
If you'd like to be separated, then fine, but you wont be able to beat the beastie in the cave, it'll be a team effort.

As for your armor fading in and out of reality =.= no

Find some way to do it realistically. I don't care if you decide to drop all your shit on the floor, jsut dont do that silly(video game play mechanics) stuff :P
@Original Hylion

As I said, I'd MEET UP, in the monsters cavern with the rest of the group. Hopefully at the same time or just after they got there.

But I don't think I'll be transforming in the cave then. Maybe when he goes to an inn and stores most of his stuff, but, just like in real life, I cant just drop everything and go do something else.

I wont be separated then, as it's long term purpose would be to allow him to transform. And I dont want to loose his armor and weapons and stuff just to do that.

You might want to add a Lycanthrope section to the "Enter Terryal" thread with the rules and guidelines for it.
WanderingTyrant said:
Original Hylion[/url][/u][/b][/i]
As I said, I'd MEET UP, in the monsters cavern with the rest of the group. Hopefully at the same time or just after they got there.

But I don't think I'll be transforming in the cave then. Maybe when he goes to an inn and stores most of his stuff, but, just like in real life, I cant just drop everything and go do something else.

I wont be separated then, as it's long term purpose would be to allow him to transform. And I dont want to loose his armor and weapons and stuff just to do that.

You might want to add a Lycanthrope section to the "Enter Terryal" thread with the rules and guidelines for it.
:o you'd like to write some of the lore for me? you'll have to send it to me first so i can read it over and it doesnt bother any of my planned, written, or implied lore
Berace said:
It has not been clearly verified if Narcia has been accepted. Out of curiosity, did you accept her character?
I just need you to put the picture of your character in her profile. then I'll accept
Chosen Name: Narcia

Apparent Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Human Assassin

Height and Weight: 4'5

Only Memories: There is little to remember. Only recipes for a few poisons and medications.

Remembered Traits and Habits: A uncanny sense of direction, Stealth, and Deception with a cute face.

Succeeds In: Poison/Medicine making, Tracking, Assassination.

Falters In: Is too caught up in making everything perfect. Gets easily embarrassed when stared at for any period of time. Has a deep fear of large anythings and will cower when confronted by one.

Woke Up With: Several small bags filled with multicolored pills, A blow tube hidden in her cloak, a Water Pouch with Cheese, a small dagger and a stiff neck.

Appearance: View attachment 12230
Berace said:
Chosen Name: Narcia

Apparent Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Human Assassin

Height and Weight: 4'5

Only Memories: There is little to remember. Only recipes for a few poisons and medications.

Remembered Traits and Habits: A uncanny sense of direction, Stealth, and Deception with a cute face.

Succeeds In: Poison/Medicine making, Tracking, Assassination.

Falters In: Is too caught up in making everything perfect. Gets easily embarrassed when stared at for any period of time. Has a deep fear of large anythings and will cower when confronted by one.

Woke Up With: Several small bags filled with multicolored pills, A blow tube hidden in her cloak, a Water Pouch with Cheese, a small dagger and a stiff neck.

Appearance: View attachment 12229



Please post as if you are waking up amongst the new chamber


^.^ that was fine

Thanks, I will post a pict as soon as I hit the min. limit of post to have permission.


WanderingTyrant said:
Well, that's some very, very information that wasnt shared... *Looks at Zinsk*
Not trying to start a poop flinging flame war with you but if you read my original response to you the very first sentence says that Kender are from the Dragonlance series of books by Hickman and Weiss... the important information you claim wasn't shared was in fact shared immediately.

I can't help if you aren't reading my entire posts :)

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