Whole New World

[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION]

Well it looks fine so far, but since you'll be using magic, I highly encourage that you read through the lore book to be sure you follow the rules of magic. Also, we are all starting the caves, but the first group is moving on, so when you join you'll to meet up with them elsewhere in the cave
Chosen Name: Arkin

Apparent Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: 2/4 Elf & 2/4 Fairy

Height and Weight: 6'3 and 110

Only Memories: The last thing Arkin remembers is that she was babysitting her younger siblings,then something attacked them.She had to defend her little brothers and sisters,with her hound,and after that there was nothing.

Remembered Traits and Habits: Arkin was raised in a tribe of elves,so they taught her archery,naturally she was good at it.She also learned close-combat,sort of like Tae Kwondo.Doing each of these gave her titles, like Grand Archer and Wind Sneaker.A few tattoos have been placed on her feet to boost her physical state,for her kicks and such,but they are always active.Being 1/4 Yumboes she is stronger at night.She is an arrow smith,but it usually takes time for her to create the arrows.She is also good at making medicine from berries and plants.

Succeeds In: Archery,Enchanting,Stealth,Cooking,Medicine

Falters In: Noticing things.She is very Naive about other races,other than Elves and a select few other races.

Woke Up With: She woke up with her Hound,Spelt.Her bow embedded with four runic stones passed down through her family,nature,blind,stun,and confusion.Her pouch,which is fully stocked with medicine for healing,fatigue,poison,food,and food for Spelt

Appearance: View attachment 12127

(Elf:Vila,they are protecters of nature,and their powers are based around nature.Yumboes,they are underground fairies,and they possess moon powers.)

(Fairy:Liosalfar is a light based elf,they use enchanter magic.Korred,they guard sacred sites and they use illusions)
Mitaku said:
Chosen Name: Arkin
Apparent Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: 2/4 Elf & 2/4 Fairy

Height and Weight: 6'3 and 110

Only Memories: The last thing Arkin remembers is that she was babysitting her younger siblings,then something attacked them.She had to defend her little brothers and sisters,with her hound,and after that there was nothing.

Remembered Traits and Habits: Arkin was raised in a tribe of elves,so they taught her archery,naturally she was good at it.She also learned close-combat,sort of like Tae Kwondo.Doing each of these gave her titles, like Grand Archer and Wind Sneaker.A few tattoos have been placed on her feet to boost her physical state,for her kicks and such,but they are always active.Being 1/4 Yumboes she is stronger at night.When she was born she was tattoed with a Runic circle,dimension,on each hand.This allows her to store her arrows in a dimensional space,where she can summon them when ready to fire.

Succeeds In: Archery,Enchanting,Stealth,Cooking,Medicine

Falters In: Noticing things.She is very Naive about other races,other than Elves and a select few other races.

Woke Up With: She woke up with her Hound,Spelt.Her bow embedded with four runic stones passed down through her family,nature,blind,stun,and confusion.Her pouch,which has a dimension stone in it for an almost unlimited storage,is fully stocked with potions for healing,energy,fatigue,poison cure,food,and food for Spelt

Appearance: View attachment 12127

The character looks amazing, but there are two, or possibly one, a few things i dont like. First, and this is the guaranteed thing that i dont like is the dimension thing. I like the idea, but that would call upon the making of whole other dimensions and such, and instead of opening up such possibilities, I'd rather just avoid the subject.

The second, i may have read this wrong but, does she know where she learned all this stuff? I'd rather she remembers nothing of her origins, I may have just read the profile wrong ^.^
Would this be acceptable?

Chosen Name: Project Zero

Apparent Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Soul Container

Height and Weight: 5'2 feet 101 pounds

Only Memories: Only that he was member of project zero and his scars have to do something with it also his skills

Remembered Traits and Habits:

Summoning - As figured out with you in the visiters box thingies

An ember imbedded runic crystal comes out of PROJECT ZERO as he reproduces a body for it using arcane and elemental magick

-The summoning slowly grows stronger-

He has almost full knowledge on the magickal languages and can use basic magic spells to use self defence

Succeeds In:

Falters In: He is weak, Frail, has no weapon expierience (instead the weapon 'leads' him if using weapon casting), has no survival abilities...that he was alive is a wonder

Woke Up With: Five souls that cling to him, not wanting to leave the world as they have some backstory, a old necklace, Strenght enchancing bracelets with chains attached to them

Appearance: View attachment 12131 and underneath the cloak runes cover his entire body, giving off a constant red glow, the red glow is dimmed by the cloak but he still gives off a eerie presence

LV System - This character wields simple runes over his body but as he continues to train this power he 'unlocks' more powers with these runes and is able to make his existing spells stronger

The Expierience requirements for every rune level up is decided by the owner of the thread for balancing issues

The more higher leveled his runes are the more obvious its hidden fact become but also the more detailed they become, also revealing the rune stones embedded into his skin
@Original Hylion (Still trying to figure site :bigsmile:)

No prob,I just based this off of a character from a game.Its not really a dimension,but a pocket dimension created for storage.I have no problem changing it,but she would become practically useless without her arrows,and I don't want to have her carrying them around,because they would run out sooner or later.

She does not remember anything of her past,except her siblings and her hound.And of course how to fight.
falconeevee said:

Chosen Name: Project Zero

Apparent Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Soul Container

Height and Weight: 5'2 feet 101 pounds

Only Memories: Only that he was member of project zero and his scars have to do something with it also his skills

Remembered Traits and Habits: Soul gazing and Summoning - Soul Gazing : Being able to see the souls that cling to him, they aren't as horryifing as you would expect but the summoning gives shape to these souls, they could be humane or resemble their inner difficulties

Weapon Casting - Can make weapons from the souls that cling to him, these gradually grow stronger when used as weapons so that their summoned powers and forms change gradually over time

Devil's Eye - The runes on his body can cause a soul to break the boundaries of passing on and remain on this world as a roaming spirit, usable as a summon, but it requires permission of the souls owner

Succeeds In: He is fast and smart

Falters In: He is weak, Frail, has no weapon expierience (instead the weapon 'leads' him if using weapon casting), has no survival abilities...that he was alive is a wonder

Woke Up With: Five souls that cling to him, not wanting to leave the world as they have some backstory, a old necklace, Strenght enchancing bracelets with chains attached to them

Appearance: View attachment 12131 and underneath the cloak runes cover his entire body, giving off a constant red glow, the red glow is dimmed by the cloak but he still gives off a eerie presence

No to the devil's eye, and I hope you read the lore book, because souls are a very very heavy plot point in all of Terryal. Also, Souls aren't part of our plain of existence, as explained in the lore book, so they cant take a physical form, besides their energies, such as wisps and ghosts

Mitaku said:
Original Hylion[/url] (Still trying to figure site :bigsmile:)
No prob,I just based this off of a character from a game.Its not really a dimension,but a pocket dimension created for storage.I have no problem changing it,but she would become practically useless without her arrows,and I don't want to have her carrying them around,because they would run out sooner or later.

She does not remember anything of her past,except her siblings and her hound.And of course how to fight.
Well I want a bit of realism, games use this "dimension", usually referred to as Hammerspace, so characters can hold an unlimited amount of humongous items, for the sake of game play. I want a bit of realism in my RP, being the reason why I wrote rules to magic and anatomy of the soul. So, that means if she wants to be an archer, she must also be an arrowsmith, or have a good income for her to buy more, which none of us will have. Also, she could have good aim(and not hit hard surfaces that would brake the arrows), and when the kill is done, she can just recollect her arrows.
Devils eye - The soul doesn't take a physical form when seen with that it just makes the person able to see the soul in its previous body for a way to converse with the soul and in terms it is still an energy

So the summoning part is unfit*?
falconeevee said:
Devils eye - The soul doesn't take a physical form when seen with that it just makes the person able to see the soul in its previous body for a way to converse with the soul and in terms it is still an energy
So the summoning part is unfit*?
Just wondering, did you read the Lore book?

It really just depends on how your going to go about summoning, if you would have chosen to summon things through arcane magic, things would be easier, the fact that you decided to control elemental magic over the souls makes things more complicated. Souls carry on memories like scars, they dont remember where it came from, or what it really even what it looks like, just that it was there once. So you wouldn't be able to converse with them. Anyhow, if a soul does not have a flame to feed off of, which would be you if you are a soul container, they would simply fade into oblivion.

So to put it more simpler, the problem with Devil's eyes is that souls are not really there unless given a body, as explained in the lore book. They are in another plain of existence, no one can directly make contact with souls, except other souls.

Summoning using souls is complicated, and honestly I can barely think of a way for it to be done. The only thing i can think of would be to just manipulate the sad souls, aka ghosts and whisps, but they are only manipulated by searching out despair or hope. And they cannot form to weapons, they are just fogs of energy that float about really.

Mitaku said:
I didn't even think of an arrowsmith,thank you.I'll edit as soon as possible.
Awesome ^.^
Mitaku said:
Chosen Name: Arkin
Apparent Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: 2/4 Elf & 2/4 Fairy

Height and Weight: 6'3 and 110

Only Memories: The last thing Arkin remembers is that she was babysitting her younger siblings,then something attacked them.She had to defend her little brothers and sisters,with her hound,and after that there was nothing.

Remembered Traits and Habits: Arkin was raised in a tribe of elves,so they taught her archery,naturally she was good at it.She also learned close-combat,sort of like Tae Kwondo.Doing each of these gave her titles, like Grand Archer and Wind Sneaker.A few tattoos have been placed on her feet to boost her physical state,for her kicks and such,but they are always active.Being 1/4 Yumboes she is stronger at night.She is an arrow smith,but it usually takes time for her to create the arrows.She is also good at making medicine from berries and plants.

Succeeds In: Archery,Enchanting,Stealth,Cooking,Medicine

Falters In: Noticing things.She is very Naive about other races,other than Elves and a select few other races.

Woke Up With: She woke up with her Hound,Spelt.Her bow embedded with four runic stones passed down through her family,nature,blind,stun,and confusion.Her pouch,which is fully stocked with medicine for healing,fatigue,poison,food,and food for Spelt

Appearance: View attachment 12127

(Elf:Vila,they are protecters of nature,and their powers are based around nature.Yumboes,they are underground fairies,and they possess moon powers.)

(Fairy:Liosalfar is a light based elf,they use enchanter magic.Korred,they guard sacred sites and they use illusions)

Accepted ^.^

falconeevee said:
i had a couple ways but whatever, i thought of a new system of summoning, would this be fine?
I looked it over, it sounds like reality warping, altering time to make the weapons existent. Sorry, that's a big no.

Please, reread the lore book, pay attention to the soul and magic section, and then come up with something ^.^


before you post, i'd like to discuss something with you!
Mitaku said:
Yes yes?What is it?
Being as the first group has all gathered and begun moving, i want any new people to wake up in another chamber, so that includes you. So you and broken survivor so far. Maybe eevee if he can figure out his character.
MDM said:
I feel as if our party is lacking direction. Lite needs to advance the plot, perhaps? :)
Right meow <.<

okies ill do something in a little bit, right now im talking with a bunch of people who want to join, so im alittle busy. Feel free to mingle with each other

[QUOTE="Broken Survivor]Sounds good to me. I'll stir my character when the party gets close.

You can stir right meow, if you want too
falconeevee said:

Chosen Name: Project Zero

Apparent Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Soul Container

Height and Weight: 5'2 feet 101 pounds

Only Memories: Only that he was member of project zero and his scars have to do something with it also his skills

Remembered Traits and Habits: Has a considerable amount of Embers pent up within his body. By the use of magic and alchemy, he can create bodies/golems/homunculus and house the embers in the bodies created.

He has knowledge on the arcane magics and can use basic magic spells to use self defense

Succeeds In:

Falters In: He is weak, Frail, has no weapon expierience, has no survival abilities...that he was alive is a wonder

Woke Up With: Five souls that cling to him, not wanting to leave the world as they have some back story, a old necklace, Strength enhancing bracelets with chains attached to them

Appearance: View attachment 12131 and underneath the cloak runes cover his entire body, giving off a constant red glow, the red glow is dimmed by the cloak but he still gives off a eerie presence

I edited it, look it over.

IF you decide to go with how i adjusted it, then you will be accepted.
He is not good at anything, but i need to fill in everything to get a fair approval right?

his only skill is knowing the languages to write magic circles in and to use the embers to create homunclus and golems
falconeevee said:
He is not good at anything, but i need to fill in everything to get a fair approval right?
his only skill is knowing the languages to write magic circles in and to use the embers to create homunclus and golems
why was that not added before?
Apparent Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Soul Container

Height and Weight: 5'2 feet 101 pounds

Only Memories: Only that he was member of project zero and his scars have to do something with it also his skills

Remembered Traits and Habits: Has a considerable amount of Embers pent up within his body. By the use of magic and alchemy, he can create bodies/golems/homunculus and house the embers in the bodies created.

He has knowledge on the arcane magics and can use basic magic spells to use self defense

Succeeds In:Nothing, completely average

Falters In: He is weak, Frail, has no weapon expierience, has no survival abilities...that he was alive is a wonder

Woke Up With: A old necklace, Strength enhancing bracelets with chains attached to them

Appearance: View attachment 12146 and underneath the cloak runes cover his entire body, giving off a constant red glow, the red glow is dimmed by the cloak but he still gives off a eerie presence

Good enough?

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