Whole New World

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

What I meant by feedback was if it needs three words, or does it need more? Like a whole sentence?

I also got a bit cofunsed, does it need to be spoken? Written on the armor? Both?
WanderingTyrant said:
Original Hylion[/url][/u][/b][/i]
What I meant by feedback was if it needs three words, or does it need more? Like a whole sentence?

I also got a bit cofunsed, does it need to be spoken? Written on the armor? Both?
It would need to be written on the armor, and possibly you must read.

It would take as many words as you would think, just needs to mix right.

Like MDM's spell Healing, continuous, cooling. It would continuously heal and cool her body. Simple and forward. Like in the lore book(In case no one knew, the last link that says "IT can get big" Big is a separate link, as is all the other words.) They can get very large in scale.
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

Thank you for the example. It helped a bunch.

Armor, Changed, Beast

It would be located upon Day-Bane's left shoulder. Perhaps Lite or someone could notice it an point it out to him, in which case he would read it, activating another memory spell on what it does.

Also, If I dont say this now, it's going to be bugging me for the rest of the night. Sorry for snapping. There was no excuse for how I acted, and it was completely out of line.
WanderingTyrant said:
Original Hylion[/url][/u][/b][/i]
Thank you for the example. It helped a bunch.

Armor, Changed, Beast

It would be located upon Day-Bane's left shoulder. Perhaps Lite or someone could notice it an point it out to him, in which case he would read it, activating another memory spell on what it does.

Also, If I dont say this now, it's going to be bugging me for the rest of the night. Sorry for snapping. There was no excuse for how I acted, and it was completely out of line.
I've dealt with worse, it is fine.

How bout, in place of "Changed" We pit Enlarge, then after "Beast", we put Fit.

Then you can have a spell on th eother shoulder, where it counteracts the other being "Armor, Shrink, Human, Fit"

So left shoulder would be "Armor, Enlarge, Beast, Fit"

Right shoulder would be "Armor, Shrink, Human, Fit"

As well, that would mean someone how knows how to read the language must read it. Lite doesn't know how. MDM's Logan does, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of him
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]I've dealt with worse, it is fine.
How bout, in place of "Changed" We pit Enlarge, then after "Beast", we put Fit.

Then you can have a spell on th eother shoulder, where it counteracts the other being "Armor, Shrink, Human, Fit"

So left shoulder would be "Armor, Enlarge, Beast, Fit"

Right shoulder would be "Armor, Shrink, Human, Fit"

As well, that would mean someone how knows how to read the language must read it. Lite doesn't know how. MDM's Logan does, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of him

maybe someone jsut points it out and he instinctively reads it, kind of like how he just knew how he was named from Raspberry's questions? I know that can't always happen, but he does need a way to read it for this
It's not like he understands all crypt anyway. They'll probably be the only sentences he knows.

But the idea, it works. I'll go with that. May I go and edit those parts into my character sheet?
WanderingTyrant said:
It's not like he understands all crypt anyway. They'll probably be the only sentences he knows.
But the idea, it works. I'll go with that. May I go and edit those parts into my character sheet?
Indeed you may ^.^

[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]maybe someone jsut points it out and he instinctively reads it, kind of like how he just knew how he was named from Raspberry's questions? I know that can't always happen, but he does need a way to read it for this

As long as he knew the how to speak it before then :P Lite never knew how to speak it, past for present. He doesnt like magic :3 And for good reason, it brings drama, IC and OOC
Nikki Rodgers[/URL]





@Broken Survivor






This has to do with my recent IC post!

Alright everyone!

Consider this the first roll call. If anyone does not make their character apparent in this fight, they will be kicked to the back of the waiting list!

Their position will be filled with Rogue Steeler's character.

you do not have to fight, you simply need to be there and be doing something!

Also, If anyone would wish to drop out of the RP, drop this character and try another, or whatever, now would be the time!
Hmmm I can live with this. As long as I can partake in this fascinating RP.
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]Hmmm I can live with this. As long as I can partake in this fascinating RP.

Well you'll have sit on the waiting list.

You'll need to wait until I tell you before you can RP. That might be in a while.

[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]

Chosen Name: Angelo

Apparent Age: Early-Mid Twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Possessed/Abomination

Height and Weight: 5'7" 150 lbs

Only Memories: I only remember being in brutal pain, my opponent was a big black centaur who spared no expense to rip me apart...and there was a man with black hair with a purple tattoo on his right arm. He nursed me back to health using only a purple worm that entered my body and repaired it, and called me "Master." The man said, "You are Possessed now." "Sleep, my son." Anything before that is uncertain. (No tattoo but basically the same abilities. Not a worm, a Sad Soul, it isn't tangible either)

Remembered Traits and Habits: I am not strong physically, but I make up for it and then some with magical might. After my possession, I realized my magic power changed somewhat, but is different from before. I also learned how to with short blades, which later turned into wielding swords just as efficiently. I was also a brilliant chef.

Succeeds In: Before now, I was capable of some feats of magic power, but I was not capable of meteor showers or calling forth the anger of the gods or anything like that. Just simple thing like bending the elements to my will, and using pure magic energy to beat my opponents. I am also very quick on my feet

Falters In: With a somewhat slender frame, I am not very strong physically. With this purple worm, I know nothing about, my magic feels different, probably weaker than before.

Woke Up With: A cookbook with some recipes and a some empty pages. A bag containing many bronze knives and two pieces an odd green dagger.


View attachment 12311

Accepted to the waiting list.


I'm sorry, and I may be alone in this but,

I don't understand anything in your post...

Could you rewrite it, explain what's going on a bit better, and fix your grammar and spelling?

I understand that you used magic but what you explained just seemed jumbled up and confusing.

Ah, really? somehow i find that pleasable as you approved it with one sentence of vital importance in it, check it owo

Also for your information this post has no edit times so its not even me cheating owo
falconeevee said:
Ah, really? somehow i find that pleasable as you approved it with one sentence of vital importance in it, check it owo
Also for your information this post has no edit times so its not even me cheating owo
=.= Don't ask me if I know what I wrote. Your character doesn't know Arcane, he knows Elemental and Alchemy. And that's that. We already had enough problems making your character, dont make more.
well that is a bummer, gotta remove that sentence from my app then in a minute and think of some new things to do

Also quote, written by you, dont forget that owo

falconeevee said:
He has knowledge on the arcane magics and can use basic magic spells to use self defense
Turned it into

falconeevee said:
He has knowledge on the elemental, alchemical magics and can use basic magic spells to use as self defense
good enough?
falconeevee said:
well that is a bummer, gotta remove that sentence from my app then in a minute and think of some new things to do
Also quote, written by you, dont forget that owo

Turned it into

good enough?
I don't care any more, just fix your last post so I can understand it.
Sorry for not posting very often, I'm trying to give everyone a good amount of time to react. If anything, I'll post at least once a day during the duration of the fight.

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