Whole New World


Nice post, but you should've cut it off when she shot the dart. Let me type the dragon's reactions from everyone's character's attacks.

If your trying to trap the dragon, in such a way, then let me make sure you know a few things before you do something against the magic rules. If your planning to change the floor to mud, the spell circle has to cover the area planned, also the dragon is quite large, so the spell circle must be very mass in size. Then you must also take into the account that your character only knows magic enough to create alchemic golems, not mass transmutations.
owo, sorry D:

TAT, im trying my best

Any ideas i could do then to change this? owo...

Extra edit-

Its not to trap him but to turn around his feet into mud and trap him around the feet so that he has no balance owo, isnt such spell possible with a magick circle underneath the caster that rapidly moves towards the spots as the user is waiting for the target to be stunned giving the spell time to move owo?
falconeevee said:
owo, sorry D:
TAT, im trying my best

Any ideas i could do then to change this? owo...

Extra edit-

Its not to trap him but to turn around his feet into mud and trap him around the feet so that he has no balance owo, isnt such spell possible with a magick circle underneath the caster that rapidly moves towards the spots as the user is waiting for the target to be stunned giving the spell time to move owo?
That would mean your character would have to be fast stealthy as well as exceed in writing the arcane circles, the circles would still have to be large to fit the size of the beat's feet, it would take an amount of time to write these circles.

Your character is average in everything, as you stated. He only knows arcane enough to create alchemic golems, so he wouldn't know enough to start rapidly spell binding and casting.
Original Hylion]@[URL="http://www.rpnation.com/member.php?u=4516 said:
Nice post, but you should've cut it off when she shot the dart. Let me type the dragon's reactions from everyone's character's attacks.
So i should delete everything after that?
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]It doesnt matter now, just keep in mind that I control everything about the dragon

okay then...
I hypothesize that without anyone else there to help him, Day-Bane would end up much like the Future Predator in this video.


Able to inflict decent damage but not nearly enough to win.

Still, he's able to open up a can of whoop-ass if he really wants to.
Sorry for being gone yesterday!



It'd be nice if either of you posted
Well it's not exactly like I can just charge in without SOMEONE thinking of me as some sort of idiot.

Ah well, I guess I'll have him start opening up his WA can on the dragon.
That's not godmodding. Get your rules right.

For gods sakes, it's a dragon. Claws are good and all, but what do you expect us to do? Stare at it the entire time and wait for someone to initiate combat? No. One of the most widely know, but least spoken of rules is that there has to be someone to Auto to initiate combat. Nothing would happen in a fight if someone didnt.

Besides, you asked me to post. What did you want me to do? Make a paragraph describing the mold in the corner of the cave? Because I can do that next time if you want me to.
there Is no such unspoken rule that says one must auto to begin combat. I expected you to Rp right or not at all.

I've explained many times already that I am to act as the dragon. That means you are to treat it like another character, a much more unfriendly and hostile character, but a character nonetheless.

Now, I'll let this time slide(This is the second outburst of yours), but if this happens again, I will kick you. Or you can leave now, but it is whatever you please. You are free to choose, the results may vary.
It wasn't an outburst. It was a legitimate argument. You can usually tell if I'm mad by finding an exclamation mark. There is no such thing in the post.
Attention please

I may close this RP down soon, as in close it for good. The test was somewhat successful, people are interested in the world, the magic is somewhat understandable if read through thoroughly. I may open another Terryal based RP soon, but for now I believe my personal life will be eating my time. So I will not be accepting any more profiles from this point.

Even with a few people we have active now, I will run it for however long they please. But this RP will be ending soon.
I think defeating the dragon and getting out of the cave would be a wonderful end to the RP, doing so would make a wonderful introduction to the next one, in which returning members could band together once more and reintroduce themselves into the world, while meeting new members, who have been in it all along. This could unlock a whole mass of possibilities, and new plot lines.

Just an idea.
I have been waiting for [MENTION=4473]Soses-fighter007[/MENTION] to post, but if she has decided against it, I will try to post soon.
Original Hylion]I have been waiting for @[URL="http://www.rpnation.com/member.php?u=4473 said:
Soses-fighter007[/URL] to post, but if she has decided against it, I will try to post soon.
i havent really been online these past two weeks. :/ its been very difficult.
[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]i havent really been online these past two weeks. :/ its been very difficult.

It's fine, I have already closed the RP.

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