~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Ava was left alone yet again and she sighed going on a little walk and not noticing one man eyeing her off as the five year old walked around aimlessly. As she walked around near the home the man began to follow her a d this was when she noticed and quickened her pace heading for the home and he broke out in a sprint and grabbed her arm "lost are you? Need help finding your mum and dad come with me he began to tug her in the other direction and she cried out "help! Help!!!"
Rocky sauntered out of school, his hands tucked into his pockets. He'd had enough for one day. The bandage around his arm kept the gauze in place, keeping his fresh wound from getting infected. He passed by the park and spotted Ashton sitting under a tree talking to some blonde guy. He gave a slight laugh, shaking his head. 'Wonder who's next on her flirt list.' Rocky wasn't stupid. He could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her. She was so easy to read, and he found it hilarious. But apparently he was easy to flip off without a word. Interesting. He debated going over but just kept walking, hands in his pockets. He didn't even acknowledge her as he walked right by her. He was about a block from the home when he heard a child's scream.

'HELP!' The word sounded desperate. Instantly he broke into a sprint, heading for the cries to see a man of about thirty trying to drag Ava away. the little girl was fighting him but she wasn't doing so great. 'Let her go!' Rocky yelled, running at the man and throwing his weight again his body, causing the man to let go in surprise and fall over. In an instant they were grapling on the ground, both getting decent punches in but Rocky was smaller, lighter on his feet. He could throw his weight around with more agility too. In the blink of an eye he had pulled a swiss army knife from his pocket and had it at the man's throat. 'Get as far away from this place as you possibly can.' He growled, narrowing his eyes dangerously. The man nodded, making an odd squeaking noise as Rocky let him up. 'Now go to the police station and turn yourself in.'
Ava was scared her heart sounded like one if those birds and as Rocky tackled the man she got up, Ava may be a little girl but she wasn't stupid, she took in the mans apearence as much as she could. That time she spent in the box, being only two she watched what everyone did, after she found that no one would respond to her crying. She watched how robbers would check the cameras before making their way in, she figured out why they got away. She took a few steps back from the fight and watched nervously tears going down her cheeks and her thumb in her mouth.

The man looked at rocky an ran off the the police station and formed a plan
Rocky panted for breath, wiping his lip with the back of his hand and smirking as it came away bloody. 'F*cking p*ssy.' He muttered under his breath, shaking his head as the man ran away. He turned back to Ava, wiping the blood off of his hand and onto his jeans. 'Hey, are you okay?' He asked, crouching beside her and checking her over carefully. Bruises were already starting to form on her thin arms. 'Come on, Faith and Astley will be home soon, I'll look after you until then.' He said, picking the little girl up with surprising strength and carrying her in his arms. 'Hold on tight.' he said with a gentle smile.


Kyan strolled back to class, still a little red faced. What did that count as? Just two friends hanging out yeah? Of course it was, he scolded himself. Why wouldn't it be? He sighed and walked to class, smiling slightly as he made his way. At least they were friends. That was all that mattered, right? Of course, he would have liked to be more, but he didn't think Em even liked him like that. What did it matter if she did anyway? There was no way he could tell her how he felt.
Ava looked at rocky, a little afraid as he approached her. He looked quite scary to her after a fight like that, but as he crouched next to her and asked if she was okay she got over it a but "Yeah, I'm okay. My arms hurt" He picked her up and she held on to his neck, gently "Daddy and mama went to see their other families they will be sad when they get home. I usually leave them alone after they get back. " she told him, already trusting him completely. She was quite a lonely little girl, there were no girls her age there and the only other around her age was Jonah, who she never really played with her. Astley was usually busy so she only played with him in the morning and right before bed. She didn't really know how lonely she was. Ava was used to being payed no attention to by her parents, and those couple of nights she spent in the alley. She was occasionally thrown food, or given by kind elderly people (both with her parents and in the Alley). She had been taken so see a doctor when she had bee found she she was far behind in both mental and physical development suffering from malnutrition and still barely ate. She had learnt not to ask for much attention so she played with herself, she didn't love that she was lonely but never complained.
Alex saw the flowers Faith put on Laura’s grave. But, as he stood there, he couldn’t handle it. Laura Singer, it read. ‘It should read Laura Morrison. One… more… day, and it would have been Laura Morrison.’ he thought. Alex started to sob, the memories overwhelming him. There were no tears, just sobs that racked his sturdy frame. His eyes were cloudy and distant, as if trying to remember a time when she was still alive. ‘I… I shouldn’t have come here. This was a mistake… too soon… too soon.’ Wiping away nonexistent tears on his sleeve, he glanced at a concerned Faith. “I can’t be here right now… it’s just… I can’t… I’ll see you and Astley back at the Home. I’m sorry… Say hit to Fayt for me.”

With that, he turned and stalked off, not glancing back at the grave. The skies, as if feeling his misery, opened up. Rain fell down in a torrent. Lying on the ground, at Faith’s feet, was an umbrella. Alex had left it there, knowing Faith would recognize it. On it were engraved the initials L.S. and A.M., intertwined in an infinity loop that meant forever. However a small indent on the stem of the umbrella had broken the never-ending loop.
Faith felt her heart sink as Alex seemed to be tearlessly sobbing. she reached out a hand to put on his shoulder, but he was already walking away. she felt herself choke up a bit as well. she picked up the umbrella and folded it shut. she looked back at Lauras grave, "oh Laura, what should i do?" she walked towards Fayts grave, not opening the umbrella out of respect for her late friend. the rain poured, soaking her right through her blouse and skirt. she found Fayts grave and kneeled in the mud, running her pale fingers over it surface. "i guess its my turn, huh Fayt?" she gave a warm yet pained smile. "what do i do? you left me....Laura left me...." a few tears rolled down her cheeks, mingling with the rain on"Astley and Alex are in so much pain....what do i do?" she pulled the second bundle of flowers from her bag. "you...taught me well Fayt. these flowers are sweet peas, they mean goodbye and departure. i know you would not want me to dwell on the past, and what is most important to me right now is the Home, so.... i suppose this is my official goodbye to these feelings." more tears poured forth, even though she still held a smile. "i promise, i will continue to make the home a place for all to feel loved. even if it doesnt feel home to me without you around." she didnt bother to wipe the tears that streamed from her smiling face, she was soaked by the pouring rain.

Emerald heard the rain start outside at the end of the school day and gave a groan. as if on cue her phone vibrated, and she flipped it open. there was a mass text from her coahc to all the JV soccer girls. due to the rain, practice would be cancelled for the afternoon. after the disappointing text, Emerald packed up the rest of her schoool stuff and walked outside. she stood near the door under cover so that she wouldnt get wet, and stared out at the water running along the roads. she didnt bring an umbrella, so she would probably have to walk home in the rain.
Astley knelt on the ground in front of Niah's grave, talking softly even as the rain poured down around him. 'I miss you Niah.. I miss your smile, the way you sang no matter what you were doing. I miss the way you used to look at me from across the living room. We were so happy... I miss how you'd sing to our unborn child.. I wish we could be together.. Fate is cruel, so very cruel..' He whispered, bowing his head as if in prayer. 'And these feelings.. I'm feeling towards Faith.. They must be wrong.. I can't see her like that can I?' He let out a sigh, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. 'I don't understand what's going on with me.. What do I do?' He waited a moment as if she would actually answer him and then he sighed again, standing up. 'I love you Niah.. I do.. But.. I think.. Faith.. Oh I don't even know.. I should go find her... I love you, look after our boy. I'll be back next week.'

He walked along the path until he saw Faith standing at they grave, head tilted back to the rain. She was smiling. She looked beautiful, he thought to himself as he stopped a little way off to watch, to see what she was doing. He wondered why he kept thinking of her in such ways. it had been happening more and more, and a strange wave of possessiveness had overcome him since Alex's sudden arrival. Speaking of which, where was he? Astley looked around but could see no sign of the man. Perhaps he was still with his fiance? Finally he felt too strange standing and watching her so he walked over to her side. 'He tell you a joke?' He asked, before cursing himself for his words. 'I'm sorry that was really stupid..'


Kyan stared out of the window all through last period, sighing in disappointment at the rain. That probably meant he wouldn't be able to spend time with Emerald this afternoon. At least.. not playing soccer. He thought of Scarecrow out in her pen in the backyard. he hoped she was in the little kennel he'd built for her. She could get really sick easily. Finally the bell rang and he packed up his stuff quickly, sprinting out to the front of the school and skidding to a halt as he nearly ran into Emerald. 'Ooophh. Sorry Em!' He exclaimed, going a light pink in colour. 'I didn't think the floor would be wet already.' He explained, looking her up and down. 'No umbrella huh?' He waited for her answer and then grinned. 'Me either, but I do have my jacket.' He put his bag on the floor and rummaged a bit before pulling out his waterproof jacket. 'I bet if we huddle we could use it as an umbrella.'
Faith heard Astley approach and turned to him with a slightly exhausted expression. somehow, seeing him helped her perk up a bit, and she managed to smile again, despite how cold the autumn rain was. "no....Fayt was never veyy good at jokes. he alwyas seemed to mess up the punch line." she chuckled, her eyes still slightly red from crying. she picked up Alexs umbrella, still leaving it closed. "shall we go back to the Home? i still have responsibilities to the children." she said with a meek smile. she went back to the car with him, and let him drive this time. "you know, ive probably said it a lot, but having you and Alex and all the volunteers around really helps me out. i hope you will all continue to help me make a home for those who need a family." she said in a quiet yet warm voice.

Emerald nealry fell over when Kyan ran into her. "jeez watch where youre walking Kyan. you nearly bowled me over. of course the floor is wet this school has a lot of in and out traffic after school is over." she put her hands on her hips and gave a smirk as she said this. she saw him pull out his jacket and felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. "ok..." said, her voice lacking the sass it previously had. she shook her head. she let him take one side of the jacket, and she took the other and huddled close to him so they were both sheltered. "on your mark, we make the dash home." she said as though they were soldiers
Astley started the engine and drove carefully along the now rain slicked roads. 'I'm not going anywhere Faith. I need those kids more than they need me.' He admitted, flashing her a sad smile. 'They're the family I wont get to have.' He reminded her, glancing over at her briefly before keeping his eyes on the road again. 'I know I'm not always able to be there, working at the highschool and all, but as long as I'm on sabatical I can help out.' Astley got a sabatical every year for the month of Niah's death, as a sign of respect from the school. She had been loved by many at that school, and she had in fact been Astley's boss's daughter. That was how they'd met. So every year Astely took a month off work, which he devoted to Niah's memory and to helping Faith out at the home. It had been the only way to stop his mind freying at the edges in the end. Slowly he pulled into the drive, killing the engine and just sitting a moment. 'Thank you for coming with me today.' He said after that pause.


Kyan grinned, laughing as they struggled awkwardly under the jacket to stop from getting wet. Suddenly he stood on his own shoelace, causing him to trip and crash forward, bringing Emerald down into a puddle with him, his clothes getting soaked immediately. 'Shoot I'm so sorry.' He said, wondering if she was okay. The way they had landed had ended up with him half on top of her and he hastily rolled off of her. 'Are you hurt?' He asked in concern.


Rocky carried Ava inside as it started to rain. 'Come on, we'll get some ice on those bruises before it gets too bad. Let's keep this between you and me okay? Faith might get angry if she found out.' He told the little girl as he set her on the kitchen table and grabbed an icepack from the freezer and held it to her fragile arm. After a moment he turned to the little girl. 'I know You might not like to play with Helena, but what about Kyan's puppy? I doubt he'd mind if you played with Crow a bit.'
Ava nodded and let herself be carried inside, he asked her to keep it a secret and she nodded, deciding she would wear long sleeved stuff until the bruises faded away, other wise people could see them. "Is Helena the snake?" She asked perking up a little "She is really pretty" Ava had a strange obsession with lizards and snakes, she often looked at the ones at the bushes.
Calli raced outside, her hands fumbling to get her umbrella open. The rain was pouring down and already her hair was starting to get soaked. She finally gpt the damn thing open. Her eyes roamed the yard for Kael, seeing as they always walked to work together. She spotted him, standing on the corner, and rushed over. She pulled her jacket close and grinned, "Hey!" She sighed and stared at her limply wet hair before chuckling lightly, "Lovely weather, huh?"

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION], Kael has something to do now! And, yeah, I know I kinda Godmodded but I wasn't sure where he was. :\
((im flexible with godmodding, if i let other people have wiggle room then i get the challenge of addapting to what they do.))

Kael chuckled as she approached. "Calliope, i seem to have forgotten my umbrella, would you be a darling and share it with me? i would even hold it for the both of us." he asked, playing up his gentleman act. he was an honest and true gentleman, but sometimes he liked to act the typical storybook gentleman, formal speech and all. "it would be awsome to be able to step away from the schools protection without getting drenched."

Emerald laughed along with Kyan as they made the dash home. all of a sudden Kyan started to fall and Emerald tumbled down with him, the both of them getting soaked. when he asked if she was ok, she burst out laughing, "Kyan youre so clumsy!" she giggled, despite being soaked. "im fine really i-" she winceed, when she tried to get up and fell back to her knees. "oh no....no! my ankle...." she had a horrified expression. she couldnt have sprained it, there was no way. she would be out of soccer practice for at least two weeks, and she couldnt stand the thought of it.

Cian was a bit taken aback, "Im surprised you would say that. the few times ive spoken with Emerald she talks about everyone like they are family." he said with a confused expression. "its to my understanding that many of the kids at the home come from troubled backrounds, so i can understand if they are difficult to get along with." he hoped that she want being overly serious about it. it seemed wrong to judge someone without seeing what theyve been through first. unfortunately, the sky decided it was a good time to just open up. the rain downpoured on the two of them as they sat there.

[MENTION=4011]MaggieEdwards[/MENTION], sorry i didnt see your post before.

Faith gave a warm smile at Astley, "its always nice to have you around. things get so busy that sometimes its a bit over whelming." she said, starting to cough. as they both got out of the Faith shivered in her soaked clothes. she went inside and turned to Astley. "im going to get changed into something dry. your spares are in their usual place." Astley was always at the home when he wasnt busy grading papers and teaching, and the kids at the Home could get rather messy so Faith had taken the liberty of getting a spare set of clothes for him to leave at the home.

Jonah was growing bored of just waiting around for Faith to return. he went into the Homes large family room, and sat at the old, beaten, ebony baby grand piano. his small hands hovered just above the keys, and then he started to play. the peice he played was something a 16 year old might play, no where easy enough for your average 8 year old.
Toni sat in a corner of her room, shaking and sweating. She couldn't figure out what was wrong. She'd been feeling nauseous all week and her head ached something shocking. Huddled in the corner, she clutched her stomach, letting out a cry of pain as her stomach churned and clenched and she doubled over in agony, tears pricking her eyes. 'What.. What's going on?' She asked the air, crying out at the agony again as another wave of nausea and pain wracked her body. She reached clumsily for the bed post and tried to pull herself up but her hand slipped and she collapsed, sobbing slightly as she curled into a ball on the floor, moaning slightly with each new spasm.


Abi sat in her room, staring at the maths homework in front of her with a blank expression. 'How do I do this? It makes no sense.' She whispered, burying her face in her hands. She really just wanted to forget it all, to conveniently lose it in the downpour outside. It would be so easy.. But she knew she shouldn't do it. She'd get into even more trouble. She sighed, standing up and going to the kitchen to grab a snack and take a break.


Rocky grinned at the little girl, lifting her down from the table. "i think you and I will get along just fine kid.' He told her, taking her hand and leading her upstairs to his room, openign the door to reveal the large tank where Helena relaxed under her UV lamp. 'Ava, meet Helena.' He reached into the tank and pulled the python out, putting her over his shoulder. Lena, meet Ava. No biting.' He warned and grinned. 'I meant you Ava.'


'EMERALD!' Kyan caught her as she fell to her knees, horror on his features as he supported her. 'Oh my God I'm so so so sorry! Are you okay? Can you walk?' he asked, panicked as he helped her to her feet, slinging her arm around his neck to try and support her. 'Want me to call Faith? She can come get you. Do you need a doctor? How much does it hurt?' His questions came at a hundred miles per hour, one after the other. he felt so guilty. If only he'd tried his damn shoelace.


'Thank you. Don't get yourself sick.' He said, following her into the house and walked to the room he sometimes stayed in, finding his clothes in the cupboard and walking down the hall to the bathroom at the end, closing the door and stripping down out of his soaked clothing. he turned on the taps and stepped into the warm spray, letting it wash away the last dregs of grief that clung to him and coming out feeling refreshed. He dried and dressed and walked out of the bathroom drying his hair.
Ava smiled a little, glad she had made a new friend she followed him up to his room and she sat on his bed, watching the snake from there, and watching rocky remove it. She tilted her head a little as she stared at the snake and she said "hello" and she giggled at his joke and and said "Alright I promise" and she looked up at him and asked "can I pat her?"
Faith quickly showered herself, feeling her throat get just a little sore. she had the feeling she might get sick, but she shrugged it off. she dressed in pants and a long sleeve blouse and went into the den, passing Jonah as he was on his way out. she sat herself at the antique piano, her delicate hands hovering just over the keys. she started to play, and sang along with her piano tune. it always made her feel better after a visit to the cemetery.

Jonah waved at Faith as her walked down the hall to the stairs. he had heard a thump from the second floor so he was going to investigate. he walked up the stairs and heard a quiet moan, looking into one of the teens rooms. he saw Toni on the floor and gasped. he ran into the room and got to his knees next to her. "Toni! a-are you ok? i will go get mama!" he said, however quietly out of his difficulty speaking to people.

Emerald winced, but allowed him to help her up. "i-im fine...just sore is all. i hope..." she looked at Kyan, realizing that with her arm over his shoulder for support, they were really close. "er....uh please dont blame yourself i-its fine." she said, trying not to think of soccer for the moment.if she was lucky it would just bruise. but for the moment, she seemed and even felt more girlish as she couldnt be completely self reliant in a situation like this. she frowned as they walked to the home in the still pouring rain.

Alex was walking in the forest located behind the Home, glancing at the luscious green foliage that was dripping with rain and the moist dirt that had resulted from recent rains. He and Laura had loved to come here and sit for hours. He used to listen to her recount her tales of adventure, talk about her exasperation about work, or simply hear her talk about nonsense. Alex had loved to just sit and listen to her voice. He arrived at the old, fallen tree upon which they once sat and laughed. Alex could remember having picnics here, carving their names in rocks, and hiking. He vividly envisioned the day when he was tense and nervous for perhaps the first day in his life. Normally, he was brought up to be completely calm, but that day was the day he proposed to Laura. Thinking of those memories caused heavy pains in his chest, and Alex decided put these thoughts aside and to do what he came here for.

Having brought his violin, he removed it from the case. Long ago, he used to compete in contests, which he frequently won. However, he saved his true ability and certain tunes for Laura's ears only. In her memory, he began to play a piece that he was reserving for their wedding. It was supposed to be a lively tune in a major key, yet now, it was a haunting, solemn tune that used minor keys and long, eerie passages that brought thoughts of good times past, memories forgotten, and futures unrealized. The birds stopped chirping for a while as Alex poured everything he'd pent up for weeks into the piece, and the sad melody permeated through forest trees, echoing towards the Home..
Toni reached out and grabbed the boy's wrist. 'No.. no please don't.. i-I'm okay.. it'd just worry her.' She flashed him a pained smile, slowly pulling herself to a sitting position as she let go of his wrist. 'Promise me you won't tell Faith. Please.. It's just.. indigestion.' She lied, knowing full well that it wasn't. Considering the fact that she barely ate as it was. She bit her lip anxiously and met his gaze with pleading hazel eyes. 'Please, promise.. She's got so much to worry about already..' She said, trying to ignore the shaking as it tried to start again.


Kyan helped her to the home, letting the Jacket slip off of their heads as he pushed open the door. He hung it up to drip on the linoleon of the hallway before helping her limp into the kitchen. 'I'm seriously so sorry. I shouldn't have been so damn clumsy. here, sit down and I'll get you some ice. If you can't play soccer 'cause of my stupidity I'll never forgive myself.' He helped her into a chair and got a pack of frozen peas out, smiling apologetically. 'Someone else must have the icepacks.' He said, slipping his bag off of his back and letting it thud to the floor before applying it to her ankle. Abigail came in at that moment, stopping short in the doorway. 'I-is everything okay?' She asked in her soft voice. Kyan looked over and bit his lip. 'I was a klumsy git and caused Emmy to hurt her ankle.' He explained, a truely regretful expression on his face.
'oh.. i hope you'll be okay Em.' She said grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. She turned back. 'Hey.. I was wondering if later you could help me with some of that math stuff.. I just can't get it..' She asked the injured girl.


Astley wandered past the music room and halted when he heard the music from the piano. He walked in, leaning on the top of the piano to smile at Faith. 'Quite a musical home you've made here. I know a lot of the other kids have talent. Not all music either.' He paused for a moment. 'Everything has been hectic with the kids going back to school and everything. What if we had a talent contest? Everyone can perform. It'd be a good way to get to know the kids a bit more and get the shyer ones to open up a little. What do you say?' He asked, folding his arms on top of the piano. 'And god knows you could use somethign to smile about.'


Rocky smiled, unwrapping Lena from around his neck and draping her over the little girl's shoulders. He moved her hands to support the enormous weight of the python. 'You gotta be real careful about how you hold her. She doesn't like being squeezed. You squeeze her, she'll squeeze back. right around here.' He touched her neck lightly, grinning at her. 'I think she likes you.' He said as Helena's tongue flicked out suddenly, sensing the vibratiosn in the air, the filmy slits over her eyes snapping shut and then opening again. 'She's not violent though. So don't worry about that.'
Jonah looked at her with worry. "i promise. but you really shouldnt hide it. what if your sick?" he said, deciding to stay with her. "u-um...i know what will make you feel better." he said shyly before opening his little mouth in song. his high pitched young boy vioce sang a gentle lullaby that Faith always sang to him when he had nightmares.

Faith looked up at Astley with a smile, "you know, that is a brilliant idea! im sure the kids would love it." she stood up and made her way towards the kitchen, "i can tell them over dinner. and by the way, im not the only one who needs to smile." she said with her usual warm smile.

Emerald cringed when he talked about her soccer. "please dont say that....please." soccer was second most important to her next the Home. "anyway..." she winced at the cold from the icepack, "im not very good at math either. but im sure Kyan could help us. he is really smart." she mustered a smile at him. thats when Faith walked in. Faith gave a worried look, "me and Kyan sort of tripped." Emerald informed, to which Faith walked over right away. "dont scare me like that Emerald! you had such a grave expression!" she said. "well im worried about whether i can play soccer or not." Emerald answered.
Ava smiled as she felt the cool scales of the snake on her neck, she lay her palm out for the head of the snake, curving it just slightly. She picked up the other half gently and said, her lisp clear "thank you for letting me holding her" she said addressing rocky before turning her attention to the snake
Carim smiled, looking at the time. "Oh crap." he muttered. "Um, Rosa, I really need to go. I need to go find something, I'd forgotten all about it until now." he smiled, standing up. He bit his lip, "Please don't think I'm just leaving you because I don't want to be with you, I mean you're fun. but I remember that I was trying to find something in my room earlier that I HAVE to find." he kissed her on the cheek and ran up to his room."Wait.... did I just?" he muttered, his feet hitting upon the gravel.


Roxy stared at the clock. "I guess I should leave now..." she sighed, going through the path she'd taken earlier. Through the bushes, down a path and back to the place she'd knocked into Rocky. She pursed her lips and trudged to the corner, in direction of the home. Sighing, she walked through the gate and went to her room and accidentally slamming the door. "Sh*t." she whispered, having scared herself. She got out her violin and rummaged through the music sheets. Nope, nope, nooo, nope, nope, yeah, I'll practice this I guess. She thought, grabbing out the sheet and placing it on her bedside.


Louis got up quickly. "Abi! Wait!" he ran after her, quickly skidding to a stop before seeing she'd run into the bathroom."Damn it!" he yelled, frustrated. "She... she doesn't know anything about her life..." Louis mumbled. "That's so... sad." he bit his lip. He didn't like that, it always made him feel like he looked down on the person, which he didn't. He sighed. "Abi! If you can hear me, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." he said, running back to his home- the alley next to Faith's. He sat down. "I hope she's okay." he sighed.

((sorry if anyone is doing anything important, but everyone should read over Faiths post here, as there is an anouncement and a time skip, and so you know the day is currently monday in the RP~))

Faith looked at Emerald. "Emerald, youre lucky. you bruised up pretty badly, but it should be fine in a day or two. you have to stay out of practice till Wednesday. that shouldnt be too difficult since its supposed to keep raining anyway." she got up and began preparing dinner. once she had dinner done and all the kids, teens, and available volunteers were in the kitchen she rang a loud dinner bell to get their attention "CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE." she raised her voice over the chatter. once everyone was paying attention she held up a sheet of paper. "i have an announcement everyone! the Home is going to have a talent show! all of you get to perform whatever you want! its next Saturday night, so write down what youre doing and your name on this sheet and start getting ready!" she set the sheet down and watched many of them sign up at the end of dinner. once it started to get late, she helped Jonah and Ava get ready for bed, and went back to her own room when she was done. she put on her night gown and curled up in bed for the night.

Talent sign ups so far:

Emerald: formal dancing

Jonah: piano

Kael: Viola

Faith: she will end the show with a piano peice and singing.


~All characters should now be sleeping through the night unless youve previously asked/told me about any plans you have. THANK YOU!~
([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] I know i promised a post, but im travelling today and tomorrow, so i'll try and be online this afternoon but i have no garuantees. My characters talents are:

Rocky: guitar & singing

Kyan: dog tricks

Abi: flute

Toni: singing

I'll try not to hold it up)
(([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] its okay :3 And Ive been busy with assignments and projects and stuff but Ill try to reply faster))

Ashton nodded. "Yeah, I dont mean it in a...selfish way. I mean, they haven't necessarily opened up to me yet. Its been quiet for me." She shrugged, turning her head up to the sky. The clouds were glooming over, covering the sun. She realized the sky was darkening a little. Its probably time to go soon... She sighed then felt droplets on her hair. Slowly, yet abruptly, the rain went from little drops, to drizzling, to almost downpour. "Oh my god..." She said, her hair already sticking to her face. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and she shivered. What good timing... She thought with a small huff.
Ok! So sometime in the next post you make I need your characters act for the talen show, and if a character is not going to do an act, just put that down too. This rp has gone really well so far, so if you don't think you can keep up then I understand. I've put a lot of planning into this so let's have fun! And you next few posts should put you in bed sleeping. Once your there I can start the next day~

[MENTION=4011]MaggieEdwards[/MENTION] ~

Cian smiled up at the sky, "the rain is always so refreshing, but this time of year it will only get you sick huh?" He unzipped his hoodie and drapped it over her shoulders. "Lets go to the Home, its getting late and im sure they will let me crash there for the night." he got up, helped her up and walked them towards the Home. the home was closer then his own anyway, and he hated spending his nights alone.

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