~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Ava was skipping on the hopscotch court and was talking to herself as she did so and cheering when she got it right, no one was playing with her it was less fun but she didn't go up to anyone to ask if they would play with her, the only person she would to that to was to Astley, and he was with Mama faith. Ava did think of faith as her mama, and Astley as her dad even though they weren't together
Yuki pet the kitten gently for a moment before it walked back to its spot and going back to sleep.

"big...sis...?" Yuki tilted her head, not knowing how to respond to the child's new nickname for her.

"Where to next, Jonah?" she asked him as she walked over toward him.

"Anywhere specific you want me to see?" She asked the young boy. "Perhaps the bedrooms or common area(s)?"

Alex was glad that he'd met a familiar face. It had been a while since he'd gone out after his fiance's demise. Faith was an old friend, and she'd coached him through his courtship of Laura. She was a great person, and it saddened Alex when he heard of Fayt's fate. Alex was relieved to see her. Actually, it gave him an idea. Yes, he'd volunteer for the Home. Currently, he was on research leave from his university positions, so he had the time. And, most importantly, Laura had loved the Home, so Alex would do anything to preserve and aid it.

"It is good to see you, Faith. I really need a friend after... you know." Alex still couldn't speak of it. He'd tried, and he'd gotten well enough to converse with others about Laura, but mentioning the event of her passing was still a sore subject with all the but the closest of friends, which he hadn't seen many of. Thus, his feeling of relief when meeting Faith. Noticing another man holding his hand out to shake, he responded in kind. "Thank you. I'm sure the pleasure is all mine. I'm Alexander, but most call me Alex. Faith calls me by... something else that I can't quite remember." As he shook that thought away with a grin, he keenly noticed the man's hand shaking. 'Hmm. Shaking hands. A sign of nervousness, usually caused by a threatening change in one's environment. Certainly, he can't perceive me as threatening? Threatening to what? This requires further analysis at a later time.' he decided. Then, hearing the other man's suggestion, he voiced his intentions. "Faith, if you'll have me, I'd like to volunteer at the Home. Laura loved it there, and I'm sure many of the children remember her, perhaps even me from my few visits. I don't want to stop going simply because... well, I'm sure Laura would want me to continue. Will you have me?" he asked hopefully. Faith had done much for others, especially him, and never gotten much in return. She was truly one of a kind, just like Laura.
Faith smiled as her two good friend shook hands, "its good to see you again Xander, and of course we will have you. in actuallity, we are a bit short handed. you know im always around to talk, Laura was really the best friend i couldve asked for. its been difficult without Fayt." she gave a warm, yet troubled smile. she didnt talk about Fayt often, but she had decided that saying his name when she could was a good way to heal. "Astley, why dont you and Xander help me check out so we can go?" they checked out and Faith had Astley and Alex help her load the van. "i could really use a hand today if you'd like to come to the Home." she said to Xander. she didnt wait for an answer, as she really needed to get back to the home. she drove with Astley in the passenger seat, humming along with the radio once again.

Jonah tugged on Yukis arm, "come meet my friend!" he said, dragging her to the hopscotch area. "Ava!" he shouted, "Ava-Rose! come meet our the new girl!" he said with a grin.
She was in the black of the class making a paper airplane while the teacher was talking. She really didn't want to be there more like she didn't understand it. She thought about asking Faith if she could have a job at the house instead. Maybe a mechanic or delivery. She had rather be at the home then here though. People already knew off the bat where she came from, becuse of how she acted. She din't make friends and she hated being stared at. She looked up from the airplane and watched the clock waiting for the moment their released from school.
Carim smiled. "I'm glad you think it's good." he shrugged. "I've only been cooking for a couple years, so, you know..." he took a bite of his own Caeser Salad. "See," he grabbed the knife out of the drawer, "To me, the key to seeing a great chef, is his cutting techinque." he grinned, taking it out of the shaft. "If he cuts rather fast and abruptly, well he's quite skilled." he laid it on the bench, his hand still lingering over it. "What's your opinion?"


Astley didn't understand why his anger levels rose a few notches when the pet name was mentioned. Why did it matter? They were friends, so what? He had friends too. He and Faith had been friends for a few years now. Not all that long, not long enough for him to have been around when Alex was apparently, but long enough. If he was worried about losing her friendship, he shouldn't have been, and he knew that, but he couldn't help but think that there was something more to his frustrations, some kind of underlying feeling that he couldn't describe. The only time he'd felt it was.. with Niah.. the night they'd fought at a friend's barbeque night. They weren't even a couple then. They were just two great friends hanging out. And then she got angry and hung out with a couple of other guys for the night. He'd felt the same surge of emotions then, every time she would touch them in a friendly manner, when she'd laugh at their jokes. He hated it.. Could that mean?? He couldn't focus. Faith's question for help broke him out of his confused trance and he grunted something along the lines of a yes and then loaded everything into the back of the car, refusing to even allow Alex or Faith to touch the bags.

When they got back to the Home he climbed out first, popping the trunk and beginning to carrie the bags back inside. 'Don't worry, I've got it.' He called back to them. He wasn't sure if he wanted to leave Faith alone with this new guy, but at the same time, he needed space to think. What was he going to do? He couldn't ACTUALLY like Faith in that manner. They'd been friends for so long. Maybe he was just worried of losing her friendship? Yes. It had to be it. He had to calm down. She'd hate it if they got into a fight anyway, and he'd risk losing her friendship altogether. No, he had to be calm and polite about it. No need to get so possessive. It wasn't like he OWNED her. She was a woman free to make her own choices. He was a concerned friend, that was all.
Ava heard Jonah's voice and skipped sloppily over and said "Hi, Jonah, Hi I'm Ava" she said flashing her a toothy grin and holding out her hand and she smiled a little "Welcome!"

Rosa saw him get out the knife and her eyes widened and she shook her head getting up and going to run for the door. It was a knife. A big knife. she could practically feel the cool blade cutting into her skin and she tripped as her knees buckled at the feeling. she used Carim's arm to hoist herself up but she saw the knife and fell to her knees again. Her teeth made contact with his arm and she snapped out of it as she couldn't see the knife, which was buried under the mess on the table "I like biting, it's like kissing only there is a winner" Rosa promptly turned a bright red colour and said "But that wasn't why i bit you"
Jonah grinned even wider as he heard a car door close outside. He grabbed Ava by the hand, running towards the kitchen, "c'mon! Mama Faith is back! Astley promised me candy, so i will share it with you!"

Faith gave Astley a curious glance as they filled the Homes cupboards, "you seem energetic today Astley." she pointed out. she heard hurried footsteps in hall and turned as Jonah entered with Ava and Yuki in tow. "Mama do i get chocolate?" he asked eagerly, and Faith smiled, pulling the bar of chocolate from the bag. "here, share it with Ava." she gave a gentle smile, watching the kids as she waited on Alex to get there.
Ava giggled and ran with Jonah and when he asked faith for the chocolate she smiled and hugged her legs "Thankyou Mama!" she said and waited for Jonah to give her some of the bar, the then saw Astley and said "Daddy!" and hugged his legs too
Carim blushed slightly, holding his arm. "Ow." he smiled slightly, the bite mark indented in his skin. He rubbed it a bit ad eventually it had only subtle remaining pain."Why... why did you bite me then?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at Rosa. "If it's too, too personal then you don't have to tell me." he shrugged his blonde hair moving a bit. He bit his lip, the pain increasing slightly. "Seriously, ow."
Rosa looked down and said "I figure you should know" she went and got the first aid kit out of the draw and moved his hand out of the way, and started cleaning the would as she spoke "My dad was a Judge, he put a man in prison for murder, his murders were quite brutal. He got out years later, a year ago. He watched my family for a while, I was a daddy's girl and he decided to take it out on me. He drugged me, god knows how but i was awake. Paralyzed i couldn't move or talk. He got out a knife and . . . " she looked down at her scars, and continued "Every knife, freaks me out now" she sighed.
Rocky wandered through the hallways at lunchtime, kicking over each trash can he saw in the hallway. He was bored out of his mind. What was there to do? He thought about the book he'd pulled out of the bin after Ash had thrown it away in fury. Why the hell had she even done that? Women made no damned sense to him. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, wandering out into the quad where the sun burned his eyes instantly. 'Damn it's bright. What's with that?' He complained as he kicked an empty soda can. he liked kicking things. It helped keep his body moving, motivated. He liked motivation. He spotted ashton from the distance and closed the space between them. He leaned over her, taking the book from her hands easily. 'Still pissed?' He asked her as he moved to block the sun with his head. (@MaggieEdwards)


Kyan wondered if he ought to try and find Emerald. She was really the only person he felt comfortable with talking with, except Toni. But she was busy. She had detention or something, he hadn't read the text she'd sent all the way through, but he figured she'd pissed off the teacher with her smart arse responses again. she didn't like teachers that didn't know what they were talking about or that tried to belittle her. He liked how outspoken she was, how she stood up for herself. He wished he could do that. he went to the cafeteria, grabbing a sandwhich and milk from the counters and decided he'd wait to see if Emerald turned up.


Astley finished stacking the groceries in the cupboards and gave Faith an odd look in return. 'No I'm not. I just want to get this done. I remembered there's something I have to do this afternoon.'
Visit Niah.. He thought to himself. He could ask her oppinion, ask if she thought he was going crazy. When Ava ran in and hugged his legs he picked her up and spun her around, grabbing a cookie from the packet on the counter and giving it to her. 'Hey sweetie. i'll come play with you in a bit okay?' But first he owed Faith an apology. 'I need to talk to Faith a moment.' He told the little girl, knowing she'd understand. It was Faith he was worried about. So he turned to her and said. 'I'm going to visit Niah's grave today.. would you like to come with me? She'd love to meet you. You're the kind of woman she'd get along with.. and well.. I don't want to go alone... It's difficult.. to see her.. and my son..' He paused, the emotion causing the words to get caught in his throat. It was the first time he'd mentioned either of them to Faith and it was a rather large display of trust for him to ask her to accompany him. He didn't usually bring people to see Niah. He preferred his time with her and their child to be theirs and theirs alone, but he realised now that he needed to include Faith more in his life. Up until that afternoon he realised neither of them knew much about the other. It was time to rectify that. Friends didn't keep secrets. 'Please, it would mean a great deal to me.' He pleaded, taking her hand to emphasize the gesture.
Carim's eyes widened, hearing her story."Soo... you're... you have like..." he didn't like the word scar, "So you have like... scars?" he asked reluctantly. "You don't have to show me, I'm just curious...." he shrugged. "You don't have to if you don't want to." he bit his lip. "Sorry, I must sound like a complete idiot when I ask things." he sighed. "Sorry, I just like to know things once I've heard something I need all these other questions answered." he looked away from her. "Thank you for cleaning up the... bite..." he cringed.
(I'm going to get colorfull. Red to match Rockys)

Ashton looked up at Rocky and rolled her eyes at him. "Kind of am now. Now I've lost two books because of you pissing me off." She sighed. "I would like my book back now, if you couldn't see I was in the middle of reading it." She smiled sweetly but it quickly fell. She still felt kind of grateful that she didn't have to guard her eyes because he was standing where the sun would be shining. It was hot that day for some reason. And her black jacket wasn't working for her. But she would never take it off, the scars on her arm were evident.
Rosa nodded and put away the kit and showed him the ones visible on her legs "I-its not a problem. Not many people show interest. More like disgust" she said looking at the floor. she started cleaning the table, keeping the knife covered and avoiding it clearly "I don't mind questions. It's not like anyone asked"

Ava Nodded and skipped over to Jonah and said "Daddy invited mummy to see his other family!" she whispered to him as she took some of the chocolate he handed her and nibbled on it
Rocky let the book drop back into her lap. 'Hey, you threw the first one away, not me.' He said, shrugging. He decided not to tell her that he had salvaged it. 'If you were thinking of getting it on the way back you'll be disappointed. I saw the rubbish truck go past not long ago.' He told her, just to mess with her a little, to make her think she'd lost it completely. He enjoyed her reactions. They were oddly interesting.
Ashton caught the book in her lap before it fell. Rubbage truck? It's gone! She felt torn a bit inside. She loved that book. It was her doorway into a different world. Reading was great to escape from the world but writing what something so much more. "Really..." she said in dry tone. She frowned and wiped away a tear that was welling up in her eye. She had been so stupid to toss it away. She was going to go get it at the end of the day but she guessed that she couldn't now. Her blue eyes darkened a little when there was a change of lighting. She sat up and turned, her book still on hisar lap. She stared at the cover of the book.
Yuki barely shook Ava's hand before she ran off with Jonah.

She didn't mind though, so she continued wondering around the yard.

"I guess its easier if I learn it myself anyway." She looked around awhile, then headed inside.

"At least it's not hard to get lost in the yard. I know nothing about inside though."

She walked in, almost accidentally hitting Faith with the door, but catching it.

that was close she sighed.
Rocky shrugged. 'Yep. It passed by not too long ago. Why, was that book something important to you or something?' He asked, his hands in his pockets as he stood above her still, moving back a little as she sat up. 'You gonna eat something for lunch? I hear its pie day at the canteen. I could use a pie, you want one?' He asked, as if he wasn't being a total arse about her book by telling her it was gone. Though technically he wasnt lying. The garbage trusk HAD gone by, and she WASN'T able to go get the book from the trash.

Ashton stood up and covered her stomach with her arms. She nodded. "Yeah...yeah, it was important to me..." She heaved a sigh and then shook her head. "Im not that hungry..." Why was he being nice to her now? And why did he tell her about the garbage truck--why would he even care. She studied him a little suspiciously. Was he playing a trick on her like the kids did when she lived alone on the streets? She thought about that. It was painful living on the streets. The abusive drunks, the people willing to give or buy her some cigarettes, the teenage boys messing with her. She swallowed, feeling like there was a lump in her throat. At least she is out of that predicament and into a good home...
Carim crouched down to her leg."They're an interesting pattern...."he tilted his head. "Rather swirly. I'm not creeped out or anything, even if I seem like it, I'm not." he smiled at Rosa. Mainly because I have scars. I'm used to it. I'll tell her if she asks. He got back up, stretching his back. "So, do you wanna go to the library or the garden again? If you have a seizure what do I do? Do I wait? Do I touch you?" he asked, concerned for her safety.
Rosa smiled a little and said "They ******* hurt though" she nodded, glancing a where she knew the knife was and she nodded, she would go anywhere but here, anywhere but where the knife was. "Yeah, i don't care where we go though" she said, smiling a little" She wiped of her jacket and said "No, you can touch me I wont usually harm you, exept then, the best thing is to get rid of the knife, if i cant see it i am fine" she said nodding a little, and smiling at his concern
Carim nodded, "Close your eyes, because I'm going to put it in the drawer and I just don't want to get bitten again...." he grabbed the knife quickly off the bench, turning away from Rosa to put it back in its shaft. "Mkay, I want to go back to the Garden. It was nice there." he smiled, walked to the door, quickly stuffing the knife in the drawer when Rosa wasn't looking, jumping over the counter, and grabbing the door handle, holding the door open for Rosa.

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