~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Faith looked at the cop in disbelief, "well in my past experience, the police arent always that polite either." she answered. "could you please let my resident go? she has school, and i beleive thats quite important dont you think?" she said with an extra charming smile, which was completely real. "i promise you ive seen no squatters around, only my residents as they come and go."

GodofGoddesses just pretend she already said yes because she is talking to someone else now.
"............." Yuki didn't respond to the young boy's constant shaking, and was still unconscious.

She was covered in still fresh blood that was running down the side of her clothes slowly.
( alright) She waves to Faith smiling." thanks....im going to go register now." She runs out of the house and towards the school." ...a home..I wish Ralph could see this."
The officer looked at Faith without a reply for her terse confrontation, and released Frankie's shoulder, "Thank you Faith," Frankie exclaimed as she dashed off towards school. The officer just looked at Faith, "Juts make sure she remembers that in the future this kind of behavior could land her with obstruction of justice charges." he stated before turning to leave.

Frankie ran as fast as she could not sure if she could make it to homeroom in time to not be marked tardy, completely disregarding whether she'd get there fast enough to get her homework done.

((Not super important but I'm curious how the school is split up, is it 6/7/8 and 9/10/11/12 sections, 7/8/9 and 10/11/12 sections or is everyone just kind of mushed together? In the last case would the kids start attending there for 6th or 7th grade?))
"Okay," he said getting up. "But that cafeteria food is sh*t so I'll spruce it up I guess." he shrugged, walking to the direction of the kitchen."You know, some spices, pair some things up, make it nice." he smiled at her."Yes. I know how to cook." he looked around at the garden. "This is pretty." he mumbled, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He waited at the cafeteria door for Rosaline. He couldn't help noticing how... long her hair was. He'd always liked long hair, he never wanted it he just likes it.


"I was just teasing." he said playfully. "Well then." he walked ahead and stopped a couple of metres ahead, but not to tell her to hurry up."Listen, I'm not usually like this, normally I'm shy and quiet and stuff. I don't trust people easily, but you seem cool. So when I say 'I trust you,', please don't make me regret it. By the way I wasn't saying it just then, but I know at some point in time I will."he smiled nervously. He laughed under his breath and walked a bit more, as he didn't want her too far behind.
She runs into the building then stopping once she hits the lockers. she looks around amazed. It was odd because she never been to a school. She looked around the lockers and found an entrance. Maybe there she thought, she started to walk hearing kids voices she hides behind the wall. The kids pass her as she goes back to walking straight."....where do i go tnis school is huge"
Rosa smiled and followed him to the cafe door and said 'That's cool. I cant cook at all" she made a face and followed. he kept staring at her hair and she smiled as she noticed
((the school in this rp is 6-8 for middle and 9-12 for high, but b oth schools are in the same building anyway.middle on one half, high on the other.))

Jonah was terrified by the blood, but he didnt know what to do. "i can get help!" he started to cry. he ran to find Faith and saw her with Astley. "Mommy!!!!!" he said, tears streaming down his cheeks. "lady in the back! blood! mommy!" he shouted as he yanked on her dress.

Faith shot Astley a worried glance and picked Jonah up, and headed out the back with Astley in tow. she got there,and saw the unconcious girl. he set the now sniffling Jonah down and checked the girl over. "shes breathing, thats good. she doesnt appear to be seriously hurt, but i cant really tell." she said looking up at Astley.
She finds the front desk and begins to register As she watched the lady type she looks beyone her desk looking at all the weird things. A few guys walked by stareig as she looked futher in. The lady came back handing her a packet and pointing to where the high school direction is. She gave her a map and told her to move on. She flipped the mapp different ways trying to read it. She was confused so she went to her last period of the day , sitting in the far back away from the others.
Yuki started screaming randomly and thrashing around in agony, though still unconscious.

She grabbed the sides of her head and kept shaking her head no.

It was obvious she was reliving whatever had just happened to her before she arrived here.
Faith was startled by her sudden spasm, and didnt want to move her until she had calmed down. with no other way to calm her, and a need to calm Jonah as well, she thought perhaps singing would help. she sang one of the lullabys she sang to the chldren, and Jonah leaned against Astley with a yawn.
Yuki's flailing and screaming slowly calmed down over a few minutes, finally laying still, crying.

"Mo...ther..." She whispered as she stopped completely. She now lays there looking innocent,

except for her blood-staind clothes in her slumber.
Faith let out a small sigh of relief and lifted the girl from the ground. as dainty as Faith looked, she had some strength in her. she brought the girl into the home and set her on the bed in there small infirmary. she took a warm wet towel and gently wiped at the blood stains on her skin, singing as she did. Jonah stood trembling as he clung to Astley in the doorway.
Carim opened the door for Rosa, walking to the kitchen area, getting different ingredients. "This'll taste good." he said approvingly, dicing this, chopping that. He cut up some chicken and put some dressing on. "Hope you like chicken caeser salad, Rosa." he put a plate in front of her, cleaning the knife before he tucked into his food. He put it back in it's shaft and put it in the drawer. He got out two forks, passing one to Rosa. "I am only beginning so, please tell me if it's good."
Rosa smiled and said "Hold on ill just go to the bathroom." The just then bolted until he was finished cooking, well she gave him enough time to. When she came back she saw the plates and smiled "looks great." She sat down and took a mouthful and said "Yum!"
((Sorry! I'm on EST so most of my posts are at a different time than when everyone's online.))

Nick nodded, thinking in his head. "Don't worry, I know what you mean..." he started, referring to when Toni trailed off. "I just, don't really like to play the piano in front of anyone." He answered. "I dunno, I was thinking of maybe teaching Jonah a little bit more." He glanced at watch, then did a double take. "Oh crap, we're gonna be really late. Let's run." Nick shot out of the bench, carefully covered the keys and strapped on his book bag, a black and white one sleeve.
((pffffffft I'm EST too lol))

Yuki slowly woke up to show her two different colored eyes.

"where...am I?" she dully whispered and slowly looked around at the unfamiliar room.

She then looked down at her dress, still covered in a decent amount of blood.

"......" She just stared blankly at it, almost as if not registering it at all.
Faiths face lite up seeing the girl awaken, but she kept her composure. "dont strain yourself dear, my name is Faith, and i found you collapsed outside. i brought into the Home, this is Faiths home for Lost Hearts, i take care of all kinds of chilren and teens. youre safe here." she continued to wipe up the exposed parts of the girls skin with warm water. "are you hurt anywhere? theres a lot of blood." she asked with concern
"...no" she said, still blankly staring at the blood. "This blood is not mine."

"I'm sorry for the intrusion" she said sincerely. "I don't mean to trouble you."
Faith was relieved, "im glad youre ok. and dont worry at all, youre in no way a burden." she said, brushing some of the girls messy hair from her face. "let me get you some fresh clothes. you just stay here and relax." she walked down the hall, picking out a blouse and some jeans, so the girl would be comfortable. she came back and set the clothes on the end of the bed. "there is a shower in the infirmary bathroom, so why dont you clean up?" she pointed towards the door on the other side of the room.
"Thank you very much." Yuki walked toward the shower and turned on the cold water.

she closed the door and got into the cold shower. A few moments later, she came out in the new blouse and jeans.

"I'm back." She said plainly. "thank you for your kindness." she bowed.
"hey, its really no problem" Faith said, "do you have a place to stay? or perhaps you've run away from somewhere?" she asked. she felt a tug on her skirt and looked down at little Jonah.

"mama Faith, is she staying? she wont get hurt again will she?" he said with a worried look.

"of course Jo, if she wants to. she wasnt hurt, so dont worry." Faith said, picking him up and holding him on her hip.
"I have no where anymore...that blood...was from both of my parents..."

She still showed no sign of emotion. "May I please stay here miss? I have nowhere else to go."

She looked up to her for acknowledgement.

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