~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Rosaline looked up at the boy who said something, she thought it was are you okay, she shook her head and said "No." she sat up and lent up against the fountain, her head in her knees, she noticed a creep-ed out look on his, quite handsome face and she sighed, she was used to these reactions from people
ohhhh ok thank you)

She reached the back door.She twist the knob openning the door. She thought to herself on how weird it was for them to leave their door open. As she heard the cop's voice she shut the door behind her lightly so it didnt make a sound. She walked further into the house looking around.
Carim stared at the girl. "What's wrong then? Are you hurt?" he blinked, wiping the creeped out look off his face. He crouched down to her. "Or do you do this all the time... or what?" he sat on the legde of the fountain and waited for her get up. "Not to be rude or anything." he shrugged. "It's just a bit weird, that's all." he sighed and twiddled his thumbs, waiting. Just waiting.
Rosa shook her head and said "Not Physically" she sat up next to him and looked at the water in the fountain and sighed "No. Sometimes" she replied realizing how empty her life really was. it was rather depressing actully, she had never really thought about it before. She laughed dryly and looked at the guy and tilted her head to the side reading him carefully
Rocky raised an eyebrow, biting into his breakfast and just leaning against the table as he chewed slowly, eyeing her with interest. 'What is it, your diary or something? The way you keep hiding it from me you'd think it was.' He cracked a bored smirk, finishing the toast easily and brushing crumbs off his hands as he eyed her, he moved to the fridge, grabbing some juice from the fridge and drinking from the carton. As he put it back, he wiped the back of his hand over his mouth, zoning in on the notebook she'd opened again. 'What are you writing? Love notes to your boyfriend?' He grinned at her, a cold grin that didn't reach his eyes. 'Let me see.' He snatched the notebook out of her hands, holding it high above her head so that she couldn't reach but he could still read it. He raised an eyebrow 'Oh? Is that right?' He flipped a couple of pages back, still reading, now reading some of her words aloud.


Abi eyed the scarf, frowning slightly. 'No, I couldn't do that.. It.. it would be.. inappropriate..' She struggled to think of the correct word, a headache forming as she tried to remember what would be right to say, a throbbing pain searing through her skull. She clutched the side of her head, doubling over slightly. 'Not again..' She moaned quietly, closing her eyes in an attempt to block out the pain. She straightened up as it subsided and flashed him a shy and apologetic smile. 'Classes? Oh.. uh.. I don't know.Something.. english, maths, those kinds of things, you know.' She shrugged, holding the scarf. 'If you won't let me bring it to you after school, then I'll bring it to you at school tomorrow.' She said with determination.


Astley nodded. 'Yes of course, I can help you. It's always a pleasure to be of help, you know that.' He flashed her another smile, finishing the dishes and then going back out into the dining room to clear away the last, nodding to Rocky and Ashton as he picked up the last cutlery and plates, taking them back into the kitchen and washing them meticulously. 'Is there anything I can get for you before we go, anything that needs doing?' He asked, more than willing to help her.'


Kyan grinned. 'She's the best pet I could ever have.' He agreed, grinning at Emerald. he was glad she liked Scarecrow so much. Maybe she could help him train her. At her offer to walk to school with him, his heart leapt. He had to tone down his response before he spoke. 'Sure, I can do that. Just let me put Scarecrow back in her pen and we can go.' He did so and then returned to Emerald. 'hey, would you like to help me train her?'
Ashton jumped up, horrified. She jumped over and over again. "Dont! Stop reading, I dont want to hear it!" She closed her eyes, realizing she cant reach it. She sat down, feeling defeated. A tear fell from her eye. "If you must know...its more of a life story. Have fun." She grimaced, her stomach feeling like its boiling.
She stopped trying to be quiet as she shoved her hands in her pockets. She walks past a few room then a kitchen.She didnt look in it but passed it going up the stairs. She stopped halfway letting out a long whistle. " oh boy...these guys must be loaded...how many rooms do these people got...Grim could have crashed here."
Jonah had run back in to grab on of Icepaws cat toys when he saw a stranger walking around. "hey!" he looked up the stairs, scared and shy, but trying to be brave, "you dont live here. mama Faith doesnt like having strangers around when the big kids are gone. you leave the little kids alone." he said in his childish manner. he didnt want anyone in the home getting hurt.

Faith smiled, "no, but thank you." she heard Jonah tlaking just outside the kitchen and wondered to exactly whom he was speaking. "would you be so kind as to finish cleaning up the kitchen? i need to check on Jonah." she said. she didnt wait for an answer, because she knew he would be glad to anyway. she walked out and saw Jonah, and she followed his gaze up the stairs. she was slightly started to see a stranger in the home who had not first come to greet her. "excuse me, who are you? if you are over the age of 18 you will have to go to the shelter, because i only except children." she said carefully. she couldnt be sure because to her older highschool students and younger college student bore close resemblance in looks.

Emerald nodded enthusiastically, "of course! i would love to train her. think of all the neat-o tricks she could learn!" she said as she led the way to school. "oh, but i wont be home at the same time you are, i have soccer practice after school today." she said patting her soccer bag. because of her sports, she was quite strong for a girl, and had beaten even some of the larger boys at school to ward off their bullying.
Louis raised an eyebrow. "And trying to find out where I live when we've just met isn't inappropriate?" he asked playfully. He walked along the road but stopped waiting for Abi. "After you, you don't wanna be late for school, do ya?" he asked his hands in front of him gesturing in the general direction of the school. "I personally don't care if I'm late for school, but, you know." he shrugged. He calmly waited and said, "And yes, I'd prefer that, please give it to me tomorrow." he flashed her a smiled. He leaned against a bench and stretched.


Carim tilted his head at the girl. "So.. you're f**ed up mentally then, okay, I get it now." he nodded, "I'm Carim. And why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?" he asked, dusting around his mouth. "Did I do something, are you doing something with your mind? Are you telepathic or something and that's a really crappy side effect... for me...." Carim blinked and wiped his eyes, flicking away the sleep. He stared at his feet and then to the side, but never at her.
Rosa cracked a smile and giggled a little after he spoke and said "I suppose so. I'm Rosaline, I'm not telepathic, just good at reading people. Well, usually." She frowned at him and looked up at the sky. He made her talk, no one exept the police had made her talk. Since the accident anyway. "And you made me talk." she said, her voice sounded quite nice actually when she said more than one or two words.
((Alright I think we have it now.))

Nick was extremely caught up in his music. He was playing everything he knew, and didn't even noticed when his watch beeped for the alarm to get to school. It wasn't until he noticed Toni that he immediately stopped and looked at the piano, his heart racing. It was exhilarating, yet infuriating that he played the piano, especially in front of someone. He calmed down, however, and greeted her. "Hey. Is it school time already?"
She stared at them for a momment then stepped off the stairs her hands still in her pockets." the names chrome ..chrome Raizen Im 16." she looked away out of the window a little seeing the cop leave.
Carim stared at her, his eyebrows raised. "Really? I made you talk? Because you so seemed like a talkative person before...." he nodded playfully, smiling. "So, why are you here?" he questioned. "Used to be homeless and got picked up? What?" he stretched a bit."Tell me, tell me, tell me!!" he pressured, poking her side."I've heard they do that now." he shrugged "But I dunno anymore."
Rosa poked her tongue out at him, a childish gesture which she didn't do often giggled and moved a little, she was ticklish and said "Okay, okay, I'll tell you!" She moved away so he couldn't tickle her and rolled her eyes "Yup, I was living outside a cafe, Faith found me and offered me to stay ... i didn't want to at first but it was my only choice, you" she decided she'd talk with him, properly, at least for now. He had made her talk on the first place so why not just go along with it.
"Well, I wasn't exactly homeless, I had a job and stuff I could've bought a house but I wanted to live here. It seemed nice enough." he shrugged. "So that's my story, a short one at that." he smiled at her."So. Have you eaten?" he asked. "And if not, would you like to at some point? I'm kind of hungry." he eyed her. He move dcloser to her and poked her side again. "And you're ticklish I see? Aha, I've found a weakspot. Not only can I make you TALK I can TICKLE you. And yes I know sometimes I sound a bit girly..." he tilted his head. "No offence to people of the female variety. As yourself."
Rosa didn't know why he would just choose to live here, i mean . . . why live here when you could be independent? Rosa wouldn't but she knew that it was up to him though and she had nothing to do with it, Nor ever will, well unless they become friends. She shook her head to answer his question "I had my ... fit before i could eat." She said and she shrugged "I suppose so." she wasn't that hungry but food wouldn't hurt. Rosa giggled again and moved away, shaking her head "You do sound like a girl, no offence taken" she grinned and moved away faster and faster than she was winding him up a little, he seemed fun to be around.
Faith put her hands on Jonahs shoulders, standing over him protectively, but but still with her kind personality. "well Chrome, may i ask why youre here? perhaps to inquire about making residency? if you have no where to go youre welcome to stay here, there is room." she offered with a smile.
She was caught off gaurd with her kidness as her expression changed ." youre saying i can stay here...well i was running from the cop back in the city i used to .ive in the slums. apparently the passed an order to clear that area out ..and to make it seem like an accident...but i know what that really means."
Rocky chuckled as she jumped for the book, admitting to himself that it was interesting to see her try so hard to reach it. Once she stopped though it lost the fun. He didn't like making a girl cry. That was the lowest of the low. Instantly he gave it back, but instead of apologising he just set it in her lap. 'If it means that much that to you that I don't read it then I won't. He said simply, turning away a moment. He couldn't bring himself to admit that she rememinded him of Merilee when she got upset. He'd hated to see Meri cry, even when they were furious with each other. He thought it was just wrong for a guy to make a girl cry. 'From what I read, it's good so far.' Was all Rocky said after that. He paused again, thinking. 'We should get to school. Come on.' He said, jerking his head towards the door and following through by walking towards it. She could follow or stay. it was her choice.


Astley nodded and did as Faith asked, finishing kitchen duty and then standing for a moment, unsure as to what he was meant to do now. He heard Faith's voice in the hall, and then another girl's that he didn't recognise. Had someone new come in? No, Faith was asking too many questions. Perhaps there was something wrong. Was one of the children injured?' He walked into the hallway to find the two. 'Is everything alright out here?' he asked.


Abi blushed, stammering her words as she spoke. 'I..I wasn't.. I was just.. i wanted to give the scarf back..' She went scarlot, ducking her head to hide her face behind her hair as she limped along, hurrying to catch up with him as she did so. She wasn't sure whether he was just teasing her or not and it made her worry. How should she take his words? She bit her lip. 'I think.. lateness is frowned upon.' She said in her quiet voice, looking at the ground as she walked.


Kyan had to stop the look of disappointment from framing his normally cheerful features as he fell into steo beside her, forcing a smile onto his face. 'Oh... that's okay. We'll just do it some other time. She might get confused by two people anyway.' He said, trying to cheer himself up. He didn't want her to feel bad. She was his friend and she had other obligations, he understood that. 'But it can't be tomorrow.. Its my afternoon for the pet store tomorrow.' He said, smiling slightly, keeping the disappointment from his features with difficulty but managing it nonetheless.


Toni smiled at him, walking a little closer. 'Yep. I guess you just got too caught up in the moment.' She said, smiling at him still, walking towards the piano. 'I didn't know you played though. Why didn't you tell us?' She asked, referring to the other teens. She played two keys alternately in concession, jsut messing around. 'I always wanted to play, but no one could teach me. It sucks sometimes.' She said, that smile dimming. 'No one really wanted to spend the time..' before lapsing into another breakdown she shook her head. 'Not that it matters. We'll be late if we don't go.'
As more of her housemates began leaving for school Frankie packed up her DS and headed towards school. As she walked away she heard running footsteps and a door slam, she turned around to investigate, yeah, that was probably the door to Faith's, she thought, great, more housemates. The next thing she knows is some angry looking police officers are running up to her. One of them pushes her up against the wall, "You, Brat, where did the street rat go?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me, she came right past here."

"You act as if the homeless are criminals, being poor isn't a crime."

"But squatting is."

"Whatever, I didn't see anything,"
Frankie tried to move so she could walk to school, the cop pushed her back against the wall.

"Where do you live little girl, I think we aught to have a talk with your mother about being polite to authority figures." When Frankie was younger she tried to keep the mindset that not all cops are power players, and that for every bad cop that makes it into the news there's plenty of good cops. When she was living up town it was like that, and she was sure it was like that in other places, but in this neighborhood, which wasn't even a bad neighborhood, a lot of the cops were just dicks.

"Well if you want to talk to my mom, you'll have to go up town, her apartment is on Scrivener's lane, between 33rd and 34th. As for where I live, I live here," Frankie points to Faith's, "I live in Faith's home."

One of the cops looks at the sign,
"The hell kind of place is this?"

"It's a group home asshole."

"What kind of group home."

"It's a home for the throwaways, not quite an orphanage, not quite a shelter. Some of the kids are drifters and runaways, for some of us others, Faith is our legal guardian."

"Well let's go have a little chat with Faith now," the cop spit in Frankie's face as he talked, he grabbed her by the scruff of her shirt and started dragging her back towards Faith's.

As they took the few steps back towards the door to Faith's Frankie heard one of the cops comment to another,
"She must be a shitty little kid if her mom's up on Scrivener and she's down here."

Frankie stopped trying to stick up for the good cops in her head, there were just too many jerk cops.

The Cops dragged her up the steps to the door to Faith's and knocked on the door.
"so I was one of the few that got away...leaving a dear friend of mine behind..and there was that persistant cop...ugh "
Ashton wiped her tears away quickly when he set the book back on her lap. She frowned slightly and muttered a 'thanks' when he said it was good. She followed him but she just thought about just staying behind like she planned in the first place. She followed closely behind him but stayed far enough away where it didn't seem weird. She bit her lip and kept her eyes low.
Faith turned to Astley as he walked in, "everythings fine Astley, i think we may have another resident." she leaned over and whispered into Jonahs ear and he ran off with a little grin. she turned back to Chrome. "why dont you head over to the high school and get registered. Gaurdian name Faith, thats me. by the time school is over i can have papers drawn up and a room ready for you. oh, and you can take a fresh pair of clothes from the room right down the hall." she smiled, she had a room full of spare clothes, hand me downs and even clothes she sewed up herself in her spare time. she heard the door, "Astley will you go bring the car around, we have to get the groceries so i can get back and draw up those papers." she asked, again not waiting for an answer she went to the door. as she opened it and saw Frankie and a cop, she looked surprised, "Frankie what happened?"

Kael smiled, "sounds good then! i will see you at lunch." he gave a wave and walked into his first class. he sat down and fiddled with his pencil, humming a quiet tune.

Emerald nodded, "sorry, i really wish i could." she gave a slightly guilty smile, "i cant bail out of soccer though. its everything to me." she said with a more distant smile. she walked ahead of him then turned around, walking backwards, "nothing like pulling a win for the team!" she said excitedly. she let out a squeak as she tripped over a crack in the side walk and fell on her butt.

Jonah ran outside to play with Icepaw like Faith had instructed, and spotted someone on the ground back in the treeline. he wandered over and gasped, seeing that she was unconsious. "m-miss? uh m-miss are y-you ok? w-wake up miss!" his tiny trembling hands trying to shake her awake.
"Thanks but im fine with these ...and the school..its in the city" .She began to walk toward the door.
"I didn't do anything, this guy just started har---," Frankie tried to reply to Faith's question but was cut off by the police officer.

"I was searching the area for a young girl who was caught squatting. I saw this girl as soon as I lost track of the one I was looking for, I tried to ask her if she had seen anything and her responses were....impolite." Frankie was rolling her eyes.

"He was acting like people are criminals for being poor." Frankie blurted out before she could get a chance to be cut off.

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