~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

((yea. since TCU only posts when we bug her about it lets just go ahead with our....slightly strange plan xD i was planning on Cian finding the snake anyway. Sungazer can stay if he wants. XP ))

"Thank you Astley, God only knows how i wouldve taken this if you weren't around." Faith said as she sat. her smaller, slightly pale hand was still in his, finding comfort in the warmth of his larger more masculine hand. she remembered the day Fayt died, how she had spent so many hours crying with absence of anyone but her sister to comfort her. As hard as Emerald tried, she didnt know anything about love, so she could do little more then hold her hand and give sorrowful hugs. a few tears rolled silently down her cheeks. "all i wanted was a family...there was Fayt... and all the children we watch over here, but i feel like im slowly losing them." she trembled a bit, her hand open clutching at her heart.

Emerald felt herself relax again as they walked to the kitchen. mfor some reason she wanted to ask if he really thought she was pretty, but decided against it. "so... what should we eat? i may be more sporty then brainy, but im a pretty good cook." she said with a grin.

Kaels blue eyes fluttered open and got caught in a pair of deep brown eyes. he was stuck for almost a minute before he was awake enough to remember where he was. "oh jeez!" he said, sitting up and looking away. "im so sorry Toni, i was taking care of you and i just..." his face reddened a bit. he couldnt believe he had let himself fall asleep in her room, he hoped that it wouldnt make things too awkward.

Cian let out a tired sigh as he got up from his knees. they were dirty from searching around the garden. he stood quiet for a moment or two, hoping to hear something. there was a noise from across the garden and a loud squeaking noise which was abruptly cut off. Cian walked over to where the sound came from and found Helena in a bush with a large lump making its way through her stomach. he chuckled and held his arm down so she could slither onto his shoulders. "so you were hungry eh?" he said as he walked back into the home with the reptile sitting comfortably on his shoulders.

Thane grinned at Yuki, "nice job! lets go another round!" he said. he managed to win a few for himself, laughing the entire time. he really wanted to show her how to have fun, so he was putting his all into playing. "youre a natural at this, have you played video games before? dont hold out on me now."
Ava closed the picture book giggling to herself and jumped off her bed, she had finished the book and needed a new one. She opened her door and peered out. Everyone had been so busy lately, so she had been stuck in her room and basically read the entire time. She headed towards the library and when she walking in she tripped over a chair, which someone seemed to be in.

Leon looked down at the cracked concrete, just thinking about everything, His brother . . . His dad . . . His new life. Ever since his brother had dies he had been more kind, softer. It's not like he was mean before hand but the death made him think. He tripped, over a rock and stumbled, looking up to see if anyone saw and his eyes fell on a sign. He had meant to volunteer here a while ago, but he began to get busy. He had just gotten promoted, now he didn't work from the office. He bit his lip and glanced at the door, and he slowly made his way to it, Knocking and waiting for an answer.
Astley squeezed her hand again before letting go, sitting in the seat beside her and gently rubbing her shoulder. 'I promise you that I will help you keep your family. You guys are the closest I have to a family now too, remember that. I'll protect you however I can.' He said, gently reaching up to wipe the tears away from her face. 'I promise.' He said again, that intense look in his eyes again. then the expression softened and he pulled his hand away, standing. 'I should go and Identify her..'


Kyan laughed, shaking his head. 'You're smart, you just like sports more. I wish I could play sports. Last time I tried to play soccer I tripped over the ball and landed face first in the grass. i could taste dirt for three days.' He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck and then sitting on the table, his legs swinging lightly. 'Uhh I'm not picky with food. Anything you make will be great I'm sure.'


Toni jumped a little as Kael woke, looking at her intensely with those blue eyes. She blushed and looked away, realising she'd been totally caught staring at him. 'N-no.. it's.. it's okay.. thank you...' She stammered, looking down at the blanket and picking at it. She caught sight of the soup and smiled a little. 'I-is that for me?' She cursed herself for being so pathetic. Why the hell couldn't she stop her voice from wavering?



Valory looked up as the car slowed and the two custodian officers got out. They waited for her to do the same, pulling a suitcase from the trunk of the car and handing it to her as she stepped out. So this was where she would spend the next few months? Well, it was better than juvi, she thought with a shrug, carting the case up the stairs and pressing the buzzer, her custodians behind her. She turned around to see a man walking up behind them, young, barely three years older than her, she judged. (leo) she stufied him with a quick, devilish grin and spoke. 'Hello handsome, I'm Valory. Do you live here?'
Leon hadn't noticed the people in front of him, but supposed the car at the front was theirs . . . Someone was taking a stay it seemed. the girl began to talk to him and he looked up, taking in her facial feature as he did and he replied curtly "Hello, Valory I'm Leon. No i don't I'm merely volunteering. . . Well if they need help" He shrugged, pushing his glasses further up his nose
Valory studied him again, looking him up and down and smiling a sly smile. 'Well I figure a group of wayward teens and needy kids need all the help they can get, right? But then, you're not much older than me.' She gave him another once over and moved a little closer. 'How old are you, Leo?' She asked, deliberately dropping the 'n' and reaching out a hand to brush some dirt off his shirt from where he'd fallen.
Leon noticed her smile and rolled his eyes, He had a feeling this girl would like him better if he was shy and he shrugged "You never know" He spoke and chuckled "I don't really care. I'm on my feet, steady job, house. Nothing to do really. Why not help out the kids?" He plastered on a fake smile but I couldn't help Jace.She shook the thought out of his head and continued to look at the girl in front of him
Valory studied him carefully and then shrugged. 'Because there could very well be people like me?' She said, turning away and re-shouldering her backpack. 'Well, If it's really what you wanna do, then I guess go for it. I'm only here because I have to be.' She seemed to lose all interest as she faced the door again, pulling a pack of gum out of her pocket and offering a piece to each of her custodians. They both said no and she let out an annoyed huff. 'You guys are such a drag. Do you ever smile?' She turned back to Leon. 'You want some?' She asked, offering the packet to him, expecting him to decline as well.
Yuki just looked blankly at the screen as she played.

whenever she lost, she was usualy right behind the leader.

"no, I have never done anything like this before."

she said as she won another race, this time on rainbow road.

"this area seemed to be quite harder for you an the computers."
Faith gave a nod, "you go with the police, i will be fine. i promise." she said to Astley, walking him to the door. as they did, she heard a knock, and rubbed at her eyes, hoping they werent too red. she answered the door, urging Astley to do what needed to be done. "hello" she said with a polite smile, seeing a young man and a young lady at the door. "you must be Miss Valory, and you are...?" she turned to the male.

Emerald laughed, "hey its ok to mess up, i did when i first started. ive got plenty of old scars too, they are like medals of honor from the battle field of soccer." she laughed a bit more, pulling some ingredients from the fridge. "well i hope you like pasta, because im in a spaghetti mood." she said as she started to cook.

Kael couldnt help but chuckle a bit at her equally surprised behavior. "well im glad i didn't make you uncomfortable or anything" he retrieved the soup from the night stand and handed her a spoon. "yep, i made this for you, i thought it would make you feel better. i may not cook as well as Faith and Emerald, but at least its edible." he said with a bashful chuckle.

Jonah heard a light thud and got down from the tall chair. he said little Ava had tripped, and went to help her up, also picking up her book. "you ok....um....Ava?" he said shyly, clutching his own book. the book he had been reading was probably around 5th grade level, even though he was only around 2nd grade

Cian wandered his way up to Rockys room, the lovely Helena over his shoulder, the lump in her stomach shrinking. once her reached the right room he knocked on the door. "Yo Rocky, i found Helena! it seems she was in the garden getting a mouse for lunch, can i come in?" he hoped Rocky would perhaps be less agressive, Cian believed he could really use some friends.

Thane gave a "pssh" and grinned, "are you kidding? Rainbow road on the N64 is easy. i heard that the rainbow road on the wii is murder though" he laughed, "anyway, you really are a natural at this. want to play something else? ive got plenty of classics!" he smiled, he was waiting for her to catch on to his enthusiasm, and hopefully express SOMETHING. anything would do he supposed, at least for a start.
Ava gladly accepted Jonah's help up and she judged of her pants and nodded shyly "Yeah, sorry Jonah! I was a little exited ..." She smiled widely at him and held up her book "Im getting a new book" she told him, Even though Jonah read at a higher level than him she was proud of what she could do.

Leon smiled and took a piece of gum from the packet "Thanks" he said as the door opened and he politely addressed the woman who answered the door. She looked like she had been under alot if stress "I'm Leon, miss. I was wondering of you needed any volunteers . . . " he held his hands behind his back and waited for an answer
Astley nodded, slipping out the door as Faith opened it. 'I'll be back in about an hour. Don't make any decisions without me okay?' He instructed and then was gone, walking down the road to where he'd parked his car. Ten minutes later he was getting out again to ID Abigail's body, a task he knew he wouldn't like much at all


Kyan laughed. "i don't have any scars to show for my clumsiness. At least not on the sporting field. I've got plenty from just plain clumsiness though.' He grinned, swinging his legs and managing to stub his toe. 'Ouch.. damn it.. see my point?' He flashed her a meek grin. 'Want to see my worst scars?' he asked, pulling up his trouser leg. 'This one was when I fell down three flights of stairs when I was eight.' He pointed to a large pink scar under his knee. Then he let his trouser leg drop again and pointed to his elbow. 'This one is from coming off my bike aged five, and this one,' He lifted up his shirt to reveal a long jagged scar down his torso. 'Is from when I was... 'adopted'..' He trailed off, looking down at the ground and letting go of the hem of his shirt. '... She got mad.. I didn't mean to annoy her.. I was just really hungry... She caught me in cupboards... ' He went silent, slight tears pricking his eyes at the memory as he clutched the place where the scar now rested, the happy glow leaving him as he zoned out, thinking about the woman that had taken him from his father so many years ago.


Toni took the bowl, setting it in her lap carefully so her trembling hands wouldnt knock it all over her bed. 'Thank you... I-I'm sorry for scaring you earlier...' She said, eating the soup slowly and savouring the taste as if it were her last meal. She didn't tend to eat much currently. She wondered if it was connected with the bruises and everything else. Looking back up at Kael she gave a meek smile. 'Are you going to tell Faith?'


Rocky woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. He muttered something unintelligible, rolling over and falling off his bed completely, crashing to the floor and opening one eye, noticing the carpet's rough texture against his cheek. He pulled out his headphones and pushed himself onto his knees, rubbing his eyes and looking at the shadow that appeared under his door. Grunting, he stood up and opened the door, saw Cian and was about to close it in his face again when he spotted Helena. 'What're you doin' with my snake?' He asked in a sleep husked voice.


Valory smiled coyly at Faith. 'Yup, that's me. Val, the temperamental wonder.' She announced it loudly and proudly, grinning. Her custodians exchanged vexed expressions. The male spoke. 'Miss Ernest, if we could take a moment to fill in the final paperwork, we can be out of your hair in less than an hour and allow you to resume a normal lifestyle. I apologise for Valory's behaviour, it's a brovado she employs in a new situation.' Valory rolled her eyes at that. 'Shut up Reeves, you don't know what you're talking about. You make me sound like some kind of animal or something.' She rolled her eyes again, shaking her head.
Faith smiles, her stress ebbing a little. "yes, i could definitely use some help, come on in!" she says, stepping aside so he can enter. "you to Val, my office it the first door on the left, there is a sheet with available teen rooms, so take your pick." she said before turning back to Leon, "we can walk and talk, Ive got to go to my archives room and retrieve some papers." her expression saddened again as she turned to head down the hall.

Emerald chuckled at him as he stubbed his toe, turning down the temp on the stove before looking at his scars. as his tone lowered, she could tell he was upset. "hey, that was then, this is now Ky." she took his hand away from the scar. "youre home here, and youre like a miniature sun that lights this place up. dont let our sun go out, ok?" she smiled, and wrapped her arms around him.

Kael gave a complicated expression, "we should. what if you're seriously sick? i cant let you rot away up here." he said with concern in his voice. he shifted with a sigh. "however, if you really want, i wont tell. at least as long as you dont get any worse." he said, blue eyes locking brown.

Jonah shifted around awkwardly, not having talked much with others. "its ok... i dont mind. long as you didnt hurt yourself." he picked up his own book from the table, "i could help you find a good book, one thats easy for you." he offered shyly.

Cian chuckled as he saw Rocky come out in a very sleep-rumpled appearance. "i came to return her to you. i founf her in the garden and thought you might want to know that she was looking for lunch." he motioned to the ever shrink lump in the snakes stomach. "you got a little something..." he pointed to Rockys cheek, which had some marks from the wrinkles in his pillow case.
Leon smiles softly and steps in, nodding, walking next to the woman. The home was exactly what he expected . . . He hoped he could help them . . . Make it lighter. He was never one to like a fancy place. His apartment had a simple couch, TV, bedroom and the only thing he ever had that cost alot was his suits. "I was hoping to help out a little financially. . ." He told her, he supposed this would be a great help.

Ava nodded animatedly and said "I'm a tough cookie" She smiled at him and said "That would be nice Jonah . . . . " She said, never really having spoken to Jonah she never knew he was nice. She did know he was smart, She heard Daddy and Mama Faith talking about it all the time
"its up to you, I dont mind" Yuki said, putting down her controller momentarily.

she stretched and yawned. not out of boredom, but exhaustion, because she rarely sleeps.

she picked up the controller again. "so, what is next?"

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