~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

((yay! let the fun resume! by the way, all Residents are able to take self study and home tutoring so we wont have to deal with school, plus its now saturday in the Home. yay for weekends!))

Emerald was walking up the stairs, hair in a messy pony tail, and cheeks rosy red. she had a bottle of water to her lips as she heard Rocky shouting about his pet snake. "Chill man, she is a snake, no one will mess with her." she looped the strap on her water bottle around her wrist and proceeded to take her hoodie off as she walked. by the time she reached her own door she was in her sports shorts and sports bra. "im taking a shower so if anyone needs me, it'll be about 15 minutes." she walked into her room leaving everyone standing in the hall.

Faith gave a quiet groan as she looked over her papers. she had a number of new residents and all the paperwork was making her neck sore. she cracked it a few times, setting the paper aside and laying her head down on her desk. she slipped into an uneasy, feverish slumber. Faith had never had the strongest body, and she had let herself get soaked the day before.

Kael yawned and rolled out of bed and onto the floor with a thump as he heard all sorts of racket outside. he got up, rubbing his head where it had hit the floor as he went to his door. he peeked out to see Rocky yelling at Kyan and the others about something, but Kael was far to groggy to process what it was.
Roxy groaned, hearing a familiar voice echoing through the hall. "Ow." she rubbed her head and got dressed, pulling on some random clothes and strolling to the door before peeking into the small group of people at Rocky's door. "Helena's gone missing, has she?" she raised an eyebrow, coughing and pulling her jacket on properly and staring tiredly into the room. She spotted the tank. "Yup, the snake's gone." she yawned and rested against the door frame.


Carim slowly rose, ignoring the mass of shouting going on and headed to the garden, passing Rosa's door and waving slightly. "Oh, hey there." he smiled and yawned. "How are you this mornin'?" he asked her, his eyes drooping a bit.
Ava smiled and got up from the floor, she had been playing with her teddies and she nodded "yeah, hey Jonah" she smiled gently at him and looked down at her Pyjamas and says "hold on one second, I need to get dressed" she said, politely, shutting the door and running to get in one if her dresses and then opening the door "okay, I'm ready" she saw rocky yelling and screamed really high pitched for a moment, after everything went silent she smiled "better"

Rosa smiled as she bumped into Carim and said "Morning" she heard the scream and frowned, looking down the hall "didn't sleep well?" She asked, half smiling. She couldn't help but gaze at the place where she but him..... She felt bad about that.
Ashton didn't realize that he was the flirtatious type but then again, he was kind of busy "relaxing" on the ground. She giggled a little to herself and looked up at him. "Of course I wouldnt be jealous. Besides, it needs to get a life." She shrugged and talked nonchalantly as if she were talking about a dull pet frog or something. She slid her plate over to herself and looked around when she heard a faint yelling. She looked at Cian with her eyebrows furrowed in confused then towards the rooms. She decided its not that important so she ate some of the omelet.
Cian raised an eyebrow at Ashton. she didnt react how he had expected. he was all about reactions. maybe he would be more forward later. he also gave a questioning glance towards the yelling, but shrugged it off. he also took a bite or two of the omelet, feeling like he did a good job. "so..? you like the omelet?" he asked.

Jonah smiled a little, walking out to the playground area with Ava. he looked around, enjoying the warm air. it may have been fall, but today was a bit warmer then usual. "so...what do you want to play?" he asked timidly.
Ashton took a deep breath in. She wasn't used to flirting that much. When she was younger, all she cared about was school work. Well, that's all her dad let her worry about. Boys were never an option. Not like she would get a boyfriend anyways because people believed she was evil because of her light blue eyes and dark hair. It was rare in the area. She blushed at the thought. Usually people think of her as someone who can show her emotions but chooses not to react easily. She'd have to break that habit. She looked up at Cian and smiled. "It's really good. And the milk?" She asked with a giggle.
Cian gave a goofy look as though he was thinking really hard. "i dont know. i think you messed it up." he said with a nod, "i know!" he got up and went to the fridge, taking out a bottle of chocolate syrup. he walked back to the table after grabbing a spoon and squirted some into the milk. he stirred until the milk was a smooth brown and went to take a sip. "much better! want some?" instead of offering the chocolate syrup for her to mix into her own milk, he offered his own glass with a smile.
Rocky glared at each individual one by one. 'I need to search your rooms. I have no doubt one of you took her.' His eyes narrowed at Roxy in particular as she peered into his room. He eyed them all suspiciously. 'If I find out either one of you took her as some kind of prank or something...' His tone was somewhat like that of a sulky child that had his favourite toy taken. He barely even noticed Emerald as she walked past. Kyan on the otherhand did. He in fact turned a very deep shade of red as she stripped off her shirt and walked into her room. Rocky fixed him with an irritated look. 'What's the matter with you?'

Kyan shook his head, stammering. 'N-N-Nothing... I.. I have to go feed scarecrow..' He managed, blushing furiously and walking past Emerald's room. He remembered her offer to help train Crow and bit his lip. What if she was undressing or something? Still.. He wanted to spend time with her. So he stopped and knocked on the door, waiting a beat before opening it a crack and poking his head around it. 'Uh.. Em?'

Toni ignored Rocky's accusations and instead went back into her room next to Kael's and closed the door. No sooner had she done so than her vision blurred again and she swayed on her feet, crashing into the wall and whimpering. She heard Rocky going downstairs along with Abi and she wondered if she was the only one left upstairs again. She hoped so. No one could know that something was wrong.
((hey dont forget Faith! she is passed out on her desk with a fever from the previous days rain....))

Emerald had taken a quick rinse in the shower. she was already most of the way dressed, she had jeans on and a normal bra and was pulling on a t-shirt just as Kyan peeked in. she turned around and flashed a grin, "we get to train that adorable pup of yours today?" she asked happily, the thought of him having possibly saw her bra not even crossing her mind.

Kael raised an eyebrow at Rocky, "whatever, i dont have anything to hide." he said before trudging back into his room. he dressed himself and then heard a thump from next door. he went over and peeked into Tonis room, seeing her leaning dizzily against her wall. "Toni! jeez, if youre sick you should stay in bed." he said with concern as he went over and helped her to her bed. he put a hand on her forehead, however she didnt have a temperature. "did you eat something weird?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
((hello Zeke, welcome to RPN, i would point you to the sign up for this RP but ive closed it.... i already have too many people to keep up to date here, im sorry))

Thane smiled as Georgia ran back to him, a tennis ball in her mouth. "good girl Georgia! roll over!" the young yellow lab barked happily and rolled over. Thane crouched down and vigorously scratched around her purple collar, to which she flopped on her side. he sat i the grass of the Homes back yard and chuckled as his dog lay there panting. he enjoyed the feeling over the morning, and was wide awake even though most of the residents were just waking up.
Yuki slowly woke up from her slumber and rolled out of bed.

She yawned quietly and stretched out her arms and legs.

"I overslept a little..." She said quietly to herself.

She walked downstairs, all but avoiding everyone, and walked outside in the back yard.

She then noticed someone new whom she hadn't met, and laid in the grass nearby, not really paying attention to him.

She sighed slightly and just stared at the sky.
Thane was content to sit in the grass with his dog for awhile, however Georgia suddenly perked up and and did a happy jog to a girl who had just laid down nearby. the dog looked down at the girl and floped onto the ground next to her. Thane followed her over. "Georgia, are you abandoning me?" he asked with a chuckle. he looked at the girl and realized he didnt recognize her. "hey, are you new to the home? the names Thane, and im positive we havent met." he grinned as he sat next to Georgia. "this is my good friend Georgia." he gave the dog a light pat.
Yuki looked over at the new boy and his dog.

"Yes, I'm pretty new. My name is Yuki, and no we have never met."

She looked back at the clouds, still not paying much attention to him.

She never does it intentionally, but absentmindedly, she usually blatantly ignores people.
Roxy rolled her eyes and walked back to her room, rummaging for her violin. "Where is it?" she sighed, finally getting it out and plucking at the strings. "God, why is this thing so out of tune, no wonder it didn't sound right the other day." She held the bow in her mouth, fiddling around in her drawers for her tuner."I'm losing everything today." she said, muffled by the wooden musical implement in her mouth. She walked back to the other side of the bed, opening those drawers.
Thane gave a curious glance at the girl. "hey, if i woke you up early you wouldnt be made would you? you should walk Georgia tomorrow with me its good exercise" he suggested with a friendly smile, "Georgia and i love making new friends! you like sports? or maybe just hanging around outside? you seem a bit quite. im not bothering you am i?" he asked.

"Its alright, I don't sleep much anyway, so I don't mind.

I don't mind them, but I don't really do anything outside but look at the sky.

And no, you're not bothering me at all."

She said without looking at him, with a cold-seeming monotone, though not meaning it.

"You're weird. Wanting to be together with someone like me though."

She moved her head to look at him from the corner of her eyes.
Thane chuckled, " a lot of people think im weird! i just like hanging out with people"he pet Georgia as she lay next to him. "theres always fun things to do you just have to find them! i walk and play with Georgia here, and go to parks and stuff. i think being alone is lonely too, and that just sitting around is boring. its nice sometimes, like when youve had a long and noisy day... but too much of it dulls the senses!" he said, hoping he wasnt rambling too much.
"I don't mind being alone, and I'm fine sitting around outside if its quiet."

She looked back at the sky, watching the clouds go by silently.

"I don't really know what this 'fun' is that you're talking about either.

It must be nice to know feelings and socialize."
Thane looked dumbfounded for a second, but that was quickly replaced by a bright grin, "no way Snow! youve got all kinds of feelings in there somewhere, you just gotta find them!" he stood up, holding a hand out, "lets go do something fun!"
"Snow...? and uh...ok then...I guess.

Not like I had anything to do anyway." she said boredly.

she took his hand and let him drag her to wherever.

"where are we going anyway...?"
Rocky glowered at them all. 'Well fine, if you won't help me find her then I'll just look by myself.' He snapped stubbornly, stalking down the stairs to the kithcen, where he found Cian and Ashton. The moment he saw them together his hackles rose and he pushed Cian against the fridge violently. 'Where the hell is she? What have you done with her?' He snarled, pressing his forearm roughly against his windpipe and applying pressure. Vicious anger flashed in his eyes, convinced as he was that Cian had taken Helena from his room.


Toni blushed as Kael rushed in, helping her to the bed. She struggled to sit properly, her head throbbing, feeling sick. When he touched her forehead gently she blushed furiously, stammering for the right words. 'I.. I don't think so.. I just woke up and felt light headed... and queasy.. I'm scared..' She admitted, looking up at him with a watery smile. 'Thanks for helping me.. I.. i think I just need to rest a bit.' She assured him meekly, confused as to why he was speaking to her. She didn't even think he knew that she existed.


Abigail dressed slowly, pulling on some jeans and a white blouse. she pulled back the light brown strands of hair into a ponytail and sighed at her own reflection. Why couldn't she ever seem to remember her own past? It just wasn't fair. She pulled on her sneakers, straightening up, grabbing her bag and going down the stairs and out the door. She had decided she would go to the park today. She'd brought her painting supplies with her and had an idea to paint a scene of some of the families that gathered there. She hummed to herself as she walked, enjoying the cool breezy morning. there was still an overcast of cloud from the day before and it looked like it was going to rain again. As she noticed this she saw a flash of ginger dash past and she focused to see it was a kitten. 'Awwww... come here little kitty.' She cooed, following the cat down the street. It ran into an alleyway and she chased after it, running into the alleyway to find it was a dead end. The kitten had jumped up onto the large dumpster and up onto the fire escape of the building to the left. 'Come back, I won't hurt you!' She cried, gazing in defeat at the small creature. It just blinked golden eyes at her.

'It's too bad I can't say the same for you.' A cold voice said as a shadow fell over Abigail. She turned around to see the outline of a man silhouetted against the light from the street. 'What? what do you mean by that?' She asked, slightly terrified. What did he want? The man grinned, the jagged scar that ran along his jaw crinkling. 'It means that I'm going to do a bit of.. surgery.' He smirked and panic rose in Abi's throat. Instantly she tried to run past him but he grabbed hold of her arm and pushed her against the wall. She whimpered as he pulled out a scalpel and traced the curve of her cheek with the flat of the blade. 'You're very beautiful little miss, such soft skin. Too bad I don't have time to preserve your beauty.' He flashed her a grin, reached into his pocket nd pulled out a polaroid camera. 'Or maybe I do. Smile little miss.' He said, taking the photo of her frightened face and pocketing it and the camera again. 'You'll be remembered I'm sure. You're the first of my collection. You'll be famous, I promise.' He said, stroking her cheek again. She whimpered, her breathing coming fast. 'P-please.. let me go..' She begged. He chuckled and ran his thumb over her lips. 'Shhh, this won't hurt a bit.' He burst into laughter. 'I'm just kidding. It'll be extremely painful. Promise you'll scream for me.' He laughed again and sliced the scalpel down her cheek. She didn't scream, but she did plead with him, crying. 'Not quite what I wanted.' He crooned as he set to work causing as much pain as he could. His slices were precise and with each stroke her fear accelerated. Finally he looked at her fear glazed eyes and smiled coldly. 'Now for the last touch. Goodbye my dear.' He whispered, as one would to a lover. Then he plunged the scalpel into her jugular and left her lifeless corpse to bleed out on the damp cobbles. As he did the skies opened up and began to soak the poor girl.


Kyan blushed furiously, averting his eyes. 'Y-yes.. but it looks like it's going to rain soon, so we'll have to bring her inside.' He said, not looking at her. He instead stared past her and out the window. 'Uhh... shall we go?' He asked, looking at the heavy clouds. He knew Crow would be eager to get out of her pen and play. She still needed to be fed too. And he didn't know where that snake was hiding. The sooner he got Crow in his sights the better.


Astley walked into the study, expecting to see Faith working. Instead he found her passed out on the paperwork. 'Faith? Don't you have a bed for that?' He chuckled, reaching over to shake her awake. He could feel the fever as he brushed her hair out of her face. 'Faith, wake up. You need to go to bed right now. You have a temperature.' He informed her as he woke her up by shaking her shoulder a little.
Cian was caught by surprise when Rocky rushed in and pinned him to the fridge. he let out a gasp as he used his own arms as braces to keep Rocky from suffocating him. "get...off...." he planted his knee in Rockys stomach with a enough force to startle him off, but not to hurt him. "Jeez Rocky, whats your problem? you lose something? i just spent one night here, so dont expect me to know whats going on." he said, rubbing his neck.

Emerald smiled, "sure thing, we wouldnt want to get sick." she threw on her green converse, and walked out of her room. she cast a glance at her blonde friend as they headed towards the door to the back yard. for some reason she felt that he looked different today. he always seemed so bright, and she wondered what she would ever do if he wasnt around. she immediatly shifted her attention forward again. why had such a thought crossed her mind, she had a lot of people like that right? why did she think Kyan looked nice today?

Faith moaned softly as her amber eyes fluttered open. they were slightly glazed over, and she felt light headed and dizzy. "Astley...?" she mumbled, trying to get up. she wobbled a bit and fell against Astley. "im sorry..." she said trying to stand up on her own. "i cant sleep...the kids need me. i have to look after everyone." she held onto his shoulder, a sort of lost puppy look in her eyes. as determined as she was to work, she could barely stand.

Thane helped her up from the grass, then jammed his hands in his pockets as Georgia walked along with him. "lets go inside, its getting really cloudy." he suggested. leading the way in. Georgia padded alongside Yuki, her tail wagging happily. "hey, you dont mind chilling in my room do you? i have some stuff we could do." he said with a grin.

Kael looked at her, biting his lip. "are you sure? you havent looked well the past few days."
past...few...days? shoot. "er...thats what ive heard." he said as he sat on the end of her bed. "can i get you anything? i mean...i know i dont talk to you really...but we are room neighbors." he was trying to disguise the fact that he had nearly said that he watched her the past few days. not in a stalker way though. in reality, he had had his eye on her for awhile, and though he was outgoing and good with people he foulnd himself suddenly struck with shyness.
Louis shoves his hands in his pockets, taking his usual stroll. He turned a corner and looked down at the ground, sighing heavily. He never had anything to do, nothing interesting ever happened while he was around. He heard the crunch of gravel in the distance and walked forward, automatically quizzical. Louis rushed a bit, picking up the pace. He saw what looked like someone laying down in the dead end of a near by alley. He cautiously looked around before sauntering in, the figure soon showing more of an outline. It was a girl, Louis knew that for sure. He hesitantly hopped forward, spotting the ever so familiar crimson red of blood. He blinked furiously, almost out of disbelief when he saw who it was.

It was Abigail. The girl he'd only met yesterday, dead and bleeding profusely. He crouched down beside her, grabbing her hand. "A-abi..." he mumbled, tears spilling down his cheeks. His breathing was shaky as his eyes welled up at the sight. Her life had just begun really, and now she was dead, laying motionless before his eyes in a pool of blood. Who the hell would do this to her? he thought angrily, kneeling beside her dead body and crying softly. The rain that poured down almost masked both the look of his tears and the sound. He shut his eyes tight, dropping his head to his knees. He gripped her cold, limp hand, shaking from the cold. "R-rest in p-peace, A-Abigail..." he swallowed loudly. "I'll miss you."
Yuki slowly got up and headed toward the boy.

She followed him with the dog next to her the entire time.

The dog seemed to already take a liking to her for some reason,

just like the boy had, which was very new to her.

"I don't mind, sure." She said casually. "What is it exactly?"

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