~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Rosa nodded and smiled as Carim left, going back to being her quiet self, she wandered inside in time to hear faiths announcement and she decided to sign up, what barn could it do. She walked to the paper and wrote done her sae and thought for a minute


She didn't have a bad voice, in fact it was quite lovely, so she hoped people would've mind. She ate a small dinner and wandered off to her room where she put her hand to her cheek and thought "did he?"

Ava: singing
Ashton looked over at Cian in wonder. He was just a bright light in the gloom she called life. She thought of angels and smiled to herself slightly. Such a stupid thought, she told herself. Her small smile widened when he draped his jacket over her shoulders. She walked to the Home with him, wondering where he would sleep. She usually didn't even sleep much, going to town in her book. Her book... She frowned to herself (I totally forgot Rocky had it xD [MENTION=2753]CaterpilAli[/MENTION]) She thought about how Rocky had said the garbage truck collected the trash, the book she wrote along with it. She was led to the Home and walked in, her makeup smearing the tiniest bit. She wiped her face off, slipping off her converse and handing his jacket back to him, with a small blush.
(Roxy ~ A very unique violin piece.

Carim ~ Cooking)

Roxy soon got tired of playing. She decided to go outside and she heard the announcement. She went to sign up, her violin being her piece of course. "There we go." she smiled, starting to walk back. Climbing into bed, she started slowly dozing off, although tossing and turning, her mind racing and thinking 100 things a minute. She drifted into an anything but peaceful sleep. She snored a bit.


Carim heard the announcement while going up to his room. "I only have one talent." he sighed. "Hey, I could do it." he jogged over to the sheet, scrawling cooking on there. "Mhmm." he smiled, running into his room. He started rummaging through the drawers, then staring at the time, he decided to sleep. He fell into a deep-sleep instantly.
Emerald was walking by when Cian and Ashton arrived at the home. "Cian! its been almost a month since your last visit, what your problem man?" she asked patting him roughly on the back. he looked at her with a grin, "hey Em! i cant help it, ive been busy. my temporary crash pad still available?" he asked. she grinned, "course. you know Faith, everyone welcome here. we are like family." she gave him a quick hug "its good to see you again. go check Faiths sign up for my name, if you agree with my performance put your name next to mine. youre the one who taught me after all." she waved at the two of them before walking off.

Cian looked at Ashton, "a talent show huh?" he said, hanging his soaked coat after she handed it to him. "lets go check out that sign up sheet then. you have any hidden talents?" he asked out of curiousity.
Kyan sat out on the back porch with Scarecrow in his lap, cuddling the exciteable puppy close. Emerald had ditched him to go talk to some Cian guy. He got the feeling they were close friends and he wasn't quite sure why it made him feel like he was a threat of some kind. He was vaguely dejected, cuddling the dog as if it were his only friend. He still felt really bad about Emerald's ankle too. Would she be okay? He sighed, chuckling a little as the dog licked his nose. 'I love you too Crow.'


Rocky grinned at Ava. 'Any time short stuff. Now, come on, its getting late. Faith will have dinner ready soon.' He took Helena off of Ava and slung the python over his own shoulders and holding his hand out to Ava. 'Come on, lets go see what's for dinner, I personally am starved. And I might even be able to con some raw meat off Faith for Helena.'


Astley found faith in the kitchen again and he fixed her with a gentle smile. 'Want me to stay the night to help out with the kids or will you be right?' He liked helping out around the Home, even if it took him away from his own business for a while. 'I can stay if you really want, i don't mind. i'll just have to duck out to feed my animals first.'
Faith smiled, "its really up to you Astley. i would appreciate help with the talent show next week though." shde finished cleaning up. "you know, im actually planning an act. piano and singing." she informed. "anyway, dont stay up too late. im heading off to bed." she gave him a pat on the soulder before heading off to bed.

Talents list thus far:

Jonah: playing paino with Alex accompanying on violin

Faith: piano and singing, closing act.

Emerald: Formal dancing-Cian partnering

Kael: Viola

Ava: Singing

Rocky: guitar and singing

Kyan:Dog tricks

Abi: flute

Toni: singing

Carim: cooking

Roxy: unique violin peice
Ashton shrugged and smiled a little a little bit. "I can sing a little and I used to play keyboard and piano but that was so long ago.." she sighed and walked by the laundry room, grabbing a towel and ringing out her hair. She took a deep breath in and heaved a sigh, throwing the towel back in the dirty clothes.
Cian smiled, "well its really up to you." he called after her. he went to the kitchen and added his name to the list next to Emeralds. he went back and found Ashton, giving her a curious look. "Hey, has that shy kid asked Emmy out yet? because i know he has been crushing on her, and Em can be denser then....well whatever is dense." he sighed, "im not a creeper or anything, she like....a sister." he said, wishing that his parents werent deployed so he had real family to talk to.


Jonah: playing paino with Alex accompanying on violin

Faith: piano and singing, closing act.

Emerald: Formal dancing-Cian partnering

Kael: Viola

Ava: Singing

Rocky: guitar and singing

Kyan:Dog tricks

Abi: flute

Toni: singing

Carim: cooking

Roxy: unique violin peice

Rosa: singing

Ashton pondered on whether or not she should join the talent show. Besides, it would be fun but...a waste of time. She looked down at her feet, making her way to one of the couches. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes until Cian came back in. A smile tugged at her lips but she just looked at him silently. "I dont talk to anyone much...so I wouldn't know. Do you know his name?"
Cian gave a puzzled look. "why the heck not? youre nice enough. maybe you wouldnt seem so glum if you tried to make a friend or two." he shook his head, thinking again. "I think the guys name is Kyan. Emmy talks about how funny he is and how she liks hanging out with him but ive seen his face when they are together. i know he likes her and is to chicken to say anything, and Em is too dense to know why she likes him so much." he sighed, "by the way, you really should enter the talent show. im sure it would be a lot of fun."
Ashton lifted her shoulders in a slight shrug. "I don't know...I guess so." She found the sign up sheet and put her name on there, and her act. Ashton--piano and singing (Never Say Never- The Fray) She loved that song with all of her heart. She stiffened a little but loosened up when she walked back to Cian. "So...let's say that even though we just met today, we go out somewhere and eat? Or just order something for here and..I don't know, watch a movie or something?" She blushed. He did say she should have more friends..

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] I dont know if you just didn't see it or something but I replied.
Rosaline Went into her room and got out her phone, It was a cheep thing that her father got her, he of course de-activated the account once he abandoned her, but with her job she managed to get a new one. She looked up songs and lyrics and eventually found one that fit her situation, it would need editing but she could do it. Rosa got a notepad out and wrote down the lyrics, and what she was converting them to on two different pages and stuck them to her wall, playing the backing on her phone, cheep head phones in. She began to sing and once she had lyrics that fit she just kept singing to memorize the lyrics. It would be a lie to say that no tears were shed during her practice session. Memories of her father and mother flashed through her mind, happy memories, safe memories.

Rosaline could still remember all the time she spent living on the streets, cold, alone, abandoned. It's when your forced to see the horrible truth that you notice the signs, when Rosa had to live homeless she felt how they did, and more. She remembered seeing an old homeless couple living on the streets and thy had pitied her, like she pitied them. She had often wondered if her mother and father had sought to replace her, if they missed her or even regretted what they did. THey probably thought she was dead, had dies on the streets, how could someone who delivered such justice be so cruel? She wondered if she could see him, just once, on the street or at his work. To show him she was still alive, that she was fine without him. As usual she couldn't sleep, all the thoughts, memories and wishes buzzed around in her head and she glances up at the clock, almost midnight. She lay on her bed and sighed, it was going to be a long night.
((i did Maggie, just forgot))

Cian smiled, "nah, not tonight." he yawned, "its getting late and everyone else has gone to bed, and im tired from that wipe out earlier." he gave her a pat on the back, "however, i would love to take you up on that offers another day."
Ashton nodded, blushing. "Oh okay..." She gave him a small wave then walked off to her room. She fell into her bed and heaved a sigh. She got up again and took a couple clothes with her to the shower. She took a quick one and changed into pajama pants and a tank top with a grey hoodie. She wanted to write in her book so badly but she didn't have it. It was probably all shredded up by now. She winced and walked over to her bed again, putting the book she had been reading on the nightstand. (@CaterpilAli when will she get her book back)[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION]
((ok, it looks like everyone is asleep now. i will do a time skip after ive spoken with Ali. Ali wont be on RPN for a bit, so i need to get some things figured out before we continue.))
((okee dokey everyone, im not letting this RP fail! Ali will still be gone awhile, maybe 4-5 days so we shall do without her characters for now. also, im changing the school thing because it was a hassle.))

Faith woke up early as she usually did, showering and dressing before helping the kids get ready for the day. she went back to her room to print off a sheet. she hung it up on the bulliten board before going to draw up papers for the new residents of the Home.

Notice to all high school and middle school residents:

~self study materials, paper and textbooks will be supplied to those who do not wish to go to the public schools. thank you~

Emerald roled out of bed with a groggy expression, her hair a mess. she wandered downstairs looking for some breakfast and took an apple from one of the fruit bowls.

Cian had been awake for some time, he was an early riser. he was in the process of making breakfast while Faith did paper work. this was a common routine when he visited the shelter.

Jonah woke up and rubbed at his eyes. he went over to the room were all the girl children stayed and poked Ava. "wake up....morning time now." he yawned.

Kael was still asleep, snoring away in his bed. he was terrible at waking up and usually someone had to go get him.
Ashton yawned and stretched, leaning up off of her bed. She let herself fall back into the warmth of the covers and buried her face into the sheets. "Dang...." She got up again and got dressed. It was a gray tanktop with a British flag and black lace in the back and ripped black skinny jeans. Then she put on some black ankle high boots. She was thankful that she got her job at the pet store. She didn't have to work until later in the week though. She walked downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and some milk. She also took out some strawberries and whipped cream. How did Faith get so much stuff? It must cost a lot. She sighed.
Cian saw Ashton enter the kitchen. "morning sunshine" he grinned, "you sure you dont want some home cooking? the kids are already fed and teens have free kitchen access so i thought i may as well make something. you like omelets? i have enough ingredients for the two of us." he asked, beating some eggs.
Ashton smiled and shrugged. "I guess so, omelets are food and I eat food so it's a good deal." She said with a cheesy smile. She closed the strawberries and whipped cream and put them back in the fridge. She continued pouring her glass of milk. She looked up from her glass and grabbed another glass. "Want a glass of milk?"
Rosa bolted upright, she had falled asleep rather suddenly and as she looked around she was confused as to what woke her, but she just yawned and rubbed her eyes, stretching and getting out of bed, she had work today. She lingered on the events of yesterday for a while, smiling at the memory of accidentally freaking out on Karim and ... Biting his arm. Ouch. She would have to remember to make sure he was alright . . .

Rosa saw the lyrics and smiled, she was going to give this her all. She wanted to perform as if her dad was coming. . . Well no. if he came she would either cry or attack him, she wanted to perform like he would see, show him what she was made of. Whatever she was made of it wasn't him.
Cian smiled as he poured the egg into the pan. "sure why not, milk is a drink, and i drink drinks." he chuckled as he copied her earlier statement. he put ham in the omelet and a bit of cheese. "weve got a whole ay ahead of us and as long as i dont go home i technically dont have any school work.you want to go do something later?" he asked, "like maybe watch me kiss the pavement again?" he joked with a laugh.
Ashton felt a blush creep up her neck, and she poured the rest of the milk into the glass she got out for him. She stopped for a moment, then handed him the glass. "I guess I don't have any homework either..." She shrugged and smiled. "I would love to go out and do something. I need to get out of here." She took a sip of the milk. "On one condition though.." she looked at him in the eyes completely serious. "You have to promise me the pavement won't get too much attention this time." The corner of her lip raised ever so slightly and she crooked her neck to the side a little bit.
Cian chuckled. he flopped the two omelets onto plates and set them on the table, sitting right across from Ashton. "you wouldnt be jealous of the pavement would you? the sidewalk and me....thats over. we didnt get along." he said, a glint in his eyes as his more flirtatious side came out. usually it would appear right away, but yesterdays face plant on the sidewalk didnt exactly make him look like senior sauve.

Jonah peeked into Avas room, hoping she was there. when he saw her, he gave a shy wave. he was shy around everyone at the home, even Ava. they had played together a few times, but Jonah was still shy about it. "Ava, wanna play? its sunny outside." he said quietly, hoping she would hear.

(Yeah bishes I'm back! [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] [MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] [MENTION=2482]BloodRedRoses[/MENTION] [MENTION=4011]MaggieEdwards[/MENTION] [MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION])

Rocky yawned and stretched, glancing over at the tank, expecting to see Helena curled on her favourite rock directly under the UV lamp and then blinked. A flood of panic rushed through him and he let out a yell. Helena was missing! He tore off the bed sheets, tossing his room apart in a frenzy, searching for any sign of the python's beautiful mottled skin. But to no avail. 'WHO TOUCHED MY SNAKE?!' He bellowed, yanking open the door and racing into the corridor, banging on every door he could. 'WHERE'S MY SNAKE!?'


Kyan awoke to the sound of banging on his door and yawned, frowning. Who was making such a racket this early? It wasn't natural. He pushed back the covers, slipping his feet into the pale green alien slippers he'd been given for his birthday and trudged to the door, pulling it open to stare sleepy eyed at thefurious and frantic looking Rocky. 'What's up?' He asked in confusion, noticing other doors starting to open to see what was going on. Including that of Abi and Toni. Both females looked confused and rumpled from sleep. The dark haired boy in front of them heaved out a breath. 'She's gone. Helena is gone. Who did it?' He demanded furiously. Kyan stared at him again. 'It wasn't me.'


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