~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Rosa complied and closed her eyes, a little tense knowing the knife was there and he could do anything with it with her eyes closed, but opened them when she heard the draw slam closed and turned to see Carim holding open the door. "Sure, the gardens it is then" after he seemingly jumped over the bench, which made her laugh a little and she walked over to the door, and fake curtsied "Why thank you" she said sarcastically
Faith gave a gentle nod, "i would love to." she thought for a moment, "i suppose i should pay Fayt a visit." she said, then she suddenly realized she had forgotten about Alex, "perhaps i should pay my dear friend Laura a visit as well, you would not mind would you?" she asked with a sincere smile.
Carim slammed the door behind them, sauntering behind Rosa. He smiled as he walked along, running a hand through the flowers and the other arranged foliage around the bitumen around the place. "So, Rosa. Have any siblings?" he asked non-chalantly. He grinned at her, running a hand through his blonde hair. He stretched slightly and started humming a song. "Hmm hmm hmm hmm."
Rosa watched him saunter over her shoulder and rolled her eyes, most guys thought they were all that when they did that. She closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and the scent of the flowers in the garden filled her nose and she smiled. Her smile seemed to light up all her features. She shook her head 'Only child, abandoned" she said, she didn't want to tlk much about the memories of her past, they all made her want to cry
(realised today i hadnt replied as Abi)

Abigail wandered about at lunchtime, confused. She was trying to memorise the different reasons for congruent triangles for math and it was hurting her head. Should she continue or just give up for now? It really sucked not being able to remember even the most redundant of things. Parts of her mind had locked up on her and no matter how hard she tried to remember, it only resulted in her getting severe headaches. Now was one such time so she sat on the grass under her favourite tree, drawing her knees to her chest and resting her forehead on them, sighing. 'Why can't I do this..?' She whispered, tears in her eyes.


Rocky shrugged. 'Whatevs, I'm gonna get a pie.' He said, turning away and starting to walk before turning back. 'I'm sorry about your book. But why did you throw it away anyway?' He asked out of curiosity, thinking about it sitting in the bottom of his bag in his locker. He wasn't going to read it. He'd seen how upset it'd made her before and he wasn't going to risk it anyway. He wasn't even remotely interested in it. He had just saved it because he knew she'd regret it later.


Astley smiled softly, nodding. 'Of course. Thank you, for agreeing.. It's been rather difficult lately, I just don't want to go there by myself lately. And I feel we don't actually know all that much about each other. We've spent the last few years getting to know each other, yet we never SHARED anything about ourselves. today in the supermarket made me realise how little we know, how little we share. i want to apologise for letting it go on like that for so long.' He knew he was doing the right thing as his conscience and confusion started to clear up. Yes, they needed to amend that gap between them. It would do no good to let the secrets build. 'I'd like to start this afternoon, when we go to see our families. Anything you want to ask, i'll be completely open about.'
Louis wandered around school, he skipped lunch. Louis was never one to get hungry within a couple hours period. He sighed as he walked around the grounds, he wasn't really friends with anyone. He looked around, flipping some of his hair behind his ear. He spotted Abi in the distance, in an upright fetal position. "Abi?" he ran over, a massive smile on his face, a beam spreading ear to ear. "Abi!!" he crouched down beside her, looking at her work. "Congruent shapes. My worst enemy. Need any help?" he poked her arm.


Roxy awoke, rubbing her head.
"Ow." she groaned. She checked the time. "Oh it's only... crap! I'm late!!" she quickly rose from her bed, getting a waterbottle out from her fridge and bolting out of the home, running down the street. Her books in her hand, she skidded around the corner, her arms flailing, doing that strange thing she calls running. She closed her eyes for a second and when she opened her eyes a black haired figure was in front of her and before she had time to react, slam! Both of them were knocked to the ground. She looked up, in a dazed state.

"Jonah, do you mind showing me the bedrooms?" She asked with a little yawn.

"I'm suddenly really tired, I'll have to look around more later".

She had no idea why she was so tired, maybe from everything that's happened today,

since so much has happened.
Ashton almost stopped him, she didn't want to be there alone. She was about to get up and walk up next to him but he turned around. She quickly sat back down, blushing a little. "Um...it was just a little thing I put together. Like a story, on how I want my life to be like..." Her blush deepened. "Its fine, it was stupid anyways." It was just a dream that would never come true... She sighed sadly. She got up again. "Can I...go with you to get pie?"
Alex was surprised at this man's aggressiveness. However, he overheard the conversation between Faith and the man, apparently called Astley. He knew the pain that resulted from losing someone so close. At the mention of going to see Laura, Alex almost outright declined. However, he felt that if he was going with Faith, he'd be alright. It had been many years, but Faith was still the caring, gentle, kind person she'd been all those years ago at university. Alex decided to agree to with the two. However, he did want to add one thing. "Astley, right? I'm sorry for imposing on your suggestion to visit your late wife and child. I am deeply sorry. As it is, I can relate." He paused, took a shuddering breath, and continued. "My fiance was killed just a few weeks ago, and she... was everything to me, as I'm sure was the case of your family. Have no worries, I shan't accompany you to their grave site, for it is for you alone and whomever you invite to accompany you to see. In fact, I invite you to come with me to Laura's burial site. She loved people, and meeting such a good friend of her almost-sister, Faith, would be wonderful." Alex finished, and gave a charming smile. Subconsciously, the pain in his heart began to recede, the hole in his heart, healing.
Jonah spotted Alex and walked over to him eagerly. "Alex! why dont you visit anymore? i practice real hard on the piano and i want you to here it! he heard someone behind him talk, and saw that it was Yuki." i will play later ok Alex? please visit more." he gave Alex a hug before walking out of the kitchen with Yuki. "sure i can show you the guest room" by now he had calmed down. while he was strangly comfortable around her, he didnt want to go back in the kitchen because there were a lot of people there. every once in awhile he got a spike of energy that helped him deal with new people, but once it was gone he was right back at square one. he took Yukis hand and led her to an empty room. "mama says this is for new kids. you stay here till she assigns you a room." he said. he was an intelligent kid so he picked up a lot of info just by watching Faith work.

Emerald bounced down the stairs to the main floor of the school, making her way to the cafeteria. she grabbed an apple and took to the salad bar, spotting Kyan nearby. she snuck up on him and whispered into his ear. "sup?" in a boyish voice. she took a step back to avoid getting hit if he jumped, "yo Kyan are you waiting for someone?"
"Thank you very much, goodbye for now everyone." Yuki bowed.

She took Jonah's hand and took off to the guest room.

"Thank you for bringing me here Jonah. feel free to have fun with the others,

I need to rest for awhile...I apologize." She headed over to a bed in the corner by itself

and got under the blankets. "I promise to play with you later." She slowly went to sleep.
Rocky was about to reply to Maggie when someone ran headlong into him. 'Watch where you're going!' He snapped, falling and landing heavily on the ground, cursing and glaring at the person that knocked him over. 'The f*ck Roxanne? What the hell are you doing? Get off of me.' He grunted furiously, pushing her off of him in irritation. She was always around when he didnt WANT her. She got in the way and irritated him to the max. How could one girl be so damn annoying? He felt the blood trickle down his elbow as he stood and he glared at Roxanne. 'Great. Thanks for nothing.' He muttered furiously. 'i'll take a raincheck on that pie Ash. I have to go clean gravel out of my arm.' He shot Roxanne a dirty look and stalked away in an exceedingly masculine way.


Astley couldn't believe this guy. Sure he acted like a perfect guy, yet already, after only weeks, WEEKS of losing his fiance, he was clearly making passes at Faith. Wait, why was he even giving a damn? Whatever. He could endure the guy's company, though he didn't know if he could handle anyone being with him and Niah now. Not even Faith. He just kind of wanted to talk to her, yet somehow every seemingly innocent suggestion she made about Alex joining them seemed to irritate him. It was like all of a sudden she couldn't possible be alone with him. Had he done something wrong? He wanted to ask her but that would require being alone with her and she would probably insist on Alex being there too.
ASTLEY! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! STOP BEING SO GODDAMNED IMMATURE! He shouted in his mind. after a very brief moment for that message to kick in he smiled politely. 'Only If i'm not intruding.' He said in a calm tone, not letting on that anything was wrong. He nodded to both of them. 'If you don't need me, I'm going to take fifteen okay?'


Kyan jumped a mile when Emerald came up behind him. He spun around, glaring at her adorably. 'That's so uncool! You could have given me a heart attack!' he whined, eyeing her in slight annoyance but he couldn't stay angry. 'I was wondering if you wanted to come have lunch with me.' he shrugged. 'Toni's on detention again.' He shrugged and waved to one of the guys from his history class. 'I mean, you don't HAVE to..' He added. 'I just thought.. you know.. you.. might.. i dunno, want to..' He blushed slightly.


Abigail looked up as Louis' shadow shaded over her and then he poked her. 'Uhh.. Yeah it's hard.. Particularly when you're sure you're learning it for the third time at least..' She sighed, lowering her head to her knees again. 'I'm trying so hard.. and it's just.. everyone looks at me like I'm stupid.. But they don't have to try and do eight years of schooling in two years..' She said, almost completely forgetting he was there. She started crying as she looked back at the sheet of paper. 'I just don't know how to do it!'
Louis sighed and sat net to her. "Okay. Congruent shapes. You're looking at triangles, right? So, do you know the basic rules of congruent triangles? You know, the whole Side-Angle-Side thing?" he tilted his head at her. "Please don't cry, I can help, just I don't like seeing people cry." Reaching into his bag, he gave her a couple of tissues. "Just, please, you probably just need it further explained. Teachers don't normally go to every student and explain it to everyone's needs. So, would you like me to break down the equation for you?" he smiled at her.


Roxy groaned, still dazed and hearing shouting. "What, you think I wanted to knock into you? I woke up with a headache, I didn't need you to make it stronger!" she hissed, rubbing her ankle where she'd skidded in the impact. She use a near-by object to bring herself up. Well, I was gonna go that way, but it looks like I'll be taking a different route!! she thought angrily. She huffed as she half-stomped to a path through a bunch of shrubbery."Well. I'm almost there."she sighed, pushing some leaves past, she appeared in the school grounds, people turning heads as she popped through."What? It's not like I murdered someone..."she eyed them, walking to the bench where she usually sat. "Just relax, Roxy, it'll be fine." she took a deep breath and got out Pride and Prejudice and read.


Carim tilted his head, standing next to Rosa. "Only child? You don't seem like a person who would be an only child." he thought about his words for a minute."Not that you... sorry if that came out wrong or anything..." He looked at a particularly interesting flower, waiting for a reply. "And you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." he smiled a bit, awaiting her reply."I don't like invading into people's privacy so just tell me and I'll shut the hell up!" he grinned.
Ashton stood there completely astonished about what had laid out in front of her. Just when she got the courage some girl comes running along into him. She sat back down on the bench, frowning. Not a good day... she thought. Maybe I really do need my book. She decided right then that she would rather just ditch school. There's no harm in that, she already needs to be caught up by a year. Not really though. Her dad had taught her everything she needed to know already--before what happened of course. She was a fast learner. Thats the only reason she isn't dead in a ditch right now. She walked off of school property. Forget the pie, forget the girl, forget school...forget Rocky. She chewed on her lip and shoved her hands in her pockets. The sun glared down at her-- she felt annoyed by the brightness. "I need to stop doing that..." she muttered. Trusting people, at least I learned early this time. To think about even being associated with a guy like him...charming, some-what nice... she cracked a smile. Hes kind of like her in a way. Nice when she wants to be. Just...not knowing how to approach it. Its kind of cute on him, though. His bitterness. On anyone else it would be fairly annoying. She kept walking until she got to a park. She sat under a tree and laid her head back, thinking to herself.

((I perged this time, my writer block is gone! :D )) [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION]
new character time~ go check the sign ups to see him, he is posted there.))

Cian was having an amazing day,he had finished his self-study early and had decided to go rollerblading around town. he had his earbuds in and his music cranked up and the chilly autumn wind nipped at his face. he whistled along with the tune that was playing as he skated into a park. he looked away from the path for only a moment and the wheel of his roller blade met with a rather large rock, sending his flying to the ground. as he picked himself up he spotted a girl sitting under a nearby tree. "oh wow, i supposed that looked smooth didnt it?" he said with a grin, putting his hand over his bleeding elbow. he was used to the scrapes and cuts from all his sporty endeavors, so it didnt bother him much.

[MENTION=4011]MaggieEdwards[/MENTION] this was suposed to be directed towards you xD

Emerald nodded, "sure i will sit with you. Roxy is either skipping or late and Toni is no where to be seen. can you beleive they left me by my self all day?" she gave a fake pout, then grinned again, finding a seat. "hey, im glad youve been chillin with me lately. Roxy and Toni seen occupied with other things so its cool to have someone to talk to. especially with Faith busy. you know its almost like not having a sister sometimes, but she always makes it up to me." she rambled as she ate.

Faith waited on Astley, and when he came back she she gave both men a smile, "if you will give me just a moment." she walked out to the garden, clipping a handful of flowers and tying them in a tiny bush-like bouquet. she walked back in and gave them a nod and they headed out to the car. as soon as they reached their destination Faith turned to Alex, "Xander, im going with Astley, so i will meet you at Lauras grave, alright?" she put a hand on his shoulder, then turned to Astley, "ok, lets go." she said gently.

Ashton had been sitting there and heaving a sigh when she saw a boy rollerblading. She looked back down at her knees and the cold wind blew her hair in her face. She swiped her bangs out of her eyes and bit her lip softly. It was becoming a bad habit of hers. She traced circles along her knee and thought about Rocky and that one girl. She felt a flash of uncertainty. She heard a small disturbance and saw that the guy she had seen rollerblading earlier was now on the ground. She gasped and a blush crept up her neck. It quickly faded though because she thought he was hurt. She nodded in reply with a small laugh and attempted to help him up. "Um...are you okay?" She asked a little nervously. She saw the rock he had tripped over. "Bad timing for it to get in your way.." She bit her lip again and the blush was evidently still there--just faded. Which, for her, was not nearly good enough. She didn't really notice though because she was studying him. He seemed harmless. But then again, so did most people. She shoved the thought out of her mind.

Cian chuckled, "hey im fine, no problem. ive been roller blading and taking spills for years." he noticed the slight blush on her face and grinned, "hey, why are you embarrassed? im the one who nearly did the face plant." he said, pulling a bandage from his pocket and sticking it awkwardly on his elbow. "anyway, shouldnt you be in school? it is the middle of the afternoon after all." he said, realizing that he would need to explain himself as well.
Ashton shook her head and covered her cheeks, hiding a deeper blush. Damn it! She crossed her arms and said, "Im not embarassed..." Only it was in a shy tone, which was unusual for her. She shrugged slightly and tugged at her sleeves. "I dont have to be anywhere. It isn't necessarily required in the home." She didn't hide that blush. She didn't mean to say that. To cover it up, she quickly asked, "And why are you asking me that question when you aren't even at school yourself?'"
Cian thought a moment, "you must be talking about that Home that Emeralds sister owns." he rolled over and sat in the grass. "that makes sense then. and as for me, im home-schooled, and my self study is done for the day. i roller blade through this park pretty often when im not studying. its a fun way to pass the time. one day i was comeing through her i collided head on with Emerald. im so tall that girl gave me a bloody nose with her forehead but somehow we both just ended up laughing about it." he laughed, "anyway, thats how i know about the home." he gave a cheerful grin, "you found yourself a good home. i here many good things about that place. anyhow, i never caught your name?"
Rosa looked up at the sky and said "I-I'll tell you another time" she didn't want to admit that no one wanted her, that she wasn't worth enough for her mother and father to keep her, to help her. She looked down at her feet it was nice to have someone to tell who didn't run afterwards, who didn't judge. She glanced at Carim and then back down to her feet and she sat on a nearby bench and she said "I will." she said giggling a little
Rocky let out a furious mutter, stalking into the clinic. The nurse looked up. 'How can I help you today Gerard?' She asked in a polite yet stern voice that hinted suspicion. The main reason he ever came into the infirmary was after a fight. 'Who did you get into a fight with this time?' She asked, eyeing him suspiciously. He didnt look at her. 'A f*cking girl knocked me over.' He muttered. The nurse laughed at this, a loud burst of laughter that irritated Rocky. 'You got pushed over by a girl?' She clarified, calming herself. Rocky glared at her. 'She ran into me. Wasn't looking where she was going. F*cking annoying *****.' He muttered, wincing as she wiped the graze over with some disinfectant. The moment he was able to leave, he did. He spent the rest of the afternoon in a foul mood.


Kyan beamed at her. 'I thought i just mentioned that Toni is in detention?' He said with slight confusion, scratching his blonde head and then tucking into his own food with gusto. He was just so happy to be spending time with her. 'So, do yo.. uh.. want some company at soccer practice this afternoon? i mean.. uh.. I've been meaning to get to know the game a little more.. Toni thinks I should get involved in more school activities... i mean.. well.. What I mean to say is..' He started blushing in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 'Couldyouteachme?' He finally blurted out in such a speed that it became one long word.


Abi took the tissues gratefully, blowing her nose with one and wiping her eyes with another. She shook her head. 'It's not just that.. I.. i don't have any memory of anything I learned before a few years ago.. I don't even know if my name really is Abigail.. Or if I really am seventeen.. or who my parents were.. I don't even know where I came from, or if I have any family to claim me. No one has even so much as called Faith to tell me I belong to someone..' She sarted crying again, feeling so stupid and useless. 'I'm.. i'm sorry.. I.. I need to go...' She said, packing up her stuff and running for the girl's bathroom.


Astley led the way to the grave in silence, confused as to what he should say. He hadn't actually thought about what they would talk about. Now things felt strange. He couldn't shake off a feeling of annoyance knowing that Alex was going to be there eventually. 'Faith.. I just want to thank you.. for allowing me to be a part of the Home. You don't understand how much it helped me..' He paused a while, lapsing into silence before continuing. 'Forgive me.. I haven't ever brought anyone to their graves before now.. i don't know how exactly to act.. i suppose it was mostly greed.. I didn't want to share them.. Not even after death. She only had seven weeks left.. and then we were going to be a family you know. We had the nursery done up.. Blues, greens and yellows.. a circus muriel.. We didn't know what he was going to be.. So we'd chosen the names just to be sure.. Eliade and Tyson.. And baby tyson died with her.. in that accident.. One minute She was right next to me, smiling, laughing, talking about how excited she was, looking so beautiful at almost full term. She had that glow.. that beautiful glow that only pregnancy gives. And then.. the car came around the corner.. The next thing I know.. I'm in the hospital.. Broken bones, internal bleeding but nothing too damaging.. but my wife.. and our baby.. a son i never got to hold.. had died.. they said they tried to save the baby.. but Niah died not long after impact..' His fists clenched, the knuckles turning white as he tried to calm his wavering voice. 'I lost everything in a matter of hours.. I didn't even get to hold my son..' Tears pricked his eyes as he read the dates and names on the graves, his breath shuddering out in small gasps as he tried to calm himself. 'I'msorry, I shouldn't have unloaded that on you.' He tried an apologetic smile.
Emerald chuckled as she finished her lunch. "Well, i would say yes, but its girls JV practice." she gave a cheeky grin. "although, you are welcome to watch practice." she thought a moment. she did kinda want teach him, it seemed like it would be fun. "if you want i can teach you a little after practice is over if you want. one on one is better for learning anyway." she didnt mind at all, she actually found that she liked spending time with him. she didnt dwell on it though. she figured she had been hanging with Abi and Roxy a lot, so maybe she was just getting used to hanging out with a guy again.

Faith listen as he told his story. she frowned as he spoke, the love of a family, torn apart. she held her hand to her heart, feeling the ring she wore around her neck hidden beneath her shirt. as he began to cry she put a hand on his shoulder, "Astley im glad you told me." she said quietly, "its good to open up. holding this in is only going to hurt you more." she looked at the names on the stone "you would have made a great father, and she knows it. they are together, they have each other, and im sure they wouldnt want to see you this way. i know healing takes time, but someday youre going to find someone who fills that void. youre too sweet of a guy not too." she gave a gentle smile, kneeing next to him and putting her hand together for a quick prayer. she stood up again, "now, are you ready to meet up with Alex? or would you like for us to stay a bit longer?
Astley smiled affectionately and gratefully at her, wiping the last of the tears away. 'I think.. I'd like to stay a bit longer. Niah and I have a lot to talk about.' He said, a weak smile on his handsome, angular features. 'You go on ahead and I'll meet you there. If not, I'll be at the car, okay?' He said, squeezing her hand with that same grateful smile. 'You are a great friend you know? She would have loved you.' He said, looking back to the grave and releasing her hand to sit by the grave, already lost in thought, already telling Niah everything he missed about her, how much he loved her, and how he'd see her before she knew it.


Kyan blushed furiously, hanging his head slightly so his blond bangs fell into his eyes. 'I meant after... I'm no way near close to be able to play in a game anyway..' His cheeks were flushed scarlet and he laughed nervously. 'One on one sounds.... good? I'm not sure how I'm meant to agree without someone taking it the wrong way or something..' He admitted, rubbing the back of his head ruefully again. 'I mean.. You know what I mean.. right? Like.. I just.. ahhhh...' He stumbled for the right words and then the bell rang. Saved by the bell, literally, he finished his lunch and then flashed her another grin. 'I'll meet you on the oval after school then?'
Emerald giggled, "jeez Kyan, loosen up a bit, i dont bite you know." she gave him a nudge on the shoulder. "so its a plan then. im going to work you till youre sore! Soccer is a tough sport!" she grinned. as they picked up and dumped their lunch trays she patted him on the back "see ya on the soccer feild" she said, before running off to her next class. She was starting to get excited about teaching him, and figured its because she hadnt played any sports with the boys since she was younger, back when she and Faith were still separated.

Faith gave a gentle smile and he squeezed her hand. "alright, if you feel up to it you can join me to visit Fayt once im done seeing Laura. Fayt is in the north corner of the cemetery." her hand lingered on his shoulder a moment before she left him to his family. she wandered in search of Alex. she spotted him nearby and approached him, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. she gave a warm smile towards the grave, "hello Laura. im sorry i dont visit much..." she kneeled down and took on of two bundles of flowers from her bag. the flowers where on a branch, as though from a bush. they were small and white as snow. "you remember how much Fayt loved to tell us about the language of the flowers?" she set the flowers on the grave, "these are flowers from a plant called Arbor Vitae if i remember right, they represent unchanging friend ship." she stood back up with a smile.

( [MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION], your turn~))
Ashton sighed and shrugged. "Good? I guess. Its got a bunch of assholes and jerks in there though." Its good that he didn't look down at her for that though. But its not like she was seeking approval, she told herself. She held her elbows with her hands and decided it couldnt hurt to hang out-- for a little bit. She sat down, crossing her legs and resting her elbows on her knees. "My name is Ashton...but I guess you can call me Ash." She used to hate it but she was so used to people calling her that, that it didn't even matter to her about anymore. She studied his dirty blonde hair which was kind of ruffled because of the wind. And his eyes...they were gorgeous. She swatted the thought away.


I guess you didnt see this because you replied to other people but oh well. xD

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