~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Faiths expression fell a bit, but remained warm, "of course sweety, whats your name? how old are you?" she walked over, still holding Jonah and put a hand on the girls back. "here, i have some questions so why dont we get you something to eat while we talk? pr perhaps some tea or coffee?" she offered, trying not to overwhelm the girl.
My name is Yuki Nyay, and I'm 15. I would love some tea, thank you very much."

She let Faith guide her to wherever they were going to continue the conversation.

"I don't mind answering any questions you have."
As she sat in the back of the class she became bored and started to doze off. School wasn't her thing it never was. She was taught at home away from other kids, but she knew she couldnt stay antisocial forever but she wasn't going to start now. All she waited for was the bell so that she could go back to her new home.
Faith smiled, "nice to meet you Yuki." she led the way to the kitchen and put a pot of tea on. "i hope you like earl grey." she said. she sat at the table with Yuki as she waited on the tea. "now, have you had any schooling?" she asked. the tea whistled and she got up, pouring three cups. she brought them over, handed one to Astley and Yuki and took a sip of her own. Jonah tugged at her shirt, and she got up one more time, poured him a glass of milk. he took a sip, giving himself a milk mustache.
"I'm in no position to complain." She said as she drank some tea.

"Yes, I graduated last year." She took another sip of tea.

"You're good at this." she said politely as she finished it.
Frankie almost made it to homeroom on time, problem was that as soon as she got her locker open, somebody checked her into the wall of lockers and knocked it closed again. Sometimes she missed having friends to hang out with, being in a group seemed to keep the jerks at bay, the people who got pushed around the most seemed to be the one's who were always alone, the ones with no one to stick up for them. Because the ones doing the pushing are cowards, they want to push without being pushed. But Frankie remembered the way her friends looked at her when she needed their help, when she needed them to stick up for her word and they told her to stop lying just to get attention. They turned away from her just like the adults. Trusting that people work in patterns and anyone she met here would act similarly in a situation of need, Frankie distanced herself from the other students. She didn't know anybody, nobody knew her. She didn't even see any of the other kids from Faith's home. The only two kids younger than her were both elementary school age so Faith home-schooled them. And everyone older than her was old enough that they were in at least ninth grade, and thus were on the High school side of the building. At least if they were on the middle school side it was because they had been held back once or twice, but Frankie hadn't seen anyone yet, of course, it was only the beginning of the school year. The only people Frankie had to talk to at school was her teachers, and she didn't have to do much talking with them. Frankie was a ghost among people, and she liked it that way.
She got tired of the teachers lectures and asked to go to the bathroom. She left the room walking down the huge halls wondering why do they need this big of a biulding. She didnt know how long she was walking untill she saw kids smaller than her. "..middle school." She looked around the kids walking past her a few stareing at her. " ..so small"
Rocky looked behind him to see that Ashton was following him. Should he try and talk to her again? She looked pretty confused, he thought to himself. Maybe she just wanted alone time. He shrugged. If she wanted to be alone she could, he didn't really mind. he preferred to walk in silence, but the way she was tagging along like a lost puppy kind of irritated him. 'If you're going to walk with me, then f*cking walk, don't just lag back like a depressed mouse or something. Seriously, no one is gonna beat you up for it.' He said in exasperation, stopping with his hands in his pockets.


Kyan wasn't sure whether to laugh or be worried as Emerald tripped over her own feet. After a moment he moved forward, helping her to her feet. 'Uhh... are you alright?' He asked, biting his bottom lip in a shy and concerned manner. He wasn't sure whether he should dust off her clothes for her or not, so he just released his grip on her hand nervously, shoving his hands into his pocket, unsure what to do. 'You didn't hurt yourself or anything, did you?' He asked, his eyes boring into hers.


Astley sat down at the table, studying this new girl with interest while Faith made tea for them all. 'Well, we're certainly full of new people today. Nothing but excitement in Faith's Home, aye faith?' he asked, winking at her. 'Jonah, how about you show Yuki around while Faith and I go do the groceries. If you do a REALLY good job, I'll bring you back a chocolate, how about that?' He asked, aware that time was ticking over. It would soon be too busy to get the supplies they needed. Faith had to be back in time to make lunch for the younger ones, and the teenagers often had half days at school so they could be back at any time. They needed to get a move on. When he finished his tea he said, with a smile, 'What do you say Faith, shall we go?'


Toni smiled at Nick. 'I think he'd like that. I can tell he really looks up to you.' She agreed and then her eyes widened when he stated how late they were going to be. Glancing up at the old grandfather clock she cursed and grabbed her own bag. 'Oh my god, we're sooooo late.' She exclaimed, grabbing his arm as they jogged for the door. 'BYE FAITH!' Toni called out as she dragged Nick along behind her, racing out the door. As they entered the school she let go, doubling over to catch her breath. 'Phew, we made it.' She flashed him a smile. 'That was kind of exhilarating wasn't it?'
Emerald giggled as she stood up, "no problem. im totally fine. it cant be any worse then what happens at practice. Soccer can be so brutal! but its so much fun." she gave a bright smile to match Kyans personality. "hey, do we share any classes? i think we do. i guess maybe i zone out too much."

Jonah nodded cheerfully, "yea! i love chocolate!" he hopped up from his seat and put his milk cup in the sink. he came back and looked at Astley, " youre like papa! mama Faith and papa Astley!" he giggled, then took Yukis hand and dragged her away.

Faith giggled at Jonahs parental choices. "yeah, i guess we should get shopping then. so, papa Astley, would you like to drive?" she asked with a slightly shy smile. she and Astley had been friends for awhile, and she had thought of trying to move things forward, but he had never really shared a lot with her, so she thought perhaps she would just wait for him to open up.
Ashton flinched a little, frowning, then sped up a little to walk where he stopped. "Sorry . . ." She thought to herself, I should have stayed and skipped school for the day. She decided to attempt a conversation. "Um . . .so, what's your name? Mine is Ashton." She said, biting the inside of her cheek. She winced, thinking that was too forward. "But if you don't want to tell me, that's fine . . ." She regretted saying that too. Wow, she was just messing up with every thing she said around him. She mentally kicked herself. Stop being pushy, she thought, it's weird.
Astley smiled and nodded, standing up and ruffling jonah's soft hair again. 'Alright buddy. Take care of the place while we're gone.' He grinned, still slightly surprised by the 'papa' comment. it was a bit of a shock for him to be called such a nickname. And with Faith no less. It wasn't that she wasn't an attractive woman, because by god she was, but she had been his best friend's fiance. He'd been there when the two got engaged, and when Fayt had passed away, he'd offered his support to Faith, just as Fayt had to him at his wife's death. They were his friends and he helped as best he could, but he hadn't thought of being anything MORE than that with Faith. He flashed a smile to Yuki. 'Would it be too much to ask if you keep an eye on the younger ones while we're out? We're a little low on volunteers today.' When he received her answer he nodded and gently touched Faith's arm. 'Let's go then.'


Rocky rolled his eyes as Ashton hurried to keep up with him. 'Rocky.' He said simply, wondering why on earth this girl was so fidgety and irritating. Had all women been this irritating to him? he couldn't remember the last time he talked to someone that DIDNT irritate him. Bubbly or nosy people in general tended to frustrate him more than most toned down people. 'You can call me Rocky. Don't think this makes us friends. In fact if anything it makes us LESS than friends. You are NOT my kind of friend. You smile, you laugh and you make too much goddamned noise. i will however tolerate you if need be.' He spoke in a brash, clipped tone, mingling with boredom before adding in a gentler tone. 'And i'm sorry about reading your autobiography.'
Ashton frowned. "Im sorry . . ." She averted her eyes and heaved a sigh. "You know, Im not usually bubbly. I just decided for my own sake that I should try to make friends. It doesn't seem to be an option so, I bid you goodbye. I can assure you that you won't be bothered by me again." She walked ahead, not really caring much anymore. She had too rough of a past to let herself be pushed around or critisized for actually trying to be nice. She scowled and let her black hair go around her shoulder. "Don't worry about the book, its not a problem. I dont even care about it anymore." She got it out of her bag and threw it in a nearby trashcan. Its not too late to go back to the "house" but she felt the need of accomplishing something so she kept her distance and walked forward-- no matter how much she just wanted to turn around and head back.
Rocky stopped, his hands in his pocket as he watched her walk on. When she was a good distance away he reached into the can and scooped the notebook out, wiping some debris from the cover on his trouser leg and slipping it into his bag before resuming his walk. She'd regret her decision later, he knew, and when she did, it would be interestign to see her reaction. Later, he thought to himself, later he'd give it back. 'You keep walking that fast you might grow rockets on your feet.' He commented dryly as they reached the school gates. 'Anyway, see ya round. Maybe at lunch.' He said, his expression deadpan, the trademark grin not evident on his expression at this time. Wondering what the day might bring he walked into school a few minutes before the bell.
(Im going to fast forward it because Ive never liked class scenes)

Ashton ignored him and made her way to class, not even thinking about the possibility of him getting it out of the trashcan. She just stared straight forward not even thinking about anything. She did this in every class until lunch. She didn't actually go into the lunch room, but instead she went outside. She sat on the bench by herself, few students here and there talking to friends. She let her legs go on the bench and she layed down, just reading, her book above her head. Her stomach growled. Be patient, she told herself, you can eat later. She never was fond of eating in front of anyone and she didn't really even care for eating much at all. She stared at the words until they became blurred from her eyes tearing up. She closed her eyes, the tears falling on either of her cheeks and into her hair. She wiped her eyes and tried to concentrate on reading only and not about being stuck here. She wasnt even necessarily 'stuck' she just didn't have anywhere to go. Might as well stay there where she can get an education, a job, and food.
Faith smiled, "yes we really need to get going before school is over. the Home is busy in the afternoon" she grabbed her wallet, keys and a jacket and led Astley out and into the van. she drove to the store listening to her favorite soft rock radio station. once they got there, she grabbed a cart and they started their shopping. "shoot. Astley, i forgot to make a list, do you remember some of the things we needed? i know we needed milk eggs and bread." she had a thoughtful expression.
"Sure, I'll watch over them, no problem." She accepted.

"Jonah, will you show me around please?" She asked following him.

"Please hurry back. Don't be too long you two." She told Faith and Astley.

"The others will get worried you know."
(Gosh, this took off! I'm gone for one week for midterms and this happens! I hope there is still room for my charrie. Is there?)
((you can jump in right away Gabe~))

Jonah smiled, "lets go outside first sis! lets go outside! i was playing with Icepaw when i found you. do you like kitties?" he grinned as he took her hand and led her out to the playground.
Yuki followed him outside. "I don't mind them."

She was brought to an area in the playground with a cat that was taking a nap in a sand pit.

"I think he's resting up from all the time you spend playing with him" she pointed out.

"but then again, maybe he's fully rested by now."
(of course there is, i'm sure Star would agree)

Astley shrugged. 'Well, there was that chocolate I promised Jonah to start with, and I think we're nearly out of cheese.' He mentally envisioned the kitchen cupboards and fridge. 'Yoghurt too, I think Abi finished that off last night. Probably some onions, fresh meat would be good too.' Slowly he rattled a list off and wrote them down on a small notepad as he did so. After a few minutes they had a fairly well fleshed out list which he'd divided into necessities and iof possibles. He took a deep breath and grinned at her. 'So, let's start with the necessities shall we?'


Kyan frowned, studying her nervously. 'You're totally sure?' He asked, giving her some papers that had flown from her bag as she fell. 'Yeah, we share a few classes.' He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Why was he so shy around her? He couldn't figure it out. Maybe he was sick or something. Who knew. He looked at his watch and his jaw dropped. 'Woah! We're gonna be super late! Come on, race ya!' He challenged, starting to sprint towards the school. He made it barely two minutes before the bell for homeroom.
Faith smiled as he listed a few things off. while he wrote down what they needed, she grabbed a chocolate bar from the shelf, then looked at Astley, "how in the world would i run the Home without you? i really do appreciate your help." she had a slightly distant look thinking about how much help the home had before her fiancce had passed on. he had such a personality that used to bring so much happiness to the home. she shook her head as they passed the cheese, putting both slices and shredded cheese into the cart.

Emerald grinn, "challaenge accepted!" she took off, eventually catcing up then passing him, beating him to the school. her breathing was only slightly faster then what it had been earlier and she smirked, "i win! i guess next time you should think twice before challenging a soccer player to a race huh?" she grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch, "DANG! i will see you in Math class Kyan, later!" she ran off to her locker, then to her homeroom class.

Jonah smiled and scratched the fluffy white feline behind the ear. it stood up and stretched out. upon seeing Yuki, Icepaw sniffed around at her feet, then, sensing no danger she rubbed up Yukis legs with a mew of approval. Jonah giggled, "she like you big sis!" he said, having already given her a nickname.

((EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE AT SCHOOL NOW, UNLESS YOU DONT GO> no playing hooky. thankyou~))
She ran toward her class her bag on her back. She still hasn't gotten used to this school thing let alone the building it was held in. She wasn't used to all the people or the time or anything. She shook off her thought and ran through the streets. She finally made it to the highschool. She didn't have a locker since she didn't know how to open it so she just carried her stuff around. She jogged up the steps and around a few cornners and into math class. She walked to the back of the class finding an empty seat near the window. She dropped her things by the desk and slid into the seat.
Alex slowly walked down the isles of the supermarket, glancing at the shelves with a bored, disinterested gaze. He'd come to pick up a few snack items: Doritos, cheese sticks, and cream soda. It was by no means a healthy grocery list, but that didn't show on Alex. He was rather tall, and he had a lean muscular build. Ignoring some whispers from various women, he continued on his way, not really paying attention to where he was going. It was this lack of attention that caused the ensuing situation.

Alex bumped into a young woman, around 20 years old. With a charming smile, he got up and then helped the woman to her feet, picking up her groceries all the while. "I apologize sincerely. I don't know what came over me. I was obviously not considering my peripheral vision. I hope you are alright..." It was at that moment that he looked at who he'd accidently bowled over. "Faith... is that you?"
Faith fell with a thud. a hand reached out and grabbed hers, lifting her to her feet. she heard her name and looked up to see her late best friends fiance, Alex. "no, im just a figment of your imagination Alex." she said with a small laugh, "so what brings you to the market today? Astley and i are running errands for the Home." she said, taking Astleys list and looking it over.

((Astley has competition~

Astley couldn't help but feel the strange sense of annoyance that overcame him as Faith was knocked over and then helped up again. His gaze travelled to a man he didn't think he recognised. Who was he? And how did he know faith? Why the hell did he feel strangely... jealous? No.. No jealousy wasn't right. it was concern mixed with annoyance, that was all. He shook his head a little as Faith introduced them and he offered his hand to Alex. 'How do you do?' He asked politely, pushing back the annoyance as he waited for Alex to shake. He wondered again how they knew each other. His hand shook slightly as he waited and he wondered if that was the odd sense of irritation again. Had they been partners in the past? The idea filled him with a strange new emotion.. this one WAS jealousy. But why? It wasn't like he had feelings for Faith. Did he? No, he was just accustomed to it being just them. He was liking the alone time with her was all, he reasoned. She was a friend and he held concern for her, that was it. It was as far as their relationship went. Surely? 'Speaking of shopping, I don't like to leave the kids without adult supervision. We should get along with it.' He added a moment later in a very casual voice.

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