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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

Still good to know what direction you feel they should/could go :)

Of course once you get into the swing of it that may change, happens all the time xD
Giyari said:
Still good to know what direction you feel they should/could go :)
Of course once you get into the swing of it that may change, happens all the time xD
Giyari said:
Still good to know what direction you feel they should/could go :)
Of course once you get into the swing of it that may change, happens all the time xD
Heheh, true. Who knows who she'll end up with.

Not too old, not too new. Been there long enough to know the whole deal but not enough to be a grizzled veteran to look for when you need answers.

Actually, even if she was a veteran, I dont think looking for her for answers is a good idea.

At this point, I suppose she's allied with the Sentinel for now, if she had to pick a side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Otherwise, if she doesn't, it's the side that she thinks will benefit her at the moment.
@welian Is this accurate? From @ViAdvena 's post

As gravity pulled her down, Mary felt the familiar numb sensation that come with the fall and deafening sound of the wind in her ears. In Corporea, this situation would mean death. But not in here. That's one of her favorite thing about the dream land; no matter how high or how fast you fall, you still could land with your bones intact.
What would be the threat of The Fall if you couldn't die in the dreamland from gravity?
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Hii it seems I'm late to the party haha- Sorry if this has been answered already, but do any of the characters know each other in the real world?

Also, is it correct to assume that all of the experienced knights already know each other pretty well (in the dream world)?
Writer said:
@welian Is this accurate? From @ViAdvena 's post
What would be the threat of The Fall if you couldn't die in the dreamland from gravity?
Again, for me I equate this to the Matrix. Recall, if you saw the movie, that Neo didn't die from his failed attempt at making the building jump. However, Morpheus did tell him later that if Neo died in the Matrix that he would die in the real world. The body cannot survive without the mind. What happened in the Matrix, the mind made real on the body in reality.

I don't know if that's the intention in this RP, but it makes the most 'fantasy' sense to me, so until I get a more cogent understanding of things, that's how I'm perceiving it.

/me shrugs
Can't we say that it's safe to assume if something isn't accurate >_> Welian will address it?

Not really trying to start anything *LOL* Just making the suggestion that Welian probably knows the limitations in her own RP.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Can't we say that it's safe to assume if something isn't accurate >_> Welian will address it?
Not really trying to start anything *LOL* Just making the suggestion that Welian probably knows the limitations in her own RP.

Oh, c'mon. You know you only want to contradict me to make an argument. =P
Welian is fat and lazy and went to bed early last night because a new yoga class wiped her out.

But today, I'll be adding some new tabs to the RP. One of them will be a Q&A tab, precisely for all these questions. I'll also be adding IC2 and IC3 tabs, that should help organize the posts.
New tabs, and new organization!

Hey everyone – obviously, as you can tell, this is a large roleplay. The opening scene got majorly derailed from all the chaos, so one of the things I’ve been working on is separating the characters in order to calm things down. To that end, I’ve created two additional roleplaying tabs. These threads are where many of the missions and side-scenes will take place.

I’ve also created a Questions tab – I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how Etherea works, but it’s hard for me to keep track of everything when some people are asking me in the OOC, some in Skype, and some in Discord. Therefore, if you have a question about the roleplay, I’d like you to post it in the Questions tab from now on!

(◕‿◕✿) Are we clear?

@Mr. Grin @Phaesaris @simj22 @SkyGinge @Sunbather @ViAdvena @welian @Writer @Zahzi

@Writer Wow I love you so much for compiling all of the OOC questions into an accordion- this is extremely helpful!
I'm back, gonna be very busy this week though so don't expect a post until maybe Friday night! And @welian Lee would allign with the Sentinel :)
@Semblance - great post, but I noticed a couple of things regarding Malachite:

Firstly, his cloak isn't really green colored. It's more on the range of cloth with a green and diseased tinge/glow around it. Not a bit deal, I'm mostly nit-picking. :P

Secondly, the head wasn't devoured by the star vampire Malachite had summoned, but by the Desidiab Knight (played by @Sunbather)

Again, nothing huge, but worth mentioning none-the-less! :D
@Writer - I forgot to tag you in my latest post. D: It was just a small mention, but I had to gloss over a bit of the impalement bit and the shield kabewm to get to the 'meat' of things going on and get stuff moving.

Sorry about that!
I need to post today! I mean, I should also see if there are any classes left for me to sign up for, but I also need to post.
welian said:
I need to post today! I mean, I should also see if there are any classes left for me to sign up for, but I also need to post.
Classes first, post after :)
Kharmin said:
@Semblance "fair-skinned assassin with black hair" ... Danielle's hair is platinum blonde. ;)
Ah my bad! The picture of your character's real self threw me off haha- Will edit right away :)

Mr. Grin] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18996-semblance/ said:
@Semblance[/URL] - great post, but I noticed a couple of things regarding Malachite:
Firstly, his cloak isn't really green colored. It's more on the range of cloth with a green and diseased tinge/glow around it. Not a bit deal, I'm mostly nit-picking. :P

Secondly, the head wasn't devoured by the star vampire Malachite had summoned, but by the Desidiab Knight (played by @Sunbather)

Again, nothing huge, but worth mentioning none-the-less! :D
Come on @Sunbather we were making so much progress on that habit (>n>)

Jokes aside, thanks for the correction! I'll change it right as well, sorry about that

And guys, feel free to point out any other mistakes I made- I wrote it before I went to sleep so I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple others ahaha
I should post eventually.....

Once ya'll get started on your missions, there will be more heads to chew on. And please, feel free to ask others to join your character group. Just because Sentinel sent three on each team, doesn't mean it has to STAY three.

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