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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

SkyGinge said:
@Kharmin : Yeah, sorry about that, was trying to be adventurous with formatting but it hasn't really worked out :P I'll edit in a second!
It's times like these when I realize that I really need to finish up my typography/color guide.
I'd like to apologise also for the ridiculous length of my post. Whilst it doesn't look like it, I'm a strong believer in 'quality>quantity', though my post is weighed more towards the latter than the former. Trust me, none of my other posts are likely to be anywhere near that length - just my muse was tantalising me with that idea for a while and I had to write it out.
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I, for one, am grateful that you changed the font color! Thanks.
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@Giyari @Sunbather @SkyGinge @Pentagon

I'm doing a little bit of touching up to the character reserve section. I need to know something about your character - if the Sentinel and the King gave conflicting orders, which of them would your character be more likely to trust and obey? I'm sorting the senior Knights by allegiance.
Sunbather said:
the destruction of all nightmares forever.
As much as the Sentinel would enjoy that, just to spite the King, no. Nightmares are a very natural part of life. xD
welian said:
As much as the Sentinel would enjoy that, just to spite the King, no. Nightmares are a very natural part of life. xD
Well that bit of news will definitely NOT make Danielle's day. =P
welian said:
As much as the Sentinel would enjoy that, just to spite the King, no. Nightmares are a very natural part of life. xD

Well Chloe digs them 'cause they offer different looks and stuff, and she gets inspiration from them :D
@welian I don't want to start something, but I'm a bit confused about how wounds work in Etherea. My impression was that wounds do not heal super fast in Etherea, that they heal as you would expect in Corporea.

But in @Giyari / @Kharmin 's collab they said:

"Wounds heal fast in Etheria, as you may have noticed thanks to Mary Poppins' and Jungle Wannabe's spear incident so, full contact"

I though the only reason Claire (Marry Poppins) wounds healed so fast was because she had regenerative healing factor, something that would be abnormal and definitely not common for Etherea. If another knight gets impaled with a spear in the chest, they don't recover that fast.
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Indeed, indeed, but they would still heal faster one way or another.

In dreams if you injure yourself they could be gone before you realise, that's the nature of dreams. I feel it should be quicker than the waking world, maybe not as quick as in moments due to lucidity, but more like 2/3 times as quick I'd say for the Knights, outwith their cores abilities, at least by my reckoning.
Giyari said:
Indeed, indeed, but they would still heal faster one way or another.
In dreams if you injure yourself they could be gone before you realise, that's the nature of dreams. I feel it should be quicker than the waking world, maybe not as quick as in moments due to lucidity, but more like 2/3 times as quick I'd say for the Knights, outwith their cores abilities, at least by my reckoning.
My impression was that becuase Knights are super lucid, beyond lucidity, that they would feel and take wounds like the real world. They are perfectly aware of injuries and wounds they take like you would be in Corporea, so there wouldn't be any speed up in healing.
Claire's wounds healed fast because of her powers. Wounds in general, in the dreamworld, heal faster than normal - but not as fast as a Knight's with specific healing abilities.

And then, the larger wounds will carry over in some form in the waking world, so.... prepare to be sore in the morning.
Out of curiosity, how would something very drastic, such as an amputated arm, carry onto Corporea? Would it just be an large scratch or badly broken? Would the arm remain missing when returning to the dreamworld, or regenerate perfectly okay a la videogame respawn style?
Phaesaris said:
Out of curiosity, how would something very drastic, such as an amputated arm, carry onto Corporea? Would it just be an large scratch or badly broken? Would the arm remain missing when returning to the dreamworld, or regenerate perfectly okay a la videogame respawn style?
Your arm will PROBABLY still exist in Corporea. However, it would be horribly bruised, and your bones may be fractured. With such a major wound like that, it's likely to persist into Etherea... but it may grow back eventually, or it might not. It will depend on the individual, and how they internalize the event.
welian said:
Your arm will PROBABLY still exist in Corporea. However, it would be horribly bruised, and your bones may be fractured. With such a major wound like that, it's likely to persist into Etherea... but it may grow back eventually, or it might not. It will depend on the individual, and how they internalize the event.
I was going to say that Jocelyn might be able to make it grow back in Etherea... then I realized that might be a bit much.

Sorely tempted to copy your post layout for myself... I'm loving the bookmark-esque sidebar.

oh my god, i am so sad

because i love your character

because its pretty damn close to what i was thinking as a backup incase something bad happened to my main

i am just so jealous that i now cant do it if the worst should happen
Liberty Penn] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11354-simj22/ said:
oh my god, i am so sad

because i love your character

because its pretty damn close to what i was thinking as a backup incase something bad happened to my main

i am just so jealous that i now cant do it if the worst should happen
haha, looks like she stole something else other than wallets.
@Phaesaris @simj22

Let me know if your characters are new Knights, more aligned with the Sentinel, or more aligned with the King of Nightmares.
Phaesaris said:
Joan's gonna be a newbie, maybe aligned towards Sentinel?
I don't think newbies have to pick an alignment yet... or at least I hope not. I don't feel like they would really know enough about either to really decide who to follow quite yet.

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