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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]>_> *sneaks Olive into Mal's group* them awkward Dementor questions, yo.

Go for it. It would make Discovery happy.
Going Dark

From Monday to Wednesday, I will be effectively unavailable. I'm dropping my laptop off at a repair shop on Monday, and a new charger for my tablet isn't scheduled to arrive until Wednesday. Tomorrow, I'll do my best to push things along in-character, however, I have some instructions for everyone to follow.

This opening scene is starting to stagnate and bog people down. Therefore, we need to end it and move on, together.

For the people playing new Knights: I'd like your characters to take part in a training sequence.

For Grin and Penn: Continue your mission with Mordecai.

For Vi, Zahzi, and Sun: Begin your mission.

For everyone else: You have three options.

  • Find an excuse to tag along with one of the two ongoing missions
  • Help train the new Knights
  • Form a team to locate the bug Terror from the first post and go try to kill it in Corporea

Alright everyone, you have your instructions! Let's get this party rolling!

@Mr. Grin @Phaesaris @Semblance @simj22 @SkyGinge @Sunbather @ViAdvena @welian @Writer @Zahzi


Of course. @Zahzi you won't mind, will you?

Anyways, I should specify - basically my laptop's battery has shat itself, and I'm taking it to the repair shop on Monday to try and figure out if it's a driver issue that is solvable, or if I need to roll back to my previous operating system, or if I need a new battery. Or a BIOS update. Or maybe all of those things.
Ugggggggh. Can't we just do a training montage set to snazzy music ?


So us new knights are just hanging around, then?
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]So us new knights are just hanging around, then?

More like piss around with their powers and spar, probably :)
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]So us new knights are just hanging around, then?

Well, yeah, unless you want three groups of characters instead of four. We have almost twenty people, so the more groups we split into, the better.

That being said, one of the groups of characters will get special surprise, so if you reeeeeaaaally want Olive to tag along - maybe she sneaks away - I won't stop you.
@welian "...Form a team to locate the bug Terror from the first post and go try to kill it in Corporea"

I didn't see any IC tab specifically for this quest, so I posted in the original IC as it seemed that the other two were for the other quests.
Kharmin said:
@welian "...Form a team to locate the bug Terror from the first post and go try to kill it in Corporea"
I didn't see any IC tab specifically for this quest, so I posted in the original IC as it seemed that the other two were for the other quests.
Good. :)

Sorry for being unclear about that.
Oh my gosh, I miss my laptop so much. This tablet is tiny and sucks and I don't know how you people who roleplay from your phones do it.
Yeah, I'm kinda waiting on you and/or anyone else who might return to Corporea before I post again on that tangent.
That's fair enough. I really am sorry about having to go awol, I had hoped to have gotten more done before school. :/
So, before I forget again, if this will count as my "I'm tagging EVERYONE" post in the OOC then I'm doing that now. For my most recent post in the Sentinel's garden. Yeah.

If not, I'll make another post later with the actual tags or something. I dunno. I'm tired, and my arms gave out at the gym earlier. Don't judge me too hard.

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