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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

Kharmin said:
Question: will die rolling be a common thing in this RP?
Not at all, only for shitty dumb things that don't actually affect the story.
Welllll'p, looks like Kezia's taken a "step" forward, haha!

Should I do a roll for her too, as an "experienced" Knightmare?
Nah, you don't have to. There's only three - well, two shields now. Maybe Kezia should be all "Come at me bro" instead?
Some questions for the GM:

If Richard envisioned a big blob of dark matter and created it with the power that makes snow shoes, what would someone who thinks dark matter is visible to the naked eye see? Would they see invisible mass, or would they see what they think dark matter looks like? Would they not see it because the willing individual teaches them that dark matter has no visible form without meaning to, or would they only see a reflection of another individual's will as filtered through their own conceptions?

Also, since Etherea would not exist without people to dream it into existence, and the ability for individuals to exert their will only extends so far from them, do areas where there is no-one to exert will exist? If they do not, how do people who do not know that there should be mountains where they are see the mountains if no-one is there to will the mountains into existence? Can people will things that they do not know about into existence? Do the Dreams have greater ranges of will-exertion than the Knights, and are they the ones enforcing geography? It would make sense to me, since the areas are somewhat themed and inhabited by dreams that match said themes.

I am slightly confused as to the rules of Etherea, perhaps I have missed something crucial. Please forgive me if this has already been answered and I just missed it because I am an idiot.
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welian said:
Nah, you don't have to. There's only three - well, two shields now. Maybe Kezia should be all "Come at me bro" instead?
Ohhh, like a "shields are one thing, but how about I give you some tips while you beat things, like me"
SkyGinge said:
The beginning is always busy. Tell ya what, I still haven't tossed in my own main character. You tell me how often you can post, and I'll trying and keep her matched up to you.
@welian : That's mighty kind of you! As said, I'll be posting tomorrow morning on the train back to uni, but then I'll be away until Saturday evening, where I hope to post and might not. Next week will be interesting because I have a ton of coursework to get on with, but I might be able to post in breaks - after that I should have more time. But we'll have to wait and see. Don't worry about matching up with me if you think you'll be more active and available to post more often than I will!
SkyGinge said:
@welian : That's mighty kind of you! As said, I'll be posting tomorrow morning on the train back to uni, but then I'll be away until Saturday evening, where I hope to post and might not. Next week will be interesting because I have a ton of coursework to get on with, but I might be able to post in breaks - after that I should have more time. But we'll have to wait and see. Don't worry about matching up with me if you think you'll be more active and available to post more often than I will!
Also, if you need interaction, let me know. I can throw in any number of npcs at any time to keep you entertained. (:
SkyGinge said:
@welian : Another question: how are the Knights alerted if a terror manifests in the real world? How do they know where to head to quash them? :)
For most of history, the Knights relied on "Patrol diligently, and investigate disturbances in Etherea".

Now they're a bit more organized. They still rely on the tried and true patrols, but there's a network of Knights now that work together.
Pentagon said:
Would they see invisible mass, or would they see what they think dark matter looks like?
They would see what they think dark matter is supposed to look like, at least the more lucid dreamers would since they would notice Etherea changing around them. This is of course, assuming that such things like dark matter and antimatter exist in Etherea, which is another realm of existence entirely that has been both stated and shown to not follow conventional physics.

Pentagon said:
do areas where there is no-one to exert will exist?
Nope! Basically, if no one is dreaming it, it's dumped from that part of Etherea. All the thoughts and dreamstuff in Etherea just naturally clump together, so when something disappears, something else takes its place.

Pentagon said:
Can people will things that they do not know about into existence?
Technically, no. You can will in things you don't consciously understand, but if you never met Alice in your life, you will never will up the dream of Alice.

Pentagon said:
Do the Dreams have greater ranges of will-exertion than the Knights, and are they the ones enforcing geography?
Wouldn't there not even be laws of physics, since most people wouldn't understand in detail what the current understanding of the rules of the real world is, and many people would have their own conceptions as to the mechanics of how the world works? If everything is driven by perception, the only law would surely be what the observers think law is, right?

New hypothetical: imagine there are two people near each other, alone, with the exact same amount of 'willpower'. One drops a rock. Person A, the dropper, has in his mind that the rock should accelerate at 9.8 meters per second, and has as very firm grasp of what that means. One person thinks it should fall at a constant speed of 15 meters per second, and also has a good conception of what that looks like. When the rock is dropped, what happens?

(nb: if you ever want me to stop asking questions, let me know)
Pentagon said:
since most people wouldn't understand in detail what the current understanding of the rules of the real world is
You don't have to understand physics to intuitively know that a thrown object will arc in the air, that water flows downhill, that some liquids are thicker than others, that rocks near water come in stripes, that banking on curves keeps you from being flung, and so on. People think about what they see every day, and what people see every day in the natural world around them.

It's like the black box of computer programming. The end user doesn't need to know what's in the box or how it works, so long as it functions.

Pentagon said:
When the rock is dropped, what happens?
Etherea will default to Person A, who dropped the rock.

Now, less physics, and more character development.
No more physics after this, but I have one point to make.

I would posit that most people instinctively model things in terms of Aristotelian means. Especially in terms of things falling long distances, things flying etc. People may very well be able to model their day to day lives, but I very much doubt they would instinctually be able to picture, for example, a fighter jet's movement (I immediately think about the Harry Potter films and how broomsticks are shown as behaving in accordance with Aristotelian physics without fanfare or acknowledgement) or someone jumping off a building, etc.
Pentagon said:
but I very much doubt they would instinctually be able to picture, for example, a fighter jet's movement
Eh, at that point, it would depend on the person. One who plays video games, or is an animator, would likely have a more realistic vision of a fighter jet than someone who has never seen one in person OR in media.
I'm making broad generalizations, of course, and there are lots of exceptions, but I would not be confident in the ability to model the real world's physics in any situations outside of the absolutely mundane. Especially impacts. Very few people (myself included) have very poor ideas of how things behave at high energies (like car crashes, jet fighters, long falls, fluid dynamics, bullet impacts etc.).
@Giyari Danielle will take up the challenge as soon as my muse figures out how she reacts to it. We'll work a collaboration as discussed on Discord. ;)

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