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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

If you roll a one, you literally bounce off the shields like a pinball, and they all make obnoxious gong noises.
So are Nightmare's Knights also committed to stopping terrors? I'm not sure what their angle is, and what their differences are compared to the Sentinel's Knights?
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Writer said:
So are Nightmare's Knights also committed to stopping terrors? I'm not sure what their angle is and what their differences are compared to the Sentinel's Knights?
Yes, they are. There are two primary differences between the groups.

1: They'll take commands from the Nightmare King, but not (necessarily) the Sentinel.

2: Their powers (usually) are less about achieving their dreams, and more about overcoming their nightmares. Basically, the King prefers Knights who weaponize their fears, as opposed to the Sentinel who prefers Knights that weaponize ideals such as friendship, love, fortune, etc.
@Mr\. Grin

This is for you, in reference to an earlier conversation:

This is filler text.
This is filler text.
Dark Purple#545066
This is filler text.
This is filler text.
Medium Purple #9a8aa6
This is filler text.
This is filler text.
Light Purple #e3c5d5
This is filler text.
This is filler text.
Accent #e4d39f
This is filler text.
This is filler text.


Looks ike Discovery, the 10 year old Patron Dream of Discovery (who doesn't have weapons and the only malicious thing he has ever done is tie peoples' shoe laces together), wins.
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Hey guys and gals! I'm totally up for joining in this as it looks like it might actually go beyond 5 pages of posts lol. Got a couple of character ideas but was just wondering how you guys have done the character sheets? I don't want to ruin the aesthetics but I'm still a bit new to this so forgive me of ots a dumb question! ;D

I'm thrilled that you're interested, but unfortunately, this roleplay is full.
I am sooooo late. Sorry, really busy these past few days

Also, i couldn't find the prompt.
[QUOTE="too much idea]I am sooooo late. Sorry, really busy these past few days
Also, i couldn't find the prompt.

The deadline for character reserves came and went, so you've been placed on the waitlist. This roleplay doesn't have room for new players right now.
So I posted, could have probably written that better but I'm slightly hungover. I might edit some more details into it later
[QUOTE="Mr. Grin]Oh god, please have someone else teach you. I just scrabble through things and hope for the best. (My formatting is horrid. xD )
Jokes aside, I can help with some basic things if you'd like. I just follow the BBCode guide and piece things together that seem to work.

Can I has this too, please? D:


I will be making my introduction post on Tuesday probably, as I have a long train journey and a lot of time to kill. Expect it to be equally long; I'll have some questions for your GMs about how some stuff works up tomorrow. Then I will be absent from Wednesday to Saturday as previously stated
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SkyGinge said:
Can I has this too, please? D:
Well, basically all I did was just use the background and border BBcodes to make something fancy. That, coupled with choosing some nice fonts from the Google Font Library is really the way to go.

The BBcode guide makes it pretty simple. :) My coding is also a mess, so be warned.

[border=3px inset #B29600][bg=#003200][imageFloat=left][HEIGHTRESTRICT=140][img=PICTURE GOES HERE][/HEIGHTRESTRICT][/imageFloat]
[right][font=Homemade Apple][size=9][color=#F8F8FF]Prologue[/color][/size][/font]

[color=#F8F8FF][size=6][font=Walter Turncoat]V.A. Blackwell >> The Malachite Knight
[size=5]Sentinel's Garden >> Far[/size][/font][/size][/color][/right]

@Mr. Grin Thanks, buddy! As Welian and Morde know well enough from having to solve my coding woes on multiple occasions, I'm not very good at it, at all xD Anyhow, I'm looking forward to finally writing with you - somehow we've never ended up in the same tale before all these months, and your stuff's always looked very good to me :)

@welian I have a few questions:

  • Can the general public 'see' the terrors? Or is perceiving a terror limited to the person who's nightmare it came from alongside any knights trying to destroy it? Similarly, can the general public see the Knights in all their magical armour stuff? I'd figure if everybody could see every terror then there would be a lot more public hysteria than there is, plus following some logic, the Knights armour and whatnot is technically imagined in Etheria, not Corperea.
  • You mentioned some kind of secret website where the Knights can talk and co-ordinate. Would that extend to small mission teams, perhaps, and technology and whatnot? Say, for example, mobile communications, people sitting at desks saying 'yo guys, there's a bit undead cow tearing up the highway" and leading folks to the right place?

Muchos gracias, signorita!

Yes, the normal public can see Terrors and Knights. This is why Knights are encouraged to be stealthy, and why we have fairy tales about knights and dragons and demons and vampires.

Speaking of which, a small enough Terror could conceivably be banished just by virtue of their victim waking up. Lots of people wake up when the sun comes up and it's time to start work, and with the advent of electric lighting and graveyard shifts and the endemic of shitty sleep schedules, Terrors are - were - actually slightly less common than before the Industrial Revolution.

Oh yeah, I made that website idea canon. Let me think about the scale of it, okay? @DJ MagicHat had some backstory shenanigans that I might be able to expound upon with this development...
I'm going to send some PMs out, and then post as the Sentinel again.
Meh, I rolled a stupid 2. Guess that's better than rolling a 1, which with my luck was what I was expecting.

EDIT: now I need to figure out what the heck to do with it.
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Were I in your character's position and witnessing the carnage unfolding, I'd be kinda glad that I didn't break a shield.

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