When Darkness Comes.

A shame, I apologize on behalf of everyone.. Though people often do get busy. I know I do. ^^ But we can hope more will continue on. I'd hate to see this die.
I'll try to possibly RP soon. :B I'm just trying to find a way for my character to be involved.
Okay, I'm sorry, but I find it really hard to roleplay when the other characters in my environment only make posts that are a sentence or two, and others use grammar so atrocious it's hard to delineate the meaning behind the post. It makes the world and situational development slow and clunky, and leaves me here, having absolutely no clue what's going on. And all of these different stories, or at least some of them, have to come together at some point, because I'm getting tired of seeing a post from someone and having to go back three of four pages just to figure out where they were before.
Hrm, this caught my eye and I'd already read through all of it before noticing that it had already began a while ago. Any space for a new character? I'd understand if you can't.
I can't explain everything going on as I recently joined, but just jump in however and whenever you want. :P Just make it lead into your character getting involved with another.
@jade162 ; I posted my sheet~ 
I'm guessing it's night time currently in the RP? Should I just start off in the middle of nowhere hiding out or something? O.o
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@Crystalline♥ actually you can start wherever you want and what time of the day you want. As long as you're not with someone else which said that he was in a night time/day time.
Ah, I see~

Well, I prefer being in the same time zone as everyone else. ^^ ♥ Makes it easier to stumble upon one another, ya know?

I may start my post off in the morning or afternoon, and then make it to where it ends in the night time. ^^

Though, I think I'll just make it at night along with everyone else, and perhaps wake up in the morn~
I do believe I'm going to hop back in with a new character. Or two. So be ready everyone~! 

@L u n a








@Zak Knight






@Ryo Orihara




@Susylue Faye



@Robin man






Who's still active in this RP?

I don't want it to die!

If you don't plan on continuing, please either delete your character sheet, or say something to clarify.
Ah, I'm sorry for leaving for a little bit. I just went through a lot of life stuff, so I couldn't do much of anything here anymore. I know the others left, but I guess I'll join back up. One question, did anything important happen in the roleplay since I left?
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