When Darkness Comes.


Mali keeps saying that I go overboard with the obsession of story development.

I swear if I didn't have such perfect plot twists to contribute he'd fire me like that.

Imagine a finger snapping sound at the end of that.
GrieveWriter said:
Mali keeps saying that I go overboard with the obsession of story development.

I swear if I didn't have such perfect plot twists to contribute he'd fire me like that.

Imagine a finger snapping sound at the end of that.
I get what you're saying about story dev., just people don't seem to have enough time to post.
I know I know, Jobs... Family... School...

But the feeling when you see a story reach transcendence.

I'll never be able to kick that.

In fact... Mali and the guys keep saying how it can be a good thing when working.

But it still sours me when I find a lack of it.
Hey quick question for Jade (the author), I'm looking to make my character a particularly powerful vampire, although I'm cautious, I don't want Mal becoming OP and it just being ridiculous. So I was thinking about sticking to the premise of him going into a blood rage, and that essentially functioning like a massive adrenaline rush, adding to his already vampiric strength. I won't have him doing anything absurd like lifting entire trucks off the ground, but I was just thinking, in that moment of increased strength and reaction time, he would be more willing to take some crazy risks. I was thinking, as a sacrifice in exchange for this risks paying off, he would, on occasion become wounded in performing them, requiring him to feed.

And if I'm thinking of anything more extreme, I'll run it by you. What do you think? Does that sound fair?
I would very much like to be a part of this rp, but I really dont have the time to read the whole thread because of school. Would someone be willing to summarize or at least catch me up as to whats going on atm?
My apologies. If I knew what was going on I wouldve answered.

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Sorry, I've been distracted with a lot of other things going on, and I really only have time for short posts most of the time.
SuperChocoMilk said:
Sorry, I've been distracted with a lot of other things going on, and I really only have time for short posts most of the time.
Oh, I didn't know. That's okay, just this RP seems dead, and I've only made two posts to here. :(
Oh lordy. I have no idea how to jump into this... There are so many things going on all of a sudden. D:
swampishpetrichor said:
Is everyone dead?
Nah, just takes a bit of time. That's why most posts are a couple paragraphs, to fill in the time. Other people have things like life and work and school and what not. But we get around to it. Patience is a virtue.
Fintan said:
Nah, just takes a bit of time. That's why most posts are a couple paragraphs, to fill in the time. Other people have things like life and work and school and what not. But we get around to it. Patience is a virtue.
Ah, I see. Just didn't think of that before. I'm such a ditz, haha!

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