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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Donnovan you're not the brightest are you? This mask isn't for show my friend, if I wasn't such a nice guy i don't think this would have turned out the same way." I smile I look over at Z "Well so much for trust." I sigh. I retrieve my possessions and rejoin them. "I feel as though if I am to help you we should lay down some rules."
Hides my surprise at the new guys implications what you are. Despite figuring that you werent entirely human, if your off scent was anything to go by; I hadnt expected that.

"Fun." Chuckles darkly. "First rule. Dont insult my intelligence. I ve been out of the loop for a while, and im still gettig used to..."polite society" again. But im not just some stupid upstart punk.
"You don't make the rules. If we need rules we can have them, but as of now, they are stay alive, and don't kill each other."
"Z, I am a tolerant man." I look up at the werewolf. "I do not mind you talking down to me and pretending to be who you think you need to be. I'm not naive in thinking others to share my social sentiments. " I say softly. I clear my throat and then passionately say "However my tolerance ends when the lives of others are threatened. As long as I'm with you I will not allow for you or any other to threaten the lives of livelihood of any innocent. We have enough monster lurching around already." I frown.
Snorts, having been in town for an hour and knows that's not how things run here. "Good luck with that bleeding heart of yours."
Points gun to head and clicks it. "Don't. Ever. Talk. Bad. About. My. Leadership. Skills."
I quickly dodge the torrent of bullets and move my hands over the to your extended arm. Using my wrestling skills I pull and leap onto your arm and move my legs along your torso. I manage to pull off the cross armbar. I press down hard and attempt to slam you into the ground. "Do not make me apply pressure Z". I say ferociously.
Tackles you from the side and holds you down by the neck, my claws poised over your jugular and your left kidney- im starting to like you, slick. But touch him again and I'm willing to forget that."
I breath heavily looking over my situation. I give a little slack to the arm. and look up at the lizard. "Donnovan you seem to forget who shot." I sigh deeply. "I will not participate in the slaughter or exploitation of innocents. If you do not wish to travel with me that is fine. "
"He may have taken a shot at you, but you took a shot at his pride." Frowns. "You can keep your idealistic morale. But dont expect any of it returned. Most of us are insane from what I hear...and im feeling a bit unstable myself. So I suggest you keep that mouth shut or get stepping." Stands over you and pokes your cheek with your own bat. "Try not to be stupid again."
"I didn't realize that the pride of a stranger was more important than the life of another." I release the arm and get up. "What choice do I have? The second I turn my back you're going to fire on me. " I pat myself off. "Say what you will, you know where El Cruzador stands." I snatch the bat.
Points gun out once more nod shoots edge of foot,cleaving a small pool of blood next to foot. "Next time, it will be your face!"
I sigh with no short ammout of irritation, rolling my eyes when el cruzador keeps referring to himself in the third person.

Honestly, where the hell does his guy come off thinking its justified to act the way he did? I could smell the self righteousness and skewed sense of duty and morality on him like a stink in an old alleyway. Pungent and rank. It was his own branch of insanity.

Well...we all have our little problems, I suppose.

I cant help the slight cackle that escapes me when Z shoots el cruzadors foot, observing how before all this happened -ten motherfucking years...damn- I would have probably sympathized with the now bleeding man.

Amazing how Crazy just sneaks up on you like that...invading your mind and taking it over until you finally notice it , but cant bring yourself to care, even finding it as amusing as I did. All three of us were insane. Despite Zs defense of his own mind, Cruz was right. Normal people dont shoot at people for popping ego bubbles.

Then again, normal people arent werewolves and snake/lizard cannibal things.

God if there was ever a time I needed a smoke.

"Welcome to the family, Cruz."
Looks back and forth between you two, before taking a glimpse at the sky outside.

"Well, while the two of you get to know each other, " pulls my hood over my head and grins as if nothing's happened. "I have some hunting to do, before it gets too dark." My tongue flicks out and I smell deer a mile or so off. "Anyone in the mood for steak?"
"Right on."hands you my nail gun. "This will just slow me down. If im not back by dark, no worries. Ill just be out for a run." Takes a running leap out the window and starts scaling the building opposite us.

I make it to the top in no time at all, running over the tops and jumping the wide and narrow gaps between, relishing in the rush of speed until I reach downtown, where I drop off to the sreet and skid to a halt in the grasses that have over run the local childrens park.

My eyes refocus, and my perception of color completely changes as I slowly creep forward in a crouch, watching the red and orange colors of body heat shift a good 100 meters away. And my human mind takes a back seat.

Mnnn... god I can smell you fat little beasties from here...

I creep towards the small scavenging party near the pharmacy, a pleased growl rolling from my diaphragm to my throat. Some kind of feline creatures...

I flicker my tongue every so often tasting for threats and prey alike before flexing my claws into the ground, ready to spring.

What are you doing?


I let out a long breath and lean back untill I fall back onto my ass, rubbing my eyes in self frustration. As tempting as it is, I know that not even Z would find my new appitite acceptable. And if Im completely honest with myself, its freaking me out a bit as well.

I lift my face to the sky and taste the air again.

They just smell so damn good!

I huff, a bit agitated, before slinking off in the direction of the deer, deciding to keep this to myself.

Let them think my pokes at cannibalism are a front, or a running joke. As long as I can control these instincts, theres no need.

With that thought in mind, I galavant off to catch some venison, ignoring the screaming insistance in the back of my mind, to turn back and hunt my real prey.
Not much long after, my kill is serving as a bench while I go through my bag of goods from the corner store I raided. Luckily enough, it had gone virtually untouched due to its location and the iron gate blocking all windows and the door.

I shiver just a bit as the nicotine rushes from my lungs and into my bloodstream, giving me the sort of artificial buzz I had gone without for years.

I exhale with a contented sigh and somewhat glazed smile as the smell of tobacco and menthol overpowers everything else, dulling my senses just enough to get my human mind firmly back at the forefront.

"You gave me one hell of a chase. ill give you that, big guy." Gives the dead creatures haunch a few firm pats and admires his prongs. "I promise not to waste a single peice of you." Chuckles and takes another drag from the cigarette.
Walks out of apartment with Uzi pointed at a zombie. "Oh, it is just one of you." Pulls out sword and chops zombie's head off. "Stupid behemoth."
Smirks at you from directly behind the zombies falling body. "Glad you dont like to waste bullets. I would have been fucked." Has the deer carcass slung over my shoulder with one arm, and an large bag of food and cutlery on the other.
More or less." Walks past you and slams the creature on the kitchen island with a splat. "How was yours? Or have you not gone yet?"

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