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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Hyde if you're listening, give me a bloody sign..." Jerico thought to himself. Jerico came all the way here hoping Hyde would know where "she" is, only to find that psycho Williams tried to kill everybody and when they thought they were doomed here comes Hyde or should I say Hydes and after the battles days of waiting for him to return so that Jerico could finally continue on his journey but without Hyde Jerico guesses that he should look after Hunt for a while. After reaching their destination Jerico sat on the hood of a car thinking "I wonder if they had found my box and opened it. I really whats in there to survive." Well Jerico is sure he would have found it by now so he motions for Hunt and says "Come sit with me lad." Hunt has been silent ever since they left the bunker and Jerico doesn't know why.
"Maybe we shouldn't touch the box." Carter blurted out. It probably wouldn't be the best idea, considering the circumstances, and that whoever had lived in this bunker was either a psycho or some sort of gang member. The box looked to be a likely trap. But Carter could do nothing as Smith reached for the box.
Smith picked up the box, and was going to open it when his rational side urged his hand away from the top of the box. He noticed bad things could be contained in the box, and was going to put it back down until the voice in his head interrupted.

You may need it later on, keep it. Besides, if it has bad surprises, why not share the gift of surprise?

Out loud, Smith said, "Good thinking" and pocketed the box. He then turned to Carter and told him, "They aren't here anymore, and I think the only way they could've escaped is through that back door." Smith points towards the back door. "Lets trace their steps as if we were them, shall we? Also, before you ask me why do you have to do this, I saved your mortal life, so this is the least you can do for my son, alright? Lets go." Williams walked towards the door and opened it while he shielded his eyes from the outside light creeping in.
Drake wakes up on floor of the abandoned grocery store. Zombies push into the door. "Stupid things." Pulls out Uzi. Don't shoot those idiotic beasts, it would just be a waste of ammo! "I guess you're right." Walks to back of store and finds water bottle. "Yes! This is exactly what I needed!" Don't get too excited, you never know when those things could break through. "I know."

As you can see, Drake gets along fairly well with his inner wolf. C'mon, lets sneak through the back. "Good idea." Drake walks to back door only to find a zombie clawing at it. "Ugly beasts are starting to p*ss me off!" Opens door and quickly punches zombie in face with Galvantula. Volts of electricity crash into the zombies skull and falls to ground. Remember the head. "Obviously." Pulls out sword and cleanly cuts off head. Escapes to hideout in an abandoned MacDonalds. "Good news is no ammo was wasted!"
"Well, yeah, I guess you did save it, sort of." Carter didn't want to piss off the fire demon, so he made no comments on the "mortal" or the whole "saving" him thing. At least he wasn't scorched. "So, do you know where those guys went?"
Walks outside to go for a stroll and sees a dead human. "Ugh! That thing reeks". That is the human that attacked you yesterday to get your food. Flinches. "I just wish I still had Skylar"
"Yes, do you see those footprints? They should be ahead there. They are mass killers, so be alert." Smith went ahead while holding his claymore and signaled for Carter to follow.
Sees person in distance. Pulls out Uzi. I'm not sure if it is safe to go near that person. Walks toward human anyway. That person might have a group, we have to take the risk." I suppose. Continues walking toward figure.
"Ok, right. Footprints. And do you think I weapon?" Carter asked the clown-faced man. Yes, about the clown face. He sort of felt like asking about it, but then again the man seemed a bit....high-strung. And asking him about it would probably bring back some bad memories.
I take my first steps past into the greater part of the city, cautious and slightly unnerved at how dead it is. I had been walking for days, so certain when I caught my first glimpse of the tall, manmade structures, that I would be able to find help for whatever affliction had nearly stripped me of humanity all those months ago.

And now, the only sound was my breath and the fenced trees rustling in the soft breeze. The only sign of life was the housecat turned feral darting across the street.

All my hopes for a face, a human face clean of the horrendous gore of a nightly feeding frenzy...dashed.

So it was with a sigh of reluctant acceptamce of my situation, that I went forward in search for a place to scavage for a decent meal.
At the sound of your voice, I immediately turned to face you, relife washing over me, however short lived. Immediately I spot the uzi, and raise my own poorley made shot gun, not knowing what to expect.

"Just someone passing through...I was hoping to find some medical attention. " my tone is strained and cautiously polite, every word spoken slowly. "Clearly not happening, by the state of this place."
Lifts Uzi and takes a shot. Whizzes by head. Gurgling sound comes from behind you. "The thing almost got you, why don't you follow me, I can take you to my "home" 
Sighs. "Like there really is a home anymore. "
I lower my weapon and follow after you tongue flickering out every so often when you cant see, smelling the environment around me, and catching a lot of negative pheromones. And something...off. "what happened here? Was there an evacuation?" Even as I ask, I have a fairly good guess that its related to whatever crashed my plane, if the zombie thing didnt give it away.
Looks you up and down, seeing that you are clearly, not nine. How long was I out of touch? Couldnt have been much longer than a few months...right?


"How...how long ago was that...exactly?"
Stares at you in shock. " ten...ten years?" Oh god... no. no way its been ten years. It can't have...

I back away slowly into the nearest wall as I take in all that your simple answer implies, and lean my head back , running a hand down my face with a groan that clearly expresses my distress. "Sh*t...uh..." looks around, trying to keep my rising panic under controll. "If thats true then you're the first person ive seen in ten years."
"You try keeping up with the news when you've been living like an animal for a decade." I snarl defensively.
From inside a partially destroyed building I wake up at the sounds of shouting. How many more days must I awaken to the sounds quarrel? I sigh to myself deeply yearning for the more civilized timed however I soon shake it. I clear my throat and rise "Well I'm not about to let anyone get hurt." I chuckle to myself. I reach over and grab my mask, placing it on my face. I move to the window of the and observe the situation, leaning over and grappling my baseball bat. I begin to slowly down along the ruined building and closer to the scene. I stay hidden and watch for any sign of a struggle. I look at the uzi pessimistically and clear my throat, trying to get my head in the game.
"Hey, calm the hell dow-" I stop mid shout, and my expression shifts from angry to suspicious. Without thinking, I flicker my tongue out to taste the air and immediately I turn to the direction of the stranger. "Someones here."
Hears person coming from behind. Quickly turns around with Uzi pointed straight. "PUT THE BAT DOWN, I SWEAR ILL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!"

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