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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Hunt was right, Jerico left most of his food back at Hyde's and only managed to grab ammo from their armory "Great plan, but I hope you're not planning on staying here."
Smith walked though the forest, leaving a burnt path in his wake. He was just enjoying the beauty of it without the interception of a damn creature. He was tired of his life in the woods, but it was necessary for others' survival. Anyone who dare come in these woods have doomed themselves. Smith always thought the people who came here were after his head, so he killed anyone who went into his area. He swore to keep himself in this forest, but sometimes he wonders if Williams is still alive.....his dear son..... "But Smith, you can't leave this forest!" Smith said to himself in a high-voice. "But Williams may be alive!" Said the other part of Smith. They both rambled on and on until Smith says, "Shut up! I will search the forest first, and you can't stop me Smith!" Smith walked along with a slight stumble, calling out Williams name in a croaked voice. He stumbled upon a small bunker in the woods, and was happy to see it. "Smith, this may be your child's bunker!" Smith agreed with himself and opened the door to the bunker and yelled, "Williams, are you there?" In his same croaking voice, this time with excitement. "This is Smith!" He said, just in case Williams forgot who his father was.
Smith was dismayed to not find Williams here, but he had hope, that maybe, just maybe, the people who dwell here know where he is. With a hesitant pause, he called out, "Anyone in here? If you know where Williams is, please do tell!" Smith readied his claymore silently in case of hostility and took a few steps forward.
Jerico approached the blast door, opened the slit so that he could see outside and shouted "I beg your pardon sir, but who are you looking for?"
"I seek Williams Dim, who I presume must have saved you from the tyrant known as Hyde? Yes, do you know his location? I am his father and I wish to be reunited with him, but please, stay back, the bloodlust will start in about 10 minutes." Smith said his words in a formal manner so it is known what his place in the world is.
William's father? Well this is a surprise, He drew his Desert Eagle,this could turn out bad "Sorry I don't know the people who you seek, but I wish you luck on your search." He lied, anything to make sure that Hunt was safe. He shut the slit and jogged back to Hunt "I have bad news."
Smith wasn't convinced. He knew when someone was lying when he heard it. While taking a few breaths to calm himself, he asked one more time with a demanding voice, "I know you know, now tell me, or I will be forced to take extreme measures!"
Plan B then "I haven't seen your son for a few days and I don't know where he is." He shouted then made his way back to Hunt. He got to Hunt and said "Get ready to move lad." And immediately started to pack his equipment.
Smith believed him, and then said, "You have fulfilled your purpose, thank you for your time," in a rather grim voice. Smith went away, sorrow, and continued to walk forward into nothingness.
He heard the steps, subtle but still audible, He knew that he was walking away Jerico then looked at Hunt and said "We better be careful around the city lad."
Smith continued to look around helplessly, until he found the crater. The crater had an artifact in it, one Smith recognized. He instantly knew what happened, and keeled down and silently blessed his son's soul. Smith then got up and noticed that the people in the bunker MUST HAVE known. He ran towards the bunker while angrily talking to himself.

"They thought they could outsmart Smith."

"I think they did, Smith."

"Let us teach them a lesson then."

When Smith got there, he knocked on the door 3 times and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me IN!" in a merry voice. He didn't wait for an answer, and melted the door with his intense flames. When the door was weakened enough, Smith kicked it in and drew his bloody claymore.

"Little piggie.......Little piggie......" Smith said in his search voice.
And there was silence.

Always silence.

It had been so long since he had heard noise. Human noise, at least. Carter could just vaguely remember the day everything had happened. When that vampire kid, what was his name.... James? Yeah, that must have been it. He remember the other vampire, the one who went absolutely insane when he saw that monster. And then the little girl. They had killed that murderer. That serial killer, that guy who came by and killed so many. He remembered finally finding him, stuck in that nursery, with all baby dolls hanging from the ceiling. The murderer, the one who had given them letters, was a hybrid. A mix between werewolf and vampire. And then a flash of white light. The building had exploded, and that was the last time Carter had heard any human voices. Friendly ones, at least. Now all he saw were the zombies and the bandits. He'd sneak by both of them, occasionally stealing from the bandits.

But he was all alone. Here he was, just sitting on the street, alone.

Carter heard the familiar sound of a motor, and then fell over on the ground limp. Dear God please pass him, please pass him...

The jeep screeched to a halt, and the sound of a car door opening echoed through the streets sounded off. "You. I know your alive down there." A man with a ski mask on walked out from behind the jeep, with a shotgun in his hands, pointed directly towards Carter's face. Carter slowly pulled himself up, when another man jumped out of the jeep with a pair of handcuffs. "Hold your hands out." Carter did so, mostly in response to the shotgun in his face, and then the handcuffs clicked on. The man quickly brought out a key and locked them, the pushed him towards the jeep. "Get in."


They were driving out in a field now. They had been driving for an hour, and hadn't said a single word. Until now. The jeep stopped right beside a forest, and they made Carter get out. The men all got out, and looked around. "Where is he?" One of them said. Carter was confused. Who were they talking about? "Who?"

"Our brother. He got bitten, and neither one of us could get the strength to shoot him. And now, he's gone."

Carter looked around the field. Had they really brought him out here just to shoot their brother? Atleast he got to hear some voices. But that was when he heard the sound of a screech. Two, to be exact. "Shit!" One of them yelled, as two zombies ran from the forest. It jumped atop on one man, tearing into his flesh. Another soon ran after, jumping atop of the other man. "Mark?!" Were his last words before the man was just a screaming mess. Carter ran to the woods, still handcuffed and in danger. Shit shit shit.
Smith heard a car motor, but thought nothing of it, and continued his search, this time looking back more often. Smith wasn't completely frightened by the car, but just a little spooked, mostly because he never knew so many people could still be alive, but it didn't matter, because he had more important things on his hand.
Carter ran through the woods, still handcuffed and helpless, when he came across what appeared to be a figure beside a bunker. Maybe it was two figures, actually? He couldn't really tell from this far away, and he was quite tired. But he could hear a voice.

"Little piggie.... Little piggie...."

Shit. Carter instantly dove behind a tree, and just waited it out. Hopefully he wasn't about to get himself killed.
Jerico and Hunt slipped out the back door, as he ushered Hunt farther away from the bunker he could feel a new threat towards them... they were not out of the woods yet.
Smith heard a rustle in the grass and moved towards it slowly with his claymore. He was ready to slay whoever was following him, but of course he would use reason first. He approached the area of which he heard the sound and yelled firmly, "Smith knows you are here, so come out and face me and tell me why you are following Smith. If you do not come out, I will burn all the trees in this land and you will not escape! You have 30 seconds to comply!"
Carter his behind the tree in fear. He could stay behind this tree, or he could do as the man said. He was going to burn the forest down, or so he said. But it did tend to be that most people weren't bluffing in this world. Carter just decided screw it, and jumped out. "Now don't hurt me! I'm handcuffed, as you see! I can't hurt anyone!"
Smith looked at the man and said, "You must be an escaped prisoner......first of all, who imprisoned you, and second of all, If I got your bounds undone, would you help Smith. Smith will explain all on the way." Without an answer, he swung his sword and cut through the hand cuffs and said, "Follow Smith."
Carter slightly stepped back when the man swung his sword and cut the handcuffs. "Yeah, thanks. A bit ironic that I was a prisoner, considering I was a riot officer before all this. Guess that's not too important though. But, yeah, I'll follow you." Carter was relieved that the man had shown mercy and cut his handcuffs, but he still was a bit untrusting of him. The whole "burn down the forest" was a bit off-putting. But it didn't matter. He followed after the man, just happy to be free.
While they were walking, Smith introduced himself.

"Our name is Smith. We are both two minds stuck in one body, and we struggle to gain control over the body. One of us takes things seriously, while the other one keeps messing around. We both seek to destroy any vile evil in this land, as well as the people who murdered our son. You are following us because we need your help to destroy the people who were in this bunker, who have now left. Search for any signs of their escape inside the bunker when we get there."

When they finally got to the bunker, Smith went inside it, and searched it.
As they left the bunker Jerico hoped smith wouldn't find the black box in the cabinet at the rear of the bunker near the door. "I wouldn't want him to find that." He thought to himself then looked at Hunt and said "Let's keep moving."
"So, I'm guessing the men inside this bunker were bad?" Carter asked, hoping this wasn't some sort of cop-out. Hopefully this man, Smith, was just a little crazy and was actually here to save the wasteland from despair. Hopefully. Carter jumped down inside the bunker after Smith, and looked around. "Well, if they were here before they aren't here now."
"The men here must have killed my son.....may his soul rest in peace..." Smith trailed off and then continued to search the area. He was going to leave until he saw a black box on the ground. He began to have an argument in his head.

It may be trapped

But it may have a nice surprise

A deadly surprise!

Surprises are always nice

Smith's irrational side won the argument, and reached for the box slowly.....
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