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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

Kari reached the bottom of the stairs and headed straight for the counter by the piercing and tattoo section of the shop. There was no one there so she hopped over the counter and leaned against the door open door that read 'staff only'. "Jett! Get your ass out here" she called
Lucian awoke slowly, picked himself off of the floor and yawned "Ugh....I'm so bored I'm actually falling asleep in the middle of hallways..." Lucian exited the school and looked at the sky. "Might as well clear my head" He said and bent his knees and sprung 30 feet into the air. Lucian stayed there for what seemed like ages before he started losing altitude. It was true that Lucian never really did figure out how to fly, but he had falling with style and control down to a science.
Aurora wasn't sure how he had done it, but he had managed to get them into the air successfully. She gave him a smile of gratitude as Fade still clung to her like a lost puppy, letting him snuggle into her for the flight duration. It was a little weird, being on a cloud of fire, and every time her fingers touched the cloud, they hissed in anger at the heat. She let out a soft sigh as she could feel them descending, and she let out a small huff of hair in relief to being able to be on the ground again.
Dair laughed, "I'm guessing you come here a lot? Either that, or you probably got us kicked out," she joked.
"I used to, haven't been in a w-" Kari shrugged and was cut off by the appearance of 'Jett'. To say he had a lot of ink and piercings done was an understatement. It looked like he'd had one of everything tattooed and pierced. Everything but his right arm.

"Do mine senses deceive me? Or has little Kari finally come to see me once more?" Jett smirked "You don't seem to have grown any fangs, I'm pleased to see..." he trailed off as he spotted Dair. "Welcome, what can I do you, miss?" he asked, pushing past Kari, all smiles and charm.
(( Notifications went haywire so bad. XP ))

Fade seemed unnerved by the fire even if it didn't burn and any healing properties it held seemed to piss him off despite how he kept his composure on the outside. He still attempted to bite at some of the flames, some of it out of simple instinct.

As they ascended his rising anger quickly faded into anxiety. He'd never been this high up before and god it was terrifying. Guess there's another phobia to add to the list. He started laughing, quietly at first but it soon rose to what was clearly hysteria, tears running down his cheeks. It seemed to keep him from having a violent panic attack though but his anger soon resurfaced, biting at the flames around him between bouts of laughter until they descended.

Once they would touch the ground he just kind of laid down and pressed his cheek against the terrain, pupils having constricted to tiny pinpoints from fear, giving his eyes a rather strange appearance. He slowly managed to calm back down and as he remained on the ground stated quite clearly for his two companions to hear, "I'm never flying again."

It took him a few more minutes to regain his composure then he stood again, though he was shaking quite badly from the amount of fear he'd just experienced. "God damn... That was absolutely terrifying."
Aurora was glad to see Fade so active, but she didn't think a panic attack would be the right way to move around. She let out a soft sigh and went over to pat his head, a little bit easier since she was a elf, but still challenging. "It's alright, a lot of people are afraid of heights." She said to him, smiling softly as she rubbed her hand back and forth on his head.
He seemed to relax under her touch before leaning forward to rest his chin on her shoulder, snuffing softly when her hair tickled his nose.

He didn't really know how to reply but he knew he just didn't want to fly again so he just let out a soft whine of acknowledgement and licked her cheek. It was odd for him to do so in human form but he still retained his wolf mind even in human state.

Soon he could smell the area as he calmed down enough and the overwhelming scents of food from the cafe and several surrounding restaurants had his mouth watering and stomach growling quite loudly. He may have eaten nearly 1/3 his weight in food at lunch but that was the "beauty" of being a werewolf; being able to digest food quickly to maintain a high energy. It got annoying though, having to constantly eat. He normally just satisfied himself with junk food to keep his stomach busy and it worked pretty well most of the time.

He could feel his body start to shift, tail already out and wagging furiously behind him. He was sniffing at the air like a hound on the trail of its prey, only pulling away from Aurora to get a better smell at one of the scents. He was growing quite excited over the thought of food, barely able to contain it.
Mia flew over the city and decided to go to the mall and a store there she enjoyed. If she had to remember the past today at least she could make them good memories. Walking into the mall there was an old store that no one ever paid attention to. Inside were small statues of mythical creatures like unicorns and dragons. Mia usually took an interest in the dragons but today she had one reason to be there. Hanging up on a wall was a magnificent sword that looked like it came from around the medieval times.

"You're skipping school again?" The woman behind the counter sighed. She was obviously a supernatural if you could see past the spell disguising her. She had faint red scales like a lizard along with her eyes which were slits instead of pupils.

"You know that stuff is all useless" Mia told her. "Maybe, but math does come in handy. Not for you maybe but its what keeps this place running" the woman told her.
Aurora moved a little as he licked her cheek, her natural reaction telling her to pull away, but she tried to stay still as he nuzzled into her. It felt good to have his head next to hers, and she took a deep breath as she waited for him to calm down. Once he had started sniffing around, she loosened her grip, smiling softly. "I am assuming you want to go inside and eat?" She asked him.
Vivian casually walked down the sidewalk. She had a bag that contained a notebook, pencils, and a few other small things.The notebook wasn't for work, of course. She had taken a liking to drawing, realizing she wasn't too terrible at it. She often drew flowers, the petals expanding out across the clear blank page. That was the only thing she missed when she spent her time as a wolf. It was the only thing she could miss. She spent most of her time alone, just like plenty people do. She didn't mind, though. Being alone was always better, in her eyes.
Lucian landed near Vivian but didn't notice her. "Where should I go...it's not like I have any hobbies..." he scratched his head lazily and looked around
Vivian heard the land, bringing her eyes up to the boy. She observed him, hearing him say something she couldn't quite make out. She took a deep breath,muttering something under her breath before continuing to walk in the same direction. She hoped she would go unnoticed, but knew the chances of that happening were slim.
Lucian watched the girl walk past him. He thought about talking to her, but it was clear that she didn't want to talk to him, story of his life...or what he could remember about it, so he moved out of the way so she could go by him.
Dair gave Jett a once over, deciding that his personality didn't match his "scary" look with all the tattoos and peircings.

"I'd like to get my lip peirced," she replied, smirking.
Fade quickly nodded before licking Aurora's face again, his tail wagging behind him like an overpowered windshield wiper.

"There are so many new smells here." he stated, slipping into human form once more as he stepped out onto the sidewalk, looking around with a strange glint in his eye. Nothing sinister or mischievous, simply...joy. He was fascinated by the smells, by the sights and sounds that surrounded him, his heart pounding. He turned back to look at Aurora and Densin, tongue sticking out between his pale lips slightly as he grinned, looking quite adorable in his excitement.
Aurora looked at him, rubbing her cheek free of slobber. "Dang, he has a lot of saliva." She said, freezing it before peeling it off her skin. She smiled and giggled, looking at him. "Alright, alright. Don't get to excited and start licking strangers." she said to him, her frosty hands waving in a calming motion. "We should go inside." She said, looking at Densin.

@Memios Bonavich @Marvelous Chester
Vivian walked past Lucian, her eyes meeting his. She immediately disconnected the eye contact, walking a little bit quicker. She dropped her head down, her eyes looking at the gray cement and she continued walking.
Tamotsu looked around his empty apartment, not too far from school so he wouldn't have to do much walking. But it was cheap and a dump, the previous owners didn't even clean before leaving and neither did the landlord who was a fairly scary young woman who claimed to be descended from witches. Setting down his bags he went about unpacking throwing articles of clothing haphazardly on the dusty closet's floor. With nothing but a mattress for sleeping on his apartment was barren a tiny window poked out near the cramped kitchen letting in light that illuminated the dust particles that had been disturbed while he was moving around. A naked bulb hung from the ceiling with a string to pull thus lighting it up. I wonder if I have to go to school tomorrow he thought but really didn't care. His unpacking was done so he collapsed on the mattress in the middle of the room falling asleep.
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"And it's a good thing this store is still open. You've helped me out a lot Libia" Mia said walking over to where she was sitting. "You're welcome for that by the way" Libia smiled. "Well have you gotten any more money from those jobs you take on?"

"Nothing good has come up recently" Mia sighed. "At this rate it will take at least another year before I can pay for that sword." She looked back over at the sword. "For me that means another year of your company" Libia laughed. "Though you know I wouldn't sell that sword to anyone else."

"Of course, I just stopped in for a bit. It'll be getting dark soon I'm guessing and I'm sure you'll be closing up." Mia looked out the window at the other stores as Libia looked at a clock up on a wall. "Yeah, I should close up. I'll see you again I'm sure" She smiled and so did Mia. "Definitely, I'll keep checking the jobs and hopefully I'll come up with something." She headed out of the store and out of the mall.
Densin already human again and trying to get youse to the condensed form again smiled. "Yeah sounds like a plan." Densin held out his arm for her to hold in a chivalrous manner, habits still lingering from long ago the manners of the renesance must have really rubbed of on him. Densin walked aura in. @Icefox11
Sorry, my alerts aren't working @callmebae98 )

Kari was glad that Jett had started to ignore her and pay Dair attention instead. She didn't want to talk about her ex to Jett, certainly not in front of the girl she'd brought down here.

Jett gave the girl a grin "Sure thing, doll. Where abouts on your lip?" he asked, glancing back at Kari. Ah he thought No witty retort, things ended badly. He'd give the subject a wide berth until she felt like talking. "Oh and have you got ID?" he added, looking back at Dair properly.
Vivian continued walking alone, looking for a nice place to sit and relax. She noticed a bench not to far away from her. She walked towards it, sitting down. Tall trees stood around the bench, the branches expanding out, shading the small bench. Vivian set her bag down beside her, taking out her notebook and a pencil. She flipped through the drawings of countless flowers, trees, and other scenery. Her eyes drifted around, looking for any inspiration, any ideas of what to draw.Finally, her eyes locked onto a tree. At the ends of the branches, were small, pink flowers sprouting. She smiled softly to herself, before bringing her pencil to her blank page.
Densin smiled and found a table for them to sit at. He looked at Fade then at Aurora. He was happy to have a couple of friends mabey coming to school wasn't such a bad idea after all. He took his menu and began to look threw he ended up ordering rare steak. Being a bird of prey he would have preferred it raw but rare would do. @Icefox11 @Memios Bonavich

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