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Realistic or Modern "We're the Foster kids"

Emily smiled back and realized that he had been shivering and she asked him if he wanted a blanket "There are some in the living room" she commented on just before the noodles finished. She poured them into a bowl after pouring the sink using a strainer to catch the noodles. She handed him the food and pointed to the silverware drawer. She started to clean up the mess.

Eric had decided to try giving Emily and Joel a little time to get to know each other. He took the bags up after he heard the two kids creep downstairs. He showed up in the kitchen a few minutes later with a hoodie that had been on top of Joel's stuff. "Hey, you two. Here's your jacket, buddy."
Joel happily took his ramen and held the bowl tightly, finding a fork. He looked down as he placed it on the counter as he heard Eric. He shakily took his hoodie and pulled it on, still shivering.

"Thank you. C-Can I still have that blanket...?" He asked nervously, scared he would be hurt for asking for too much.

@FluffyMarshmallow @Talieann
Emily nodded her head and walked into the living room and handed Joel a soft and comfortable gray throw blanket. She finished up her grapes and washed up that bowl.

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> not sure what's going on, but I'll just jump in

Ryder sat at his front porch, staring at the group-home-house across the street while smoking a cigarette. He didn't know most of the foster kids, but he'd seen them hanging around the neighborhood. He didn't know why, but he found them interesting. People at school said a lot of weird study about them, but he didn't care. Some of the girls he'd seen there were pretty hot actually. He decided the next time he were hosting a party at his house, he would definitely invite some of them.

Leo Riley Hale

He'd been wandering he house for quite awhile before deciding to go out for a bit, not caring if the 'parents' cared or not. He grabbed his messenger bag that was decked out in a bunch of gay pride buttons and animal welfare buttons, and some band ones as well before slinging it over his shoulder and walking out the door with a sigh. Wondering how much trouble he could get into today. He soon started down the sidewalk after giving the house one last glance and eventually found his way to the park and decided to sit down against a tree and just zone out to his music for a bit. He pulled the bright blue headset out of his bag and plugged it into his phone, put the headset on his head and closed his eyes as he leaned against the tree.

@ Anyone :3​
Jay looked at Aj, and said, "Welcome to Club Cosmos, May the stars grant your wishes." Jay said as he steeped up onto the stage, and greeted his guests. "Sorry guys for the late entrance, but I had some things to take care of." As Jay said this his blushed and the guys in the club, clapped, shouted, and even wolf whistled.

//i totally forgot about this

Simon decided to get up and go to the park. He slipped his headphones on and walked out, sweeping his hair over his eyes and underneath his thick-framed glasses. His hair swayed a little in the breeze and he huffed, pulling his beanie over his hair to keep it in place. He sat down at a bench and listened to music, doodling a bit in his notepad. He hummed to himself as he drew contently. He liked having times to himself. He didn't seem to notice the other boy that was there, nor did he pay them much mind. He smiled softly, which he didn't do often.



Leo Riley Hale

For whatever reason he opened his eyes to see a boy with black hair and headphones on. He smirked a little as he adjusted himself and messed with his hair before sighing and getting up, wandering over to him and tapping his shoulder lightly. He thought he'd recognized him from the foster home but wasn't sure as he wasn't really paying attention to the other kids there. He decided to just sit on the bench beside him and peer over his shoulder at what he was drawing, blue headphones resting on his neck and the grey beanie had become slightly crooked on his head, causing his light brown and blonde hair to peek out.

@tomato modest​

Simon glanced up at him and blushed nervously before quickly looking down and continuing to draw. He drew a boy with black hair and crows surrounding him. He had little black wings as well. He quietly slipped his headphones off, unless the other boy was going to say something to him. He felt modest about his drawings. He didn't think they were very good at all and ended up tossing them after looking them over for an hour or so and not finding it capable to fix a single mistake.


Leo Riley Hale

He grinned a little bit at the drawing "You're really good" he said quietly and shyly as he watched him, glancing at an elderly couple walking by and felt a bit envious, and then a couple with their son which kind of made his heart sink because he never got that kind of life. No matter how young he was, he was still ignored by any foster family he'd been given too. Anything he liked was always brushed off because they were busy with other kids, Leo was never a priority.

@tomato modest​

Simon blushed and shook his head, closing his notebook and holding it to his chest and staring off into space. He always drew things based on his feelings, hoping someone could catch on. It's the only way he felt he could communicate to the world. He couldn't put his feelings into words, so they were placed in little symbolic drawings. The one he drew as of now was drawn with ravens surrounding a character he envisioned as himself. A raven is a symbolic to the mind. The power a thought can effect on you. A single thought can expand and make your mind an insane place the more you think about that thought. The heart on the chest was a melting heart, meaning his heart was falling apart and replacing itself with his mind. It was extraordinary the kind of thought he put into these drawings. Each detail was very important to him.



Leo Riley Hale

He noticed his headphones and bit his lip nervously "What were you listening to? No need to be shy...you're a part of that family right? So am I" he said nervously and quietly as he didn't want anyone to hear, He was ashamed of his past and his present, even. He didn't know why he felt that way, he just sort of did and couldn't do anything about it no matter how hard to he tried. He sighed and slumped back against the bench and tilted his head back to look at the sky getting dark.

@tomato modest​

Simon nodded quietly and shivered a little, trying not to think to much about why he was here. His father, one of the most important people to him, passed and then his mother just gave up on him. He looked over at Leo and sighed. He blushed lightly. "Panic at the Disco..." He mumbled shyly, and looking forward nervously. He only spoke when he had to mostly. And for some reason he found a sort of charm in Leo, which only made him blush even more sheepishly. He probably would think he was a freak.



Leo Riley Hale

He grinned a little bit as his eyes wandered back to the black haired boy "Leo" he said quietly, a very poor attempt at trying to introduce himself, He felt strangely drawn to this boy and wasn't sure why as he never got close to anyone. He didn't let it happen, You get attached and then people leave or die and you end up getting your heart broken, Leo had been through that enough. Still...He kind of wanted something to work with this boy.

@tomato modest​

"Simon" He said sheepishly as he gazed at Leo quietly. He bit his lip and looked down nervously. He quietly flipped back open his tablet and glanced at Leo for a minute and started doodling once more. He wanted to get each detail right. He couldn't express his feelings, so this is all he got. It took him about ten minutes before handing it to Leo with a blush. He let out a sigh and looked away nervously.



Leo Riley Hale

He'd closed his eyes and enjoyed the 10 minutes of silence with the quiet boy before being presented the tablet and swung his head forward so his chin met his chest as he held it and looked at it, not entirely understanding but he thought he might have an idea which caused his pale cheeks to quickly turn a light pink shade as he bit his lip and was so nervous he couldn't even move or look at him.

@tomato modest​

He blushed and looked down quickly. "I'll leave" He said briefly before turning away, not even bothering to take his tablet back. He felt dumb now. The guy probably thought he was some creepy child-like pervert. He looked down. He sometimes wished he knew how to express himself, but he was never able to find valid words to do so.



Leo Riley Hale

He squeaked quietly and shook his head as he got up and grabbed his wrist with gentle force, a very conflicted expression on his face as he looked away "D-..." he stuttered "Don't go" he said in barely a whisper as he started chewing on the insides of his cheeks which he did often when he was nervous causing him to have painful sores on his cheeks which he bit a lot. "It's okay..." he said quietly as his blue and brown speckled eyes looked up at him shyly

@tomato modest​

Simon blushed, looking up at him as his bangs swept away from his wide blue and brown eyes. He noticed, but he was too lost now to even care. He gazed up at Leo. "s-sorry" He said quickly. He was going to look away but for some reason he just couldn't. He just stood there in a sort of daze and his cheeks a rosy pink. "..." He wasn't sure what the hell to say.



Leo Riley Hale

He sighed heavily as he held the boys small wrist gently "Don't apologize" he complained as he raised his free hand up and pulled the beanie off his light brown hair with a brown streak and ran his fingers through it, unsure of what exactly to do or how to respond to that. "Wanna go get into some trouble with me?" he asked randomly as his eyes met the boys and smiled a little at the similarity "Hey they are kind of like mine..." he said with a bit of enthusiasm "Mine are just a mixture of yours" he said as he leaned closer so the other boy could get a good look.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Bold_Black_Animated.gif.1894a0795e396d450050fd0862d96e4d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@tomato modest​



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Sam Haven

Sam was in the car with her social worker. It was already her third home and she had only been in the system for three months. The car rolled up to a large victorian style home. Sam grabbed her suitecase and two backpacks and began walking up the steps. Would anybody be awake at this hour to open the door? Do I just walk in? She had no idea how to enter a new home in the middle of the night. She tried to open the door, but it was locked. Sam knocked on the door, praying one of the foster parents would remember that she was coming tonight.

Samantha ran down the stairs, a pink robe thrown over a pair of sweatpants and an old college tshirt, excited. Another girl with her nickname, how fun! It had been hard to stay awake through--clearly she was getting old. Ugh, how sad. She pulled open the door and smiled softly. "You must be Sam. Come in, honey." She opened the door wider and stepped back, tying not to wince at the term of endearment. It had just come out; she was so happy to have all these kids and they were very dear to her just by virtue of their being there, and so she wanted to love on them, but she knew that was patronizing to some kids and she had said she wouldn't call them cutesy names for awhile. Oh well. How much could one slip-up hurt?

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