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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

Sia bat tree branches out of the way, her boots seeming to fly over the rough terrain. Through her fear she called out in the wolf tongue, which didn't translate to English very well, but she essentially said, "Hold on, I'm coming!"

The wolf cries became silent. Sia's vision tunneled. She pushed harder, feeling like she had when she found Avigpip dead. But her pack was strong, they had withstood many winters. The worst of times.

She barely heard the assassin following behind her, and she stopped suddenly, reaching the clearing. It was in the heart of her pack's territory, usually when they held meetings to decide who would hunt. Who would protect the cubs.

Her breathing was hard, and her vision, better than most humans, saw every little detail.

Her pack had numbered twenty or thirty, a good number. And they all were lying on the ground. The only breathing she could hear was her own, her heart beat pounding in her ears. Near her was Feldaina, a female wolf that had been watching her newly born cubs. She was ripped and torn, her fur mangled with blood that looked black in the night. All of them were similar, and Sia whispered in the wolf tongue, "What could do this..."

Then, something stood, in the center of the clearing. Sia hadn't felt angry in a long time. The pack had taught her that anger only led to bad decisions. But her pack was dead, and whatever that was, it was to blame. Sia was sure of it.

It turned to look at her, its face scarred. She could make out its black cloak, and glowing green eyes. Fur rippled across its head, and Sia just stood there, frozen. It roared triumphantly into the night, and focused its attention on her.

She wasn't sure if the assassin was still following her, or if he was right behind her. She didn't turn to look. She just dashed headlong to the creature, ready to tear it to pieces for killing her pack. Her vision blocked out everything else but the creature, nearly twenty or thirty feet away. It was going to die.

((I left off where she's running towards the thing. Just FYI.))
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Ciera went over to the bar and downed mug after mug of ale. Getting drunk after nightfall was a usual routine for her. Because of this, her alcohol tolerance was very high, and it took almost a dozen until she was drunk enough that the room began to swim and she had a difficult time keeping her balance. She could hear one of the other bar goers talking shit about the royal guard, saying that they were useless against monster attacks and that they needed to do better. Ciera staggered over to the table where the man was sitting at.

"If you're going to complain that much, you might want to do something about the problem before someone cuts your tongue out," She slurs.

The man, also drunk, stands up angrily. "And are you going to do that you little bitch?" He growls.

"I just might," Ciera replies, punching the man in the face. He tumbles backwards into a table and his buddies stand up.
[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]Ciera went over to the bar and downed mug after mug of ale. Getting drunk after nightfall was a usual routine for her. Because of this, her alcohol tolerance was very high, and it took almost a dozen until she was drunk enough that the room began to swim and she had a difficult time keeping her balance. She could hear one of the other bar goers talking shit about the royal guard, saying that they were useless against monster attacks and that they needed to do better. Ciera staggered over to the table where the man was sitting at.
"If you're going to complain that much, you might want to do something about the problem before someone cuts your tongue out," She slurs.

The man, also drunk, stands up angrily. "And are you going to do that you little bitch?" He growls.

"I just might," Ciera replies, punching the man in the face. He tumbles backwards into a table and his buddies stand up.

Sky, who hadn't been paying much attention to what Ciera was doing up until this point, looked over at what happened and stood up "Uh oh, this doesn't look good..." Sky mumbled to herself as she grabbed her staff, which she'd put on the table again a little while ago. She stayed back for a couple of moments, though, just in case this wasn't going to end up too bad, and joining in would only escalate things unnecessarily.
The man stood back up and motioned to his buddies to restrain Ciera. They grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back. The man punched her in her mouth, splitting her lip. She spat blood into his face, trying to get free.
"Hey, guys!" Sky yelled to them, tapping her spear on the ground for emphasis as she activated her staff's magic spearhead, which was flat and triangular, and came out of the quarter-circle at the end of her staff (Not sure if I mentioned this in her CS, but thought I'd put it here anyway xD ) "Don't you guys know Tavern owners don't usually like fights going on in their buildings?"
"I don't need your help, mage." Ciera says, using the slight distraction to wrestle her arms away from her captors and simultaneously punching them in the guts. She quickly swings around to the first man and knocks him out with a well placed punch behind the ear.
Sky blinked at Ciera's response "Are you sure?" She asked, as she turned her spear off. If Ciera didn't want her to help, then who was she to try and force her help on her, after all?
Two of the guys start to stand, but Ciera places her heel on the last guy's crotch. "I suggest you stay down, unless you want your buddy's tenders to go 'squish'."

The man still on the ground cast a pleading glance at his friends, the closed his eyes and prayed to all the gods he could remember the names of.
Waiting for a few moments to see if the men would do anything else, Sky, if they didn't, walked over to Ciera and placed a hand on her shoulder "Okay, that's enough Ciera." She told her "We don't want to hurt them more than we have to." At least, Sky didn't. Ciera could very well have been a different story, but she didn't know that.
Sky motioned her head towards the bartender in response "Would you rather make these guys suffer or avoid having to pay a fine from that guy over there or a constable?"
Sky nodded, smiling a little bit now that she managed to avoid any more conflict "That's a good idea."
Ciera takes a step and swoons. Apparently she was more wasted than she meant to get. At least the darkness was pressing against her anymore. At least now she didn't have to worry about hearing the voices from her past.
Sky supports Ciera with her shoulder as they walked out of the tavern "Should we head to the inn, or some other place?" She asked, wanting to know her preference.
Sky nodded "Alright, the inn it is." She replied, as they headed in that direction and she checked her wallet for how much money she had "Ah... Do you know how much it costs for one night there?"
Ciera unties a bag from her belt. "I got it. The king gave me a quite substantial allowance for this mission."
"Ah, that's good." Sky replied, smiling "I only have enough for a standard staff repair and a couple more days' worth of food..." Sky admitted.
Ciera nods and almost falls over from the movement. They walk into the inn. "Do you mind if we share a room? It would save a bit of coin."
Sky shook her head in response "No, not at all." She told her, as they walked up to the check-in counter "Hello!" She greeted the person there.
Ciera handed Sky the bag of money.

"Hello miss, and..." The innkeeper glanced at the wasted woman. "...Miss. Would you like a room for the night?"
"Yes, please." Sky replied, taking the bag from Ciera "How much would it be for just one room for the two of us?"
"There aren't very many rooms left. There's one with a single sized bed for 20 pieces and one with a larger bed for 40."
Sky looked at Ciera "Umm... What do you think, Ciera?" She asked her, not entirely sure which room would be better.

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