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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

"No. It is literally not human. If you join me, we will be going after the dragon that has been plaguing this country for so long." Ciera looks right at his face, undeterred by the mask. "King Damian grows worried about his people, or at least that's what he said. I am more than willing to go after the beast, but I cannot complete the task alone, no matter how much gold is involved."

She lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "The dragon has been stealing from this land for many generations. It has just now become active again, after the miners in the west found that gold vein. Imagine how much loot is stashed away in it's lair! And even if there isn't much, the king has promised half of the royal coffers to me and the companions I choose."
Are my ears working fine? Did I mishear it? A... damn... dragon!? Rengar jumps up from his seat and looks straight into the warrior's eyes. Do you even know what you're saying!? The man's fist shivers as he raises it up to his chest, cold sweat covers his entire body. A dragon...

He suddenly drops his hand, quick as lightning, an strikes the table with his palm. "Hell yes!", he loses control of himself and shouts; then looks around shyly and sits on the chair again. Do you even know how fond of magic and knowledge dragons are? That hoard of his must be filled to the bursting with magic artifacts and books! And a bit of gold would be nice as well.
Sky blinked as she looked over at the table with the assassin and the warrior again. She'd been paying no attention to their conversation, just listening to the bard's music, so she had no idea why the assassin suddenly slammed the table and yelled out loud. Something excited him, that was for sure.
Ciera grins. "Then it is settled, my dear man. We'll meet back here at noon tomorrow, along with the rest of my companions, agreed?" She stands to move on to the next table. "Oh, might I know your name?"
((@Ilani the Archer Who are you talking to?))

Sia listened to the warrior and assassin speak to one another. She found human conversations interesting; they pushed words at each other, hid meanings and thoughts through their sentences and phrases. Even the tones could imply different things. The wolves she lived with found human language to be confusing and much too wrapped up in details and description to be useful. Wolf language, and many of the other animal languages were simple, expressing everything else in dances and body language. Only the birds were as detailed as the humans, which was why Sia never talked to the birds.

Another round of applause went through the room for the musical bard. Sia emptied her glass, and heard the warrior mention a ranger, and the assassin turned to look (or she assumed he was looking at her, since she couldn't see through his mask.) at her. Sia held a cold look under her cloak, but she doubt either of them could tell. A ranger, eh? Was that she was, in the human world?

The barmaid came over. "More ale, ma'am?"

Sia shook her hand, and pushed the glass away. The bar maid took her glass away. The warrior told the assassin something, and he jumped to his feet. Sia reacted like her training had taught her to react. She lifted her eyes, their golden color seen for just a moment as she assessed the situation. No danger, as he was only excited about... something. He dropped back to the chair, and Sia sat back in her chair, her cloak dropping back over her face. Whatever they were talking about, it was exciting. To humans, perhaps.
"Sure, sure. I'm Rengar. Now, why don't we ask that cloaked woman? Or maybe the mage? Or both at the same time?" He spoke fast, barely containing his emotions. There's no time to waste, let's get the group together quickly! The assassin sprang from his chair again. "Hey, you!", he thrust a finger toward Sky and yelled, "Do you want to hunt a dragon with us!?"
Sky looked over at the man that had called to her, tilting her head "Huh? You guys are hunting a Dragon?" She asked, standing up and walking over to them. Her voice reflected curiosity, but not even she knew if it was about the quest itself, or the people going on it.
Ciera sighs and puts Rengar in a headlock, covering his mouth with her hand. "Keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking you insufferable beef-witted man," she hissed in his ear. "May the gods save your soul if you ruin this for me." With a smoldering glare towards Rengar, Ciera turns and smiles at the mage.

"You heard correctly my lady," Ciera says. "Would you like to hear more?"
Sky nodded in response, smiling back. Her sister had gotten away from her at this point, and she really had no chance of finding her by now. She'd turn up again. In the meantime, she couldn't turn down an offer to help a person - Or people - in need.
"Come," Ciera waved her over to a table. "Sit. I will buy you a drink." This night was going better than she had planned. All those days of searching were finally paying off. Ciera waved the barmaid over. "Get what you desire."
"Just water is fine, really." Sky replied, sitting down at the table. She knew they'd probably think she was boring for that, but she honestly didn't feel like anything else at the moment. Besides, she didn't really like alcohol, she was just here to rest for a while "You don't have to buy me anything though, it's fine."
Ciera nods. "What is your name?" she asks. Ciera was on guard. She didn't really trust people who used magic for fighting. If you couldn't kill the beast by bashing it over the head repeatedly with a stick, you really shouldn't be in combat, or you will just become a liability for your group. But, as she had said earlier, she couldn't do this by herself, so she was going to have to bear being around the mage.
(Ouch, that hurts, Ciera (:'())

"My name is Sky." Sky told her "What about yours?" She asked, setting her staff on her lap as she reached her hand out to shake the warrior's, as well as the others that had already joined her group.
(In her book, you gotta know how to kill something by hitting it with a stick)

"Ciera," she says, shaking Sky's hand.
((I agree. Sticks are very important.))

Sia narrowed her eyes as she discovered the cause of the assassin's excitement. The dragon. Someone is going after that dragon.

Her brother and sister wolves had talked mightily about the dragon. The tyrant of the forest, a beast too large for everything else. The wolves believed strongly in the natural order of things, that the predators took prey, the wild took the predators. A cycle of life.

But dragons considered themselves above such things. They took what they want, they were greedy, devious, and believed themselves to be gods of all animalkind. If there was killing of a dragon to be done, she would be there to see it done.

She got up, silently, and walked to the group, almost unnoticeable, and stood at the table of gathering adventurers. Her cloak still covered her face, only her mouth visible, in a neutral shape. Sia stood there, as everyone introduced themselves, saying nothing.
Ciera sensed movement behind her. In a flash she stood, drew her sword, whirled around and pointed it at the cloaked figure. (@Vespertide)
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Sia stared at the sword, still not moving or looking the least bit concerned. In a smooth movement she pulled off her cloak's hood, revealing a pair of golden eyes, tan skin and dirty blond hair. Sia shook out her hair, before setting herself down at a chair at the table, and putting her hands in her lap. Still, she said nothing. It wasn't her way.

She blinked, waiting for them to respond.
Ciera stood there, slightly shaken, staring at the new comer. Eventually, she sheathed her sword and sat back down, occasionally glancing at the ranger.

"So, Sky," Ciera said. "How much do you want to know?"
Sky made note of Ciera's jumpiness and continued to answering her question "Well, is there anything we know about this dragon? And how many people are coming along?" She asked, pausing for a moment "...For that matter, it might be a good idea to know what each of us is capable of, as well."
((He he. This is going to be fun.))

Sia watched the conversation, and it occurred to her that perhaps they should know her name. But when to say it? Among the wolves, names were treated as highly honorable things; if you knew the name of the wolf, you were considered one of his close friends, or were important enough to just know his name. Asking someone's name was considered either an insult or a great respect.

Humans... they threw names around like they meant nothing. When, in reality, names were one of the only things a person could never lose. But, she was human, in a human society. So she would be expected to give out her name.

If they bothered to ask.
"We don't know much about the dragon, besides that it lives on one of the south islands," Ciera says. "If you join me, we will have the people as of right now. I was hoping on getting at least two more tonight, besides you."
Sky nodded in response "Alright. So, what can you guys do?" She restated her last question, not having gotten an answer for it. She wanted to help them, sure, but she wanted to make sure that she was traveling with people that could fend for themselves. She couldn't do all the fighting for them, after all.
"I am fairly skilled with the sword," Ciera says. "Regnar over there... he is an assassin. I'm not exactly sure what his talents are though." She looks pointedly at Regnar. (@Traka )
When the cloaked woman sat down with the group, Rengar slid silently behind her and leaned close to examine her carefully. His mask hovered around Sia's head like a perpetually smiling ghost. What is your species called, again? Not an elf, certainly. Perhaps dryad? Nymph? A lamia would have a tail, right? Might you be a harpy? As he was about to touch the woman's hair, the assassin's attention was caught by Sky's inquiry and Ciera's response.

"What? My talents?" He asked, standing straight. Suddenly, he vanished like a puff of black mist that disperses into the air; and reappeared instantly behind Sky with his back turned on her. "I'm a surprisingly good cook, and my quill for poetry is quite sharp, if I may say so myself"

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