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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

"Well it is good that you can cook," Ciera says. "If the duty fell to me, I would end up jeopardizing us all. But how did you do what you did just now?"
Sia noticed the man behind her a minute too late. Annoyed she tried to swat at him, but he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. The conversation went on, and Sia kept getting the feeling that she should speak up. But it had been some time since she had even been among human society. Was she supposed to respond to the question of her talents? No, talking was not her way. Perhaps she would show, just as the assassin did. But how? Her skills needed a forest, a target. She supposed talking to the animals would be considered a skill among these people, even though to her it was a way of life.

Would they ask? Or continue to ignore her? Which would she prefer?

Sia took a calming breath. Wolves and bears were so much easier to deal with.
Rengar pretends to not hear Ciera's question and walks toward the bard, who was getting another round of applause. You don't need to know that, dear warrior. The assassin became thoughtful as he stood among the crowd in front of the small stage where Cornas was performing. Magic is a mysterious thing indeed. Where do my abilities come from? If they're not magical, then what are they? As the bard bowed to his audience, Rengar lifted a hand cheerfully and spoke. "Hey, mate, can you sing Violet Eyes?"

OOC: Here it is, in case you do want to sing it @drummerboi [media]

"Hmhm brillient choice learnt that when i first started it was the firt song i proformed atculy perfected it to a tea Now evryone please quite i need silance for this song" He said as he adjusted his strings. As he sung the song his voice echoed slightly the Tavern was massive and all the people turned quiet to hear his singing. He continued to strum his lute as he sat on what seemed to be a small stool that the bar maid lended him. His singing voice was like silk spun by the most perfect spider. Note after note he played until the song was cmpleated he bowed in front f them all "now for one final song if the evening" the audience had a drawn out "Awwwwww" Cornas quieted them down "Now this is for everyone to sing The Dawn Will Come this is for people copeing with the dragon attack these past few months" He said strumming as he begun to sing it hoping all of them would eventually sing.


Ciera softly joins in with the last song, head bowed. Maybe the dawn will come, eventually. She just had to hold out until then, in the perpetual night that was her life. When the song ended, she lifted her head and looked at the cloaked figure sitting at the table. "You seem interested in this quest. What might your name be?"
Sia turned her head towards the bard, and looked confused as the others joined in with his song. They all sang with such reverence that she almost began to like humanity again. Sia didn't recognize the song, but something told her that it was going to be one of her favorites.

[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"You seem interested in this quest. What might your name be?"

So someone did ask. It took a moment before Sia chose to respond, and when she did, her voice quiet but had a strength behind it.

"Sialani Oorfang. Sia." Was all she said. After another moment, she added, "The dragon must die."
Sky joined in the song along with everyone else, but for a completely different reason. It wasn't for the Dragon, it was for her sister. She deeply wished that she would be able to see her sister again one day, and not have to fight with her. Give me at least that much, she silently prayed to Narruer.

When the song was over, she realized that she'd been crying during it. She quickly wiped her tears away and hoped nobody noticed.
"Well, I don't really like the dawn so much, but it was a nice tune", said Rengar, walking over to Cornas. He put his right hand on the bard's shoulder and made a broad gesture toward the crowd with his left. "Look at all those teary-eyed people! They sure were moved by your voice, I've got to congratulate you". The assassin then yelled to Ciera while pointing a finger at Cornas, "Hey, leader! Don't you think that it would be pleasant to have some music when we fight that dragon? Who knows, perhaps the beast will get too busy singing along and we'll have a chance to kill it while it's distracted, eh?". Rengar then alternated his gaze between Sky and Sialani, and continued to speak loudly. "What do you think, little mage? And you, harpy-nymph-dryad-woman, can you speak?"
Ciera put her face in her hands. "Just announce our mission to the entire world, while you are defecating from your your mouth, please," she calls back. She turns to Sia. "I apologize in advance for his behavior miss."
Traka said:
"What do you think, little mage? And you, harpy-nymph-dryad-woman, can you speak?"
Sia cocked her head, not understanding why he connected four words together. She was raised by humans before she met the wolves, one would think she'd understand human language. But once she had figured out that it was indeed her the assassin was speaking to, the warrior turned to her.

[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"I apologize in advance for his behavior miss."

Sia shook her hand, trying to say, It's nothing, really. But if human vocal language was tough, she didn't understand body language entirely. So she just hoped the message got across.
Ciera nodded at the woman and then stood and walked over to the bard. "My name is Ciera, sir. The king put me in charge of a mission that I was hopping you would join." (@drummerboi)
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OOC: After I log off, which will be in less than an hour, I won't get back on for the rest of the day. I have a big band competition out of town.
"hm well i guess my talents are needed elsewhere so i guess im able to come after all a dragon listen to my music is often a rarity among bards" he said smieling at them "I will join you in laments terms" he said loking ta the Human she was of course a mage he walked up towards her. "Hmm it seems you possess magical ability's where you from" he said looking at her. Wondering how she learned magical ability's if she wasn't a Elf.

(I apologize in advance for this, but I might not be able to post very much today, as I'm very much sick. To the point where everything is kinda fuzzy to me ( :P ) I'll still try my best, though!)

Sky looked up at the bard that had approached her and asked her where she was from. She closed her eyes and lowered her head in response "You wouldn't have heard of it... But if you must know, I lived in the village of Scarfala a long time ago, before moving to Holaria to live with the Mage's Guild there." She replied.
Ciera tilts her head when she hears the village's name. "Scarfala? But wasn't that destroyed-? Oh." She lowers her eyes.
"Scarfala? I think I've been there before", said Rengar, approaching Sky. "Don't remember seeing you. And it's not like someone with green hair is easy to miss. Perhaps you didn't like the circus? Anyway, did you say the place was destroyed? What happened?"
"My sister wasn't a big fan of it, so we didn't really go whenever it was in town." Sky replied, before Rengar asked her what happened to Scarfala "It was attacked... By a horde of monsters..." She explained, looking down as she remembered the event "As a farming village, it didn't stand much chance... As far as I know, me and my sister are the only ones that survived the attack... The rest of the village was burned down."
Your sister has good taste, then. Thought the assassin as Sky responded. When she mentioned the monsters, Rengar's eyes widened and a faint gasp could be heard through the mask. "A horde...?" He made a pause to regain composure. "Did you see any of the monsters? Were they led by a necromancer, a black mage?" I had given up on finding him; thought he was dead. This girl might have shone a light in my direction. He may be able to answer my questions.
Ciera clenches her jaw. This was the exact type of events she was trying to stop. No human being deserved to see that happen to their home. "Where is your sister now?" She asks. She ignored the assassins outburst.
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"I don't know. I lost track of her a few days ago, after our most recent battle." Sky replied to Ciera, before moving on to Rengar's question, shaking her head "No, me and my sister were hiding in the cellar for the whole attack... But I do have a suspicion about who might have led them... A race of dark creatures called the Zen'ari. Immediately after the attack, when I went to check for survivors, they took my sister away... Filled her head with dark thoughts, and misguided notions..."
"The Zen'ari?" Ciera asks. "But what were they doing at your village? What gains could they have gotten from there?"
"My sister." Sky answered, plainly "They trained her in their arts, and she now works as their loyal emissary... She's ended up as a powerful ally for them to have, and I think they saw that potential in her somehow."

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