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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

The Zen'ari? Why would they want a human girl? Could it be related to what happened to me? Ah, if only I could remember anything other than that terrible laughter! Rengar began to shiver slightly, growing afraid of his memories. That black mage must be one of them, I had not considered the possibility before; he might be the one who did this to me, the only one who can answer my questions. But I don't want to face him. I don't want to hear that voice ever again.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and made an effort to return to the conversation. "Can I get a blessing too, leader?"
Sia listened quietly. Her own village was burned to the ground when she was just a tiny pup, as the wolves said. She had a difficult time remembering who she was before the wolves took her in. Always had, though she had tried her best to remember.

She didn't say anything, knowing that that kind of pain didn't have words that could heal it.
"It'll have to do", said Rengar, lowering his head. "Anyway, ehm, Sky, right? What did you say was your sister's name? You're coming to fight the dragon, correct? And what about you, mister bard?" He looked at each of them and turned to the cloaked woman afterwards. The assassin stared into her eyes and spoke slowly, "what are you, exactly?" Looking at her from the front, she might even be a succubus with that face; although she has no horns. I've heard that they can hide them. Now, would that be a good thing? Rengar became thoughtful and considered the possible benefits and shortcomings of having a succubus in their group, all while still looking at Sia.
(Dang, I have a Succubus I could've used ( :P ))

Sky nodded in response "Right. My sister's name is Elise, and yes, I'm coming to fight the Dragon." She replied, leaning back in her chair. She hoped she'd be able to find Elise again, as well, during this adventure. But it wasn't very likely, she knew that much. Still, she can't just sit around doing nothing.
Traka said:
He looked at each of them and turned to the cloaked woman afterwards. The assassin stared into her eyes and spoke slowly, "what are you, exactly?"
Sia cocked her head, trying to decide if he was being serious or not. He watched her carefully, and she could see his thoughts spinning. It was actually rather amusing, when the answer was so simple. Sky and the assassin continued to talk, and then the leader, Ciera, spoke.

[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"That's three then, four if you are coming,"

Sia bowed her head once, raising again once she knew she had said yes. She didn't speak, didn't bother. But she hoped she was understood.
Ciera nodded back at the woman. She turned to the bard. "You, sir, if you are going to be traveling with us, we should at least know your name, if not also your skills."
"My ame is Cornas if you don't mind my skills are simply being a bard that's all you need to know" He said looking at them "Anyway enough talk im tired i haven't had any sleep all day and unlike you lot i need to do 24 hour shifts on week's end." He said looking at them hoping that thay can finally leave this place and get some sleep or something
"We will meet back here at noon tomorrow." Ciera announces. "Then I will explain the exact details of the quest."
Was that a invitation to leave? Back here at noon... That was high sun, wasn't it?

Sia stood up, replaced her hood back over her face, and left without a word. The night was rapidly growing cool, and Sia wrapped her cloak around her thin shoulders. She headed towards the forest, towards the moonlit trees. The road was uneven beneath her boots, but she didn't mind.

She just hoped the wolves would accept this new quest of hers.

((If someone tries to stop her, go ahead. She'll stop.))
At noon? How unpleasant. Could this be a trick to lure me into an ambush in the sunlight? Yes, I'm certain of it. The gathering of such remarkable women, and that bard, in this common tavern is no coincidence. And the succubus must be a vital part of their stratagem. Well, thinking of it now, it doesn't sound that bad; perhaps I should wear perfume tomorrow...

As he pondered upon the ideal scent to choose for the ocasion, Rengar saw that the cloaked woman was the first to leave, quickly and silently. Now, what if they want to take my head? Ah, it's very simple: it'd mean my doom. But it's a gamble that I'm willing to make! "I shall be here!", said he, striking the table with his palm. The assassin made his exit, mumbling to himself, "tomorrow at noon. At noon. Nooooooooon". Once in the street, his gaze fell upon Sia, who walked a few steps ahead of him. Indeed, she doesn't seem to have a tail, and her feet show no talons. Could she be human, after all? He followed her quietly, diving into the shadows and mixing with them like a drop of water that enters a puddle. When she reached the edge of the forest, Rengar took on his physical form again and appeared in front of the woman.

"You're no succubus, right? I've been following you for a while, such a creature would have flown away already", he declared, leaning close and examining her carefully. That didn't sound too good. "I mean, I was kind of hoping that you were one, you know? But you're no less appealing for that". Shit. How do I stop now? He took a long step away from Sia, blushing underneath the mask and shivering slightly.

OOC: Sorry if the post turned out too long, got carried away. I actually think that Rengar's weirdness is funny xD
Sia felt the cool wind on her neck, but when the assassin appeared in front of her, she assumed that the cold wind must have been him. He began to babble:

Traka said:
You're no succubus, right? I've been following you for a while, such a creature would have flown away already. I mean, I was kind of hoping that you were one, you know? But you're no less appealing for that."
Her first instinct was to call her pack, let them sort this out. But she kept silent, instead tried to figure out if being called a succubus was an insult or not. The rest of his words continued on, and it was clear to her that his voice... what was the word... shocked? Embarrassed? Yes, embarrassed.

Why would he be embarrassed? Should she speak?

"I'm not a succubus," she said, her voice quiet. "Do you want something, assassin?"

It was the longest thing she had said in years. Strange, hearing her own voice. In the trees a bird called out, and in a sing song voice announced its love for its current nest mate.

The trees are so jealous

And so are the termites,

That I'm mated to a beautiful bird in the sky!

Her red feathers match her other red feathers

With blue feather that match her--

Sia glared up at the tree. Responding in the same tone and chirps of the bird language, she chirped, "Shut up, bent-beak."

The bird flew off in a flurry of angry feathers, and Sia turned back to the assassin.
Thank you for the clarfication. You speak softly, but your eyes are quite intimidating. Now, if only I could calm myself... There we go. What did I want, again? When he was about to get lost in thought, Rengar heard the gorgeous song of a bird nearby and saw that Sia had turned to look at it. Then, she mimicked the song and the assassin stared at her while the bird flew off. Was that a singing contest? Did the bird just lose? His mouth hung slightly open and his eyes were wide. What are you, woman? Ah, yes, that's what I wanted!

"I see that you don't talk much, and it has caught my interest. Are you human? Had you ever seen Ciera before, or any of the people who were at the tavern tonight?"
Traka said:
"I see that you don't talk much, and it has caught my interest. Are you human? Had you ever seen Ciera before, or any of the people who were at the tavern tonight?"
Sia thought about it for a moment. For some reason, the strange assassin's mask made her smile, even a little bit. She kept most of the smile down deep, but tiny bits of it crept into her face.

"No," she said decisively. "I haven't seen them before. Why? Do others... talk much?"

You're not a part of the ambush, then. That's great, there might not even be a trap after all. No, wait! What makes me think that I can believe her? Ah, right, the gamble! Treasure or death, I'll find out when the sun is high! No, no, that's not right; if that warrior does have a quest for us, death will be ever present. I don't want to die, there are things I want to do! A slight change in Sia's expression broke the assassin's engrossment. Is she attempting a smile?

"Don't know about them, but I sure do. Most of the time. Anyway, trying to determine your species, and failing, makes me uneasy. Can you at least give me a hint?"
A slight breeze ruffled her cloak, and Sia turned her head in the direction it came from. It didn't feel like a normal breeze. The winter must be coming faster than the pack thought it would.

It occurred to her then that she would be leaving her pack, for who knows how long, going to who knows where. The pack would survive, of that she had no doubt, but would she survive without her pack?

Traka said:
"...can you at least give me a hint?"
Sia turned back to the assassin, cocking her head. What did he say?
Rengar stared at Sia, waiting for a reply. She cocked her head and no sound came from her mouth, which made the assassin feel... Stupid, made the same mistake as always! She's probably thinking "why are you still here?", and, indeed, why did I become hopeful; why did I want to hear her voice again? He scratched the back of his head and took a step toward the woman with his face lowered, for he could not bring himself to gaze into her eyes. "You really should speak more, can't let a voice like yours be wasted". He walked past her, kicking pebbles in his way and hoping that she wouldn't notice. Maybe some food will cheer me up. No, that's not right. Why am I saddened in the first place?
Ciera watched silently as Sia left, and Rengar also. Hopefully they wouldn't change their minds before tomorrow. She turned back to the mage.

"Are you not going to bed for the night?" She asked.
Traka said:
"You really should speak more, can't let a voice like yours be wasted".
The assassin took a step closer, and spoke. He then walked past her, leaving Sia confused. Had she offended him in some way? Did he intend on her following after him?

His words echoed in her mind. Can't let a voice like yours be wasted. What could he mean? She never wasted words. She used the words she needed to and didn't speak after that.

She watched him kick at the pebbles, and her eyebrows furrowed. What a strange practice. Perhaps he--


Sia's heart dropped to her toes. That was the wolves calling for help from other wolves, meaning an attack was near. Her eyes widened, and she ran in the same direction that the assassin was walking. She pushed past him, nearly tripping over him. But he wasn't knocked over, and even when she dashed past him, his flesh felt like fabric in the wind. But Sia for the most part took no notice, and dashed headlong into the forest, following the wolves' cry.
Perhaps I could play cards with the drunks at the tavern? They'll surely be cheerful. As he considered this, Rengar felt a sudden push that made his body bend while his feet and head stayed in place; but he did not react, his mind was numb. Have I been caught off-guard? Did someone assault me? He stared at the back of Sia, who was running into the woods. Didn't hear her footsteps, is she that silent? No, I can hear them now. It was my own failure, then. Why is she running? "Hey! What're you doing?", he shouted. Guess the drunks will have to wait, I need to follow her, maybe her secret is hidden among the trees. Thus, the assassin entered Sia's shadow and moved with her.
[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]Ciera watched silently as Sia left, and Rengar also. Hopefully they wouldn't change their minds before tomorrow. She turned back to the mage.
"Are you not going to bed for the night?" She asked.

"I might, at some point... I'll have to see if I can afford a stay at the inn here in the first place, though." Sky replied "Not right now, though, I'm fine just sticking here for the moment."

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