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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

"You sure? Well, alright." Sky replied, pulling out 40 coins and handing them to the innkeeper "Here you go." She said, with a smile.
"Thank you miss," The innkeeper smiles and takes the coins. Then he hands Sky a key. "It's the room up the stairs, third door on the left."
Sky took the key and nodded "Mkay. Thank you." She replied, before she led Ciera to their room.
"Sorry," Ciera says. "But I'm not sleeping in a single sized bed with you. No offense." She begins to fumble with the straps on her armor.
"Well, I would've slept on the floor or something..." Sky told her, setting her staff down against the wall before sitting down on the bed.
"I wouldn't make you do that," Ciera finally manages to take off her chest plate, revealing a tight leather shirt underneath. She sits on the edge of the bed and works on taking off her metal greaves and boots. "It seems like this takes longer every night."
"I wouldn't mind, really." Sky insisted, smiling at Ciera "I spend a lot of my nights outside, so sleeping on the floor is nothing new to me."
"Well, alright, if you insist." Sky replied, turning and laying on her back on the bed, her hands behind her head "We've already paid for the room anyway, I guess."
((I'm not a psychopath, I promise.))

The monster saw her coming. That much was obvious by the way he swiped his paw across, and it would've broken her neck or snapped her head clean off, had she not ducked and come up under the punch. Her knife was in her hand, or she thought it was. Her empty fist hit the muscled stomach, but she corrected by dropping and sliding under his cloak. The monster wasn't as dumb as she expected to be. He spun around, and picked her up by the throat and growled in the wolf tongue, "This place is spoiled." or, more accurately, "You shouldn't have come here."

His claws were rough against her throat, and in her anger she forgot the monster's strength. She raised her legs and kicked as hard as she could, arching her back. In surprise the monster did release her, and she flipped backwards and landed in a crouch, but he quickly muttered words of incantation. Spinning webs of darkness he shot them at her, his green eyes glinting with magical power.

Sia would've rolled out of the way, but her eyes caught a dead wolf pup in front of her. It never stood a chance. The world seemed to slow as she stared at it, and then noticed it's tiny chest to be moving, ever so slightly, with the tiniest of breaths. It was alive.

And then the magic hit her.

It lifted her off the ground, and she screamed. The kind of scream that was more the cry of a scared little girl, and a wolf, mixed together. The magic seemed to twist in and out of her flesh, leaving holes where they shouldn't be. An eternity later the monster dropped her, and Sia fell heavily to the ground, amazed that the spell didn't leave a single mark on her. But more than that, the pain lingered, and it would be several minutes before she could think about moving again.

"The dragon lord will be pleased," the monster told her in wolftongue, and he revealed a long, wickedly serrated sword. It glinted in the moonlight. Sia stared at it hard, but the wolf in her wasn't going down without a fight. Against her will and her own strength, she picked herself up, standing on shaky legs.

The pup lifted his head.

"What dragon lord?" She coughed, knowing this was vital. The monster laughed, a horrible terrible sound, and threw her. She landed on top of one of her sisters, and she slid in front of it, trying to block out the sounds she heard when she hit the corpse.

"Humans do not speak to me! They scream, like you did," the monster cackled. "Perhaps I'd like to hear it again as I rip you limb from limb."

Sia breathed in heavily, her side burning with pain. She probably had a broken rib. Maybe worse. But her eyes glinted past the approaching monster, and she saw the pup lift his head a little more, and she begged him silently to stay quiet.

The monster waved his sword around, and Sia watched him and the pup. The wolf cub was in between Sia and the monster, and if the pup even whined a little bit, she knew it would be dead. And she couldn't let that happen, not after she failed everyone else.

Weakly she crawled, towards the monster, who stopped and threw his mangled and scarred head back and laughed. She covered the tiny cub with her body, whispering to it comforting words as she waited for the end.

((Sorry, that went on longer than I expected... I have a tendency to do that... Your move, @Traka ))
Upon arrival at the clearing, Rengar heard a faint growl from Sia's twisted lips. What's with that face? Is there something...? He took a glance toward the moonlit glade and his eyes met the corpses of wolves spread about on the grass, each bearing wounds like the furrows left by a plow in the field. A large, dark figure stood in the middle of the carnage, a caped beast capable of walking on two legs. I've mixed feelings about this. For one part, it's impressive that something could kill this many wolves; but it's certainly the work of an utter amateur, considering the messy spatter of blood all around. What, you're going to roar like you've done something worthy of praise? Disgusting brute!

As he mentally mocked the werewolf, Sia charged at the creature and Rengar, who was swimming inside of her shadow, got pulled along. Look at that, a clumsy half-decapitation over there, an awful slash across that wolf's ribs, and that other one seems to have been thrown against a tree! How pathetic, this shows terrible overconfidence and an absurd lack of preparation! The beast cast a dark spell that enveloped Sia. Oh, what's this? A meal? Well, thank you, but it doesn't change my view of your work, thought the assassin, tearing a chunk out of the immaterial spinning shadows. He carefully looked around while Sia writhed and screamed to check if someone was watching him and, after confirming that nobody could see him, he stuffed the blackness into his mouth and chewed on it.

Now, how many wolves are there, exactly? He began to count the corpses, with his mouth still full, while the werewolf growled and drew a blade. Sixteen, seventeen... The woman was thrown onto a cadavre. Twenty... She crawled next to a pup and the beast raised its sword. Hey, hey! What are you doing! I'm not done evaluating the scene! The creature was startled and took a step back due to the sudden appearance of a grinning demon that rose from the shadows, like the rocks at shore rise as the sea recoils. "Let me say this clearly: I don't like you", declared Rengar, standing between the werewolf and Sia. The beast bellowed and swung its sword sideways, but the assassin ducked under it while speaking, "Have you any idea of the embarrasment I had to endure...?". A swipe from the creature's claws, he dodged it, still talking. "... of how hard it is to make her talk?" The werewolf decided to seize Rengar's mask, but was met with a puff of black smoke and a voice that shouted in its ear. "Ha! You think the moon's on your side?"

The assassin, sitting on the beast's shoulders with his legs wrapped around its neck, gouged out one of its eyes with his hand and teleported next to Sia, holding the bloody thing while the creature roared. "The moon is my best friend, wolfie". That actually sounds a bit sad. The werewolf regained control of itself and gripped the serrated sword with both paws. A dim radiance started to emanate from the blade and Rengar felt a chill down his spine. Is that a sunlight weapon? Well... Shit. "I-I'm truly sorry, Mr. Wolf, won't bother you again". In a sudden surge of cowardice, the assassin threw himself onto Sia and they both vanished in a dark cloud. Doesn't matter where, just need to get the hell away from here!

Sky and Ciera had just gotten into bed when the three figures of Sia, Rengar and the wolf cub materialized above their heads and fell on top of them. The assassin's face collided with Ciera's stomach. Alright, there was no need to play cards with the drunks after all. This turned out to be a fun night!
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Ciera snapped up, flipping over and pinning Rengar down to the mattress before she was fully awake, or sober. "What the hell?" She said when she saw Rengar's face, then she slapped him. "This is a womans' room!" She takes a deef bresth in after speaking, because the impact to her torso had knock some air out of her. "And anyway, that kinda hurt! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"
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Sia, for her part, wasn't really aware of what was going on until the assassin materialized them above Ciera and Sky. Sia was lucky; She landed on the edge of the bed and rolled off, her arms tightly holding the wolf pup. She could feel its tiny heartbeat, and in spite of all of her training, of all of the things the pack had taught her, she just laid there, on the wooden floor, silently crying. Every once in awhile she'd take a sobbing breath, but for the time being, Sia couldn't do anything else.

They're all dead. All of them. And I didn't get there in time, I should've run faster, I should've never left. I should be dead with them.

Sia held the shivering pup, and closed her tearful eyes, trying to imagine all of the things she should've done.
Sky sat up as the bed was suddenly disturbed, but it looked like Ciera had acted already "Wh- How did you get in here?" She asked, only seeing Rengar for the moment. She looked around for a way they could've gotten in when she saw Sia on the floor next to her side of the bed, holding... Was that a baby wolf? "Woah, hey, are you okay?" She asked Sia as she climbed off the bed, kneeling down over Sia and putting her hand on her shoulder.
LegoLad659 said:
"Woah, hey, are you okay?" She asked Sia as she climbed off the bed, kneeling down over Sia and putting her hand on her shoulder.
The mage's touch brought her mind back into focus. She dried her tears, and sat up, internally cursing herself. A packer wouldn't show weakness like that outside the pack. She should know better. She jumped to her feet, still holding the wolf cub. She recognized it as one of Feldaina's cubs, though she didn't know his name. It whimpered slightly, not liking being jostled so much. Sia looked at all of them, Ciera pinning the assassin to the ground, the mage Sky looking concerned.

Sia kneeled back down to the ground, a little bit away from the bed, but still in the room. The cub looked to be about 14 or 15 weeks old, and had a nasty jagged cut along its side. It was bleeding, and some of the blood now covered Sia's green tunic. She wasn't a healer though, she didn't know what to do. Had the pack still been... here, the other wolves would've licked the wounds clean. But Sia wasn't a wolf.

How? She had to save this wolf, it was vital that she save him. The wolf pup barely lifted his head, looking at her with pleading eyes. She petted its head, not sure what else she could do.
Vespertide said:
It was bleeding, and some of the blood now covered Sia's green tunic. She wasn't a healer though, she didn't know what to do.
"Uh oh!" Sky said, as she noticed that the cub was bleeding pretty badly. She quickly stood up and ran over to where she'd left her staff, bringing it back and touching it to the wolf's body. The gem on the staff glowed with a faint green light as she poured healing magic into the cub "I'm not a dedicated healer, so I can't do much... But at least I can keep it from dying." She told Sia with a smile.
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In a single quick movement, Rengar felt his position on top of Ciera being reversed and his arms being held against the mattress. Oh, this is getting better than I thought! As a smile was about to form on his face, the warrior slapped him. "Hey, hey! Be careful with the mask! You don't want it to come off, I assure you", he said, barely paying attention to Ciera's complaints. What I'm doing here? You should ask what we are doing here. "Escaping certain death, of course". The assassin looked at Sky, who was grabbing her magical staff, and watched as she used healing magic on the little wolf. Not a dedicated healer? "Then what's your main type of magic, Sky?"
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Traka said:
"Then what's your main type of magic, Sky?"
Sky turned her head briefly to answer Rengar's question "Mainly Light and Ice magic, though I do use most other types as well. I mostly studied with Light and Ice, though." She replied, before turning back to the cub.
"Certain death?" Ciera doesn't move, but she relaxes her grip a little. "What exactly have you two been up to? Why is the baby wolf here? You know, we're supposed to save all the excitement for after we leave."
Mainly light?! That's not good at all. Oh, how unfortunate, got away from one danger and stepped right into another.

"Sorry, couldn't wait", he replies to Ciera, "Sia likes animals, it seems. She had a singing contest with a bird"

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