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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

Is something pulling on my ear? And my cape? The assassin slowly hoisted his head from the tabletop and looked around himself. When did my mask get so heavy...? Oh, no, right, it must be noon already. Who are these girls? He pointed the grinning demon toward Rip and mumbled. "You a friend of that werewolf? Here to hunt me down?"

Laughing weakly, Rengar turned to Ciera and lifted a hand next to his own face with the palm toward her. "I remember you now", he said with a tired voice, "you were the warrior who was going to kill me in my weakest hour, right? Well, go ahead..." Did I serioulsy just say that?
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"What is wrong with you, assassin?" Ciera asks. The man was not acting the same way as he was last night. Now he seemed weak and easy to kill.
Sia glared at the assassin. The only reason she was still here was to kill that dragon, but if he somehow ended up dead along the way, it wouldn't hurt her a bit. Still, that grinning mask was amusing...

No it isn't! Sia thought as she snapped her jaw at Rip, again. He came to her side, and laid his body under the table, across her boots. By doing so, he pinned her in place.

But he warmed her toes, so she didn't bother to move him. With a small tug she covered her face even more, and sat erect in the seat. When was the warrior planning to leave? Now would be a good time.
Ciera blinks. "Oh. I am sorry, I did not notice you there. I am going to set out some rules."

"First of all, we are a team. I do not want to see any fighting between us. Second, if one of us gets lost, we will search for thirteen days before moving on. If you are the lost person, please try to stay in one place. After thirteen days, the member in question can either try and complete the quest or go back to wherever they came from. That is all I have. Before we leave, I will be passing out supplies. Any questions?"
Sia shook her head minutely. Rip growled and yapped, "Do stuff! Bored!"

He clearly wanted to get moving, but Sia doubted any of the others knew wolftongue. She, of course, didn't say anything, but stood up. Rip got excited and stood by her. He looked towards her, but she nodded towards the warrior. "She is the pack leader. She decides."

Rip looked confused. "Poroweryuziastraw pack leader."

"No. We are in a new pack. This is our pack."


Sia remained silent. He had forgotten, because he had to. One day she would tell him, remind him of the horrors. But now, they had a dragon to kill.

"We have our own supplies," Sia explained in the common tongue. She spoke slow, switching her brain to human speech. Rip still was staring at the warrior, as if trying to figure out who she was.
"I have one question", said Rengar with a weak voice and shivering slightly from the effort of holding his head up. "Two, actually. You see, I need a lot of food, so; are we going to a place where it can be obtained, or will I starve along the way? Second, can you carry me, dear leader?"
"As long as you can hold on to the saddle of a horse, you will be fine," Ciera says to Rengar. She turns to Sia. "I have a couple other things I need to give you." She reaches into a bag at her waist and pulls out three other bags with large mouths. "These are magic bags," she says while passing them out. "Stick your hand in them. It might hurt a bit, but they need to imprint on you so you can use them."
Sia didn't put out her hand or accept the bag. Magic was not something she trusted, nor was it something she would partake in. So she just stood, waiting for the warrior to announce that they were leaving.

She told Rip that the warrior was their new pack leader. But until she actually trusted any of them, she wouldn't follow a thing they said.
Rengar, paying half-attention, put his hand into the bag while dropping his head again onto the table.
(Imagine a sharp pinching sensation Traka)

Ciera raised an eyebrow at Sia, but said nothing. She reached back into her own bag and pulled out multiple packages, handing some to each person in the party. "That is food, clothes, and some other supplies. I also have some small weapons if anybody needs them."
"When can we leave?" was all Sia said. She took the pack, having lost her own a little time ago. She slung it over her shoulders, and rolled them as her back adjusted to the new weight. She hadn't had a pack for longer than she thought. Hopefully, we'll leave now. I want to get away from this place.

Horses? Did it have to be horses? Sia thought with a silent groan. They were the fastest way to travel, but horses were blabbers and chatterers. If it could be discussed or mentioned, they would do it. In great detail.

Ready to leave, Sia walked out of the bar, noticing some unfriendly glances in her direction. Paying no heed, she and Rip went outside, where the sun was beating down on the street.

She went to the stables, and was immediately hit with the conversations and mutterings of the horses. They didn't know the meaning of the phrase "take your turn."

But as she listened and identified where each voice came from, she noticed a quiet horse in the back. It was not speaking at all. A beautiful brown and white roan, it seemed nervous, agitated.

Sia walked to it, and noticed scars at its sides, from whips most likely. The poor thing. Robbed of its dignity. When she touched its head, it stiffened, expecting punishment. She stepped into its stall, wary of its hooves. It wasn't talking, unusual for a horse.

"What's your name, hm?" Sia asked in horse. The horse glanced at her and shifted nervously. "I won't bite or kick, I promise."


"Would you mind me riding you, Isolde?"

The horse looked at her, confusion in its eyes. "Why do you ask? No one asks. They just do."

Humans. I hate humans. "Would you?"

Isolde blinked, and after a few minutes of consideration, gave a nod. Sia mounted her, bareback, and Rip was small enough to jump up with her. "Out of the stable, please."

Isolde followed her orders, and both of them stood in the shade of some trees next to the tavern, waiting for the rest of them.
Is this strange bag biting me or something? Rengar pulled his hand out of the magical pouch and rested the side of his head on the table to look at Ciera when she mentioned food. "I'll gladly take that", he said, extending his hand toward the supplies. His arm fell because of the package's weight as the warrior spoke of horses. "I can't... ride right now", he mumbled, watching Sia leave the tavern. Seems like they don't want to kill me after all. No, wait! Could it be that this food is poisoned? But why would she do that when it's much easier to end me now? Perhaps she doesn't want to draw attention.

Pondering upon the leader's motivation, Rengar dropped his body from the chair onto the ground and groaned. "Let's hope that I can actually get on a horse", he whispered, barely dragging his body along the floor toward the exit with heavy breaths. The tavernkeep glared at him, "drunk so early? You pathetic whoreson". Two men who were sitting at the bar got up and grabbed the assassin's arms to hoist him. It's good to see people kind enough to help me... Hey, what are you doing?! The men carried him to the front door of the tavern and forcefully threw him onto the torrid dirt of the street.

Rengar could not writhe nor shout; only tense his body when the sunlight struck him and his skin seemed to boil. He crawled into the shade of a tree and lay on his back on the ground, silently cursing the sun. Perhaps I should form an alliance with the vampires and find a way to create eternal night... As he thought of his new masterplan, Sia appeared mounted on a horse. The assassin looked at her. "Hey, I don't want to say that you owe me one... But you do. Carry me on your horse and the debt will be paid".
Sia watched as the assassin be thrown from the tavern, and rolled her eyes. Humans could be so rude sometimes, even when the assassin deserved it. He crept and pulled himself pathetically to the shade of the tree, where Isolde had situated herself. The horse nervously shifted, not liking this thing crawling towards her. Sia murmured comforting words in horsetongue to Isolde, patting her neck.

Traka said:
"Hey, I don't want to say that you owe me one... But you do. Carry me on your horse and the debt will be paid".
Sia glared down at the assassin. He insulted her kind and now he wanted help? If he was a packer, she wouldn't hesitate. But he wasn't, and he had insulted her. The grinning demon mask looked up at her, and Sia looked away.

He did save your life, a voice that sounded like Avigpip's whispered. Return the favor.

But Sia's pride won the day. There was no way she was letting that... that impecha on her horse. Especially not Isolde, who had gone through a rough enough time. Sia watched the tavern, waiting for the leader to come forth.
As everyone started to leave the tavern, Sky stood up, about to let Ciera leave the tavern first. As she did, though, something caught her attention. A familiar presence, nearby. At the very least at the outskirts of the city. She looked around for a moment, before her eyes landed on Ciera "She's here... I'm sorry, Ciera, I have to go. I hope you don't mind - Good luck on your adventure!" She said, while she darted out of the tavern, running off into the streets without acknowledging the others other than a rushed "I'm sorry!" as she passed by.

This was important. More important than anything. She had to pursue this.
Ciera stood in shock. Did she just lose one of her company before they even started traveling? After a moment she shrugged and headed to the stables to get her horse, a strong palomino named Krysdor. She cooed at him softly before saddling him and leading him out of the stables where the rest of her companions waited. She looked at Rengar on the ground and sighed.

"Do you need help..?"
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What an ungrateful woman! I shall remember that when... Green thing dashing through... Oh, little mage! Where is she going? Nature's call, I suppose.

Rengar closed his eyes, with the smiling mask pointed upward, and quickly drifted into an unrestful sleep. As he began to snore, the neigh of an approaching horse and a voice which he managed to recognize woke him.

"...help?", she seemed to say. The assassin groaned, sitting up and extending a shaky hand toward Ciera while speaking faint, raspy words. "Yes, help me... Or let me rest until dusk... Maybe both; you could carry me on your horse while I sleep..."
Sia watched the mage flee into the forest, and she almost--almost, mind you--felt sad. She had appreciated the mage's power to heal Rip, especially when he was on the brink of death. Rip looked up at Sia and barked.

"Why helpful man on ground? Why Oorfang why?"

Sia glanced at the assassin and shuddered. Rip hadn't heard the assassin's remarks, so he didn't know. But before she could reply, RIp jumped off the horse, and walked around Isolde to Rengar. He barked and nudged him. "I can help you!"


The leader walked over, and asked if Rengar needed help. Weakly he replied, and though Rip didn't understand common, he barked at the leader.

"I can help!"

Sia couldn't believe Rip. Why would he be so helpful towards someone who was not of his own kind? He called Rengar helpful man earlier... What did that mean? He remembered the attack? Or he remembered Rengar helping him... She should tell him what Rengar said, explain why he should not be helped...

Rip wouldn't understand. He was just a pup. Sia's jaw tightened, when she realized that Rip would now have to grow up without a pack. At least he had Sia.

At least she had him.

She switched her speech to common. "Are we ready to go?"
Ciera stared at the man on the ground. "Stay there for a moment." She runs back to the stables and picks out a sturdy mustang, saddles it and leads it back to her small group. She roughly picks Rengar off the ground and places him in the saddle, then takes a length of rope out of her bag and lashes his wrists to the pommel.

"There. Now if you fall off we will not have to go back to get you." She turned to Sia to answer her question. "We will leave here now."

Ciera swiftly mounted her horse and grabbed the reins of Rengar's. She clicked her tongue softly and began to move at a slow walk out of the city.

"The land we will be traversing is heavily forested. Be prepared for attacks from anything. The trees will give ample hiding places to our enemies."

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