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Fantasy We're Going Dragon Hunting

"A werewolf that turned against its kin, apparently. He had magic to beat Sia and a nasty sword suited perfectly to fight me"
(FYI. Ciera is still drunk, so she's slurring her words and stuff like that.)

"Let me guess," Ciera says. "It was a light sword?"
How did she know? Might this be a trap, an ambush, after all? Yes, it would make sense; they brought a light mage and made the non-succubus woman guide me to that werewolf!

"N-no... It was a... Sword of shadowtouch... yeah", he mutters.
"A shadow touch sword would barely hurt you, if at all," Ciera rolls her eyes. "And besides, you're a horrible liar."
Traka said:
"A werewolf that turned against its kin, apparently. He had magic to beat Sia and a nasty sword suited perfectly to fight me"
Sia visibly stiffened when Rengar compared that monster to the wolves. They were nothing alike. How dare he compare the two, especially that unholy creature that killed all of her brothers and sisters... Except for this one. This one little pup.

There might have been more, but Sia doubted it. She was smart enough to know that magic like that... wolves were strong, but not that strong. But they could take down anything, magic or not. How had they been defeated?

Whatever the cause, the little one would know. But he was too weak to speak. Sia petted his head as the mage completed her spell, helping him to heal. How fast will it take? She wanted to ask, but the pup's injuries weren't as severe as they first appeared to be. He stood up, and seemed to smile. Even after what he had been through, the wolf seemed to smile.

Sia couldn't. She just stared back at the tiny thing. "What's your name?" She asked in what sounded like a low growl, but was actually wolftongue. The pup replied back with a bark.


Like all little pups, he didn't say much more than that, especially among humans. Eventually he would get a longer name as he grew up, but for now, it was just Rip. But Rip knew her, and so stayed close. Sia didn't want to ask, didn't even want to think about it, but she did.

"What happened to our pack?" She said in the wolftongue.

Rip flapped his left ear. "Don't have know. I pain first. Cubs pain first. You Oorfang?"

Cubs pain first... He started with the cubs. Oh my stars...

The werewolf, that monster, made the wolves angry. Just like he had Sia. That he would use another's anger and protective spirit as a weapon made Sia angry, but she kept it in. He had said the "dragon lord" would be pleased. Could that be the dragon they were going to kill?

Sia decided that it must be. Why a dragon would murder an entire pack of wolves, she didn't know. She would ask when she ripped his heart to shreds.

The cub barked. "We together?"

Sia responded in kind. "Yes. We together."
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Ciera gently rolls off of Rengar. "Don't try anything," She told him. She could hear Sia conversing with the pup. "You have the gift of tongues?" She asked, curiously.
[QUOTE="Ilani the Archer]"You have the gift of tongues?" She asked, curiously.

Sia looked up, and couldn't find her voice, so she just nodded. Switching languages was difficult, and Sia doubt her common tongue would have been understandable.
"Interesting..." Ciera muttered to herself. It was turning out that her newfound companions had more talents than she originally knew of.
When Ciera let him free, Rengar lay on the bed and made himself comfortable. "Try anything? Like what?" Your attitude doesn't seem suspicious for now, warrior, but it might be just an attempt to make me feel safe until morning comes. Perhaps I could test all of you? The assassin put his hands under his head and closed his eyes. I'll pretend to be asleep and see if they attack me! No, wait, what if the mage can cast light spells silently? I can't close my eyes, then! "Ah, guess I'm not tired yet". He sat up and looked at the wolf cub, then at Sia. "You can talk to every animal? Even that little predator you've got there? What could he have to say?"
Traka said:
"You can talk to every animal? Even that little predator you've got there? What could he have to say?"
At the moment, Sia didn't like the assassin. Not since he compared her family to a monster. So she narrowed her eyes, and dropped her hood over her face. Standing up, she guided the pup from the room, shutting the door behind her and leaned against the wall, her tears threatening to return. Rip sat quietly, for a time, but eventually he barked for her to come on. He expected to be fed. Pups hadn't very good memories, but he would remember this. Eventually, it would hit him, as hard as it had hit her.

But for now, he wanted meat.

She walked with him, ignoring the looks she got from various people. Rip liked the attention; he may have been a small wolf, but he was still a wolf. A wolf who loved to flash his sharp little teeth and growl wolfish insults at the other humans.

He found a rabbit in a stable, and ate it with voracious pleasure. Sia lied down among the hay, and fell straight to sleep, the wolf cub cuddling up besides her.
The assassin stared at Sia. What's with that face? Was my question not normal or something? She left the room and Rengar stared at nothing, then Ciera spoke and he turned to look at her while replying. "Sure, I offended her. She's alive pretty much thanks to me, but who cares about that, right?" Well, I could have helped her sooner, maybe those wounds could have been avoided. No, no, there was no way. Examining the scene was the first priority! What if there were more werewolves hiding, or any other unnoticed dangers? Well... There were none, but I only know that because I observed the surroundings! That's how important it is!

Lost in thought, Rengar clenched his fist and produced a wet sound. What's this squishy thing? Upon opening his hand, he revealed the werewolf's half-squashed eyeball. Oh, right, I had forgotten about this! But what should I do with it? The assassin extended his upward palm toward Ciera. "Do you want this, leader? A pendant could be made with it, and I think that the green of its iris would go well with your... face?"
"What about my face?" Ciera glares at him and take the eye from him, weighing it in her hand. She went over to the window and threw it out. "That will make a lovely surprise for someone."
"Rejecting my gift? How rude". To throw it out the window, why didn't I think of that? Rengar stood up and sat on a chair in the corner of the room, then pulled the old book out from somewhere within his robes and adjusted his posture. "Do you mind if I stay here reading? I normally have trouble sleeping at night, perhaps it's some form of insomnia", he said to Ciera and Sky.
"Ah, no," Ciera says. "First of all, you are in my spot. Second of all, a man in a room with sleeping women might not be the best idea, especially since I don't trust you yet."
You think that I'm a pervert? I thought that you were the pervert!

"Fine, I'll go somewhere else". Rengar vanished and reappeared on the rooftop of the inn, then laid down and began reading.

OOC: He's pretty much out of the interaction until the next day comes.
Ciera turns to Sky. "Now, I am going to sleep. Do not wake me up unless someone is dying." She crawls into bed and falls asleep quickly.
The sun rose over the horizon, shining a faint light into the room where Ciera was sleeping, gently awakening her. She instantly cursed herself with every plight she knew of for drinking too much the night before. Silently crawling out of the bed, she strapped on her armor and left, heading for the tavern. She got a glass of ice water and a cup of hot tea to nurse her hangover with.
Sia woke to a horse telling her about its owner. It was halfway into the conversation, which was just like horses. They chatted and chatted for hours, even when no one was around.

"...and she kicks my sides all the day long with a nasty screeching that can really..."

Sia got up, blinking away the rest of her sleepiness. The horse continued to talk between munches of oats. Rip was chewing on a bone, playing with it a bit. Yesterday's events came back to her as she watched him, but not in a flood. Almost like a flash.

It only strengthened her resolve to kill the dragon who did this to her pack.

Rip grabbed at her sleeve, pulling it slightly. He clearly wanted to get moving. Sia agreed, and tried to sit up, but her side burned like flaming iron was pressed into it. Groaning, she unbuckled her shirt and tossed it aside. The thing probably should be burned anyway. But she had some extra bandages she kept in its pockets, and used them to wrap up her chest as tightly as she could. But there was not much else she could do.

Sia tied her cloak around her wrapped chest. There were some juba leaves in the forest, leaves that were big and strong enough to make shirts out of. She'd take off the buckles, and create a brand new shirt.

Rip went with her, and she walked through the town, ignoring the looks.

About an hour later she had a brand new shirt, complete with buckles. It was high noon by that time, and so she went to the tavern where they had met the night before, and waited. Her cloak was over her face, and she sat as still as she could, Rip playing at her feet.
Rengar let out a sigh as the sun appeared, still holding the book and sitting on the rooftop. Seems like I got too immersed in the reading, didn't notice the first birds singing for the break of dawn. Should get down from here before it starts to affect me, I don't want to be trapped atop this inn all day. He put away the book and, as he got up slowly, his legs trembled and lost balance for a moment. It's already too late, it seems. Will my legs resist a fall in this state?

The assassin walked around the edge of the rooftop looking for a balcony, but there were none. He then considered the height from the street to where he was standing. Let's hope that it works. He let his body drop and rolled on the ground when his feet made contact, groaning as the shock went through his spine. Rengar, instead of getting up, lay on the dirt for a moment and tried to command his muscles to move. And it's not even noon yet! If that bard plays the song of dawn again, I'm going to kill him. Now, to find some shade. Perhaps I could go to the tavern and wait there.

He crawled through the street, trying to stay under the shadows of buildings as he advanced toward the tavern. Upon getting there, after two painful hours, he sat at a table and ordered large quantities of food; but did not eat, for he had become sleepy. With his face resting on the table, the assassin began to snore.
Ciera scrunched up her nose when the assassin started to snore. The sound grated against her already frayed nerves. She glanced out the window, and seeing that the sun had reached its highest point, she went over to the assassin and poked him hard until he woke up.

Sia didn't mean to fall asleep, but she did anyway.

It was Rip who woke her up, by tugging on her cloak. Sia blinked and bent to scratch behind Rip's ear, looking to the rest of the tavern. The assassin was asleep on the table, and the warrior lady, armor on this time, was prodding him awake.

She glanced out the window. It was high sun. Time to go.

Sia rolled her shoulders, which had ached from being in the same position for too long. Rip followed her as she stood up and made her way to the assassin's table, where she sat without a word, much like she had before.

Rip playfully grabbed at the warrior's boot, and Sia snapped her teeth at him. Rip stopped, and like any good wolf pup became docile. But like any other wolf pup, it didn't last for long.

He spied the assassin's coat, and Sia gave him a look. But Rip went for it anyway, nipping at the coat.
Sky looked around and saw everybody here, except for one. Assuming they were waiting for him, she stayed quiet about it, until Ciera started to wake up Rengar "Hey, uh... Does anyone know where the bard is?" She asked, out of curiosity. Did she miss something?
"I do not know. I asked around earlier, and the barmaid said he left in the middle of the night." She pulled on Rengar's ear. "How does one sleep this deeply?"

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