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Realistic or Modern We'll Get Through This Together

Vinaya found herself surprised yet again, but this time, not at her own actions, but at Tommy's. Part of her hadn't actually expected him to open up to her, as she'd never formed any type of personal bond with anyone in her life before. This escape really was an entirely new experience, and if she were honest, she was thrilled by this turn of events. "Not stupid," she said seriously. "Wasn't obvious to me, but I'm not sure how much that's worth. Are you jealous?" she asked to clarify. "I don't know Cassie or Isaac very well - obviously - but I hardly think anyone's thinking too much about relationships right now. Besides, you have your own friendship with Cassie, yeah? What gives you any less of a chance, then?"
"I guess Im a little jealous." Tommy frowned a little, "And Issac and Cassie have a lot more in common than her and I do. They read and stuff, and Im not very smart anyways... They're sharing books that Ive never even heard of." He looked at her and smiled. Tommy was happy to have someone he could go to with this. He hoped that Vinaya realized she could come to him too. "But... yeah, I dunno.. Ive had a crush on her since the Orphanage, but I always stumble over my words with her, Ive never actually talked to her until now... Call me stupid but... I didn't leave the orphanage because it was bad." he shrugged a little, "I mean.. I had less than a year left, then I was just gonna finish school and enlist in the army." He scratched his head, "I left because of her." He laughed a little, "it sounds stupid now that Im saying it out loud."
"I'm hardly the person to give their opinion on matters like these," she confessed, "but you might have other things in common that you haven't discovered yet. And they're not guaranteed to get you anywhere. That goes for both you and Isaac," she said. "A principle I learned back in India might serve you well: essentially, concern yourself with the things that concern the people you care about. Trying to read a little more probably wouldn't hurt." She smiled; reading was such a trivial thing really, but it was the principle that mattered. "I don't think you're stupid, Tommy. Look at me: I had a few months left, and I still escaped. No reason is stupid until you regret it." Vinaya tilted her head slightly. "Do you regret it?"

((Oh, I should add a disclaimer here: I learned the principle Vinaya's describing from Judaism. I've no idea if it's exclusive to Judaism or what; I sort of just got creative. You'll have to excuse the cultural mishap there. Sorry.))
He thought for a moment, "no, I don't... Even if she doesn't feel the same way, I have a feeling we will all become good friends." He smiled to her. "Go eat, Vinny ."
Vinaya smiled; truly, genuinely smiled. "Then it's not stupid," she said. "And I will, if you're feeling better. You are just as much my responsibility as I am yours. Do you have your walkie talkie, at least?"
"Huh? Oh, I guess I don't ." He walked back in. "Eh... I don't need to go for a run, I feel better." He smiled to her. "Thanks... I needed that talk. Really, I did."
"You're sure?" Vinaya asked, taken aback. In that moment, in the hallway with Tommy, she was the happiest she'd been in a while. She'd just made some sort of connection with someone, even if it was pretty small, and that made her feel infinitely better about everything, somehow. To say her spirits had been lifted would be an understatement. "Any time, Tommy. I mean that. I know I'm not the warmest person, but well... we're in this together."
" yeah ... Same goes for you Vinny, I'm here whenever you need me." He smiled to her. Tommy hadn't thought that he and Vinny would ever get along, but she was the closest to him over anyone else, including Cassie . He liked that, and he hoped that he could build on this friendship.
Cassie laughed softly from Issac's surprise of the girl in the Glade. "Yes, there's a girl in the glade." She crosses her arms and smirked. "But I can't say no more, you'll just have to read to find out."
Vinaya's smile turned soft. "I can't make any promises there," she said, honestly. "But I appreciate it nonetheless. Thank you." Vinaya paused for a moment, confused. Was she now supposed to consider Tommy a friend? Whatever just happened made her feel a certain affection for the boy standing in front of her that she was unfamiliar with. After their conversation, she wanted to see him with Cassie, just to see him happy and fulfilled (she found herself thinking he deserved it), but she also felt guilty for that since it would be at Isaac's expense. Eventually, she came to the tentative conclusion that she may as well call him a friend, since if all went as planned, they'd be spending quite a bit of time together for the foreseeable future. But she wasn't sure if she could say that out loud yet. "I presume you've eaten already, right?" She'd been thinking that maybe they could reenter the apartment together and sit down to breakfast, but if he'd already eaten, there wasn't as much of a point in that.
Cassie laughed, "Oh why thank you!" She shook her head smiling, and looked at the others, thinking. She wondered what the others thought of their interaction. She hoped everyone wouldn't make her pick anyone for a while because she really didn't know. She liked Tommy because he was easy so talk to, and just more open, however Issac did seem to have more in common, and probably would understand her more. She wished this issue hadn't been brought on her so abruptly.
"You are so very welcome!" He laughed. "So, how are you liking The Hobbit so far?" He asked, still grinning. Issac was curious as to what she thought of the book. It wasn't much like the Maze Runner, as it was WAY older. The Hobbit was published in 1937, making it 67 years old. As well as the fast that it was about way different things. An unlikely hero on a quest through a fantasy land to kill a dragon and reclaim a city, vs an average teenager stuck in a giant death maze with only other guys for company, until the girl showed up that is.
Aspen ate breakfast slowly. He decided that he might as well head back to the music store and work for awhile, since it didn't seem like anything was happening around here. He placed his dishes in the sink and slipped out the door, calling back over his shoulder, "I'm gonna go to work for awhile. See you guys in a bit!" The bustle and sounds of the city were a nice change from the quiet apartment. His thoughts were mainly pleasant and simple, a nice change from the worry he'd been feeling lately. Oh crap. I forgot to tell Nico how good her cooking is. Gotta make a mental note to do it later... He blended in with everyone else on the street, and was happy that he could be just another face in the crowd.
"Yeah, I have, but everyone is in the same room eating, so I might as well go back with you." He smiled and slipped off his shoes.

"I wasn't really expecting her to care but this is nice.. she's a good person.. Im glad her and I talked." He walked toward the kitchen area with Vinny
"Oh, alright," she said and followed him in. Immediately, she picked up on the smell of food, which she followed to get herself breakfast. Once she was finished, she would still have to change and see what she could accomplish that day, but for the moment, and especially after her moment with Tommy, she was perfectly content to take a few relaxed minutes to eat before doing anything.

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Tommy grabbed a piece of bacon and sat next to Vinny. He looked over at Cassie for a moment and smiled.

"Even if she doesn't work out... this is all still worth it.. just spending time with them is worth it."

Tommy leaned his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the delicious bacon and relaxing.
When Aspen arrived at the music store, he found the lights off and the door locked. Closed? They never mentioned this yesterday. Oh well. He stood for a few minutes, watching the crowds pass by as he decided what to do next. Merging with the crowds, he began walking with no destination in mind. He was careful not to stray too far from the apartment, however, just in case. When he finally got tired, bored, and lonely, he made his way back to the apartment. Maybe he'd talk to Nicolette, they hadn't really spoken in a while, except for a few words when he gave her the necklace.
Xavier yawned sleepily and came downstairs, finding the main room a little easier than before and flopping down by his stuff. Holding his hands out in front of him, Xavier scowled at all the red splashes and dirt that was dried there and tried to rub it off with his fingers. He'd found a half empty can of spray paint on the ground floor, and had used it to mark big Xs on the doors of rooms that weren't very safe or on staircases that looked like they'd be ready to collapse. All in all the building was in surprisingly good condition, but it was still a pain to have to check every room. It had been a physical pain when one of the stairs had snapped under his foot and caused him to face plant on the steps above. Gently he touched his busted lip, glad it had stopped bleeding but cursing his own stupidity.
Cassie smiled at Issac, and looked at The Hobbit, "It's really good so far, I like it a lot." She grabbed the book and opened to the page where she left off. She started to read for a bit, but once Xavier came in she looked over at him and saw the injury on his lip. She frowned concerned and set the book down. "Xavier, what happened?"
Tommy opened his eyes and looked up when Cassie questioned Xavier then frowned as he stood. "Did someone beat you up?" He seemed angry at the thought of one of their own being hurt in any way, "Who was it?" His face went from relaxed to visible flustered and upset. Tommy was obviously ready to crush any one who threatened the group.
"I actually think it was the stairs who beat him up." Issac said, seeing the flat cut on Xavier's lip a fist couldn't make. "He appears to be fine though, I don't think we need to amputate." He said, smiling slightly.
Cassie glanced at Issac then back at Xavier examining the cut. 'Yeah... Yeah, you're right." She said speaking to Issac. She looked at Xavier, "I hope you're okay..." She smiled softly, "No need to go beating yourself up Xavier." Then she looked Tommy and admired for a moment how quickly he was willing to protect them. She smiled ever so softly at him, then looked away. Cassie glanced at Issac, amusement in her eye. She grabbed her book at with one last glance at Xavier she settled back down and began to read again.
Xavier looked up at the others confused, blinking owlishly. "What? Nonono. Nothing like that happened. Pump the brakes Tommy boy," he said quickly, waving his hand back and forth like it was supposed to do something. "I was checking out the building and marking what places weren't good to go when I fell through a step. When I fell I happened to catch a step above me and busted my lip. No biggie." He smiled, and it slowly morphed into a cocky grin. "And that's almost insulting. I would never get in a fight and get hurt."
Issac snorted, rolling his eyes, before going back to reading his book. He couldn't resist the urge to say something, so he said, grinning, "I told you so," flipping the page in his book and reading on. You know, maybe Xavier is going to get into a fight one of these days. He can't just keep on stealing stuff like this and expect not to get caught. One day he will, and that person won't be very happy. He shook his head, clearing away those thoughts. He's too careful to be caught anyways. He reasoned with himself.

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