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Realistic or Modern We'll Get Through This Together

Tommy put his hand on her back and gave it a small rub, "We are all here if you need us." He smiled a little and walked back toward the main room. He looked at Cassie and Issac and smiled to the both of them. "Nikki is making some pancakes for us."
Xavier fake pouted, trying not to laugh at what Nicolette had said. "It wouldn't. You do know I lived on my own for years, right?" He joked lightly, though moved to start washing dishes. Listening to her conversation with Tommy made Xavier fell extremely awkward and almost out of place, but he didn't want to just leave Nicolette by herself after she'd had a nightmare.
"Yeah, we're still friends." Issac said. smiling, masking what he felt inside. Well, that hurt. He thought to himself. "But do you know what you're going to say to Tommy?" He asked, curious. "I mean, he doesn't even know you know." Issac flipped the page in his book, still reading as he spoke. "Oh, and this book is pretty good so far," he said, looking up at her.
Cassie smiled at Issac about his comment on Maze Runner, then looked over at Tommy, and nearly choked hoping he hadn't heard Issac's question, "Okay, awesome!" She replied to Tommy, her stomach in knots. She forced a smile and risked a nervous look at Issac then at the ground.
Tommy was about to stop but saw Cassie look at Issac then the ground. He looked at his bed, "must've left it in the other room." He frowned and walked away quickly.

"Yup, she's definitely into him... You should just leave them be, you're not smart enough for Cassie."
Issac glanced over at her, and for a second they had eye contact, before Issac looked back to his book. Remember, just friends. He thought to himself, before flipping a page in his book and continuing to read. "I have this bad feeling it'll go all Game of Thrones on us and all of the characters will die terribly painful deaths." He sighed, looking down at it.
Nicolette finally finished cooking breakfast and smiled at the smells. "Breakfast is ready," she said. She made sure that everyone could hear her and fixed her plate with a smile.
Xavier all but skipped out of the kitchen, a plate of pancakes (that were thankfully face and limb free) and bacon in his hands as he made his way to the main room. He sat by his stuff and happily dug in, smiling brightly at Nicolette. "Thanks for making breakfast! Its awesome tasting!" He declared, stuffing his mouth with more of the sweet pancakes.
Cassie looked at Issac wondering if he meant the characters in the book, or them for real. "Well... I guess you'll find out if that gut feeling is true." She replied carefully. She had watched Tommy leave, slightly, and had begun to feel shy. Then she head that breakfast was ready and got up relieved and went to the kitchen and grabbed a plate. She smiled at Nico, "Thanks for making breakfast!" She sat back down and started to eat.
goldcat16471 updated We'll Get Through This Together with a new update entry:

If Any of You Ever Got an Idea

Hey guys! So I have just been thinking lately, and was wondering if any of you guys had an idea for an event that could happen, but weren't for sure when or how to make it happen, just message me! I'm very open to any ideas you guys might have, and I've got some possible events to happen myself! So if you got an idea you want to make happen, message me!! :)
Read the rest of this update entry...
"Yeah, I mean, Chuck is so innocent and all!" Issac said, obviously meaning the characters in the book. "Oh wait a minute," he said, narrowing her eyes. "Don't.... say.... anything..." He said, making a goofy "I'm serious" face. "Because I actually really like this book." He said, smiling slightly, before he went up and got some breakfast himself, and sat down in the same spot as before, and started eating. "You know, Nico should cook alot more often," he said, smiling, before taking another bite of pancake.
Tommy walked in a grabbed a plate and sat away from Cassie and Issac. He ate quietly, "Delicious Nikki, I'm glad you usurped Xavier and I from the kitchen." He smiled to her, then looked down at his plate.
Nicolette smiled slightly at all the compliments she had been getting about her cooking. She sat in silence, eating and drawing in her journal. Sighing softly once she finished, she sat back and started thinking, soon getting lost in her thoughts.
Cassie grinned from Issac saying not to spoil anything. Cassie glanced over at Tommy and smiled softly thinking then she looked back at her plate. Once she finished eating she went to the bathroom and changed and cleaned herself up a bit then went back out to the main room and looked at the others. "I hope everyone that went out is okay." She said thinking.
"I don't trust you....." Issac said, his eyes still narrowed. He saw her glance over at Tommy. Oooooooooh. So it's him she likes. Makes sense. He's actually athletic and stuff. Issac had clothed his clothes shortly after waking up, in the bathroom. "They probably are." Issac said, shrugging, flipping the page in the book, suddenly his eyes widened, and he looked up at Cassie, "There's a girl in the Glade?" He asked, confused.
Tommy looked at Issac and Cassie talking and got up and put his plate in the sink before putting on running clothing and leaving without his walkie talkie
Xavier finished off his plate and put it in the kitchen, thanking Nicolette again before heading off to look around the building again. Maybe make a list of what they needed to do and block off rooms that were too dangerous to use.

(Sorry it's short. I'm gonna be gone for several hours so I won't be on here)
When Vinaya returned to the dilapidated apartment in the morning, eyes bleary and hair wild, she ran into Tommy on her way in. Perhaps it was her exhaustion, but she didn't think he looked thrilled about something. "Tom..." She was cut off by a poorly timed yawn, which she stifled in the crook of her elbow. "Sorry. Tommy, where are you going? What time is it?"
Tommy stopped and looked at her for a moment, "I was going for a run. Are you okay?" He put his hands on his shoulders, his face went from upset to concerned in an instant and her looked into her eyes, "What happened to you?" He frowned a little, "And are those the same clothes you wore out last night?" He was worried something had happened to her, but his voice sounded like a more accusing tone towards her.
" 'm fine," she said, looking up at him (as he was definitely taller than her). "Stayed out all night, so yes, I haven't changed clothes. Didn't sleep as well as I'd hoped." She yawned again. "Did I do something wrong? Did I miss something?" She wasn't about to get testy with him for accusing her, but she wasn't about to yield to him either. It was an honest mistake.

((I haven't decided what Vinaya actually spent her night doing, so if any of you have any ideas perhaps related to plot, please let me know!))
His look went from concern, to confused, then he realized how he sounded, "No! No, you did nothing wrong." He relaxed a little, "No, nothing happened last night.. some bonding." He pulled his hands away, "I was worried something happened to you." He smiled a little to her, "Nikki made some delicious pancakes and bacon, so you should clean up and get some before its all gone." He looked at her for a moment, then laughed a little, "I dont know what I would have done if you said someone had hurt you.. I guess that thought popped up in the back of my mind and it made me a little angry." He sighed, "Try not to stay out all night again though... this city isn't very nice, and you're attractive enough to get the attention of the wrong people."
"Bonding's good," Vinaya said, thinking about how it just so happened that bonding occurred while she was out. Going out had been the right decision, after all. "Been there, done that," Vinaya said before she really thought about it, responding to the comment about attracting the wrong kind of attention. "I appreciate your concern, really," she said, "but I'm nearly an adult. And I'm here now, so it's okay. Anyhow, did you already eat? I might do just that, assuming nothing's gone cold yet."
"I know you're an adult, and short of tying you down, I can't stop you. But that doesn't change the fact that you're apart of this group, and that I care about you." He looked at her for a moment, " there should be some left. I'll be back later." Tommy walked away
"Wait, Tommy!" she said, surprising herself. She was acting without really thinking, and her instincts were unfamiliar to her. "The same goes for you. You seemed upset about something; are you okay?" She turned to face him. "It's just me after all, and I can't say I'm particularly close with anyone, if that makes you feel any better."
He turned and looked at her a smiled a little, "Uhh." he walked back to her, "Its kind of stupid.. just a stupid crush I guess.." He blushed a little, "I dont know if its obvious how stupid I get around Cassie, but its because I.. uh.. like her I guess." He scratched his head, "But I think her and Issac have a thing going... So I was just going for a run to cool off."

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